Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

July 21, 1952 8 RENO EVENING GAZETTE Stevenson Holds Spotlight as Democrats Meet Boy Scouts Set Fund Campaign British Leaders Can't Make Talks LONDON, July 21 JP Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden have turned down imitations to address the American Legion convention in New York next month. The prime minister's office said the pressure of public business prevents his leaving Britain now. Eden is recovering from jaundice and is obliged to limit his New Fire Engine Reaches Lovelock LOVELOCK, July 21. (Special) Lovelock has received its new American La-France fire engine and the machine is being readied for service. The recent addition wUTgive the Lovelock department two engines, but first the present truck will be torn down and overhauled.

It has not had major repairs for 11 years. The new truck, capable of pumping 503 gallons a minute, is equipped with a 36-foot aluminum ladder, as well as a shorter wooden one and it carries a variety of special extinguishers, including chemical and foam! types. A 3O0-gal-lon tank for use with one-inch hose ill German Women Oppose Negroes NUERNBERG, Germany. July 21 JP The chairman of the Protestant Women's clubs of Bavaria in a speech today urged the United States army, "please don't send us any more Negro soldiers." Dr. Elisabeth Meyer-Spreckels, club leader, toW an anti-racial discrimination conference that 3,000 children with Negro blood have been born in West Germany since the war.

"In West Germany a Negro child is positively the son of an American soldier," she said. "My recommendation to the United States army is please don't send us any more Negro soldiers." WATER-WALKER The name of the petrel bird is derived from its apparent habit of walking on the water as St. Peter is recorded to haVe done, according to the Encyclopedia Sparks Repays Loan but Fund Picture Gloomy Sparks has paid off its $133,146 emergency loan but the city still is in precarious financial condition. Mayor D. J.

Fodrin had that double-edged report for residents of the rail city today. It was in July. 1951, that Sparks borrowed the $133,000 to pay for street paving and curbs and gutters installed several years before but never paid off because an assessment district was not formed. That step was taken in the last year, the improvement bonds sold and the money repaid to the state, including $2419 in interest, Mayor Fodrin said. But on the other side of the picture he pointed to the fact that on July 14.

1951, the city's general fund balance was $61,925. On the same date this year, it was only decrease of $13,574. The city operated af a deficit of $13,000 in 1951 and apparently must do the same this year, the mayor went on. And obviously, a steadily shrinking general fund balance can't meet that situation indefinitely, he added. Help Kidneys ror quick comrortm heis for Backache.

Rheumatic Pain, Getting Up Nifhu, atroec cloudy urine, irritating pauiprs. Leg Pam, rirnra unarr ereg. ana swollen anklet, dua to Kidney and Bladder troubles without organic or XTftemlc eatue. tryCYSTEX. Quick, complete tat Isf art ion ornonee hark ruaran-teed.

Ait your dru-it lor CTSTEX todar. is included in the new trucks' equipment. i GIVE YOUR HOME THAT SPACIOUS LOOK With MIRRORS GLASS CO Lumber Co. OUR SPECIAL $AA00 per 1000 X7 B.F.W.F. Rough Dim.

SOA Flooring 1x6 $QA00 Siding Mm Sheeting and Dim. $Cft00 S4S dVondup PHONE 2-1604 Winds blow at 1000 miles an hour 100 miles above the earth, but the air is so thin they have little effect on an object reaching that height. SEARS CATALOG DEPT. SALE IN PROGRESS ORDER NOW! mam MCAULAY T. W.

I Planry PHONE 2-1346 310 North Park Jmt Off East MAILORDER service HOLIDAYS 9481 in Plans were set in motion this week by Lloyd Clark, treasurer for Nevada area Boy Scouts toward one coordinated campaign forlunds to carry on this organization's work for the next twelve months. Mr. Clark is nominal head of the finance committee pending appointment of a chairman to succeed the late Joe H. Caldwell. Working through 65 members of the executive board, with representatives in every community in the council's territory in Nevada and California, Clark started off the campaign development.

The campaign is scheduled to be conducted from September 29 through October 4 and will cover all towns in the area, except Reno, where the council is a member of the Reno Community Chest. Theme of the campaign is "One Week to Finance and Fifty one weeks to do a job of Scouting. School Budget Approval Stayed PORTOLA, July 21. Approval of the tentative budget for Plumas unified school district has been withheld by Miss Eva Cayot, county superintendent of schools. Claims that the district failed to comply with state laws regarding paying of interest and retiring of bonds for individual districts, resulted in the action.

Miss Cayot, acting upon the ad-' vice of Bertram Janes, district attorney, said she was refusing budget approval until the role of the state law is clearly delineated, The district was organized after county ballot approval in 1949, with the tentaive current tax rate set at $1.49, 12 cents lower than last year. Grand B. Youngs, assistant to Ralph Harmer, unified dis-. trict superintendent, has asked the attorney general for clarification of the state law, preliminary to legal compliance by the district. New Assignment For Reno Officer Capt.

Joseph P. Cribbins, whose wife, Helen, lives at 1775 Westf ield Reno, has been assigned to the passenger movements control branch in the eighth army transportation section in Korea. Prior to his arrivel in Korea he served as army air traffic coordinating officer at the Travis air force base, Fairfield, Calif. During world war 2 he served in the Asiatic-Pa cific theater. He graduated from Westbury high school, Westbury.

N. and Attended the University of Nevada, Reno. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B.

Cribbins, live on Brookville Jericho, N. Y. BOOKS New and recent additions to the Washoe county library FICTION Raymond Bruckberger, "The Stork and the Jewels." Pearl S. Buck, "Hidden Flower." Mary Doner, "Host Rock." Paul Horgan, "Devil in the Des- ert." C. M.

Kornbluth, 'Takeoff." Bruce Lancaster, "Secret Road." Arthur Mayse, "Desperate Search." Fletcher Pratt, "Double Jeop-J ardy" (Sci. Harold Robbins, "Stone for Danny Fisher." P. G. Wodehouse, "Angel Cake." MYSTERIES AND WESTERNS Dolores Hitchens, "Nets To Catch he Wind." Kathleen Knight, "Death Goes -to a Reunion." Allan MacKinnon, "Murder, Repeat Murder." William O'Farrell, "Grow Young 'and Die." Burt Arthur, "The Killer." Thomas Blackburn, "Navajo Canyon." NON-FICTION 9: WUV 10) IKON WORKS MACAULAY mt Convenient Parking Space Fourth en Park, Near the Tracks REGULAR 6.49 2-Quart Freezers Make Homemade lea Cream 1IJ05502G (8 Ibt.l 6.09 Enjoy luscious homemade ice creom sften! a easy to opercfa freezer hos tinned cream container, metal top. PICKUP CUSHIONS 1IJ8967 OA 1-lb.

10-ai. T7T Special Ideal take to beach, sports events. Plastic diamond quilted pattern. NEW! 2-Timer 'Burger Preis. Molds 2 homburgers pt once! Pig.

of 50 waned tit*uet included. Wood. 7 1.89 in. diomelar. 1IJ2690 Shpg.

wt. 1 lb. 4 ox. Thrift Grill 3.89 1IJ02727 (7 lbs.) All-sfeel construction. diameter round steel fire box is por celained enomeled rust-resistont.

Round steel wire grid, removabla steel rod legs. Set up grill stands 1 high. 1 a nil' CHICAGO, July 21. (JPt The eyes of the Democratic convention focused today on the man who seems to be its reluctant dragon. Adlai Stevenson, governor of Illinois, heir to five generations of public service, and an overnight success-story in politics, is the man many Democrats would like to see emerge as the party's candidate for the presidency.

Stevenson has been saying, for many months, and in many different ways, that he doesn't want that honor. As far back as last March, in his office, he told this reporter. He was not interested in going to Washington, wished only to be returned to and gave a number of reasons for feeling that way. He was the picture of sincerity. Since that time, he has often repeated the statements.

Yet today, with the convention opening, the Chicago story is still Stevenson. There are five avowed candidates in the field, each with an apparently solid bloc of supporters but none with enough to win at this point and still, wherever you go, people ask: "What about Stevenson Do you think he. will be the candidate?" An accurate measure of the in terest in the answers to these ques tions developed late yesterday. The Illinois delegation, with Stevenson present, held a last-minute caucus It" was behind closed doors, of course. But there were apertures beneath the doors large enough to insert a copy of the Congressional Record, and another listening-space under a large curtain.

A lot of the best newspaper tal ent in the country simply stretched out on the floor, or stood with ears glued to the other wide open spaces trying to get the answers. Gould Lincoln of the Washington Star and James Reston of the New York Times roved from point to point, testing the acoustics in the various cracks. A number of others lay at full length, scooping up the words that flowed under the door. They in cluded Eddie Folliard of the Wash ington Post, Carl McCardle of the Philadelphia Bulletin. John Dreiske of the Chicago Sun, Paul Healy of the New York Daily News, Howard Norton of the Baltimore Sun, and the usual battalions of wire-service reporters.

Most of them came away im pressed by one point That Steven son did not say he is immune to a draft movement. So today the story is that Stev enson's admirers are going to try to get a bandwagon going. The determination to nominate him and especially in the face of his consistent assertions that he only wants to continue as governor of Illinois is an odd facet of a convention situation which is odd in many ways. Most people, friends, foes or neu trals, agree that Stevenson has great charm, a winning personality, and that he makes a good speech To some Democrats, therefore, he looks like the best counter to Dwight D. risenhower, the Republican nominee.

He also is young, as politicians go 52. As governor, he pursued a some what unorthodox course, politically And so he has both friends and foes in Illinois. The friends argue that he is a "high type," more interested in the job than the office. The en emies point to the two chapters in his regime that hold the stories of the horse-meat scandal and the West Frankfort mine disaster. And some of the neutrals claim there are Illinois political figures who would like to see him leave Springfield for the very reason that he has not "played ball." Stevenson went before the convention today.

The occasion was a convention fixture a welcoming speech to the delegates. Retiring Going Out Of Business LIQUIDATION now GOING on CREDIT TERMS NOW AVAILABLE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 SIERRA FURNITURE COMPANY 1 26 Comm. Row Reno Previously campaigns were conducted at various times during the year in the various communities. This resulted in considerable time being devoted to financing, taking away from the more important program field sa great deal of time. This new plan will call for doing all of the financing early in the council's year within a one-week period and then will allow a full 51 weeks in which to give undivided attention to advancement, camping, training and other phases that affect the life of a boy.

Growth has been so great during the past few years that this method had to be adopted. At present there are in excess of 3.600 boys in scouting in the council compared to 494 some ten years ago. Release of the plan was made first to the executive board and then to vice presidents Leslie M. Fry of Reno; Alex Krater of Independence, Dr. Allen E.

Priest of Susanville, and Jack Martin of Elko. The plan will be put into action by these vice presidents through eleven districts of the council. Heading up the plan in these districts will be Oliver Thomas of Reno; Dr. Ray Pack-wood of Susanville; Ed Pesout of McGill; Royce Hermanson of Elko; Ralph Fear of Lone Pine; Harry Settergren of Hawthorne; Melvon Preston of Lovelock; Rev. Robert Lundy of Winnemucca; Louis De-Armond of Portola; Wallace Anderson of Fallon, and Judge Clark J.

Guild of Carson City. Each community will then be organized for a dawn to dusk campaign on one day of the "One Week." The council does not set so-called quotas, Clark said, but have found it more satisfactory for all communities to work toward a common goal of raising enough funds to finance the entire operation of the council for the one year period. Despite the fact that the financial goal is S44.000.C0, Clark states that the Nevada area council enjoys one of the lowest per capita costs of any council in the seven western states. Mr. Clark, who is treasurer of the council, and is re sponsible for watching expendi tures throughout the yeas said that an audit of the books discloses that out oP each dollar contributed last year, 37 cents was used to provide direct service to communities and their scouting units; 16 cents was spent for camping and other allied activities; 6 cents went for insurance of various kinds; 27 cents was allocated to provide training for men and women leaders in various communities; 13 cents covered the cost cf office services, badges of award, rent, telephone and postage, and one cent only went to the national council for their portion, which is returned in various ways.

This plan is an innovation in Nevada, but has been used extensively in other parts of. the country. However, several dawn to dusk campaigns have been conducted by the Boy Scouts in Nevada and have been found very well received. It has been found that people will be willing work on a fast job that can be wound up today instead of over a period of a week or two. Officials of the council are looking forward to one 'of their biggest years through adopting this plan of action.

District Court Action Dropped Legal action against Cal-Vada Lodge, was dismissed in district court Friday when the lodge offered to pay $6278.25 to J. W. Peaco*ck. Peaco*ck was suing the lodge, as well as Everett Howard and Elby Smith, for $7450 allegedly due on a promissory note executed in July, 1948. In a petition filed Friday, Cal-Vada offered to allow judgment taken against it in the amount of $6278.25, and the offer was accepted by Peaco*ck.

The firm of Kearney and Adams represented the plaintiff, and Car-ven and Bennett was the law firm for Cal-Vada. There were 43 Christian churches in New Mexico in 1626 and 34,000 Christian Indians. BANANA NUT LAYER CAKES Fresh bananas used in emk. and icing. A real treat.

Rauhut's for Quality RAUHUT'S BAKERIES 32 Wast Comm. Row I 1403 S.Virginia (Open Sunday) Help Yourself to Hear Better." It is now available to the hard of hearing readers of this newspaper without cost or obligation. To obtain your free copy, which will be sent in a plain wrapper, simply send your request to: Electronic Research Director, Beltone Hearing Aid Company, 1450 West 19th Street. Department 749B. Chicago 8, Illinois.

A postcard will do. Adv. grainy giiMgi SOME CHANGES MADE Len-nie Dennis removes a portrait of Dwight Eisenhower as Estes Kefauver's picture takes its place in the Conrad Hilton hotel at Chicago. Reserve Program Will Be Discussed Col. John H.

Harrington, chief of the Nevada military district, will present a talk to all reserve officers in the Reno-Sparks area beginning at 8 p. Thursday, July 24, at 2()0 South Virginia st. Colonel Harrington recently re turned from attending the 26th na tional convention of the Reserve Of ficers' association, San Antonio, Tex. The San Antonio meeting was opened with an address by Fred Korth, assistant secretary of the army, who represented Frank Pace, secretary of the army. Korth and other prominent reserve offi cers discussed the ORC promotion system, drill pay for volunteer reservists, the armed forces reserve act, and many other subjects of vital interest to all reserve officers.

Colonel Harrington said he wished to extend an invitation to all officers from this area to attend the special meeting. Messages Held By Reno Police Several persons are being sought for urgent messages by the Reno police department. The list includes Charles Car-pente Fernley; Arthur Francis Wright. Quincy, Byran Swin-ney and Mary Eva Crooks. Cards- den, Alberta, Zita Wosniak, Placerville, Floyd Druschel, Aurora, Alma Heater, Sparks; William D.

Burnett, last known to be in Reno in 1949, with word awaiting him from Inglewood, Dorothy Rose Bonior, alias Marion Kepa, Detroit, Mich. Salon Edgar (Eddie) Hall, San Pedro, Pauline Frizzell, We natchee, Howard Walker, St. Joseph. Stanley Crosby Black Springs; Voyd Honeycutt Reno, with a message awaiting him from Los Angeles: and Lloyd Le Roy Becker, Seal Beach, Calif. The yellow wildflower called Butter-and-Eggs is a close relative to the snapdragon of cultivated gardens.

033? flDO bonds, insurance, jewelry, titles, mortgages, valuable papers and items subject to loss by fire or theft should be in a safe deposit box. We have them. $4.00 per year and up. mailt MDIiAl WOSIT IttlUlAMCI COtrOKAtlOa HEAD OFFICE. RENO; Sraackac Im, Conn City.

YflaMawK, Toaa, Mao. Sparb. Etta. Yn, tat Vj, EoNta. WWW liLEraeflfaaaajE Width Shpg.

wt. Price 3 ft. 6 in. 3 lbs. 1 1 oz.

$3.77 4 ft. 4 lbs. 4 oz. $3.92 5.9 ounces per square yard I 1 i vOfo ri Roy Rogers' Tents Lightweight Tent Sheeting! Bright Green 6J07760 (5 lbs.) 0HD Tepee style play tent for bock yard Indians! 4-ft. squore at base; 5-ft.

high at peak; 3-ft. awning Steel Boat Trailer'. Handles all types of boats up to 14- 6 JM ft. long, ond 60-in. beam.

1 SALE! Harmony House Regular Avnings 1 10 lbs. Stg Complete tie-down kit, turn- Cbt wm buckle and chain for bow. Easy to handle and cou- Jl3 pleononycor. Fit windows over 56 through 68 inches long. 56 01 73 IM Green stripe.

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4 oz. $3.12 3 ft. 3 lbs. 9 oz. $3.42 Firm Drill Fabric weighs even, sturdy weave Good Quality Hardware Strong Steel Frame Marquis Childs, "Farmer Takes a Hand." Eleanor Clark, "Rome and a David Embury, "Fine Art of Mixing Drinks." Willie Ethridge, "Let's Talk Turkey." David Howarth, "Across to Nor-: way." Beatrice Landock, "Children and Music." Samuel Rosenman, "Working iWith Roosevelt." Leland Stowe, "Conquest by Terror." Helen Snow, "Red SAVE $10! REGULAR 264.50 Allstate Scooter 28 JM 9450 WT.

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Extra strong front fork and spring assembly. (Special) Does a hearing impairment become worse? Are persistent or recurring ear noises a sign of deafness Does lost hearing cause I Other complications? These and other important ques-; tions of vital interest to the 15 mil- lion persons in the United States iwho are hard of hearing are an-' rwered in an authoritative new illustrated booklet, "How You Can 215 SIERRA ST. PHONE 2-948! FREE PARKING HOURS: 9:30 AM TO 5:30 PM "SaZtyac paaw SEARS.

Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.