The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 4 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: MARCH 4 1923 '4B 4 Join the Army of 99 Agents Wanted Household Articles Kggs Poultry and Supplier 26 9 Women Wanted 11 Men Wanted GIRLS for never GIRLS Horses Vehicles 37 Watches Diamonds Jewelry 27 Announcements harder GIRLS WANTED HORSES 40 3 lorist a Wednesday March 7 Must be 16 years or older Apply OLMSTfcAD QUABOAG CORSET CO 5 Lost and ound 48 Hampden street Prices that be beaten Situations Wanted Men 12 GIRLS WANTED 28 Musical Instruments Business Service Barbers Hairdressers Masseuse 39 PAINTERS AND PAPERHANGERS the Auto Driving 132 6 Personals Local and Private Instructors 15 MASS BON 505 WORCESTER Dancing Teachers 16 at SCHOOL 17 Vocal and Instrumental 29 Clothing and ootwear 20 Building Materials 'PboM IM Phone $1581996 191X year 32 Miscellaneous tor Sale 33 Articles Wanted to Buy Radiotricians 40 WOMEN WANTED Optometrists and Dentists 41 STENOGRAPHER 7 Professional Services 42 Business Announcements 23 Coal and Wood 43 Yz Detectives VARNISH Livestock Must be experienced 35 Employment Good Things to Eat 24 8 Men Wanted Machinery and Tools 25 WEAVERS Women Wanted 9 Agents Wanted 11 $11 you this ALL CARPENTER JOBBING Very reason able roof leaks repaired before the spring rains Dion 354 Walnut St 487812 LARGE assortment of slightly used railroad watches $30 up Kalinan 144 Main St ASPHALT SHINGLES and roll roofing The Durden Bryant Co 100111 Lyman St DIAMONDS reset while you wait large va riety of mountings exchanged red Kalman 144 Main St ANGORA CAT (male) 1 yr old for sale Call River 1175 1 and state Answers first class rs Charles Liver 802 HOUSEKEEPER likes children Answer Box r9G Republican Office EMPLOYMENT DEPT THE IBERLOID CORP INDIAN ORCHARD 1921 1923 1919 farm been COm by American married man onpe irustwortny ana leii or turtner par HICKS BROS HOLYOKE HOMES WANTED for homeless dogs and cats Telephone River 419 from 8 to 9 a and 1 to 2 YOUNG MAN amiliar with cost work Hodges Carpet Co Indian Orchard INQUIRE MR LANGE KNOX MOTORS ASSOCIATES 53 WILBRAHAM RD WAL 3130 SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity Hust lers earnings big Write McCieery Calen dar actory Washington Iowa CORN AND GRAIN All sizes hand power Some used Bacon Tap lin Co 59 Hillman St PLAYER Built by Hardmun eck Co fine condition sell at a bargr easy terms George Sharp Co 2i3 BASKETBALL PANTS $120 Strong sturdv material The Alling Rubber Co 261 Main St Tel River 95 ENVELOPE CUTTER Man experienced to all round hand fold work and filing dies Spangler Co 1237 Howard St Philadelphia Pa MEN By large manufacturing concern In Connecticut for general factory work as polishing huffing and grinding Good wages Box 543 Republican Office PLAYER PIANO Want to send to jespon slble family who might purenase later If satisfactory Wesser player piano and 30 rolls of music Address Box 259 Republican office ATTRACTIVE Hair goods hair tonic removes dandruff mar cel wave shampoo manicure electric face and scalp treatment hair bobbed super dous hair removed Imperial Toilet Bazar Room 924 3d Natl Bank Bldg Riv 4636 I IT IS RADIO ASK GRAVLIN Radiotricians 138 Dwight Street Walnut 531T HORSES A large assortment of both Ohio and local horses on band at all times are also agents for th Godfrey Harness Hrk Bros Holyoke YOUNG MAN to work in tire service station and to drive a light truck Steady work See Mr King at Riga Sons Co 89 Dwight St Walnut 4170 AUTO DRIVING and repairing on late model cars courses $10 up' license position Springfield Auto School 95 Dwight Student outfits $1500 up New and old violins Lessons at our studio Music House cor State Main upstairs over Open eves I Voice violin organ harmony courses cornet The Springfield Institute of Music 3 High St Pl 1150 CHAIR INISHERS wanted Steady work White River Chair Co Brattleboro Vt SALESMAN Aggressive live wide awake hard hitting salesman who can show a clean successful record Preference will be given to man familiar with gas water heaters or supplies A good opportunity is offered the man who can qualify In replying give full information regarding past experience age and initial salary expected Address Box 258 Repub lican Office ASH Galvanized iron $169 Maschin Kratovll 463 State St near Walnut EXCHANGE YOUR OLD URNITURE for new a liberal allowance will be made River 7854 UMBRELLA Wednesday morning 8 Catherine St car Reward Call Walnut 858 or 86 Amherst St ARNESS MAKER WANTED Apply 186 No Main St Bristol Ct 14 16 YEARS OR LIGHT AC TORY WORK STEADY EMPLOY MENT APPLY TIRE LOST New isk tire on Boston Rd between Wilbraham and Springfield Thurs day Reward Write Box 492 ALTERATION CLERKS WANTED or clonk and suit house must have retail ex perience permanent position good salary state age and experience replies confi dential Box 82 Republican office ARTIICIAL Wall board for in terior finishing dean light and conven ient to handle: easy to apply The Burden Bryant Co 109 111 Lyman St MATERNITY CASES given the very best care Strictly confidential Box 23 Chic opee a 1 1 Mass NEW 272 Bridge St games dolls and sporting goods We bny and sell 2dnatid books Bargain Bookshop 77 Market St Main St ent through Booktnre CHIMNEYS They need It after burning soft coal Cleaning wll gie bet ter draf and reduce hazard Swept from top to bottom $5 A Richard' son 128 Walnut Walnut NV DAODILS Hyacinths Tulips cut flowers and potted plants for all occasions loral designs our specialty Garden 128 Hanco*ck St Walnut 4724 SCALES Elect coffee refrig eratora meat cases registers cutlery etc Polheuius 18 East £ourt St 2o2 INTED DINING room set antique desk and rocker Walnut GRAND PIANO Mahogany case In perfect condition used but a short time Will sell low for cash Box 256 Repub lican office HOTELS NEED TRAINED Nation wide demand fur high salaried executives past experience unnecessary train you by all mid put von In fonch with big oppor tunities everywhere Write at once for par ticulars Lewis Hotel Training Schools Desk 5918 Washington BABY 2(H0fi() for 1923 List free quality st reasonable prices DUweli Naw Haven Ct DIAMONDS wanted top prices paid In cash Diamonds exchanged red Kalman 144 Main (next to Rood BOILERMAKERS AND few Ist class qualified SPECIAL THIS Stuffed dates 49c a lb The Nuttie Goodie Shop 246 Worth ington St BUSCALL Eat 1W 235 Pine St Springfield Tel nurses attend ant pleasant surroundings moderate rates KITCHEN WOMAN WANTED Apply In person at Monson State Hospital Palmer Mass Dogs Cats Pets ARTIICIAL Matched i Careful courteuua attention don Optician 119 State street COLLIE puppy male found Call River TYPISTS Earn $25 $100 weekly spare time copying manuscripts Write Carnes agent Tallapoosa Ga for particulars BILLIARD TABLE for sale balls cues and rack Good condition Price reasonable Central ire Station Ware Mass REILLS for rouge We also are selling the delightful new orange rouge in 389 Main St Walnut 1494 PALMER STEEL CO WILLIMANSETT MASS UMBRELLA fancy black and white lost at Broadway Theater Wednesday Riv 6506 Reward 20 Ohio horses 20 nearby used horses YOUNG WOMAN high and normal school education wants position References Box 241 Westfield Mass TOOLS and machin tools Deane Jr 180 Dwight Household ana office furniture antiques featner beds best prices pai'J New England urniture Co 583 5 Main St Walnut 1514 Largest in Western Mass YOUNG MAN 20 would like position to learn auto repairing Mechanical ability Can drive Box 83 Republican Office ALTERATION clerk wanted on suits and dresses Arthur Leary 351 Dwight DINING ROOM living room and kitchen fur niture wonted in sets or odd pieces How a rd urniture Co River 4189 BAND INSTRUMENTS Bargains in used Expert saxophone repairing plating John Heald Co 275 Main present success grounds where the were the gift of in memory of her Win? for many WINDOW SHADES of all kinds for the home or office made to order and remount ed or estimates call Springfield Window 'Shade Co 111s 6 Main St Tel 539 ANCING Studio private lessons any time Pupils learn in few lessons Memorial Bldg State St River 7585 DOG LOST Brown Belgian police dog an swering to name of Arkus Reward Tel River 5292 A Weaver Rock rlmmon GIRLS Over 16 to decorate rugs Experience not necessary Bozart Rug Co 369 Plain field street DAYTON COMPUTING Elec ty meat aud bread slicers Cruise 121 Lyman St Tel Wai 2158 or 5565 MAPLE Home for invalids and elderly people 1656 Longmeadow St Ix ng meadow Walnut 2695 NATL CASH Dayton scales and McAskill very reasonable 3 Beacon St BLUE CROSS Community Relief Homes for stray dogs and cats Tel River 4483 from 9 to lo a in and 1 to 2 CARE TAKER on coumrv es tate tent exDerienced able best of references tlculars write Box 87 Republican office in the BOX 545 REPUBLICAN OICE play of hand woven and embroidered linen collars of lace beaded bajxs samplers and bed quilts arouses the will find steady work at good wages Apply WE CAN USE A EW MORE IN DIAN ORCHARD OR LUDLOW GIRLS APPLY BOYS 1416 for general office and errand work Must be grammar school graduntes and willing to work Good opportunity for right kind of boys Apply to Employment Office Union Gilbert ft Barker Mfg Co West Springfield 1 EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTED to take charge of an office must have thorough know led of office details and ability to Impart it to those under her A perma nent position Is open fnr the ight pas tv Give experience age and Ad dress Dox 96 Republican office PRESSMAN WANTED Experienced cylin der pressman Baker Vawter Co Hol yoke Mass CITY UPHOLSTERING CO now centrally lo cated ine furniture work of every kind Artistic upholstering Decorative work and piano repairing our specialties Got our 128 Liberty St Tel Wai SPLD WRECKING CO has moved to 62 Osgood St off North Main St Opening sale of all kinds of building material at greatly reduced prices CELLAR and factory floors resurrsevd hard ened or dust proofed concrete end cement work Vaughan 293 Bridge 4845 BARBERS WANTED Steady job Apply Dtibuc 333 Main St Holyoke Mass ROGERS 26 piece set in mahogany chest $1295 Chase Jew eler 562 Main St near State MEN Get government Railway mmatl clerks city carriers $1400 $2300 year steady common education list po free Write immediately rank lin Institute Dept 158 Rochester $18 $15 OGSTON CONVALESCING HOME for in valids and elderly people EXTERMINATOR Rats mice roaches bedbugs by contract or job 40 yrs experi ence Martin MaiHard 143 Euclid Ave River 8390 SCHOOL BEAUTY CUL TURE Evening classes enrol now thor ough course all branches fashionable hairdressing manicuring scalp treatment? elec and Swedish massage: beautiful nat ural hair wave water and marcel mf of hair goods Room 622 Court Sq Theater Bldg River 6858 CHIHUAHUAS fire smallest dogs on earth Cute smart dainty ine pets watch dogs Special prices to introduce Write for leaflet and list Alameda Kennels 203 Las Cruces NATIONAL CASH New and second band bought and nvld Supplies and repair Room 218 29 Worthington St YOUNG MAN 23 presently employed 7 years stockroom and office experiencewishes situation with concern where ef forts will be appreciated 197 Cottage St New Bedford Situations Women 13 PRIVATE HOSPITAL for confinement River 2547 WILL TAKE small children board best of care Walnut 1232 Albert Archambault carpenter and cabinet maker store fixtures given jobbing Tel River Parker state archeologist told the gathering that the quarry had yielded evidence of an early il jronquin civilization antedating the period revealed by the excavations at Luxor Egypt PRIVATE HOSPITAL for confinement cases Strictly confidential Bor 0246 Rep Office Delp Mak or emale 10 AUTOMOBILE RADIATOR SHELLS and re flectors re nickled at reasonable Call for estimates Enterprise Plating Co 49 Taylor St Tel River 2036 WAITRESS Apply in jerson at Monson State Hospital Palmar Mass VI CTO I ST I 1 A 1 A subtracts multiplies and divides $1 OOUOoO capacity Only $100 and it savespurchase price in short while by saving labor Gen eral Typewriter Ex Inc 315 Bridge St River 1035 a Misclassification Not Allowed ATHEY METAL WEATHER STRIPS keep the draughts out ox ft Cush ing 17 College Street River 7477 PHOTOPLAY ideas news items wanted $500 paid Experience unnecessary outline ree Write Producers League 176 St Louis ARE HENS LA Purina Chick en Chowder when fed with Purina Jlen Chow is guaranteed to produce more eggs or your mnnev will be refunded See us today Geo Co 493 Worthington st Tel River 866 and fitted COZY COTTAGE Est 1919 cents Invalids chronic cases Wai 1232 LABORERS Wanted for factory and foundry position Apply Haydenville Co Haydenville Mass and hand made clothes in stock or to order from your patterns and materials Hampden County Wom Exch 33 Harrison Ave GIRLS WOMEN 18 government positions $H40 $1600 year steady work paid vacation common education suffi cclent Influence unnecessary list posi tions obtainable free Write immediately ranklin Institute Dept 639W Rochester AUTOMOBILE INISHER Ist class steady year round: good wages: fine shop conditions Dunn Co Springfield Mass INDIVIDUAL and class instruction In all commercial subjects on Monday and day evenings classes now forming Call River 7810 Bay Path Institute SWEDISH By appointment 51 Harrison avenue Tel Walnut 5258 Business and Office Equipment 21 tackie 25 mileswhich is said to prehistoric man New York State elation at its annual meeting here to day ALCOHOL AND DRUG ADDICTS Private treatment given in comfortable Hos pital Medical Director Marshall Smith 578 North Main St River 2563 SEWING Practically new All used machines best makes S3 up Cash or teims also repairing Griswolds Edwards Prop 19 Besse Place River 3644 ASH CANS sneer steel cans tl each Lee delivery Edw Phelan 162 Enstrn Arc cor Pendleton Ave 1697 RAY DETECTIVE AGENCY INC 100 Boylstop St Boston Mass Investigation anywhere by men and women of charac ter and experience 17 years established Strictest secrecy observed on all case re gardless of their dcficate nature SALESWOMEN for coat suit and dress de partments Arthur Leary 3ol Dwight St woven coverlet ot Blue ano wmte ana near it an Empire bureau whose drawers contain wonderful pieces of needlework fashioned by hands long since at rest As the drawers are of lavender ENGINEER second class for small plant equipped with gas engines apd steam must be willing to do the firing mention your age experience and lowest salary acceptable bond required Box 22 Cam bridge 41 Mass Apply KELLOGG CO DIV 21 CYPRESS ST HATCHING EGGS A few from very choice I Reds and White la'ghorn stocky 114 a hundred Paul Conner Enileld Conn Tel ompsonville Eges Poultry and Supplies 3' "Average over J30 a week selling new patented combination corset and brassiere I did with neither experience nor capital Primary training and sales talk furnished Garment feally sells Itself Write Dept ifth Ave Corset Co Allentown Pa VALUABLE WORK HOSPITAL GRADUATE NURSES wanted for general day duty in a small private hospital per manent at $75 per month with maintenance Tel 4 0024 for appoint ment or write Prospect Hospital 6G9 arm ington Ave Hartford Conn BAKERY EQUIPMENT of the Beebe Bak ery Will soil whole or In part Must be sold before eb 28 Inquire 524 High St Holyoke Tel 1067 RECEIVING ROOM MANAGER wanted by The Edw Malley Company New Haven Connecticut to aid In checking taking charge of return of merchandise and keep records of receipt of goods Man with similar experience preferred Good salary and permanent Write stating age details of experience and salary wanted SUITE 202 HOTEL CASE 657 MAIN ST REPAIRING Guaranteed Swiss bracelet watches a specialty Bring your watch where they know about Mail orders taken A Cunliffe 288 Main Rm 208' 5302 COMPOSITOR wanted lirst clasR composi tor Stewart 367 Worthington St GOLD WATCH with picture of nr el man tn back of case gold chain and lust between Lyman St and Belmont Ave Walnut 2770 Reward COAL AND GAS RANGES Large assort ment all In Al condition Metropolitan urniture Co 538 Main St MOLES Superfluous and blem ishes permanently renunff Manger 21 Besse 4'lacex Room 291 River 8954 56 Main St? Nortampton Tel 1944 STENOGRAPHER rapid and accurate must be experienced Good salary permanent position with advancement Address Box 98 Republican Office If you want $6000 this year write now Strong line of retail stores Na tionally advertised: established concern Liberal weekly advances to producer Williams Mgr 1920 Euclid Cleve land Ohio Dept 551 GIRLS wanted for evening classes In hair dressing Munday and Wednesday eve nings Its Woodward 2 5 Harrison Ave OR ACTORY WORK LARGE CORPORATION EM PLOYMENT GOOD WAGES AP PLY SUITE 202 HOTEL CASE 657 MAIN ST Merchandise at the Stores 30 BAND AND ORCHESTRA Cornets trombones saxophones vio lins and bow and cases good bar gains on band Edward Kinney 242 Worthington St Agt for Conn Union or nonunion) (union preferred) representatives in each city and town in Hampden Co to make confidential reports on conditions to an Employers Security Work will not interfere with your present employment and wages paid will be the highest Do not answer this adv unless are willing to undertake work of kind and state so in your application Give particulars In first letter previous experience If any considered confidential Write Wanted at once two first class barbers for open shop Apply to rapplcr 38 Bank Row Greenfield Mass RAILWAY MAIL Start $133 month railroad pass expenses paid Specimen questions free Columbus In stitute Columbus Ohio THE NEWELL BMP Position In repair dept in store expvr in tapestry copywriter exper In store adv stenoj private sect 138 Dwight Stz AGENTS Send for sworn proof of $5 to $15 daily introducing latest style guiramevd hosiery 54 styles 27 colors neither capi tal nor experience needed Just 8h sam ples write orders we deliver and collect All transportation charges paid nonHJy bonus besides 12 service Complete outfit furnished all cqlors grades lidud Ing silks Mac Chee Co 4175 Cincinnati Builders and Contractors 41 $2500 dally ree Raincoat Commissions in advance Take orders for our Union Made $375 Raincoats Eastern Raincoat Co Manufacturers 913 921 Roosevelt Road Chicago POCKETBOOK LOST Thursday between 377 Main St and Union station pocketbook containing money and per sonal contents Return Jas Welsh Republican Adv Dept Reward AN INTELLIGENT PERSON either sex may earn $100 to $200 monthly correspond ing for newspapers $15 to $25 weekly kt spare time experience unnecessary no canvassing subjects suggested Send for particulars National Press Bureau Buf falo SAUESLADI ES WANTED or iiiilHnerv steady position for those who qualuy Levlson 360 Main St RANGEVIEW SANITARIUM ormerly Nauheim 18th year new and Improved lo cation trained nurses chronic cases a specialty Dr Mary Sanderson 28 North ampton Rd Amherst HOTELS NEED TRAINED Nation wide demand for high salaried executives: Bast experience wnnecessary: we train you mail and put in you in touch with big opportfifilties everywhere Write at once tor particulars Iewls Hotel Training Schools Desk 5918 Washington GARAGES BUILT erm rot blortw brick Estimates and references furnished King A Cu 205 Boston Rd Tel We can use a few more of following: DIEMAKERS REPAIR MACHINISTS AUTOMATIC OPERATORS P(TNCH PRESS OPERATORS DRILL TRESS OPERATORS IROILERS AND LATHE OPERATORS Apply HENDEE MANUACTURING CO Employment Office sheet mctnl work cnrnlros AkyllhtSf letcher A Co 09 St Ulr S55T WALL PAPER Ever measure the difference in length between our Store rlces Wall and the customary 5 and 10c? Try it some time and see it we I are not the most economical on the Wall I commodity come here anyway ALBERT HALE CO Wholesale and Retail Wall Taper Varnishes and Paints 11 and 13 Stearns Sq Riv 3630 Springfield Mass MY WIE having left my bed and board I will not be responsible for any bills con tracted by her John McGillicuddy Jr THOUSANDS PATENTS are sold every year Patent Dept A Connor 2u Harrison Ave Walnut 1202 MOTHER'S HELI'ER ONE WHO WIIL 2 NIGHTS A WEEK DAYS Contract ratei upon request Count 6 words to a line 14c lines to an inch Minimum Book Charge 60c Minimum Space 2 lines Ads may start tn either The Re publican or Dally News Sunday rates the same as The Republican and Dally News Com bined Closing time for The Republican is 9 for The Daily News 9 WITH CECIL BAKER Specializing in high grade Home Portrait photography Office and Laboratories 151 DICKINSON ST WAL A 'phone call or post card will bring our i epresentative with samples to you INCUBATORS 2 10l egg Simplicity Incu bators also I Beds breeding tackle River alphabetically ARRANGED OR EASY READING The Republican and Daily News RATE in therCity WOMAN under 45 ex teacher preferred unusual position permanent will pay J2TO or more monthly to educated woman with initiative and good personality Write to John Branch 17 East 42d St New York SEWERS good wanted to assist in altera tion department Apply Josephine Smith Specialty Shop 18 Vernon St MAN to sell trees shrubs roses ull or spare time Commission weekly Brown Bros Nurseries Rochester REWARD of twenty five dollars for Informa tion leading to the arrest or conviction of the party who poisoned a thoroughbred Scotch collie Call Richard Nelson 2ol Central St or call River 12 1923 CATALOGUE and Price List now ready for ycu Call or write Ken Chlckeries Inc 76 Elmwood Ave Spflrt 168(1 Wl LIa GOOD TRICES for household office antique Hampden urniture Co 593 Main St Wai 1266 ALL kinds of live poultry wanted 1 pay the highest Will end truck anywhere Sma II Chicopee Tel IT PAYS to visit the Brightwood urniture 273 Main Upholatei ing and pair ing guaranteed We Mill and del 26! 1 TWO WOUNDED WHEN COOPER EUD REVIVES Broomfield Mo March 3 Jim Cooper and a daughter were shot to day by Joseph Cooper a relative in a renewal of an alleged family feud which already has claimed three vic tims Joseph Cooper surrendered stat ing according to officials that the shooting occurred on a road near here The two wounded are expected to recover it was said Joseph Cooper is the father of Clar ence who was shot and killed by 4irtl Cooper several months ago after he had shot and killed Edgar Cooper a cousin and Willia'tn Cooper uncle 500 BABIES TO ENTER OUR BABY CONTEST OR INORMATION CALL OR TELEPHONE MURRAY STUDIO 469 MAIN RIVER 5364 We Will teach four girls correct Marcel waving and hairdressing and will assure positions when compe tent BLUE BIRD BEAUTYE SHOPPE 25 HARRISON AVE WATCHMAKER ENGKAVEIt Watches Clocks and Jeweriy Repaiied Watches Diamonds Jewelry or Sale GRIMES Bookstore Bldg 3S0 Main St PERS AND STAYING MACHINE OP ERATORS CUTLER SALEEBY HALE BLDG STEARNS PARK lI'GS Less than half former prices Call write or 'phone 121 3 11 Garside MUI Agent 176 Pearl St Tboniiwonv tile MERSON PIANO A bargain hard no use and no room for it 453 Sumner Ave or 'phone Walnut 631 Bed quilts 30 of them of all colors and patterns beautifully quilted some of them of the choicest copper plate are seen One bears this tag written with a quill on hand made linen by his great great REE 1 dozen bottles with a can of Hamp den Malt at J100 ree delivery 'Phone Silver 5442 NURSES trained or experienced wanted at once 108 Calhoun St River 4288 USE THE TELEPHONE ASK OR A WANT AD TAKER Or leave at our downtown office 377 Main Street CALL RIVER 3150 GERMANIA MILLS HOLYOKE MASS STRAIN OR SALE 'PHONE ATER 7 RIVER 3135 GARAGES BUILT Cdncrete blocks furnished and laid reinforced concrete work EIL Hartter 49 Dorn St River 3583 AT ONE Lowest Rates 10c it line per Iny and the management is thoroughly convinced that the faith of the people of Eastern Hampden in the ultimate success of the hospital is so great that they will vntunllv nrnvidp trip 1 funds to do this work That the Wing Memorial hospital is attracting the tention of the people is shown by fact that an endowment fund has al i picture of a sweet old lady sitting by ready been started by bequests re I tho warnl flre with her needle tireless HOME HOLDS VALUABLE ANTIQUES SPniNGIKLD CONSERVATORY of Music Inc vll branches 9 and theory all York 54 870M ly binding the little cloth blocks to gether At the very bottom of the chest is the quilt with the Dutch tulip pattern a soft tone of pink combined with dark green tnen comes a pin wncei patterned quilt of pink on a blue ground and the last quilt is made in a wheel pattern of blue and white The old fashioned mahogany wash stand with the bowi and pitcher is just beyond the big quilt chest Grandfathers clock that stands be side the bureau has ceased to say orever but still tells inaud ibly of by gone years On the bureau stands a beautiful candelabra a little beaded basket hangs at one side and here is another interesting little thing a mahogany box with a secret open ing A little china dog keeps watch over all A lyre card table a gilt edged mir ror which is topped by a landscape in black and gold an old fashioned lamp a beautiful lustre pitcher of unusual size and a flip glass attract the eye of the interested antique lover Two beautiful Paisley shawls are hung over the backs of the two an tique rockers Then there is a steel engraving of Huguenot Voyag that was made by Edwin White a cousin of Mrs McCray also a por trait of himself Appropriately framed was a theater program from a Hartford theater dat ed 1799 in which patrons are notified that the doors open at 5 and the performance begins at 6 The play to be presented was New Peerage The program also announced that The Highland would be per formed Mrs McCray has a Universal Bible that was printed in 1775 In the far corner of the room standsan old cane that was taken from airfax court house Vil and presented to Mr Pease who was Mrs father Most antique of all the antiques is a small hand made book bound in vellum entitled Book of Instruc The letters are hand made and illuminated in red The unusual shape of the little book draws atten tion It is inches long 2 inches wide and about as thick as it is wide It was made in 1546 Leaving Mrs home with many more interesting things un nientioned the trail leads to Clifford home on State street where the antique lover may see a quilt of still another design This is of the saw tooth pattern contains 6200 pieces and was made by Mrs Sweets mother entirely by hand one minute new of the age this pen no Sample pen Is 18 karat Money back if not as represented profit 200 per cent Send for agency to day wait Tnklcss ountain Pen Co Dept 66 1522 Eighth St Des Moines THE NEWELL EMP SERV Young man 25 yrs for gen office work bookkeeper: gen foreman with some eng exper 30 vrs old excellent opportunity draughts men 138 Dwight St MATTRESSES made over as good i a new We cull for and deliver Standard Mat tress Co Wai 5288 56 Harrison Ave lanu faVtured silvered glass for windshields etc Glass and Mirror Works 20 Congress St 8050 WOMEN or factory work Large corporation Steady employment Good wages Apply SUITE 202 HOTEL CASE 657 MAIN ST LOCK and gunsmith ishrod repairing Umbrella work recovering a specialty Also light repairs Pearson 368 Bridge St 7046 HALL Different from or dinary chicks They are hatched from state tested stock circular A t) llall Wallingford Ct BOYS 14 16 for general office and errand work Must be grammar school graduates and willing to work Good opportunity for the right kind of boys rlm'TYinnf nffifa TTiifr Barker Mfg Co West Springfield i and green were displayed at an early Palmer fair and won nrst prizes Here is another quilt of cop per plate almost 75 years old in which the various tones of brown and yellow are beautifully blended Around the attractive center is a border of the 1 1 1 th zxyx A 3 rx liitll JqUtUC pauriu mm vuuico idu necessary anuln ouilt that too is of copper the beautiful hand work that it SI i rxlex ehnwa thqt it ic InhfYT nfi the I many hours and brings to the mind a MALE AT 80 1 MALE ILING CLERK APPLY Wing Memorial Corporation Holds Annual Meeting Comparison of Costs rom Our Special Correspondent Palmer March 3 The annual meet ing ot the Wing Memorial hospital ixi LI Wnr1nrcdnv nirbt and offi 4 ers were year This completes the eighth full year of service of this institution to the people of Palmer and vicinity and the hospital has become a necessity that practically everyone feels must be continued The Wing Memorial hospital was started during the sum mer of 1911 and from the beginning encountered the opposition which such organizations usually encounter The pessimist said could succeed was no deni id for such an institution people never patronize a local hospital would never pay its way masses would not support it and many other reasons we why it could not be carried on machinists A bollei'inakei a and machinists for work at East Hartford Ct Other than experienced men need not ap ply Apply to A Mitchell superinten dent II Co Union Station Hartford Ct BEAUTY carry the largest assortment of hair goods and have all the new styles to cover up the bobbed hair Ruby Call Hartt 417 Main St HAIR GOODS Spec prices facial mud treatment to iron out wrinkles and improve skin Alice Hart 389 Main Wai 3250 Plans for your HOME this coming year IS Crawn ARCHITECT Room 23 2o Harrison Ave COURSE OR NURSING ATTENDANTS The Robert Brigham Hospital of Par ker Hill Avenue Boston Mass announ ce the reorganization of Its Train ng School for Nursing Attendants ginnlng April 1st 1923 or full information ap ply to the Superintendent POPULAR! SUCCESSUL! RELO CATING NEAR SPRINGIELD OPEN ING OCTOBER 1923 IN COUNT TRY BUT COMMUTING POSSIBLE OR EW DAY PUPILS REPRE SENTATIVE WILL CALL UPON PATRONS IN MARCH WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK? WRITE HIM AD DRESS HEARSE DRIVER KILLED WHILE HANDLING COIN New York March Barney Roth a hearse driver was run down by a skidding truck and Killed today while helping place a coffin containing a body in his hearse An assistant was knocked down and the coffin upset in the street Howard Woods driver of the truck was held on a charge of homicide He told the police that he had swerved toward the curb to avoid a torn up stretch in the middle of tae street and said he even know he had struck Roth until he was pursued and stopped HUGS AT HOLESALE New Per fect beautiful patterns A Larimer 37 Rnt St Chicopee TeL HOCKING All kinds $1 and up Buffets all kinds all sizes $16 and up We also buy furniture Kimball Second hand urniture Store 47 53 Main St Tel Wai 2178 MAID for general housework ref req Mrs Cohn 8 Torrence St Walnut 368 MAID for kitchen in private pavilion $35 a month Porter In main building $40 a month Apply at tho Springfield Hospital Chestnut St t'CENTTCRE We pay highest cash tn the city for used household office aud antique furniture It to call Dwigm orniture Co 157 State st Wai 1240 1 PAY CAS II OR "RAGS etc Will send for family trade win Hall 12S Cedar St River 2847 TOWNES PARISIAN HAIR Beautiful Bobs Switches Transform mations reasonable prices Beauty Parlors Room 622 Court Theater Bldg 31 Elm st River 6R58 DEMAND the purest ingredients We always use them why the Parisian Beautv Parlor is popular 25 Harrison Ave 1592 AGENTS Caadyniaklng business We Btart you Home or' anywhere" urnishing everything We buy your candy Big pay Experience unm ccssut Mvn woinen Candymakcrs Co Philadtl I a a AGENTS Something new astest and Quickest Repeaters on Earth nent Easy Profitable Business Good for $38 to $12 a week Write today for New Plans American Products Co 8227 American Bldg Cincinnati Ohio All Kinds of Strange and In teresting Objects ound in Monson House rom Our Special Correspondent Monson March 3 Tho trail of the antique left several months ugo and now resumed 16ads to the home of Mr Busin ess Services Rendered 40 ALL EXTERMINATION Roaches Rata and Interstate Vermin 476 Main St Roni 7 Thone Walnut 178 1 4 used also coal burning Makeus an offer Bacon Taplin Co 59 Hllhnan St MAHOGANY REDS Garden winners Sold three leading state poultry college oun dation strain of numerous laying ficks Eggs $3 for 15 $3 for 50 $15 for circular Quackenbush Darien Box 000 SPITZ DOGS 3 beautiful white Spitz 3 months old for sale Tel River 3895 Household Articles 26 BOX SPRINGS MATTRESSES Mth bed and pillow made and remade Highland Bedding 10 Hayden St Walnut 30 BOILER SETTING urnace wwrlt of any driptiorL Ocar Crlm Mnori (:: tractor and Builder 145 State St MilA 1 11 )I NG No Job too larxe for ih The Turgeon Son Co Inc 307 Main fat River 5562 LADIES Turn your spare time into You can do It Our plan Is a money maker for you No money necessary No experience Write today for our plans of turning your spare time into money Costs nothing to investigate American Prod ucts Co 8253 American Bldg Cincinnati Ohio 9 LADIES rend Mac Chee Mills Co ad In Agents Wanted Colum in this paper ate ncccssaiy O11 eouiument 7 nuar tin muiisC qum uauu be replaced and modern appli mafp braided rug of several tones of 1 1 hr 14 vv ev I hrmvn i BARBER Steady job Apply Charles Bourguignon 305 Elm street Hol yoke Mnss BE A 00 weekly: travel over world experience unnecessary American Detective Agency 333 Lucas St 'Louis would it and the These iriven i in oimneu a uciaxite uuvi the immediately endcav I reaches one and a most unusual dis ored to have their doleful prophecies fulfilled by doing their best to cry down the splendid work of the physi I cians and nurses at the head of the new hospital The mass of the peo jle however were willing to be shown and to help boost the hospital 1with their words of praise and their dollars Some of the men and women HU HUVit nivu 1 1 I I IV fcv son tired when tho wheels of opera grandmother Betsey Bush White Ke ton dragged and instead of pushing paired by his grandmother Julia nire ease wnn ruaieruu uvrr uv years old in This quilt was giv en to Mrs son Carlos LMe Cray when he was a little child There is another the centennial quilt which perhaps would not pass for an antique but is interesting nev ertheless It contains 1200 pieces in the half square design no two of them alike The center one is of what is known as calico A bar of music with a shield under which is the word forms the design AGENTS Everybody eats $50 weekly in troducing Mother Hubbard oods direct to consumer $150 worth of goods free: also free outfit Adam Inthout 556 Congress Chicago AGENTS Make $10 a day or more selling Uofficld Tire Protectors Prevents punc tures and blow outs Doubles mileage Easily applied no cement or tools required Absolute threc ycar guarantee Nothing like them No capital required Big com missions paid weekly No delivering Got our proposition Write Coftleld Tire Pro tector Co 282 Court St Dayton Ohio OLLOW THE 450 to $200 per week the money yours something new not an old worn out proposition field untouched experience unnecessary takes everybody by storm money rolls in show ju sen ncmunstrauun in sells on demonstration the ountain Pen the wonder never leaks or spills with more use for the ink bottle 50 cents This proposition I ILM i LRE built repaired sad upholstered Stratton 127 St Wl rail and deliver River 3530 GAS STOVE Jewel almost new Loraine attach menu Walnut 1325 HOUSEHOLD goods for sale Call River 2631 ARTIIHAL Also other branches of dental work Pr Harvey 288 Chestnut St Tel 121 MODERN BUSINESS life multiplies the de rnands and stralrt upon eyesight Right glasses will help To see well see Nlcolet 141 Main St MEN AND WOMEN Manufact of a strictly high grade line of products are organizing a direct from factoiy io con sumer sales force and desi io secure the services of men and women to resent them in this state This is an unusual opportunity paying larxe returns Gold Seal Laboratories Nashville Tenn SHOW the world with signs Payne Show Card Co 486 Main St River 2G2 UMI MULTIGRAPH LETTERS is not too small an order for us do addressing and mailing also and the whole Job will cost you less than you could do It for yourself Advertising Serr Co 25 Harrison Ave Walnut 54599 PAPER Alsu rubber and scrap met als isher ft Kurnitzky 6o 70 Liberty St Telephone River 3210 PAPER STOCK hi Will pay you 10 cents more per 100 than anyone else Rend a postal to Box 401 TRACES PREHISTORIC MAN AT COXSACKIE Albany March 3 Purchase by the state of a slate quarry at Cox south of Albany contain traces of was urged by the Archeological asso SPECIAL BARGAINS in the following used instruments: Saxophone Outfit Silver Mel $90 Deagan Marimba and Case $50 Deagan Bells and Stand $10 new $15 Ludwig 4x14 Snare and Bag $15 Orpheum Tenor Banjo and Case $50 Banjo Man dolin and Case $25 Music House cor State and Main upstairs over Thomp Open evenings USED PIANOS AND PLAYEP's Large stock all guaranteed some like new Pianos from $65 up Players from $150 up terms See us first Gibbs Piano Co 185 Dwight St Childs REPRESENTATIVE Manufacturers of a strictly high grade line of products desire to secure the service of responsible party or parties to fill position of state repre sentative This is an unusual opportunity yielding good income Gold Seal Labora tories Nashville Tenn REPRESENTATIVE WANTED BY JOHN BAUMGARTH COMPANY 1219 WASHINGTON BLVD CHICAGO Estab creatoraand mfgrs exclusive direct mail advertising and art calendars desire live representative in Springfield and vicin ity Liberal Comm basis with drawing ac count plan upon proven ability Start at once Season just opened Write fully first letter HORESE Harnesses wagons sleighs etc large variety always Auction every Tues day at 130 rost Mulberry fit fitnhlAK West RfYT 1 rr Hzl Plvor Alltel 1 HOKbLb Just arrived 20 head of right kind Pairs and singles from 1200 to 1800 each Good low down chunks Come in and see them Thirty head to select from The Ira Johnson Horse Co 14 16 Emery St River 272 ennesaay mgnt ana uin now rwwinuu ivau nuuiv ii elected for the ensuing and Mrs Orrin McCray Cushman st reel me larin eniuraciiqr many acres has been in Mrs McCray's fam ily 51 years and the old house dating 'back to 1791 now stands on the 1 property on State street having moved to make way for a more modious home some years ago I While there is much to interest the I lover of the old and beautiful in other i rooms the seems to Ispiak pre eminently of the past Here I stands the canopy bed with its home nnd whitA nnrl CEMENT J4c at yard 17c deliv ered in Snfld any quantity immediate ae liv 70M dally output machine maae per fect 481 Main St Ind Orchard Tel 130 CEMENT BLOCKS irst class and took 1st prize Eastern Exp Albert Capo dagli Boston Road Ludlow LUMBER All kinds of second hand lumber bricks doors windows maple flooring sheathing laths etc Low prices Mass Wrecking Co 161 Lyman St Tel Wal nut 3670 AIREDALE dog found owner can have by proving property Reno Elgin 184 Union BUNCH In vicinity of irglade and Sumner Call River 1764 TYPEWRITERS (all makes) sold rented and repaired rent $250 a month $6 three months Lowest prices for multigraph Ing Room 628 Myrick Bldg River 3483 RENTED SOLD BOUGHT CORONA AGENCY Springfield Typewriter ExcbHiice inc Hirer 4SM 119 Wortbineton St orm letters address ing on typewriter and mailing Sackett's Exchange Room 628 Myrick Bldg 29 Worthington St Te( River 3483 MULTIGRAPHING Mimeographing Type writing Call The Empire Mailing Co 103 Worthington St Telephone River 7360 There are two quilts of the star de ni One has a white ground with of various colors rather tar The other has larger stars which are close together In the big old fashioned chest is the kaleido scope pattern quilt that Mrs mother made entirely by hand it con tains 640 pieces Here too is a quilt of log cabin design that shows a beau tiful harmony of color and unrivalled needlework The next quilt is of rose and light tan this one is highly val 1 1 Uvtl ulvld' W1 UOU IL IO nil are interested and the suit is a nin(1o up of from her grand sueeess so far as the hospital is con niOtjlers wedding outfit and was cerned It is not enouch howet er to willej to hCI iy iler grandmother Mrs keep the doors opetj tie woik should orsamUs White and underneath it is progress that the ing Memorial a paiticual striking quilt of black hospital may be the best of its kind veIvet tufted with pink Then comes nnd do its worc in the most efficient Jhe ounoe quilt of orange black and manner To bring about this result i pue fle pox pattern made by Mrs changes in the plant ae nccossat grandmother Mrs Phoebe jroni time to time must I anees must be provided the must be repaired and both end interior be renovated All 'this requires money MEN WOMEN Salary $75 lull time $150 an hour spare time selling the genuine guaranteed hosiery direct to wearer beau tiful line International Mills Norris town SOAP Wanted to sell our 150 products No money required Write Llnro Company Dept 291 St Louis Mo SCORER WANTED Experienced scorer for paper box work Apply Milton Bradley Co 43 Cross St City SOLICITORS WANTED Three experienced house to house on circulation work a new proposition: can earn $5 to $6 a day Apply at 51 Harrison Ave Room 201 after 4 COUCH Mattress and vhite crib for sale 34 Cilftwood St It Ot ltz ELECTRIC VACUUM OLE Western Electric or Sweeper Vac also used clean ers ree trial easy terms Cleaners rent ed repaired Alderson 40 Arch 1315 LU RUGS made from old carnet $175 up Call for estimates Springfield Econ omy Rug Oo 17 Taylor dL TaL River 743 ceived from friends of the institution to the amount of nearly the forerunner of still other bequests as time passes and the hospital becomes more generally known The hospital was in a fair way to ineeL its ex penses from the receipts when the World war broke out and food as well ns medical supplies soared to an al most unknown hight and for a season affairs looked dubious from a finan cial standpoint The peak was reached in 1921 how ever and the average cost of opera tion has begun the descending scale A statement of the work or the hos pital for the past five years is full of interest to all friends of the institu tion The number of patients for the year ending 1 1919 was 469 1920 498 1921 CIS 1922 472 1923 485 The daily average cost per patient for 1919 was 1920 1921 1922 1923 The total business for 1919 was SS50456 1920 $93764 59722 1922 1024712 28880 The expenses for $945317 1920 56130 49349 A comparison of costs for the ending 1920 the only one ava for the purpose in institutions about the size of the hospital re veals lint three Athol Holden and Keominster' with a smaller expense account and these did nbt care for as many patients as the local institu tions Athol and Holden having but half as many and Leominster 44 less than Stafford Springs with 142 less patients cost for operation over more But three of the 10 laidlow Stafford and Ipswich re ceived a larger amount from patients but three have a larger number of hospital days and but two are op erated with a smaller number of em ployes Wing Memorial hospital is fortunate in having the faithful few who so wisely managed its financial affairs and also in having at its head a superintendent as efficient and ca pable as Miss Eunice Horton who is not only acceptable to those who pat ronize the hospital but is also able to secure the closest co operation of the employes upon whom so largely rests th: success of the work While the hospital starts the new year with an indebtedness as must ever be the case there is a substantial sum for mak ing much needed repairs a small en dowment fund that will grow with the yenrs and a satisfied constituency that doe's not wait for tho years but grows daily and a satisfied patient is a best advertisem*nt So the Wing Memorial hospital corpo ration enters the new year with a satisfaction not always experienced in the past but that is to grow with the coming days The Wing lias made good give it a boost The following officers have been elected: vice president (J Koley secret 'ry lie treasurer Norman A Smith Keith Moran board of managers Metcalf 'Brainerd A Norman A Ta hor I Ricketts Childs Arms Ir Hodskins finance committee Metcalf Par sons A Rathbone A Hager If Howe Bodfish Wil liam Holden Apply to the Em COOK Wanted i St Gilbert cook: references required A Bowles Mulberry tit ALL SEASONED WOOD Hard chestnut and slab Also kindling wood by the bushel Delivery In any part of the city Walnut St Woodyard 'Phone "Walnut 923 BALED Shavings for stable or packing New England Box Co Lowell St West Sprtng fielrl SEMIANTHRACITE COAL Prompt delivery stove and nut" sizes Consumers Coal Co 356 Main St Tel Riv 1450 AIR GAUGE INNER TUBES Showing amount ot air pressure in tires at all times warns against under inflation thnruhv Inmio af tv til A mllrmrvA ranzs Unique demonstrator attracts attention MIRRORS instantly wnicn enanies our salesmen to maki quick sales and big profits demon strating and selling direct to car owners ree booklet profusely illustrating our million dollar factory and its products sent on request THE PAUL RUBBER COM PANY Salisbury Nf Carolina Desk 23 There were a few however who etnel to be stimulated by adversity and were determined to make the work a success and to these few the hospital owes its The buiidinpr nnd hospital is locatedIrs Emma Wing husband Albert years a prominent citizen of Palmer and her gift has been supplemented 4 4 1 kr i Ln i L' I jllJIIl 1 1 1 V5 VAIHlllUUllvHOI 4 from her dnntrhtrr Airs Ada Wimr I an "aS gotten out in 1S6 Slead and her husband Dr A IX Mead h'MvidnnnA Others nssisted verv materially in furnishing the i stars building and the people of Balmer Monson Brimfield Wilbraham and other nearby towns have been very i generous in their gifts of supplies and money The annual donation day has be come a time when all the friends of I the institution vie with each other in their efforts to see who shall do i the mooi tor the hospital which WOMEN To do fancy work at home Spare hours Material furnished Good pay Stamped envelope brings particulars Underwood Art Goods Co Portsmouth WOMAN to do washing for a family of two Box 86 Republican Office YOUNG LADY Refined wanted by John son's Bookstore for stenographer Apply to Roger Johnson ORD MG CO 98 BROADWAY SPLD Hirst 1S8 Holyoke 571 Dwight St Thon 179 Main St Greenfield 47 ederal St BOOKKEEPING Accounting service siate mrots taxes etc arrangement with tirm without bookkeeper write up daily or weekly trial balances modern Address Box 178 Republican or call River 2K)3 EXPERT PRUNING All and Harold Mahan Tel Hol Ad Here.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.