Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

LA MONDAY, MAY 24, 1909 MARION DAILY LEADER COUNTRYSIDE AND BY POLINDA WAYSIDE has bis daughters, bis housekeepJohn A. King -of Washington who! had gone out: and they did not know Charles what Herring had. become who of him. har Mrs. hushand live there; was hanging the washing the Nine and she stopped to say she always reads the country news, even if she is busy to get over the rest of the paper.

Mr. Herring was stirring the plowed ground a cultivator, following with a barrow and then plantlag for while. in. an effort to get his. all fo the ground before another rain, and Moor his work and was along.

side the both said Interested la the news of the country don't people. With her baby Mrs. Herring get out much, but her sisters, the Misses Mattie and Nora King are In the dairy business on a small They have vulte a revenue from it. scale, selling the ruilk from six cows but they must mild. surly in the 10 scorning and again at noon in order accommodate 1h6 man who de livers them.

It gives them the evenieg free, noon is not a de sirable time of the day to cows, when illeg are bad.Mra. Herring does the inside work and the Misses. King look after the work outside. the There garden, ts a row like of rhubarb acroas were pirating po many they put families out when they inore than they needed, and there not much market fer it. They have a is nice garden, always planning to ex tend the season by having some stuff CHICAGO GRAIN.

4: Chicago, May 22-Wheat-May. July, September. December, Corn--May, 73c: July, tember, December, Oats--May, July, September. July, September. $18.42.

Lard -May. July, September, $10.80. Ribs--May, July, September, $10.17. CINCINNATI GRAIN. Cinclunati, May Wheat-Firm; $1.3201.54.

Corn 604c. Rye--Firms, Steady, 77c. Oats--Steady, CINCINNATI PRODUCE. Cincinnati, 'May Steady, unchanged. 174022c.

WOOL PRICES St. Louts, Day -Strong: Territory and Western mediums, 30c: fine mediums, Ane 16 722c. WANTED- Wool. Highest market Barley's Big Store Cooperative Co. 5-13d10t LOCAL MARKETS Marion, May 24.

The following are focal kets corrected up -to date by the ing dealers of Marion: LIVE STOCK. Prices corrected daily by Ballard: Cattle--Butchers steers, $4.500 5.50; butchers heifers, common to good stockers, good to chaico cows, veal $6.7507.00. fines--Choice, medium and mixed, Lam $5 0021.00. RETAIL FEED. Quoted by Hollingsworth.

Bran and aborts. per 100 $1.30 Corn, per bushel Oats, bushel 60c Timothy hay. per bale 55c Chop, per 100 1.60 Oats Clover straw, 30c hay, per 50c GROCERIES. Corrected aally by Economy market Prices paid: Butter, 22c cash or trade; 20c; patatoes, 75c; cabbage, per 4c; apples, per barrel. turnips, per 25c; parsnips, per bu, 50c.

GRAIN MARKET. the The following prices ere quoted by Burge Milling company May 24: Wheal, 50c. rye, TOc; corn, 70c; POULTRY. Quoted by Gunder Feed and Commission company: Old old ducks, Sc: turkeys, 16c; chickens (fries) 19c geese, 7c; co*ckerels, Ic; butter, 18c 1b. RETAIL PRICES.

Quoted by Rees New onlous, per dozen Onions, per peck Cranterries, per quart Sweet potatoes, per. bushel. 2.50 Eggs, per dozen Butter, per TO Creamery butter, per 35c Chickens, fries, per Calckens, hens, dressed, per Turkeys, dressed, per Pctatoes, per bushel Apples, per 011 $2.00 Turnips, per be New cabbage, per lb 4c1 Lard, per Country sausage, per ..100 Flour 1...80, 85 and 90c WHOLFSALE FEED. Corrected by J. W.

Hugging timothy f. o. b. No 2 timothy hay f. b.

No. 1 colver hay f. o. b. 5.00 No.

2 clover bay f. o. b. 4.00 No. 1.

clover mixed bay, A cars. No. 2 clover mixed hay L. o. b.

cars 7.00 No. 1 straw 0. b. 3.50 Coop, per 100 Ibe. GOLD MEDAL FLOUD i PAGE SEVEN.

MARKET REPORT Indianapolis, May 22. Receiptslogs, cattle, 350; sheep, 200. Good to choice steors, 1,300 lbs and upwards $6.50 6.90 Common to medium steers, 1230 lbs 6.1006.60 to choice steers. 1,130 1250. 109 6.10 6.50 Common to nu drum steers, 1250 Ibe Ovod to' avice steers, to 1100 lbs 5.650 0 6.25 A 4 tc P6 atect 900 to 1000 lbs 5.00@5.73 Extra choice feting steers 900 to 1000 Ibs 5.00€05.25 Ocod Sueding sicers, 500 to to 100.0 lbs 4.7375.00 Medtumn feeding steers, 700 to 900 Ibs 4.25004.77 Common to best stockers 3.0004.50 HEIFERS.

Good to choice heifers 5.25 006.25 Fair to medium. belfers 4.50€06.15 Common to light beltera Canners and on COWS. Biedium cows 3.75 04.00 Good to choice cows 4.00 5.50 Good to choice CCNE and calres Oninmon Co median cows and calves 20.000.00 BULLS AND CALVES Good to prime bulls 3.23 Fair to medium bulls 4.25 4.60 Common bulls 3.50@4.00 Fair to heavy calves 3.00 0.00 Common to best veals HOGS Best heavies, 210 lba. and upward, 7.35 7.60 Medium and mixed. 190 Ibs.

and upwards 7.25@7.40 Gona -choice. lizbia. 150. to 180 lbs Common to good lights, 130 Tos 7.0067.10 Roughs 6.33 (06.73 Best pigs 6.25 (N6.85 Light pigs 5.00606.00 Bulk of sales 7.15127.40 SHEEP. Good to choice Sheep, good to Common to Common to best lambs 5.00 Good to choice lambs 7.0007.23 THICAGO LIVE STOCK.

Chicago, May Receipts estimated at. 220: market steady, breves, Texas steers. $1.756 6.35: Western steers. 6.00: stockers and feeders, cows and heifers, $2.504 C.40; calves. $5.00 7.00.

Hoys -Receipts estimated at 9.000; market. 5c lower; light, mired. $6 heavy, $7.000 7.45: rough. $7.00 7.20; good choice. $7.20007.45: pigs, 'bulk of pales.

$7.154 7.33. 000: markot Sheep-Recelpts steady; estimated native, at $3.904 1:26 Western: $4.00 yearlings. native, $6.000 8.25; Western, $6.00 9.00. CINCINNATI LIVE STOCK. May Itecolpts, steady: fair to good ship pers.

common, $2.500 4.40. Hogg--Receipts, 2.224; qulet: So common, butcher: $3.50 and 6.25. Sheep 235: spring lambs, stady, $5.006 PITTSBURG LIVE STOCK Pittsburg. May light: market unchanged. cripts ten double decks: active on heavy hogs: othr grades slow; prime heavy, $7.75: medium, beavy yorkers.

$7.600 7.55: light yorkers, pigs $6.8007.00. Sheep and lambs-Receipta eight double decks; stendy, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. Bnffalo, May Re ceipta 25; market steady; steers, $6.7307.00: buechers' steers, $1.500 6.00. 50: market Arm; common to choice, $5.75 08.50. "Sheep and lamb8-Recelpts market Arm; lambe, $6.000 8.80; theep.

$6.3000 1.190; markel Arm: Yorkers, pigs, $7.23 A Chicago, Mav CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. INDIANAPOLIS GRAIN. WheatNo. 2 red. No.

3 red, $1.40 3. (1.18; hard, No. 2 heard, No. Northern, No. No.

2 Northern, No. 3 spring. Corn --No. 2, 074c; No. 2, while, 74c; No.

vellow, 14c: No. 3, No. yellow. 74c; No. 4.

Oats--No. 2 white, 62c; No. 3 white, No. white, standard, Indianapolis, MAy Tru: No. 2 red, $1.504 -No.

3 red, 2. red wheat, May, half of June, all June, first half July, all July, $1.09. Corn-Weak; Nos. 2 and 3 white, 75c: white, 74c; Nos 2. and 3.

white mixed, No. 4 white mixed, 734c: Nos. 2 and 3 yellow, No. 4 yellow. Nos.

2 and 3 mixed. No. 4 mixed, Oats-Stronger; No. 2 white, standard. No.

3 white. No. 4 white, 38c: No. 2 mixed, 3 mixed, No. 4 mixed 57c.

lay--Firm; choice timothy, No, 1 1 light clover inixed, $13.75. TOLEDO GRAIN Toledo, May 22-Wheat Cash sand May, July, tember, December, Corn-Caeb: May, July, September, December, Cash and May, 62c; July, September, Pecember, Rye--No. 1, 2, 910; No. 3, 88c. Mrs.

Ed Conn Is slightly. Improrve1 after a several weeks' iliness. coming on quat'as other Is being used and in 'tiast way they get so much more. goud from it. Too familleg nave oue bed of vegetables and when it it I is just' gone as well they to arc sow done at dif- for terent Radishes are good ail summer if new lots are coming oll the.

tine- -sow more seed every two weeks and then they are good In the fall. many families having as many vegetables in September as June slur ply by looking out for it. The King garden was not all planted, and they to have sometaing coming all of time. Much -of the -tuit- al-most -ready for use. Herring was pushing things in the field, but they all take time to call to the baby when some one brings it to the door.

A baby' in the house always na3 the whole family service. Whlle it is a love services there la nothing more wearing on a person than caring for 8 healthy Infant and carrying it in the arms, Sone babies are not indulged, and while some rule the home others are brought up by schedule and are not half the trouble. Vory few mothers in families where- there are several relatives to care for the little one follow any set rule In their children. Mra. T.

J. McCullaugh of Washing. Ion was getting herself and children ready for a visit to Couverse with relatives. Last year they lived in the pumper house on a lease, but Mr. McCullaugh was transferred to tue live In Hillsamer-Reco*ck lease and they now his twenty" the Alvin Allen property on acre place in the neighborhood, and Mrs.

McCullaugh likes it It is caaler to keep house A little away from the powers and then a. farm house is better than a pumpor house and she hag A beautiful dour yard. with It is an old fashioned place although old fashioned blooming, Mr. McCullaugh is a mile from ais work. They only hare the house, barn and garden with chicken privileges, and she is enough of farmer to take advantage of her op portunity.

Mr. Allen has the felds, and was working there. He said that tie sometime be hoped live on this but they have home cn Bond avenue. Mr. Allen and his father, James Allen, have quite a enge from cedar trees with which rev, they supply the Christmas market.

it fakes about ten years to grow a trees so that It will bring $2 at Christmas time, but they have them coming on and reap quite a revenue every. wintor from them. Most af -their tree. are in North Marion along Bond ave rue or the Salem pike, but de has 2,000 young ones set out on this farm Land since there 1g no local compedtion. the business is proving profitable.

When families ready to dec. ways willing to pay a tree, aid orate at Christmas time. the are nearly every Sunday school knows about this Allen evergreen They are glad of the myth about nursery Santa Claus. Elmer Owings, who lived at lincle Tom's cabin in. Richland last year vacated the place in November and moved to Sweeser.

While Thomas Campboll and his wife lived there aery comfortably several years, the house was not good enough fer winter and Mr. Owings left it and Pince then the feld is rented and the house 19 unoccupied. After Mr. and Mre. Carpbell moved to Sweetser the old died and the old gentleman na; no one live with him or he would return to Uncle Tom's Cabin, the dearest spot in the world to' him.

He Jacks year or two of being an octogenarian. Thia-story, however, 13 about Mr. Owings. Three Owings brothers, Edward, Elijah and Joun are carpenters and all work together, and time is all promised for two months ahead. There 13 consid.

erable repair work gol.g on in the country and some new jobs. They Luild both barns and houses 870 western Grant county pople are good patrons. Sweetser sulta Mr. Owing 88 place of realdence better than Uncle Tom's Cabin in Richland as It 18 a business center and is more central to the points they have einployment. The rains this spring have Interferred with soIne of their outride work, and the old saying about the house not needing a root when it 18 not raining some.

folks from having work done even though it is necesury. great many people, are rapidly becoming scientific lore of the feathery the biddies that arc to pay of the national debt, and the Rhode Island Red chickens seem tc occupy the 'center of the stage just now, those who do not have them be Ing Interested In Them, and every: body concedes the excellent laying qualities of the pullet owned by the writer-pow seventy eggs and lacks week of being ten months old. A' the rate she is going her record will -be six dozen by the time this story is In print, and p. ople who are authority on the question say that a record of 100 eggs for a year old hen would be unusual. All of her egga are fertile two hens baring had eight and ore eleven and one seventeen and all but egg broken in the neat have hatched, and a- part of a setting was given to Mra.

Ann Jay of Jonesboro since that time, and another from which nothlag has. ben setting on seventeen of her eggs. Tho rooster la mate to the hen, and there are nine other hena with him. When A hen sets and there are not enough eggs from the Rhode faland Red Men "she is Tuppife half breed eggs, the cross being with some Plymouth Rock hens and one Dorking, and all eggs hatch, tion better than and there chicken lice, and many My that wien 44 tittle chickens lice Is. usually the cause of it.

Three chickens have died: and all of them hatched from the thoroughbred hen's eggs- perhaps 0 strong. argument aga'nst in These: Rhode, leland Tied chickens are from a hatch procured from Airs. Green Campbell of Washlogton, 'and the hen has a decided hackle and the the writer agecuring what she cousidered a good color. by some who know about 16 and a trade had been wade with Mra. A.

Feighner The Salem Annex in Washington who has a chocolate. red -atrain 'of chickens. the writeri securing what sh considtred her second best rooster--the best one having been turued and gha will retain him for walle at least. She had twenty-seven hens and these two roosters -in a breed. ing.

Demo from which all her egga were taken the incubator; and the other seven roosters are already in the fattening poll. The breeding season is past with and' phe now h13 Imported eggs. under. hena from she 'get her -neat year's supply of roosters. The roosters 'in the corn and water they consume fattening pen where they have all are- fine birds as far 3R points go' ex copt color, being too bright and the rooster taken exchange will also he fattened.

RS she 4s making fort to breed dark colored IL Cr. viston. of. Blenheim in Van Buren who a. chicken fancier had lately to the Salem Annex and told Mira.

Feighner that she. had two of the best roosters and some of the best hens ne had ever seen, and the certainly has the equipment and does the necessary work to insure success with them. While she bas wold many on the market from mixed chickens she has not supplied breeders, but expects to begin anoth er season with at least 100 breeding hens And she will discard all other chickens except perhaps -a- few- for setting pI the Reds not b.iting much incliation in that direction. Miss Jennie Porter. matron at the Orphans' Home, had lately been there and asked for.

An Incubator supply of eggs, but after having all ale wanted for herself she did not care to dig rod for the hone In- captivity any longer and let them out, and any way do better when they have plenty of range. It is said that a Rhode Island Red hen lave well until she 13 four years Richland Philip Renturger and family entertained Wednesday evening Mr. and Mra. (leorge Moore, MISR Alta Cronc of West Lebanou, Misg Stella Cline of Kansas, Miss Madaline Hobart of West Lebanon and Master Fremont Owen Burguner has purchased A new buggy. Mulge Striclor and Alta school Renbarger Wednesday.

visited the Converse, high rs. William Snyder virited ber mother, Mrs. Mary Parson, Friday. Mrs. James Stricter called on Nate falott Converse.

Mrs. William Cuer and daughter, Myrta, was shopping In. Converse Wednenday. Miss Nellie matertained Sunday afterncon Mias Pearl Highly. Ming Erma Stair ontertained at dinner Sunday Miss Mamie Tucker, Mr.

and Mra. Ed Renaker and son, Guy. Mr. and Arg. George Clucper of Marion are visiting the latter's par r3.

Owen and Ray Burgener went to church at Converse last Sunday evening. TO NIGHT 256. THEY WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Meet your friends at the Jefferson Club. "Buy a Wabash Wagon so From your dealer or direct from our faetory, 40 styles and sizes for boys and girls of all ages from babyhood up, and larger Handy Wagons for men. Illustrated pries flat PREZ.

WRITE FOR IT I MANUFACTURING COMPANY mill Wabash, Indiana Marion Conservatory of Music. DAVID BAXTER Director Vocal Department. Marinas Paulsen, mile Bouillet. and Walde mar Paulsen In Charge of the Viola Departmest INDIANA COLLEGE OF MUSIC 'Big Four Route" EXCURSIONS FOR MAY WINONA LAKE and return. Ticketz on 1 sale May 13th to Sept.

30th -1909 ASHEVILLE, N. C. and return. Tickon sale May 28th, 29th and 30th. DENVER, COLO.

and return. Tickets 011 sale May 17th, 18th and 10th and July 1st. 2nd, 3rd and 4th. HARRISONBURG, VA. and return Tickets on sale May 24th to 31st, inclusive.

HOME-SEEKERS' TICKETS. Round trip to the South and Southeast, Weat, Northwest and Southwest. on zale on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. ALASKA YUKON PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SEATTLE, WASH. Tickets on sale May 19th to Sept.

30th. SAN FRANCISCO, LO3 ANGELES, SAN DIEGO. May 6th to 13th, and 19th to 31st. year tourist tickets, Newport News, Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach on sale dally. APPLY TO AGENTS "BIG FOUR ROUTE," RHE Obia G.P.O,95L CLASSIFIED 3.

ADS 7 3 2 PLACE YOUR "WANT" IN THE WANT COLUMNS OF THE LEADER IT BRINGS RESULTS WORD WANTED. 3 Visit the Style Store for women's apparel. DAY BROS. dellyer groceries, Telepbone 2258. 2-15dtf The Fair Anniversary Sale now ou.

E. Third opp. new postoffice. 2t WANTED -Veal calves and chickens Phone 1016. Street's Market.

4-21-dur WANTED Every man to buy his clothing at the When, e. side Itapie Nut 4-12d1t WANTED Your hoe trade: halt sole, 35c. Rex Shoe Co. 207 W. 3d b-15dtt St.

Try Middleton'a Maple Nut Cake: 4-12dtf the Glass Black Shoe Store. WANTED- -Foy to buy your aboos at Buy your drugs at Bradley north side square. 4-16dtf Try Middleton's Maple Nut 4-12d MAKE easy money at home ponding for nawspapers; experience unnecessary. Send stamp for particuPress Syndicate, Middeport, N. Y.

5-2203t JIM wants your bath trade. 1022 8. Wash. St. 5-12dtt WANTED- Stove repairing.

sanitary carpet cleaning. storage. Downard'a Stove Phone 1640. Hospital, 220 East 4th street. 5-11dit Try Middleton's Maple Nut 4-12dtr MALE HELP WANTED.

WANTED -Wood workers, machinIsta, testers, motor-men, for automobile werk. Permanent Fal Motor Co. successors to Rollable Motor Car 21 N. May Chicazta, WANTED Men to keep clean. Jim's Bath and Barber Shop, 1022 8.

Wash. St. 5-12dtf WANTED--Six worl and ten exporienced stove pattern fitters. Guaran. tee good wages and steady employtent.

Address The Wehrle Nowark, Ohio. 5-24135c WANTED--Young men to learn automobile business by mail and prepare for positions AS chauffeurs and repair DJel. We make you expert in ten weeks; assist you to secure Pay big; work pleasant; de-1 mand for men great; reamonable; write for particulars and sample lesHOn. Empire Automobile Institute, Kochester, N. Y.

5-22d 4tx Try Middleton's Mapla Nut Cake. -24. 1 4-12d41 WANTED -Railway mall cleks, postoffice clerks, mail carriers; salary $600 to examination In Marion soon; 8.000 appointments coming. Preparation free. Write Immediately for achedule.

Franklin Institute, Dept. 52 Rochester, N. Y. 5-12d2611 FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED--Middle aged lady for family bousework.

Call Gas City, Main 55, County InArmary. 5-20difc MISCELLANEOUS. ANNOUNCEMENT--The The opening of the gimmer tern will he from May 31 Now ly the time to get full Information and Inake all: necessary arrangements, Call, write or 'phone for particulars. Phone 2060. Indiana Business College, two doors north of Goldtbait's store, Marion, Ind, 5-17dttc -Widows a specialiy: war claims: .20 vears practice.

R. B. Littrick, 8- 6-24dtt MONET TO LOAN--On furniture, planos, teams, without removal allowing the borrower to pay us back small weekly or monthly payments to suit yourselt. Union Investment Loan 8. 8.

Square. Phone 675. 1-11-dtf DR. S. E.

WRIGHT. OSTEOPATIL HIre. 9-5, 6-8. Queen Cy. Bik.

Ph. 633. Forget your troubles at the Jefferson club. THE NEW HOTEL ALBERT Eleventh St. and Univecsity Pla.

-NEW YORK CITY One Block West of Broad way. -The transient -ealy botel below absolutely modera fre-pro central, yet quiet. 400 rooms, 200 Locatios from $1.00 per day upwarda Excellent Restaurant and cafe attached. Moderate prices. 2c.

or FOR SALE. THE BROWN-WILLIAMS CO. evory. thing in bard ware. 10-29dtt.

THE BUSY BOSTON STORE for everything your wear. ed every day. SwayIce's Market, WE SELL fresh roasted cotfoe, 8-12dtf FOR Proof Moslory for toon aud women- ax pairs guaranteed to last Als montda, Price Clothing Co. Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake, 6 4-12dt! FOR A stoves and carpete. Out OP the high rent district, we can save you money.

G. A. Lemon Son, 507 to 511 So. Adarus. BEST PAINT on earth at but'ts per gallon.

GUARANTEED WALL FOR PAPER. FOE ARTISTIC at 3cts per roll; conic and see us, phone 441.. OLD RELIABLE PAINT CO. C05 S. Wasb.

St 3.27d10 Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake. 4-12dtf Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake. 4-12dtf FOR SALE Oreralls in the city for 50c. Barley's Big Store Co-opera tive 6-13d14t FOR SALE tank ready for use. B.

M. Helna, 335 N. Boots street, 5-22031x SALE--Roll top-desk. 52 Inch; nearly new. Dayton computing scale; cont $90, sell for $30; might trado.

Ferguson. FOR SALE -Good 22 THE awning cheap. 5-170t FOR for baby cabs and bicycles; cheapeat and heat place In city. Carey's, phone 118. 419 8.

Adanis 3-180tf FOR SALE -One Standard File, cheap. Inquire R. M. Kiley, north side square, 6-20dtr FOR SALE -Three 13 inch electric fans, 104 volts, alternating current; will sell cheap If sold at once. Phone 2371 or call 2215 South Washington.

5-13dtf FOR Washed con, kladling. dry wood, any quantity. Marion Wood Coal phone 1370-1554. 5-13dtl FOR SALEAlpha Portland Cement. Barrel Line; Hydrate Lime.

Climax Wood Mortar $9.00 per ton. Hercules Hard Plaster $8.50 per ton. Sackett's Plaster Board sq ft. Sewer Pipe and Fire Brick. All grades of Coal.

Phil Lyons de south wide so. du Hart. Schaffner a Marx Clothes at Try Middleton's Staple Nut Cake. Contractors Supply A. C.

Wright, mgr. Phone 1143. 14th McClure sta. FOR RENT. Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake.

-4-12tt Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake. 4-12dit FOR RENT-Purnished modern conveniences; close in. Phone 1215. 6-10dtt. PATENT ATTORNEY.

Ic. T. SILVIUS Talbott Block, 108 N. Indianapolla, Ind. Patents obtained direct from government offices.

8u- perior drawings. Thirty experience. Write 6-12dlyr The Store That Makes Homes Coxy KELLEYS N. E. cor.

of Washinmon and Second. E. SIUART L. C. FRANK STUART FRANK FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Calle Answered Promptly, l'hoDe Residence 1780 Cor.

Boots and Fifth Sta. MARION, INDIAVA ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT: ATTENTION. We Handle the Best at the Best: Prices. MARION ICE CREAM 1225 S. Branson St.

Phone 850.1 INDIANA UNION TRACTION CO. Change of Time, Sunday, May 16th. ASK THE AGENT UNION TRACTION CO. All the latest popular Sheet Music, 8c per copy. THE WALLACE MUSIC CO.

THAT'S IT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. MARION TITLE AND LOAN CO. Abstracte, Insurance and Loans Ground Floor, 212 East Fourth Stree KINNEAR McCAULEY. Farm chants and Real Estate. 8, W.

Co. Phone 1707 RLYNOLDY REAL ESTATE CHANGE. Whiztes 10 room residence. near 14tn an Washington street, bath, tollet, bari and cold in good Price $1,500, soon. 220 miles A.

farm, front Becker county, Alinn it good town of Oll public road, 140 A. fu cul tivation, in corn. clover, potatore en rye, 100 timeber with $2.00 of saw timber, on the 10 wort brick house, very large bank barn did large, fmplement building, also splen sheep sheds, farm now rented shares, crop goes to purchaser. $30 per A. with $4,000 mortgage; wil exchange property, Grant equity for good Mario farm.

or adjoining 'count This Is Owner lives this' count a good stock and grain farm 3-21d1 SHANNAHAN CARROLL REAL ESTATE. Room 1, Marion BIk Union Land -Gem of Texas Pan handle. 8. T. Hollingsworth, mana ger, 8-9 Willson block.

6-3dt J. N. HART Real Estate Brok Cr8-Texas and Oklahoma Lands303 Blass Block. Phone 1437. J.

WINTERS The Land Man. McCleery Block, side Square, rooms 1 and Poopes 1630 and 1167. STORAGE. STORAGE Marion Phone Wreckage 490. Ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES toor Swauger A McClain, plumbers, to postonce.

LOCKRIDGE Electrical Co. Phon 1633. P. O. Basemant.

10-30dt Try Middleton's Maple Nut Cake. 4-12dtf FOR ELECTRICAL supplies. Koonu Electric Co. 210 4th 8t 4-13-du N. L.

GARRETT Room 6 Custer Block. All kinds of real estate and merchandine for sale or trade 10-2dti STORAGE -Call at Brubaker Furniture Store. Meet me at the Jefferson club Meet your friends at the Jefferson Club. We make year OLD CLOTHES look tike NEW Eagle Talloring and Dyeing Co. 219 E.

Fifth St. Phone 1748 -Cars Leave for the a. m. 8:00 p. m.

8:00 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 9:00 8.

5:00 p. m. 10:00 8. 6:00 p. mo.

11:00 a. 7:00 p. m. 12:00 a. m.

8:00 p. m. 1:00 p. NI. 9:30 a.

m. 2:00 p. m. 11:00 p. 12:20 a.

m. CONNECTIONS--At Swayzee, C. E. R. R.

At Kokomo, Indiana Union Traction P. C. C. 'St. L.

R. and L. E. W. R.

FL Local K. M. W. mileage bocka, 250 miles for $3.50. Interchangeable mileage, 1,000 miles for $15.00.

Spectal car and party rates fur niched on application. New passenger and freight station on Fifth atreet, between Washington and Adams streets. Freight care arrive 12: and leave at 2:30 m. Excellent service. For Information call or swrlif.

IT. R. HALL, MarleD, Phone 951. MARION BLUFFTON EASTERN TRACTION COMPANY. -Cars Leave Marion forHanfeld, Landesaville, Vau Buren.

Warren, Buckeye, Liberty Center and Bluffion: 5:00 a. m. 2:00 p. 6:30 a. m.

3:30 p. m. 8:00 m. 5:00 D. to.

3:30 a. Ill. 6:30 p. m. 11:00 8.

m. 8:00 p. D2. 12:30 p. m.

9:30 p. m. 11:00 p. m. Last car held over on special occa pions.

-ConnectionsAt Bluttton close connection with W'abash Valley Traction compausl lines -for- Fort Wayne and all points east, also with Indiana Union Traci tion company line for Montpeller, Hartford City and Muncie and all points south. -BaggageUsual amount of baggage carried free. -To ShippersWe make a specialty of bandling local and foreign express and freigbt. All passenger Cara carry freight system is better thar steam road express at freight rates, and affords excellent facilities to: shipment to all points. chice station.

Phone No, 912. KOKOMO, MARION WESTERN TRACTION COMPANY. -Official Time Table-.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.