Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (2024)

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Some Magblades are abusing this set and it goes like this...

Cloak + Concealed Weapon (100% chance to trigger Caluurion for easy 6k+ damage against an average build) and Death Stroke immediately then just finish off with execute

Caluurion's requirements are critically striking with a single target magical skill. It has 1 second of cast time and slow projectile speed (about 1 second every 10 meters). But all of this can be bypassed by Magblades who have 100% crit chance and stun with Concealed Weapon from Cloak and they're in melee range so Caluurion hits by the time you react, break free of the stun and dodge roll (which is impossible even if you see it coming with detect potions)

My Suggestion:

Increase Caluurion's cast time to 2 seconds but decrease the travel time to make up for it

Edited by Ankael07 on June 5, 2019 7:31PM

If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.



  • brandonv516


    I can confirm this does work...against an incompetent opponent.




  • Insco851


    Totally works... and there’s an even better option if you run Ele Weapon..... but hey do you boo.

    Gank builds will always exist. Big deal.

    Edited by Insco851 on June 5, 2019 6:22PM




  • Iskiab


    Run defense. This isn’t pve where going for maximum damage works.

    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten




  • Ankael07


    brandonv516 wrote: »

    I can confirm this does work...against an incompetent opponent.

    AKA git gud? What does a competent player even do? Spam magelight every 5 seconds every day they play the game? Or should I get a tanky build and run around in zergs?
    People were complaining about tank meta, Im highlighting one of the problems and offering a solution

    Insco851 wrote: »

    Totally works... and there’s an even better option if you run Ele Weapon..... but hey do you boo.

    Gank builds will always exist. Big deal.

    Yes those builds will always exist but that doesnt mean we should just sit back and do nothing. This game was simply not designed for one shotting average builds in 2 seconds out of stealth

    Iskiab wrote: »

    Run defense. This isn’t pve where going for maximum damage works.

    Im not playing a glass cannon build with no defense. Not sure where'd you read that in my post. What I do mention in my post is that these Magblades can oneshot average builds (average doesnt mean absolutely defenseless)

    Edited by Ankael07 on June 5, 2019 6:42PM

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.




  • Lucky28


    Or. make Caluurion hit both the person being attacked and the user.





  • susmitds


    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?




  • Insco851


    Ankael07 wrote: »

    brandonv516 wrote: »

    I can confirm this does work...against an incompetent opponent.

    AKA git gud? What does a competent player even do? Spam magelight every 5 seconds every day they play the game? Or should I get a tanky build and run around in zergs?
    People were complaining about tank meta, Im highlighting one of the problems and offering a solution

    Insco851 wrote: »

    Totally works... and there’s an even better option if you run Ele Weapon..... but hey do you boo.

    Gank builds will always exist. Big deal.

    Yes those builds will always exist but that doesnt mean we should just sit back and do nothing. This game was simply not designed for one shotting average builds in 2 seconds out of stealth

    Iskiab wrote: »

    Run defense. This isn’t pve where going for maximum damage works.

    Im not playing a glass cannon build with no defense. Not sure where'd you read that in my post. What I do mention in my post is that these Magblades can oneshot average builds (average doesnt mean absolutely defenseless)

    We going to ask for nerfs on the onslaught ganks too?

    Get over it, I rarely see these builds....




  • Ankael07 wrote: »

    brandonv516 wrote: »

    I can confirm this does work...against an incompetent opponent.

    AKA git gud?

    Yeah basically. Part of git gud is not running a trash build.
    Also if you run below 24k hp, under 2k crit resist and if you have *** red cp, ofc youre gonna die to a caluurion ganker.
    And lastly caluurion doesnt hit for 6k, not even on my magsorc without armor buff, kinda indicates *** build / *** red cp if you ask me.

    Ankael07 wrote: »

    This game was simply not designed for one shotting average builds in 2 seconds out of stealth

    2 seconds are more than enough to react, break free and dodge roll if you arent a total potato.




  • Lucky28


    susmitds wrote: »

    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?

    as someone who plays magblade, and has only been killed by a Caluurion gank maybe twice.... *** that set. i don't like the existence of those kinds of sets in general. sets that diminish player skill have no place.





  • Insco851


    Lucky28 wrote: »

    susmitds wrote: »

    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?

    as someone who plays magblade, and has only been killed by a Caluurion gank maybe twice.... *** that set. i don't like the existence of those kinds of sets in general. sets that diminish player skill have no place.

    While I agree- f that set. It’s really just a gank/proc setup. If it’s not this- it’s zaan+fear or onslaught wacks... I’m sure there’s other ones as well that I can’t think of rn




  • Lucky28


    Insco851 wrote: »

    Lucky28 wrote: »

    susmitds wrote: »

    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?

    as someone who plays magblade, and has only been killed by a Caluurion gank maybe twice.... *** that set. i don't like the existence of those kinds of sets in general. sets that diminish player skill have no place.

    While I agree- f that set. It’s really just a gank/proc setup. If it’s not this- it’s zaan+fear or onslaught wacks... I’m sure there’s other ones as well that I can’t think of rn

    it's not really ganks i have a problem with. it's ganks that rely almost entirely on proc sets, just no.




  • Royaji


    That's kinda the only thing magblades have left. What are they supposed to do?

    People wanted everything about nightblade nerfed. ZOS did it. Everyone was telling nightblades to adapt. Welp, they adapted. Now people want to nerf them again. At some point you just have to admit that occasional gank will happen. And don't worry, once you nerf Caluurions people will find something new. I heard Onslaught ganking is on the rise...




  • Ankael07


    susmitds wrote: »

    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?

    Im not asking to remove the concept of ganking altogether.My problem is with one shotting people from stealth WITH proc sets which is not what developers intended

    Insco851 wrote: »

    We going to ask for nerfs on the onslaught ganks too?

    Get over it, I rarely see these builds....

    Theres zero mention of Onslaught on my post. Dont derail the topic

    Royaji wrote: »

    That's kinda the only thing magblades have left. What are they supposed to do?

    People wanted everything about nightblade nerfed. ZOS did it. Everyone was telling nightblades to adapt. Welp, they adapted. Now people want to nerf them again. At some point you just have to admit that occasional gank will happen. And don't worry, once you nerf Caluurions people will find something new. I heard Onslaught ganking is on the rise...

    I also asked for a speed increase on the projectile so its not a downright nerf to Caluurion.

    Edited by Ankael07 on June 5, 2019 7:22PM

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.



  • Articulemort


    I’m not quite sure what your problem is, but even by your description of the events, you are absolutely not getting one shot. The set requires a magicka skill, so hit one. Set procs, hit two. Death stroke used, hit three. Execute til death, so best case scenario you are being four shot to death, this game has definitely had worse gank builds then that....




  • Ankael07


    ATomiX96 wrote: »

    Ankael07 wrote: »

    I can confirm this does work...against an incompetent opponent.

    AKA git gud?

    Yeah basically. Part of git gud is not running a trash build.
    Also if you run below 24k hp, under 2k crit resist and if you have *** red cp, ofc youre gonna die to a caluurion ganker.
    And lastly caluurion doesnt hit for 6k, not even on my magsorc without armor buff, kinda indicates *** build / *** red cp if you ask me.

    Ankael07 wrote: »

    This game was simply not designed for one shotting average builds in 2 seconds out of stealth

    2 seconds are more than enough to react, break free and dodge roll if you arent a total potato.

    I should've mentioned that this is in noCP campaign sorry about that. I'll edit my post

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.



  • SidraWillowsky


    Royaji wrote: »

    That's kinda the only thing magblades have left. What are they supposed to do?

    People wanted everything about nightblade nerfed. ZOS did it. Everyone was telling nightblades to adapt. Welp, they adapted. Now people want to nerf them again. At some point you just have to admit that occasional gank will happen. And don't worry, once you nerf Caluurions people will find something new. I heard Onslaught ganking is on the rise...

    Yeah exactly... stop whining for nerfs because a player from an already-weak class managed to kill you.




  • Ankael07


    Articulemort wrote: »

    I’m not quite sure what your problem is, but even by your description of the events, you are absolutely not getting one shot. The set requires a magicka skill, so hit one. Set procs, hit two. Death stroke used, hit three. Execute til death, so best case scenario you are being four shot to death, this game has definitely had worse gank builds then that....

    Call it what you like but it still doesnt change the fact that you easily lose about 70% of your HP in 2 seconds. Also, saying ''worse things exist'' doesnt justify a less bad thing's existence

    Edited by Ankael07 on June 5, 2019 7:36PM

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.



  • raasdal


    Also works with teleport strike (cant remember the magicak morph right now for some reason)..

    I have used Caluurion and Skoria to great effect on magblade.

    BUT it is only a oneshot if the opponent has too low defense. If you are getting oneshot by a caluurion gank, it is a sign you need to beef up your resistances and/or HP.

    PC - EU
    Gromag Gro-Molag - Sorcerer - EP
    Dexion Velus - Dragonknight - AD
    Chalaux Erissa - Nightblade - AD
    Firiel Erissa - Templar - AD




  • Lucky28


    Royaji wrote: »

    That's kinda the only thing magblades have left. What are they supposed to do?

    People wanted everything about nightblade nerfed. ZOS did it. Everyone was telling nightblades to adapt. Welp, they adapted. Now people want to nerf them again. At some point you just have to admit that occasional gank will happen. And don't worry, once you nerf Caluurions people will find something new. I heard Onslaught ganking is on the rise...

    i play magblade just fine without Caluurions thank you. and we got gutted because of PvE.

    Edited by Lucky28 on June 5, 2019 7:53PM





  • ccmedaddy


    1) Caluurion gank builds already took a substantial nerf with the removal of Minor Berserk from Merciless. Yes, they can still wear Slimcraw, but that also means that they're losing the extra stats and 2pc bonus from another monster set.

    2) If you're enough of a potato to think caluurion ganking is a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed by ZOS, then you will continue dying to magblade gankers whether they're wearing caluurion or not so maybe you should consider learning to play. Case in point:




  • Noctus


    ccmedaddy wrote: »

    1) Caluurion gank builds already took a substantial nerf with the removal of Minor Berserk from Merciless. Yes, they can still wear Slimcraw, but that also means that they're losing the extra stats and 2pc bonus from another monster set.

    2) If you're enough of a potato to think caluurion ganking is a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed by ZOS, then you will continue dying to magblade gankers whether they're wearing caluurion or not so maybe you should consider learning to play. Case in point:

    01:03 for example these guys have litterally not reflexes. he was able to roledodge for multiple seconds and shield up.

    if ppl want to counter a certain build they need to build to counter that certain thing. like i need defile against healers or purge against certain other builds.

    there are multiple set that stop a burst ppl are just to lazy to think for themselves and are far to unskilled to react to sitations.'s+Retribution+Set <- - - - most underestimated set in eso. it absolutely stops any gank attempt. <- - - another set and there are more

    if u go into pvp without any defensive sets ur doing it wrong expect to die.

    what u guys want is to go maximum glasscannon without having to fear a gank lol. if u go pure dps in nocp u just cant expect to survive for long unless ur very experienced.

    the only ppl that can go glasscannon and survive for longer periods are very experienced pvp players u cant compare to. i personally sunk thousands of hours into pvp it would drive me mad if u could just go full dps and perform like me.

    no ur not azuras chosen champion me neither deal with it. if u wanna survive in pvp build for survival.
    if u dont wanna get ganked as pure glasscannon learn to sneak use block while taking flag and every now and then pop a magelight or detect pot. i play pure glasscannon on some builds i never had a problem with gank attempts on me becouse i play smart if u cant do that and are lazy pick a antigank set.

    Edited by Noctus on June 5, 2019 8:43PM




  • Dojohoda


    What's the problem? A magblade with caluu can only kill one person at a time. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (25) Plus there's a cooldown. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (26) Don't see a problem. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (27)

    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.




  • darkblue5


    Love how the goal in Cyrodiil seems to be not dying instead of actually defeating your opponents. Makes for some fun interactive fights where whoever gets bored first loses...




  • Noctus


    Dojohoda wrote: »

    What's the problem? A magblade with caluu can only kill one person at a time. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (30) Plus there's a cooldown. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (31) Don't see a problem. Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (32)

    also the magblade is sacrificing sustain and defense for it after caluurion proc he have no 5th set bonus for 10 secs




  • Noctus


    darkblue5 wrote: »

    Love how the goal in Cyrodiil seems to be not dying instead of actually defeating your opponents. Makes for some fun interactive fights where whoever gets bored first loses...

    the thing that annoys me most tho is that unskilled players ask to furthermore remove dmg overall from the game. im full lightarmor and no defense on a few builds and i survive more than 90 % of the gank attempts on me. the other 10 % are when i mindlessly wasted my stamina.

    when im on my glasscannon builds i allways block while unmounted and visible (sneak very often) and every now and then pop a magelight or detect pot.

    its just a logical thing to do when i take flags or siege. its a battlefield u allways gotta expect a gank be it a sneaking dk or a mageblade or whatever.

    and if u dont want that then go get 1 defensive set like the ones i suggested. as i said "whitestrakes" is very good as antigank set

    Edited by Noctus on June 5, 2019 8:40PM




  • SpiderCultist


    I was one of the first on Sotha (PC EU) to run that (calu+zaan+spinner) and I don't regret it, ZoS forced mNBs to play like that. This patch we are a bit better off but not that much when comparing with magsorcs for example.

    If mNBs don't have any burst we will find it wherever we can.

    TIP: break free + roll dodge and the calu mNB is totally screwed, you're welcome.

    Edited by SpiderCultist on June 5, 2019 9:01PM

    PC | EU
    Ashlander and Mephala worshipper.
    "You are just another breed of domestic animal, grazing stupidly while higher beings plot your slaughter."




  • Noctus


    SpiderCultist wrote: »

    I was one of the first on Sotha (PC EU) to run that (calu+zaan+spinner) and I don't regret it, ZoS forced mNBs to play like that. This patch we are a bit better off but not that much when comparing with magsorcs for example.

    If mNBs doesn't have burst we will find it wherever we can.

    TIP: break free + roll dodge and the calu mNB is totally screwed, you're welcome.

    thing is most ppl are to ******** to break free and rolldodge fast enough. also they walk around in cyrodiil like its not battlefield at all. no blocking while taking the flag no sneaking not using up ur magicka while its 100 % and u could pop a magelight. all that while they are in light armor with no defensive sets. they think they can go full glasscannon and be tanky at the same time. like i said before for such ppl there are sets like whitestrakes use it or get use to die i say.




  • Iskiab


    Seriously. People who run no defense because otherwise ‘they can’t kill people’ complain when someone else kills them? User error.

    I’ve been ganked once in 5 months. The one time I was ganked I was testing out a spec, then changed it. Being ganked is a noob check.

    Edited by Iskiab on June 5, 2019 10:06PM

    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten




  • Insco851


    Ankael07 wrote: »

    susmitds wrote: »

    So basically you are asking for a nerf just you can't handle gankers, which is a perfectly valid playstyle?

    Im not asking to remove the concept of ganking altogether.My problem is with one shotting people from stealth WITH proc sets which is not what developers intended

    Insco851 wrote: »

    We going to ask for nerfs on the onslaught ganks too?

    Get over it, I rarely see these builds....

    Theres zero mention of Onslaught on my post. Dont derail the topic

    Royaji wrote: »

    That's kinda the only thing magblades have left. What are they supposed to do?

    People wanted everything about nightblade nerfed. ZOS did it. Everyone was telling nightblades to adapt. Welp, they adapted. Now people want to nerf them again. At some point you just have to admit that occasional gank will happen. And don't worry, once you nerf Caluurions people will find something new. I heard Onslaught ganking is on the rise...

    I also asked for a speed increase on the projectile so its not a downright nerf to Caluurion.

    As a comparison you should start mentioning it is my point.



  • Waffennacht


    Add some defense

    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds





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Magblade oneshot builds with Caluurion set in noCP campaign (2024)
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