1 in the same ( duncan x reader) - the cliff- chap 3 (2024)


your pov
"GOOOOOD MORNING CAMPERS WAKE UP" chris yelled from the loud speaker.
"DUDE OTS LITERALLY 7 AM" lashawna yelled. earning me to giggle. i quickly texted crystal.
you: 3 weeks drug free.
and put my phone under my pillow.
we all almost basically walked to the cafeteria.
"y/n" nico yelled running over to me. "yes?" i said back.
" i already told chris but we have a new modeling gig. chris is gonna let us go depending on after the fire. we should be back before then he said we just have to make sure no one knows we left" nico spoke. out of the corner of my eye i see duncan staring at me. " you don't think he's trying to date me do you?" o looked at nico. and we both looked at duncan. i watched as he turned away and started talking to dj. "maybe or he's tryna get in your pants" nico said. we laughed. and sat down for breakfast. nasty looking per usual. me and nico had it covered tho. chris woke us up and gave us some cinnamon toast ( sorry if your allergic) gwen came and sat next to me. " i wonder what we are doing today" she asked. not thinking i told her. " we are jumping off a cliff into shark infested water hoping to land in a safe zone" i said casually. earning her and nico to both look at me. "what the f*ck y/n" nico spoke. " your kidding right?" gwen asked. " of yeah of course" i said back acting like i was joking but it didn't sound like it. " how do you know" she asked. "i may have looked at the challenges" you said back looking down. " dude that's wicked cool" she said back. nico just sat there dumbfounded of how i played it off so cool. but lying is my best ability.
"alright campers after breakfast we have a fun day ahead of us and you'll need your bathing suits" chris said with a wink. i love him i really do but he's insane. JUST LIKE ME.
and with that we were walking up a hill. horray. "can i look cute after this?" i asked nico. " you always look cute but you tryna dress up?" nico asked. "yeah i just got these new clothes" i said excited nico laughed. and pinched my cheek. " you know you shouldn't be conversing with the other team so much. we might just vote you out" courtney said and walked away

yippy i hate her. i felt a shoulder on my hand and turned around it was duncan. i really need to like smell everyone. as weird as that sounds i recognize by smell. i have good vision just not in the night i can't for for shi- " hey princess" duncan spoke breaking my thoughts "yes duncan how may i help you" i asked back.
" she's kinda right i won't vote you.... butttt you shouldn't talk to nico so much" duncan replied i just nodded ignoring him.

duncan's confessional:
"i don't know why she's ignoring me. does she like nico. why are they so close already. i see the way he looks at me. he's trying to keep that for himself. well that's not happening."

i and the others proceeded to walk to the cliff. and with that we saw chris.
"welcome campers. today's challenge is to jump off the cliff into shark infested water. there is a red circle the small one. that is shark free. probably. the team with the most memebers to jump will not be at the elimination. and if you chicken out you have to wear this chicken hat for the rest of the day." chris spoke and i'll say he sounds excited to see me die.
" cant be that hard it looks easy... who wants to go first" bridge spoke. i watched as eva went first we decided that she would. then bridge. and then me. BUT. i'm kinda scared of heights so i don't know how this about to go down. i felt someone grab my hand and then there was a yank. it was duncan who decided me and him were going together. weather he wanted to win or play the prince rescue i don't know but he leaped... my bad he jumped and drugged me off the cliff. thank god we landed in the safe zone. i didn't even notice how tight i held onto this man before i looked down and wrapped my whole body around him. and with that. *SNIFF* yes i did just smell him. for reserch purposes. we landed in the water and me still clung to him like like a child holding a mother. "wow strong grip" he spoke. i let go of him once my body knew i was in the water. " i could have done that on my own" i said back kinda angry " well by the looks of it. you were about to drop dead" he said back. i got on the boat first. and i watched as he climbed up. i then kicked him. yes actually kicked him off the boat and then flipped him off. he finally got on the boat again. and stood next to me. i watched all of our members jump and even watched as Harold made a fool of himself and basically drown due to him hitting his nuts on the water. it was kinda really funny. i don't know about everyone else but i was dying of laughter. i also watched dj and courtney walk down. f*cking chickens. and then there come heather flying down from lashawna throwing her. really funny actually. and with that they got a f*cking roller. " this is bullsh*t" i said out loud. " you telling me" geoff said. we both laughed. " duncan came up behind us. from the little whiff i got i can kinda recognize him. "what's happening over here" he spoke. then i heard a crash and eva yelling while picking up the entire box. " what the f*ck" i said out loud causing geoff to laugh. sadie and katie were on our team now which i guess i didn't hear suprising considering how loud they are. but they peed in poison ivy. "OW" everyone then looked back at me. "what happened" bridge asked and i say there holding my wrist. " oh um nothing i just hurt my wrist" i said and laughed a little. duncan and bridgette looked kinda worried. " im fine really, we need to get the boxes up" i said and continued to push the box. until duncan came by and before i knew it i was on his back due to geoff picking me up and putting me on his back. and duncan was pushing his crate. lucky we were sharing one i guess. " you know i can push it right?" i said to him " well your wrist is hurt so now i'm doing it" he said back. no use in fighting. and while i'm here i put my head on his shoulder and before you knew it i was inhaling his scent. works wonders when you know what people smell like so they can't sneak up on you. i still never got why everyone freaked out over mine..courtney well she and her eye..... that's bad. compared to me that's bad. sadie and katie that's tragic. well... we ended up losing. and might i just say. nico was staring at duncan for having me on his back and chris was staring at me and duncan. and courtney was staring at me. seems like miss gurl has a crush.
"nico can you please take y/n to the medical stand" chris spoke and nico gladly took me off of duncan and ran me to the center. "how did you manage to create the perfect distraction" nico asked me i just shrugged. and before we knew it me and nico were in my car driving to the model agency. "nico i forgot my phone" "well we cant turn back y/n" UGHH

cody's confessional:
y/n.... she called me cute i can't get over that. but gwen she's so... i like both girls. THIS IS TO MUCH.

duncan's confessional:
i swear this girl keeps smelling me. like 2 times in one day. i don't know if she likes me or my smell. not gonna say it's weird but it's kinda cute. but that nico kid. hell nah. cant believe chris chose him to take her to the med when she was on my back. i don't trust nico. he's trying to get with her. just like everyone else. there's justin, and cody, and herold, i think even noah has the hots for her. like how much competition do i have.

noah's confessional:
duncan is one lucky dude. so is nico. i know i don't even stand a chance. will i try? no.

justin confessional:
please keep beth away from me

after me and nico return i put a bandage on my wrist and return. and boy were people mad.
" what did i miss" i asked bridge
" ezekiel is a sexist peice of trash." bridge said
" at least he doesn't think guys are smarter then girls"
" BUT THEY ARE" Ezekiel then followed up.
i may be hurt but i'm pissed. " why are y'all approaching me" Ezekiel said kinda scared. me and the rest of the girls all started walking towards him.
and that's when i started punching. "no good" punching "peice of sh*t" punching "low life" punching " sexist" punching " ugly ass" punching "bitch built" punching "ding hat" and then i was pulled away by duncan. not even nico. he was talking to chris. " let me at him he needs more." i yelled. and that's when nico and chris walked up.
" oh damn" nico said looking at the heat up boy. "that's what you get buddy" chris then said walking away.
and now we walk to the campfire.
"if i call your name you get a marshmallow" chris said. cant wait until i don't get one. " y/n, bridgette, courtney, dj, duncan, eva, geoff, sadie, katie" and then he stopped. "last one goes to tyler" i watched as tyler got his marshmallow.
"ezekiel down the dock of shame you go." chris spoke.
" maybe next time you won't be a bitch to girls"'me and chris said at the exact same time earning him to look at me and smile. like uncle like niece.

but after that we all went down to the cabins. well everyone but me and nico. " i smell duncan" i said to nico.
" what? you smell duncan?" he said back confused. "BOO" duncan yelled scaring nico. " HOW TF DID YOU EVEN?" nico looked at me shocked. "just know, but if it were dj, or cody. i wouldn't have" i said back laughing. duncan was just confused. "gwen and trent are over there being flirty with each other" duncan said. "snoooop time" i said while sneaking over there. leaving duncan and nico to fight.

but midway through i got bored but i know they like each other now. hehehe.
and with that i left to my cabin.

with 3 notifications from crystal

stal: girl i'm literally watching your show rn
stal: also congrats i'm so proud of you
stal: so many boys like you huhuhu
you: bull
stal: no fr their confessions say everything.
stal: OK OK. cody like you and gwen. noah likes you. duncan thinks nico is trying to get with you. haha. justin likes you apparently. and duncan likes you.
you: no way
stal: i feel you blushing thru the screen angel
you: no i'm not
stal: girl you blush for everything.
you: do not
stal: yes you do haha GO TO SLEEP
you: ok ok i will good night
stal: good night

i went to turn off my phone and then i got another message. from chief ralph

chief: hey darling it's me ralph. i came to give you advice
you: oh what advice
chief : stay away from duncan. i had him at the jail one time. a trouble maker.
you: i cant promise anything but i'll try my best
chief: that a good one. hope your having fun crystal has me watching this show that your on. you uncle is crazy
you: tell me about it anyway good night
chief: good night.

and then i finally put down my phone and fell asleep.

1 in the same ( duncan x reader) - the cliff- chap 3 (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.