Sauk Centre Herald January 1 Page 7 (2024)

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January 1, 1942

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Thursday.._._.~ January 1_ 194__2Sport• Cagers To View ,~Al~ Tonight--Alex-Glenwood Combine IsQuirk In T1heir Rivalry--They Defend This AreaAgainst Cities Invaders~Central ~ BBClubs Come Into Own--Alex Is Strong Gang of~orers and Tough-- Great Offense Is AskedFor the Alex Ga~o--Rasmussen Gears HisTeam For Fast Game-- e Harold Rasmussen and his cagerswill probably get a preview oilwhat's in store for them with Alex-andria if their plans to attend thsgames there tonight materialize.• • • A New Year's night offeringthat is topper of the season forbasketball fans of this section isbeing played over there in a spark-ling double header program .... $ At Alex t~rdght Minneapolis North. plays Alexandria and St. Paul Wasi~ington meets Glen- wood. ~ is by now an an- anal affair and comes always betwixt the holidays . . , It is one of the ontstmuling basket- Imil offer~ on any court in section.... Peculiarly it draws together on common ground two rivals that have cat and dog seasions throughout every other sport8 encounter in the year. For ~ set toes be- tween Alex and Glenwood have long been among the most des- perate in this section .... It is a Sauk Centre-Melrose riv-alry with a dash of dive bombingtossed in for good measure, if youknow what I mean .... And it isheightened hy the fact that forYears Glenwood and Alex havemost often battled basketballwardfor the district 22 title .... Andthen the chips are down it's anall out fight .... Friday night, January 2rid,the same four t~axns are em-broiled over at Gienwood ....It has an intersecflaual flavorin flue meeting .... For rivalsGlenwood and Alex are pro-leering the honor of this cen-tral Minnesota section againstthe t~vading Twin Cities teams.•.. From it can be gained someindication of the streng~ rela-tively between teams here andthose in the Twin Cities .... uNral ews panorama of basketball por- trays a much brighter picture today.... It's going to take plenty of workto defeat or hold this Alex club. The Park Region Echo admits"-its'being the best club to repre-sent the school in years .... Thatclub knocked off Wadena 59 to 43and ground out one over FergusFalls 47 to 23 .... In two gamesJanuary 30 Long PrairieFebruary 3 GLENWOOD*February 6 Willmar*February 10 AI~XANDRIAFebruary 13 MONTEVIDEO* B Team CLARISSAFebruary 17 OsakisFebruary 20 SW~February 24 Melrose Note: Capital letters denotehome games. Asterisk (*) in-dicate games in the West Cen-tral Conference•gel and family, Charles, Orvilleand Shirley Magnuson, EvelynThompson, Raymond Warner, BillHerdlicke, Tommy and BernadineLynch and Ira and Bertha Quis-torff visited Sunday evening withMr. and Mrs, Mike Ahrens andfamily. Sidney Engel, of Camp Crowder,Missouri, and his sister, Florence,were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Emil Quistorff and fam-ily. Mr. and Mrs. George Sukke andfamily visited Saturday forenoon they piled up an average of over with Mr. and Mrs. Mick Johnson 00 ....°°" Osakis to Open Sank Centre was struck a few lege ball on anybody's club.. , Iyears ago by the disparity between Mr. and Mrs. Emil Quistorff aretypes of ball played in the Twinl I the grandparents of a baby girl,Cities area and this seetion when, It will take more° 'Uere,, ,m,o-a"a"n°* which was born Sunday, I)ecemberMinneapolis South came here] strong defensive .... It will ] 21st• She is the daughter of Mr.against the district winners of ~ require all the offensive tactics [ and Mrs. George Trierweiler.Sauk Centre .... They play hard,, the boys can muster and , MainStreeters Mrs. Eldo Paul anddriving ball and a style that elim- J they've got to hang toug~ every family, Mr. and Mrs• Henry Trier- iinates to the spectator all sere-{ quarter .... Rasmussen has Teller and son, Larry, Mr. and and shoot from every posi-tion. It took a few years for thatkind of ball to get out here in thecountry. Most coaches were con-cerned with techniques that evadedthe main point .... The main pointbeing drive and shoot and gettough under the basket.. • It will do a lot of good for these Main Streeters to see the vario~m types of ball displayed by the four teams .... Glen- wood they have seen through opened eyes .... Alex @ne,v meet next Monday so the preview on their style will be an able scout- ing trip .... We've watched basketball developover the several years we've beenfollowing the scene .... To these blancd of setup plays. They simply recognized that sooner or later i foes of fhls type would have to be faced .... q~he whole calibre of basketball has so raised that ~aig~l scoring today is no ttvmsual feat .... To win i , today a club has to have thir- ty points and a darned good defensive or they're out .... So Rasmussen has started his club on a fast breaking offensive that is geared to move .... If he guesses right, and these boys can maintain the pace along with poise--that they should ac- quire-he :irwin .... When they catch up with themselves it'll be good .... If he guesses wrong, he has simply missed the boat and misjudged his boys .... And after a couple more games it will be ap- parent and there will be time to revamp .... Up to now there's no rural areas has come at last the reason to believe he has misjudged same tough, hard-driving ball the o;,her his soundness of the ball cities have long been exponents, l~,ame nor the ability of the boysi... There have been times when °i eentral Minnesota could no more [to pl~y° twh~rgawmthh~ihma~ro~liln:rdehold the sports candle with either ~,,~ ~,,the south or the north of the stateI ..........than I could carry water in theoldest pair of shoes I have... I BASKETBALL • I SCEEEDULE BOOK-- Central Minnesota this year seems to be coming Into its own .... More of whether it does or not will be aplmrent after the Glenwood and Alex scrapes with the Twin Cities clubs .... But from St. Cloud T~41 to Bralnerd the w~ole Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goodenbourand Yvonne, Mr• and Mrs. EdwinBuchholz and Arlene, and Ruth~and Walter Dalke were ChristmasEve guests at Nick Goodenbours'home in Brooten. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Domke and Clarence, Earl, Maline andI E~t~e hk~ I Calvin visited Friday at the Art Domke home. Donald and Dwight Huisanga, of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson andSt. Paul, came Monday evening to Juni0r and Irene, Mr. and Mrs.spend the Christmas holidays with Orlyn Elwood and Marian, Mr. andtheir uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Vern Beecher and LorraineFay Biedleman. and Mrs• Minnie Sehreeder and The Raymond-Ashley 4-I-/ Club Robert visited Saturday evening atand Lyman Prairie Birthday Club Dick Abraham's home.January 5 AlexandriaJanuary 90SAKISJanuary 13 LITCHFIELD*January 16 LONG PRAIRIEJanuary 20 MELROSEJanuary 23 Grey EagleJanuary 27 Morris* tung home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ilgen, Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Ilgen and fam-ily, Mrs. O. F, Ilgen and LouWegener visited at Herb Jacobs'Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Martin andbaby, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Martin,Mr• and Mrs. Jesse Martin andbaby, Enid Martin and Ollie Beckvisited at tester Trumble's Christ-mas night.I Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Andersonand baby were Christmas dinnerguests of Mr, and Mrs. AlbertBense. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lyon visited As the Main Streeters trundleinto the long half of the season inan all out to gain district andWest Central Conference recogni-tion, Osakis becomes the first op-ponent on the court for local fans. Osakis, coming back strong this season, is scheduled here for Friday even~g, January 9, in the senior high gymnasium in the se~nd game since the holiday layoff. Osakis becomes the first in astring of four hand-running homegames during the month of Jan-uary. Litchfield follows them hereas the only West Central Confer-ence opponent in the group of four.Then comes Long Prairie and Mel-rose as the club gets back to itsdistrict play. The four gamescarry to January 20th. It is a striking thing that of allthe games lost--two in the aggre-gate--Sauk Centre has been beat-en by West Central Conferenceopponents. Appletod* dusted themoff as did Glenwood after a gruel-ling battle. And their only vic-tory in the conference over Ben-son gives them a rating of .333 inthe 8-team league. This victoryover Litchfield they're wanting badand another with Morris later tobring up the pencentage. But before those worries are suchtimely ones as Alexandria there onMonday and Osakis here on Jan-uary 9th. Once over those theycan begin to worry about the nextgames.Christmas day ~or Freeport whereshe will visit with her ~parents forweek. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sax, ofMorris, spent the weekend at theLouis Maoey home. ~lss A.lvina Marthaler, of St.Benedict's Convent, ~t. Joseph, is¢isitln~. ,l~er~ tgwand,mother, Mxs.Mtary Doters and relatives overChristmas. Leo Beatfle~d, of New Brighton,spent Christmas day at home. StilesAlbert Mtchels, George Czech andSeverin Adrian and son, Richard,George Trierweiler, Mrs. Jack Mat-thiesen and Mr. and Mrs. HerbertSchwanke were Christmas dinnerzuests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Quis-torff and daughter, Ione. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Beilke andfamily visited Friday afternoonwith Mr. and Mrs. Emil Quistorff~and family. C. A. Thompson, of Grey Eagle,visited Sunday evening with Mr.and Mrs. George Sukke and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ahrens andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lind-beck and family and Mr. and Mrs.Bill Engel and family were Christ-mas supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.Emil Quistorff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Beilkeand Mr• and Mrs. L. O. Larson andson, Russell, were Christmas Dayguests at C. C. Frederick's. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gaffaney andfamily were guests of Mrs. EllenGaffaney, at Villard, on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Brown enter-tained Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Urnessand George Anderson at dinner onChristmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hines andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. tester Stalkerand family and Billy Simpson wereguests Christmas Day at the W. J.Stalker home, at Villard. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Bodeker en-tertained Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hamil-ton and Leatrice at dinner Christ-mas Day. Donald and Misses Agnes andElva Norton, who attend school inMinneapolis, are spending their va-cation at the home of their par-ents here. Mrs• George Lewis, of Willmarspent last week at the home ofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Justin (EileenRiley), of Alaska, arrived lastweek for a visit with the latter'sparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Riley. Mrs. Emma Hopkins and familyand Miss KathxTn Hoaglund wereChristmas dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Nell Hopkins, at Villard. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jenkins, ofMinneapolis, were visitors lastweek at the Lee Jenkins home, Donald Frederick was taken tothe St. Cloud ~ospital Mondaywhere he will undergo an opera-tion for appendicitis.Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, of SaukCentre, entertained Mr. and Mrs. land Mr. and Mrs. Otto Belike and(Floyd Norton and family at supper lfamily were Christmas dinner ri , [Ch stmas night. Iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Weir Mr and Mrs. Ed Marthaler and land family. I children spent Christmas afternoon Vir il Engel was a Saturday ov g -l at the Henry Marthaler home, nearernight guest of his brother and West Union.sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred] Mr. and Mrs John WaltherEngel and family. .... ~were hosts Christmas Day to Mr. llle an~t jonn ~UlS~orrr were l ~-, and Mrs. Lund and Mr. and Mrs.Saturday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Walther.,Herman Hultgren. C. A• Thompson was a caller onGeorge Sukke Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackermannand family, of Stevenson, Wash-ington, were Saturday dinnerguests of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr• and Mrs. Emil Qutstorffand family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engel andfamily were Christmas dinnerguests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Bill Engel and family. Mrs. Otto Belike ~tnd family vis-ited Saturday with her sister, Mrs.Kenneth Chisholm. Sidney Engel and MarcellaQuistorff were Sunday supperguests of Mr. and Mrs• Mike Ah-rens and family. 1 Northwest Ashley I Mr. and Mrs• AI Emmel anddaughter, Joan. of West Union, Mr.and Mrs. Joe Kappas, of St. Paul,and John Hortch, of Morrill, weresupper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nor-bert Bentfield Saturday• Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin Pickwere guests of her parents, Mr•Eldo Paul and Mr. and ~'s. Alvinvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. J•

Sauk Centre Herald January 1 Page 7 (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.