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Ordinary Provincial Synaxis 26th (XVI after Bifurcation)


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List of Delegates to the Provincial Synaxis









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Statement of Rev. Fr Provincial on Religious Life, Formation and Administration



Statement of the Councilor for the Department of Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry



Statement of the Councilor for the Department of Education and Communication Media



Statement of the Councilor for the Department of Social Apostolate



Statement of the Councilor for the Department of Finance and Agriculture



Statement of the Provincial Auditor



Report on Kanyakumari Sub Region



Report on West Bengal Sub Region



Report on Ecuador Mission



Report on USA Mission



Report on German Mission



Report on Chavara Pilgrim Centre



Report on Vocation and Formation



Report on Marian Vachanatheeram




Delegates to 26th Provincial Synaxis 2023 Delegates to the Ordinary Provincial Synaxis XVI, 2023 Ex-officio Members 1. Fr. Chamathara Sebastian CMI

4. Fr. Kayyalaparampil Santhosh CMI

2. Fr. Palathra Sony CMI

5. Fr. Vattaparampil Joseph CMI

3. Fr. Ethirettu Scaria CMI

6. Fr. Ampatt Xavier CMI

Elected Delegates 1. Fr Anandakattu Robin CMI

17. Fr Mannooparampil Joseph CMI

2. Fr Chackalackal Mathews CMI

18. Fr Mannooparampil Thomas CMI

3. Fr Chathamala Ajin CMI

19. Fr Marangatt Jogy CMI

4. Fr Chavara Luka CMI

20. Fr Mukalel Joby CMI

5. Fr Cheeramthara Xavier CMI

21. Fr Mullasserry James CMI

6. Fr Chennattusserry Jose CMI

22. Fr Pathickal Lijo CMI

7. Fr Choolaparampil Thomas CMI

23. Fr Polachira Mathew CMI

8. Fr Edanad Antony CMI

24. Fr Poovattil Jose CMI

9. Fr Elamthottam Antony CMI

25. Fr Porukara Arun CMI

10. Fr Ethirettu Scaria CMI

26. Fr Rajesh Kavalackal CMI

11. Fr Justin Alukkal CMI

27. Fr Thamarasserry Paul CMI

12. Fr Kallukalam Thomas CMI

28. Fr Thayil James CMI

13. Fr Kattampally Tomy CMI

29. Fr Thunduparampil Cherian CMI

14. Fr Madathil Cyriac CMI

30. Fr Thunduvalichira Philipose CMI

15. Fr Madathilchira James CMI

31. Fr Vadakkumuriyil Paul CMI

16. Fr Maniyamkeril Juby CMI

32. Fr Valamparampil Justin CMI


Tentative Timetable Day I: April 10, Monday 06.00 pm: Holy Mass with all the Synaxis Members led by the Present Provincial Team 07.15 pm: Welcome, Nomination of secretaries, Submission of patents, Oath taking, Election of scrutators, Election of members to the petition committee, Election of members to count the ballot of provincial panel 08.00 pm: Supper, Recreation 09.00 pm: Night Prayers

Day II: April 11, Tuesday 06.00 am: Morning Prayers, Divine Liturgy (led by Fr. Antony Edanad), Meditation 07.30 am: Breakfast 09.00 am: Report by Fr. Provincial on Religious Life, Formation and Administration, Discussion 10.30 am: Tea 11.00 am: Report by the Councilor for Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry, Discussion 12.30 pm: Examination of Conscience, Lunch 02.30 pm: Report by the Councilor for Education and Media, Discussion 06.00 pm: Input Session: Bp. Joshua Mar Ignatios, Bishop of Mavelikkara 07.00 pm: Holy Hour (led by Fr. Mathew Polachira), Supper, Recreation 09.00 pm: Zero Hour 09.45 pm: Night Prayers

Day III: April 12, Wednesday 06.00 am: Morning Prayers, Divine Liturgy (led by Fr. Tomy Kattampally), Meditation 07.30 am: Breakfast 09 00 am: Report by the Councilor for Social Apostolate, Discussion 10.30 am: Tea 11.00 am: Report by the Councilor for Finance and Agriculture, Discussion 12.30 pm: Examination of Conscience, Lunch 02.30 pm: Report by the Provincial Auditor, Discussion 04.00 pm: Tea, Free 06.00 pm: Reports: Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Pilgrim Centre, 07.00 pm: Holy Hour (led by Fr. Thomas Kallukalam), Supper, Recreation 09.00 pm: Zero Hour 09.45 pm: Night Prayers


Day IV: April 13, Thursday (Prayer Day) 06.00 am: Morning Prayers, Divine Liturgy (led by Fr. Juby Maniankeril), Meditation 07.30 am: Breakfast, Prayer (private) till 11.00 am 10.30 am: Tea 11.00 am: Adoration (led by Fr. Paul Vadakkumuriyil) 12.00 Noon: ELECTION OF THE PROVINCIAL (Note: After the Election all Synaxis members go to the Chapel and Thank the Lord for the New Provincial and He blesses the community, Lunch, Free) 04.00 pm: Election of the Provincial Councillors, Vicar Provincial and the Provincial Auditor 07.00 pm: Holy Hour (led by Fr. Justin Valamparampil), Supper, Recreation 09. 30 pm: Night Prayers

Day V: April 14, Friday 06.00 am: Morning Prayers, Divine Liturgy led by the New Provincial Team, Meditation 07.30 am: Breakfast 09.00 am: Planning for Future, Discussions: Brainstorming on the Challenges and Prospects of the Province especially in view of the Bicentennial of the Congregation (including the Critical Assessment of the Province) 10.30 am: Tea 11.00 am: Planning for Future with Discussions: Global Mission and Extended Territories 12.30 pm: Examination of Conscience, Lunch 02.30 pm: Planning for Future, Discussions: Preparation for the Bicentennial in the Province Level 04.00 pm: Tea, Departure

NB: No Mobile in the Synaxis Hall during all sessions Contact: Bro Aloysius, Secretary – 8129741451 Fr Joseph Vattaparampil - 9447258005 Choir Leader: Fr. Lijo Pathickal - 9513770270



Room Allotment SL No.


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Fr Ampatt Xavier CMI



Fr Maniyamkeril Juby CMI



Fr Anandakattu Robin CMI



Fr Mannooparampil Joseph CMI



Fr Attichira Sebastian CMI



Fr Mannooparampil Thomas CMI



Fr Chackalackal Mathews CMI



Fr Marangatt Jogy CMI



Fr Chamathara Sebastian CMI



Fr Mukalel Joby CMI



Fr Chathamala Ajin CMI



Fr Mullasserry James CMI



Fr Chavara Luka CMI



Fr Palathra Sony CMI



Fr Cheeramthara Xavier CMI



Fr Pathickal Lijo CMI



Fr Chennattusserry Jose CMI



Fr Polachira Mathew CMI



Fr Choolaparampil Thomas CMI



Fr Poovattil Jose CMI



Fr Edanad Antony CMI



Fr Porukara Arun CMI



Fr Elamthottam Antony CMI



Fr Rajesh Kavalackal CMI



Fr Ethirettu Scaria CMI



Fr Thamarasserry Paul CMI



Fr Justin Alukkal CMI

314 A


Fr Thayil James CMI



Fr Kallukalam Thomas CMI



Fr Thunduparampil Cherian CMI



Fr Kattampally Tomy CMI



Fr Thunduvalichira Philipose CMI



Fr Kayyalaparampil Santhosh CMI



Fr Vadakkumuriyil Paul CMI



Fr Madathil Cyriac CMI



Fr Valamparampil Justin CMI

314 B


Fr Madathilchira James CMI



Fr Vattaparampil Joseph CMI



Wi-Fi Access CMI_Hall Password: Cmi@1831 CMI_House Password: Cmi@1831 First Floor South Password: Cmi@1831 Second Floor South Password: Cmi@1831 Second Floor 1 Password: pass@word Second Floor 2 Password: pass@word






STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL CMI Province of St Joseph Thiruvananthapuram XXVIth Ordinary Provincial Synaxis April 10 - 14, 2023 STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL Consultants: Fr Juby Maniamkeril and Fr Thomas Mannooparampil Reverend delegates of Provincial Synaxis, With a deep sense of joy and gratitude, I place before this august assembly of the 26th provincial synaxis a brief report of the life and activities of the Province since the last Provincial Synaxis held from August 21 to 23, 2020, at S.H. Monastery, Chethipuzha. During the last three years, various activities of the Province took shape in the context of (a) major themes and thrusts of the GS 38 (Communitarian Witnessing Beyond Borders: Renewed and Empowered CMI Community, Compassionate Love for the poor, Accompaniment of Families, Children and Youth, Caring for Mother Earth-our Common Home, Digital Media for Missio Dei), (b) the resolutions and proposals of the last Provincial Synaxis and (c) the vision statement, CMI 2031 – ‘Grace filled Presence for a Transformed World’. In general, I can say that the present administration tried to implement almost all the major resolutions and thrusts of the last General and Provincial Synaxis even though the pandemic Covid-19 has turned the world upside down and it was a challenging time with lots of uncertainties. As the salient features of all departments have to be mentioned briefly in my report, the reports of various Councillors presented may sound repetitive but I am sure they will offer more details and insights. As the Provincial is directly responsible for the areas of Religious Life, Formation and Administration, I mainly concentrate on these under the four following sections: A. Religious life B. Formation C. Administration D. Observations, Challenges and Suggestions A.

Religious life

1. Introduction Let me begin with some statistics. The Province has 218 priests, 1 brother, 77 scholastics, 11 (6+5) novices and 26 aspirants, totalling 333 persons. Of the 218 priests of Province, 32 are above 70, 14 are directly under the Prior General; 32 are doing ministry outside India including


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 27 in the developed countries four in the Ecuador mission; two are doing studies outside India (one in Germany and one in Rome); 5 are working outside the Province; 3 are serving in various ministries in 3 Dioceses: 1 as Assistant Vicar in Changanacherry Archdiocese, 1 in Thuckalay as Rector of the Seminary and 1 in Anakkara retreat centre, preaching retreat. 9 are engaged in further studies in India. Among the active priests within the Province 71 are directly engaged in the ministry of education, 35 are directly engaged in parish ministry. During the present provincial term 8 of our beloved fathers were called to eternal rest. We have two sub regions namely Kanyakumari Sub Region and West Bengal Sub Region. We have 48 houses, of which 7 are canonical houses, 8 houses, 26 residences, 4 centres and 3 formation houses. 2. Canonical Visitations In order to assess and enhance the quality of our religious life two canonical visitations have been conducted. The first was conducted between July 6 and July 31, 2021 and the second was between 01 August and 13 November, 2022. The Provincial Auditor, Rev. Fr. Xavier Ampatt, visited all the houses and institutions of the Province and examined the accounts and documents prior to my visit and submitted a copy of his report to me. Action Taken Report also has been collected. During my second canonical visitation I, together with Xavier Ampat, Provincial Auditor, also visited the members of the Province doing pastoral ministry or studying in the U. K., in the month of October 2022. I met Bp John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster Diocese, Bp Mark O’Toole, Bishop of Catholic Dioceses in Wales and Mar Joseph Srampickal, SyroMalabar Bishop of Eparchy of Great Briton. They all were of great appreciation about the services of our Fathers in the UK. Bishop of Wales requested service of two more priests. Fr. Sony Palathra, Vicar Provincial visited U.S. and Canada in November with the purpose of meeting our fathers working there. He met Fr Sebi Shan CMI together with Fr Joseph Kallookalam CMI and George Thirumangalam CMI (the co-ordinator of CMIs from Trivandrum Province). They also met the Vicar General of the Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana. Fr Sebi Shan is staying in the apartment where the Bishop of Shreveport is also staying. His case is still pending disposal. Fr Sony visited Canada also briefly and had a discussion with the Archbishop of Edmonton who was acquainted to late Fr Jose Kadavil CMI. 3. Spiritual Auditing and Participation of Members in the Community Prayer Spiritual auditing was done during my second canonical visit. Almost all cooperated with the auditing. All the healthy members have sufficient and more work to do, which appears to affect their personal prayer life. However, I dare to echo the apprehension of our founding father St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara “the strength of the monastery does not depend on the thick walls of the monastery, but on the unity of mind and heart of the people who live in it. If we are not spiritually, intellectually and ethically disciplined, our religious houses will be turned in to


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL habitats of wild animals as some of the monasteries and abbeys of the West”. Constant reminders and conscientization are needed. 4. Divine Table, Dining Table and Dialogue Table At the first sight, there is good understanding and cooperation among the members. In most of the houses where more than three members live, they come together for the breakfast and dinner. The practice of concelebration is not regular, as in most communities each member is engaged otherwise for Holy Mass in various institutions. In bigger communities, weekly sharing sessions are done regularly. Communities celebrate the feast and birthdays of our members in the context of prayer and common meal. At the same, there are some instances where two individuals find it very difficult to live together or communicate. 5. Vowed Life CMIs have been in general perceived as rich and pro-rich and a life of simplicity need to be brought back in our personal and community lives. In general, our members live up to their wowed life, but exceptions are good enough to spoil the good name of the congregation. There were issues of celibacy, poverty and obedience for which I had to take corrective measures. Moreover, there appears to be a growing lack of discipline among the individuals not merely in money matters and simple life, but also in the use of social media. The virus of gossiping and anonymous letters is still active though not much common. “Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another” (Gal.5:26). We need to improve the culture of appreciating our members. 6. Annual Retreat: Three retreats were conducted at: 1. St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, from 5 to 10 March, 2021, by Fr Sonu Kulathur VC 2. Provincial House from 18 to 23 April, 2021, by Fr Tom Pannalakunnel MSFS and 3. S H Monastery, Chethipuzha from 23 May to 27 May 2022 by Fr Jose Thachil S. J. 7. ‘CMI Renewal 2021’which has been called for by Very Rev Fr Prior General as part of his First Canonical Visitation to the Provincial House (2 - 4 August 2021) was organized in six zones: • Thiruvananthapuram + Tamil Nadu Zone - Venue: Provincial House (Oct 8-9, 2021) • Mannanam Zone - Venue: St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam (Oct 11-12, 2021) • Chethipuzha Zone - Venue: S H Monastery, Chethipuzha (Oct 20-21) • Pulincunnoo + Alappuzha Zones - Venue: Carmel Monastery, Punnapra (Oct 30-31) • Punalur Zone - This session was solely for the members of the Novitiate (25 Oct). • West Bengal Zone - This was conducted on Thursday 9 December 2021 and Friday 10 December 2021 in google meet. Fr Antony Elamthottam, Fr Thomas Kallukalam, Fr Sony Palathra, Fr Paul Vadakkumuryil, Fr Reny Kalathil, Fr Justin Aluckal and Fr Cijo Chennad were the resource persons.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 8. Canonical visitation of the Provincial House by Rev Fr Prior General was held from 2 to 4 August, 2021. Fr General appreciated the team work of the Provincial and the Councillors. He expressed concern about the overburdening of the councillors with other undertakings. He also shared his anxiety at the repayment of the bank loan of some of the institutions. As directed by the Prior General, Provincial and the Council spent 3 days in reflection and planning from 5 to 7 November 2021. An elaborate human resource planning has been accomplished as part of the planning session. This year we had the privilege of hosting CMI Major Superiors meeting at the Provincial House which was held from 5 to 7 January 2022. 9. Grace filled Presence and Call and Commitment As part of the planning and preparations for the bicentennial of the congregation in 2031, in tune with the plan of the Prior General, the Province has also taken measures. A zone wise orientation programmes were organized: • Thiruvananthapuram + Tamil Nadu Zone - Venue: Provincial House (Aug 17, 2022) • Mannanam Zone - Venue: St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam (Aug 19, 2022) • Chethipuzha Zone + Alappuzha Zones+ Pulincunnoo zone: Venue: S H Monastery, Chethipuzha (Aug 18,2022) • Punalur Zone - This session was for scholastics and members of the Novitiate (Aug 18, 2022). Resource persons: Fr. Josey Thamarassery and Fr. Paulson Paliakara In the local community level, at the time of the canonical visitation, each community was given instructions to complete the reading of the books titled, ‘Grace-filled Presence for a Transformed World’ and ‘Call and Commitment’ within a year either, in the monthly retreat or in other gatherings. The vision statement, CMI 2031 should be a guideline for us in this preparation period and a motivating and inspiring manual for us to equip ourselves to renew the face of our congregation and to rededicate our religious consecration. 10. Zonal Gathering The Province is divided into eight zones. Covid 19 restrictions hindered the frequency of zonal gathering. Zonal gathering helps to strengthen the community feeling and the community rapport among the members. Confession, Sharing, Spiritual Orientation talk, Adoration, Agape etc. are part of the gathering. 11. Province Day Celebration Every year Province Day was celebrated at provincial house. On an average 120 members participated in it. The newly ordained priests were felicitated on the occasion. In connection with the celebration competitions were organized on zonal basis. There was speech and Bible verses contest for aspirants, Novices and Scholastics. The celebration was instrumental in


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL strengthening community feeling and sharing. It is desirable that at least one member from each house preferably superior participate in the celebration. 12. Jubilee Celebrations The Golden Jubilee of priestly ordination of Rev Fr Joseph Palakunnel and the Golden Jubilee of religious profession of Rev Frs Joseph Kuzhichalil, Sebastian Punayar and Mathew Vithuvattickal were celebrated. 13. Care of the Sick and Elderly Our elderly and sick members get special consideration and care from all our members. Most of the sick and elderly are looked after well in the respective houses. Sanjoe Bhavan at Chethipuzha takes care of those who are seriously ill or those who need special attention. Fr. Thomas Choolaparampil is the director. At present there are six members in the old age home. All the members have medical insurance. There is a brother doing regency in order to take care of the fathers. Facilities are also provided at St. Rita’s hospital, Nalukody. 14. Dear Departed During the present provincial term, 8 of our beloved fathers were called to eternal rest: 1. Fr Joseph Chirayil 2. Fr Constantine Manalel 3. FR Joseph Medayil 4. Fr Joseph Kadavil 5. Fr Abraham Kaduvathookil 6. Fr Mathew Chethikalam 7. Fr Joseph Malayampuram and 8. Fr Kuncheria Pathil. B. Formation As regards formation, special effort has been taken to accompany all the youngsters in formation from aspirancy onwards, in order to help them develop a mature religious and priestly personality. Emphasis is given to convince them to prepare themselves to take up the ministries according to the charism of our congregation. However, a significant percentage manifest only low motivation for getting so trained. For the scholastics staying outside the study houses a norm of conduct has been given in the Provincial statutes. 1. Formation Personnel Formation shall be the priority of the Province. as it decides the future of the Province. Our formation personnel are very committed. Care is given to identify and send members for studies to make the formation personnel competent. Thanks to Frs George Vempadanthara and Jose Poovatil who contacted Missio (Germany) who has offered scholarship for four of our members in the coming years. It is heartening to note that more and more members are opting for ecclesiastical and formative courses. Formation Council and formation consultants’ meetings were held six times. 2. Pre-Novitiate and Novitiate The pre-novitiate stage of formation is given at Chethipuzha and the higher secondary stage of formation at Mannanam. There are 10 Aspirants in SH Minor Seminary Chethipuzha and 16


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL Aspirants in MIM Seminary Mannanam (7 in Class 12 and 9 in Class 11). There are 6 novices at Nirmalgiri Novitiate, Punalur. 5 novices who have completed their canonical novitiate took their first profession on Dec. 8, 2022 at Mannanam. 3. Scholastics Among the scholastics • there are 7 deacons, 2 more will be ordained in the next month (6 at Dharmaram and 1 at Pune and 2 at Kolkata); so, 9 more priests by December 2023. • there are 6 doing second year theology, 3 at Dharmaram, 2 at Pune and 1 at Kolkata; • there are 9 doing first year theology, 7 at Dharmaram and 2 at Pune; • there are 9 doing second year philosophy, 4 at Dharmaram and 5 at Wardha; • there are 5 doing first year philosophy, 3 at Dharmaram and 2 at Wardha; • there are 32 doing graduation (19 in Kerala, 7 in Bangalore, 3 in Kolkata and 3 in Tamil Nadu) and 1 doing post-graduation; • 6 are doing regency; • There are 5 doing juniorate after their first profession. • Drop outs: 4 scholastics (temporary professed) left the congregation in this term namely: Nebi Kottoor, Noel Puthoor, Tojin Kaippanplackal and Rahul Charles Kurian. Every year exposure to pastoral activities and vacation programme of the scholastics were meticulously arranged by Fr. Sony Palathra, Vicar Provincial. 4. Virtual Meetings of Scholastics: Virtual meeting of the scholastics of the Province studying at Kolkata was held on Saturday, 13 March 2021. Section wise virtual meetings of the scholastics of the Province studying at Dharmaram were held on Sunday 14 March 2021. Fr Provincial and Councillors, Provincial Tutor and Nominee also attended the meetings. Total strength of the scholastics is 77. Parents’ meet of the scholastics also was held according to Theology, Degree and Philosophy sections, virtually, from 2 to 4 June, 2021, in place of the annual offline meet. All parents were very enthusiastic to take part in the meeting even with the technical issues. The brothers also joined the parents’ meet from Wardha, Kolkata, Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram and other locations. 5. Mechanism for Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Direction among Formees The formees are given freedom to choose their spiritual directors. Auditing is done to know how frequent the formees make use of the spiritual direction facilities. The scholastics studying in Kerala are directed to opt from groups of spiritual directors available in the Province or even outside in exceptional cases. Due importance is given to the spirituality of our forefathers especially St. Chavara in the aspirants houses and novitiate.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 6. Training for Social Orientation and Simple Life among Formees In our formation houses especially aspirants houses and novitiate house, formees get involved in the household work like cleaning, gardening, and agriculture. Village exposure programme is given to theology students. Certain volunteers get involved in frontier ministries. 7. Higher studies of the members Keeping the impending vacancies in mind our young priests and scholastics were given opportunities to complete secular studies earlier than the usual occasions. Four novices immediately after the completion of novitiate were sent to graduation. We got 10 newly ordained in the year 2020. Immediately after the ordination all of them were allowed to undertake higher studies in the context of Covid-19. In the year 2021 we had five ordinations of which two were sent to Ecuador. One has been appointed at Punnapra Polytechnic. Two are undergoing German language course. This year (2022) we had only one ordination. He is doing pastoral work in the Changanacherry diocese. Altogether there are 32 PhD holders in the Province and 15 are doing PhD. Fr. Joby Mukalel has defended his doctoral thesis. Some of our members show great interest to go for higher studies like PhD, MPhil and P.G. At the same time, it is quite unfortunate that motivation for quality education is lacking in the younger generation. 8. Vocation Promotion One main (Fr Georgy Korattiyil) and two associate vocation promoters (Frs. Paul Vadakkumury and Sebastian Pinel) are earnestly trying to find suitable candidates. This year there are 10 candidates who joined the Province as aspirants. A wider meeting of our Fathers on Vocation Promotion was held on 20 January 2022 at St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo, at 10.00 am. 15 Fathers from different houses attended the same. Vocation promotion is a big challenge. Anti CMI attitude from the diocesan priests is to be faced with new methods. There have been efforts to promote vocation from other languages especially Tamil with limited success. Province got one priest from Tamil Nadu. Vocation promoters from other Provinces especially mission Provinces are given help and support as and when they approach us. C. Administration 1. The new Provincial Administrative Team was elected on the 22 August 2020 and the new superiors were appointed on 1 September and they took charge on 1 October 2020. The third session of the Provincial Synaxis was held at Chethipuzha from 30-31, October 2020. The Provincial Statutes (25.04.21) and Directory (15.01.21) were revised and published.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL An orientation programme for the newly appointed superiors was held through zoom platform (25 October, 2020). Virtual meetings of the Fathers working (abroad) in Germany and USA with the new Provincial and the Council were held on 19 Nov and 30 Nov, 2020, respectively. Webinar on Child protection and safe environment was organized on June 21 and 22, 2021, for the whole members of the Province. Frs Paul Edakalathur and Prasanth Palakkappally were the resource persons. CMI Planning Sessions were organized zone wise in December 2021. 2. Provincial Council Meetings Provincial Council meetings were held 50 times till March 2023. Normally the Provincial Council meetings are held once in a month. Provincial Auditor was a permanent attendee of the council. Council members were very cooperative, open, creative and critical. 3. Superiors’ Meeting Superiors’ meetings were held six times. Superiors took special interest to attend the meeting. All our superiors are trying their best to administer properly the institutions and as far as possible to animate the members under their care. 4. Plenary Assembly The Provincial Plenary Assembly was held from Thursday 13 January, 10.00 am to Friday 14 January 2022, 10.00pm. All the members (35) were present. The provincial, the Provincial Councillors, the Provincial Auditor, Sub Regional Superiors and the Superiors presented reports on their respective areas, which was followed by lively and fruitful discussions. The reports and the discussions helped to have an overall view of the actual situation of the Province and its constituent houses and based on that practical recommendations were formulated. The assembly made critical introspection on the implementation of the resolutions of the 25th Provincial Synaxis. It also discussed the implementation of main thrusts of the General Synaxis 38. 5. Re-dedication of the renovated St Joseph’s Monastery church was held on 23 November 2021. Mar Joseph Perumthottam, Archbishop of Changanacherry, solemnized the ceremony in the presence of the Prior General. 6. Conclusion of the 150th anniversary of the Heavenly birth of Saint Chavara was celebrated on 3 January, 2022. M. Venkiah Naidu, former Vice President of India, was the Chief Guest of the celebrations. 7. A building for Sarga Kshethra Community Radio 89.6 was blessed by the Prior General on 7 December 2022 and it was officially launched on 31 March 2023. It is a joint venture of St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, S H Monastery, Chethipuzha and the Provincial House.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 8. Infrastructural developments and construction work at various houses During this administration infrastructural development and constructions were done at different houses and institutions with their own initiatives and resources as well as with the support of the Province: a three storied reception centre at Chethipuzha, a six storied building at Vizhinjam (funded by Province), modification and refurbishment at St. Rita’s hospital (funded by Province), refurbishment work at Novitiate house and renovation of the altar of chapel (funded by Province), Kinder garten school at Enath (funded by Province), International School at Kazhakootam. Foundation stone for the house at Vizhinjam was laid on 19 March 2023. Perpetual adoration chapels were inaugurated at Muhamma (5 December, 2021) and Cheepunkal (on 8 December 2021). 9. Management Auditing and Half Yearly Evaluation Management auditing has been conducted in three of our institutions – Samagra Vikas Social Service Society, Alappuzha, Christ Nagar Residence, Maranalloor and Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam. 10. Accessibility of our Houses and Institutions to the Poor Some of the important institutions of social apostolate in the Province are KIRUPA, Malar Nilayam Bhalabhavan, Malar Electronics, Vikas Electronics, Samagra Mahila Sangam, KECSAP and VET. Sargakshetra’s contribution in this field is commendable. In total more than Rs 69 Lakhs have been given away in charity for housing aid, medical aid and other services from the Social Work department of the Province during this term. At present the Province has no hold on Kuttanad Integral Development Society (KIDS). 11. Common Pooling and Sharing of Resources Through mutual sharing of funds, the developing institutions are supported to establish adequate physical facilities and other utilities like hostels, auditoriums, smart classes, additional space etc. The main source of income of the Province is the salary share of the members working in India (appr. 2 crores) and abroad (appr. 4 crores), and annual contribution from the houses (meagre due to covid-19). Steps have been initiated to evolve a coordinated system to collect the salary of members working in US. Individual NRI account has been opened. 12. Registration of WILL deed and Registration of Houses The Registration of Will deed has been initiated with regard to the properties and inheritance of our members residing at all houses. The process of registering all our houses as trusts/societies has been started 13.Medical Insurance Insurance scheme has been initiated for all members of the Province till the age of 80 through South Indian Bank from Manipal Cigna. Those who served in aided institutions have Medisep


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL comprehensive health insurance coverage of the State Government. Members in West-Bengal Sub-Region have already started health insurance scheme. 14. Sale and purchase of land. Purchased 50 cents of land at the right-hand side of the sports hostel, Mannanam, and 3 cents of land in front of the property at Ayroor. Around 3 acres and 80 cents of paddy field and 32 cents of landed property at Ponga/Kainakary belonging to the family of Fr John Kallarackal was handed over as a gift to the Province; 4 cents of land at Thiruvalla has been gifted for social purpose. Of the 31 acres of land belonging to Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, at Thenkashi, 10 acres have been transferred to the Provincial house. 82 cents of land in front of the Carmel Polytechnic, Punnapra, has been taken over by the Government. 15. The case against Fr Provincial, regarding an alleged unpaid amount of Rs 40 Lakhs incurred by the late Fr Joseph Muttath with regard to the construction and maintenance work at St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody, has been settled. In this ‘out of court’ settlement we paid Rs 19 lakhs to the concerned persons. Still the case is not over. Some more issues need to be solved. The ownership regarding the property (28 cents) owned by late Fr Joseph Muttath located at Madappally is to be settled through legal procedures. 16. The financial obligation created by Fr Jose Koolipurackal, when he was the director of Samagra Vikas has been addressed by the Province in phases without creating any public scandal. He has resigned from the post of director of Samagra Vikas and secretary of KIDS. He has been transferred to St Mary’s Ashram, Kaliyal. The financial obligation incurred by Fr. Jose Koolipurackal is long lasting. As a disciplinary action Fr. Jose Koolipura (w.e.f. October 2022) has been deprived of active and passive voice for two years. Fr. Mathew Arekalam is the new director. Thanks are due to him for the prudent and efficient management. 17. Ramanagara School There are 18 acres 20 gunthas of land at Ramanagara in total. Of these 13 acres 12 gunthas have been converted. The conversion of the remaining 5 acres 1 guntha is in the process. Construction of the second floor of the school is underway. It is expected that Pre- KG, LKG and UKG can be started in June 2023. Congratulations to Fr. James Madathilchira. 18. Enath: Home for the Deaf The untimely death of Fr. Jose Kadavil has brought an additional burden of more than Rs. 50 lakhs to the Province. But compared to the investment he had made, it is absolutely nothing. We remember with gratitude what he has done for the marginalized, the congregation and the society. We prudently managed to register his Will Deed before his death. Otherwise, the case would have been different. All the liabilities would be with the Province and all the assets with his family. This is just to remind you of the necessity of registering will deed. There were many instances whereby we lost huge amount of money because of lack of document /will deed.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 19. Pilgrim Centre Mannanam The centre is progressing well under the leadership of Fr. Mathews Chackalackal (director) and Fr Thomas Kallukualam (assistant director). Re-dedication of the renovated St Joseph’s Monastery church was held on 23 November 2021. A charismatic convention Kripabhishekam was organized, preached by Fr Dominic Valamnal from 26 to 30 October 2022. Work of the relocation and revamping of the Chavara museum is in progress. The Kerala Government has promised Rs 2 Cr for this project. The DPR has been submitted for approval. Spiritual Park, Pitrusmrutimandapam (founders’ park), pulsator church bell, a new cafeteria, a new trust for the pilgrim centre etc. are some other developments. Foundation stone for the parish hall at Mannanam has been blessed on the Christmas Day 2021. 20. Retreat Centres As in the case of other retreat centres covid has negatively affected the progress of Marian Vachanatheeram at Cheepunkal. However, it is limping back to normalcy. Stayed retreats for small groups of religious are conducted regularly. During Covid time the centre was a great solace and shelter for our scholastics. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara Retreat Centre at Mannanam is functioning well under the leadership of Fr Thomas Kallukalam CMI and Bro. Martin Perumalil. 21. Kanyakumari Sub Region Kanyakumari Sub Region has 7 houses/centres and twelve members are working there. Attached to each house we have parishes. 3 scholastics are trained locally. The pastoral ministry we are providing through our seven parishes and other monastery churches is continuing excellently well, so much so that almost all of them secure high ranks within the Thuckalay diocese for religious instruction, parish activities, organisation of family units and so on. A new centre, Sacred Heart CMI Residence, was blessed at Pallikonam, Kanyakumari, on 28 February, 2021. The new Church at Kaisalavilai was blessed on 30 December 2021. A new cemetery at Pilankalai (funded by Province), a new Grotto at Maharajapuram, a New Tailoring centre for Women at Pallikonam etc. are some other achievements. A new trust has been created and a centre has been instituted with the intention of starting a new institution at Thenkashi. 22. West Bengal Sub Region West Bengal Sub Region has eight centres and ten members are working there. Six scholastics are studying there (3 theology and 3 college). The Region has 1 Parish and 4 Mass Centres which come under Syro Malabar Diocese of Shamshabad. The Region has become selfsufficient in financial matters. I am happy to note that all the members there are dedicated and hard working. Most of them are well versed in vernacular (Bengali) language.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL During this term two new buildings, one at Orgram and another at Ambari were blessed. A new Residence at Bankura (Mother Theresa CMI Residence) was erected. Land Investment: purchased 6.92 Acres Land in Mejia and 5 Cottaha land and one building in Maheshtala, purchased in Jhargram (66 decimal), Sarisha IInd campus (24 decimal), Purulia (99 decimal) and Suri (11 decimal). Advance has been given to purchase additional land of 36 decimal at Ambari. 23. Ecuador Mission After working about three years with the fathers of Province of Kochi, Frs. Jojo Pathinezhilchira and Libin Kariyil shifted to the diocese of Riobamba at Ecuador Mission. While Fr Libin Kariyil continues to serve in Ecuador for the last 7 years Fr Jojo and Fr Jofin Kollara returned to India. Recently Fr Martin Thayil, Fr Bibin Padiyara and Jibin Kulamkombil joined the mission. A financial support for them ($500/month) is also arranged from our fathers serving in the USA. 24. Ministry at UK There are four priests doing ministry in the UK. Three of them are working in the parish at Wembley belonging to the diocese of Westminster. Having 3500 registered parishioners in total, around 2500 participants on every Sunday makes the parish very active. There is a monthly Syro-Malabar Mass which is attended by around 350 people. Fr. Johnson Kattiparampil is working at St Winfried’s Catholic Church, Welshpool. 25. Ministry at US and Germany There are nine members working in US. Frs Paul Thunduparampil and Mathew Palamattam returned from the services in Shreveport Diocese. There are thirteen fathers working in Germany. Two young priests are studying German, at present, with the intention of serving in Germany. 27. Members working outside the Province Frs. Joseph Mannooparampil - Kochi Province, Romeo Kizhakkethadathil - Kottayam Province, Boby Manathara - Tamil Nadu, Jogy Marangatt - Thuckalay diocese, Thomas Pemala - Jagadalpur Province and Fr. Justin Valamparampil - Anakkara retreat centre. 28. The Contribution of Our Province to the Entire Congregation Fr. Cherian Thunduparampil has been serving as the Procurator General of CMI Procura, Rome, and he is also serving as the Postulator for the causes of canonization of many virtuous souls. Fr. Jerin Thuruthel is the General Formation Coordinator. Fr John Pallithuruthil is lecturer at Namibia. Fr. Thomas Kallukalam at Mannanam and Fr. Joseph Mariyalayam at Kainakary are also serving under Fr. General. Many of our gifted members are in Bangalore at Dharmaram and Christ University: Frs. Joseph Chennattusserry (Vice Chancellor), Joseph Kureethara and Lijo Pathickal, faculties at Christ


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL University and Shaji Kochuthara (Faculty of Theology), Tomy Kattampally (Master and faculty member) and Rajesh Kavalackal (Faculty member and provincial nominee) at DVK and Dharmaram College, Fr. Cyriac Madathil, Vicar St. Thomas Forane Church, Bangalore. Congratulations for their excellent services. Fr. Janesh Moolayil, (US) and Joseph Vadana (Italy) are sent for higher studies by the General department. 29. Jubilee Celebrations of the Institutions The following institutions celebrated Jubilee: Golden Jubilee of CMI Malar Nilayam, Pilankalai; Golden Jubilee of Little Flower Church Pilankalai; Golden Jubilee of St Thomas school, Netta; Centenary of SHUP School, Champakulam; 125 years of St. Joseph HSS, Pulincunnoo; Ruby Jubilee of Kristu Jyoti Higher Secondary School, Chethipuzha; Golden Jubilee of church at Kainakary; and Golden Jubilee of St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody (after taken over by the Congregation). D. Observations, Challenges and Suggestions 1. As we are in preparation for the bicentennial celebration of our existence in 2030-31, it is a blessed time to re-found the congregation as a true spiritual movement as visualised by the founding fathers reading the signs of the time. “My house shall be called a house of prayer” (Mt. 21:13). Conscious effort is needed to enhance the quality of prayer life. 2. Imbibing the spirit of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, we need to find our role in the church while there is a conscious effort to side-line the religious congregation in our local setting. We need to find new space in the media and we are in need of a strong media department and public relations as a dedicated department. 3. Hesitancy in taking up of leadership opportunities and evading responsibilities in order to be in one’s own comfort zone is a matter of concern. Most of the retired members from aided institutions are reluctant to take up new ministries, especially outside Kerala. 4. Care of the emotionally and psychologically disturbed, emotional maturity, sustenance and repair and maintenance of aided Schools and Colleges are issues to be addressed. 5. It is very much preferred that common telephone number and common emails for the major superior, and each department shall be used and not personal number and emails shall be used for exercising the office of the major superior, department Councillors, and secretary. When a new administration assumes office these common phone numbers and emails shall be transferred to them. 6. When a new administration takes charge, along with the change of signatories in the bank accounts, KYC shall also be done so that new Aadhaar number, pan number, phone numbers and emails shall be updated with the bank. 7. In order to have continuity in administration and for the smooth handing over of responsibilities, it is highly advisable to maintain separate tradition book for each department. This will contain the things to be done by each department and how they are carried. 8. Councillors shall not be overburdened with other duties so that they can very well help the Provincial in the duty of animation through their respective departments.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 9. The accountability, especially, the financial accountability with regard to personal income and expenditure, is fast declining among our members; there is a strong individualistic trend also visible among us. Certain members keep and operate parallel accounts. This also threatens our life of poverty and obedience. It seems that the only remedial measure is to expose their names. 10. It is quite unfortunate that the Provincial has to repeatedly remind and force some of our members for their salary and pension remittance. 11. Educational leadership is one of the main contributions of our congregation. The field of education has become highly competitive. Only those who provide quality education will survive. In this context, mushrooming of institutions in the same campus, greed for quantity, lack of qualified personnel, lay people empowerment etc. need to be addressed. 12. Most of the institutions are dependent on the financial assistance from the Province for survival. Certain institutions have no meaningful existence. Meticulous planning is needed for the survival of these institutions. Some glaring examples are given below: • St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, is in financial difficulties; bring K.E. School under the administration of Mannanam Monastery. • Lourdes Carmel Ashram, Ayroor, a parish with very small number of parishioners is the only activity there. The house is in dilapidated condition. We need a huge amount to repair and maintain it. • St Kuriakose Elias Carmel House, Kainakary, also have very few attendants in the Ashram Chapel. The strength of the school is also halved (500 to 250) after the pandemic. • St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram, also is in dire financial need. There also the strength of the school is on the decrease. It seems that the Higher Secondary section won’t survive. • St Xavier’s Carmel House, Alappuzha, would also require an immediate refurbishment of the house. There are very little attendants in the chapel and there is no other meaningful ministry there. The maintenance of the two-storey building and the church requires a huge amount. • St John the Baptist’s Ashram, Nooranad, is also losing its relevance of existence as an Ashram. • St Rita’s Hospital Nalukody is dependent on the Province for its running. • Darsanaveedu Alappuzha is also maintained with support from the Province. No meaningful ministry happens there. • Since there is no meaningful ministry, Snehabhavan Adoor is closed. • Jeevadhara Theology centre is also fully dependant on the Province now. • San Thome Centre at Kanyakumari, a mansion house with no activities is dependent on provincial financial assistance. • The Carmel Engineering College at Punnapra, with its huge liability, stands as a big question as to when or if this can become financially viable. • In total, the Province has approximately Rs 83 Cr. bank loans now.



I humbly submit these observations, challenges and suggestions for your deliberation, discussion and necessary action, if any. Conclusion I place on record my deep indebtedness to all the members of our Province . I specially remember with profound gratitude each and every member of the Provincial Council: Fr. Sony Palathra (Vicar Provincial and Council Secretary), Fr. Joseph Vattaparampil (Finance), Fr. Scaria Ethirettu (Education and Media), Fr. Santhosh Kayyalaparampil (Social Work) and Fr. Xavier Ampatt (Provincial Auditor), who have been very kind, extremely generous and immensely cooperative with me. We were ‘journeying together’ encountering, listening and discerning. I must gratefully acknowledge the significant roles played by the two Sub Regional Superiors, namely, Paul Thamarasserry (West Bengal) and Tinu Kottackaparampil (Tamil Nadu) and other superiors and heads of all our institutions for their general support in carrying out my mission faithfully. My special thanks are due to my department consulters Frs. Thomas Mannooparampil (Aspirants Rector) and Juby Maniyankeril (Novice Master). I thank in a special way Senior Tutor Fr. Jose Chennattusserry; Formation Coordinator and Aspirants Rector, Fr. Jomon Puthenparampu; Vocation Promotors Frs. Georgy Korattiyil, Paul Vadakkumury and Sebastian Pinel. I do sincerely thank my Secretaries, Bros. Ajith Kizhakkemalil, Thomaskutty Muppathinchira and Aloysius Ayyanadu. I take this opportunity to thank the Provincial house community. I had a very warm and homely atmosphere here. The community was punctual at the divine table, dining table and dialogue table. It facilitated team work, communion, participation and our mission. Above all, I praise God for his loving providence that has been guiding the Province these years. May the sacred heart of Jesus, Mary our Mother of Carmel, St. Joseph our patron, and saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara our founder, continue to guide, protect and bless us in all our endeavors. I consider the provincial synaxis as a kairotic moment for us to make an assessment of our ‘communitarian witnessing’ through the process of synodality - ‘walking together’ so that we can be a grace-filled community who will be able to transform the world to bring in the loving reign of God. Thank you, Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI Provincial St. Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram

April 11, 2023



Resolutions and Recommendations of the last Provincial Synaxis (PS 25) Resolutions 1. It is resolved that the coordinator appointed by the provincial shall pool the salary of all our members directly from the respective dioceses in the USA to a common account and shall transfer the prescribed amount to the members and the rest to their NRI Accounts. 2. It is resolved that all the members of the Province shall register their WILL deed assigning Fr. Provincial to receive inheritance in posterity and they shall assign Fr. Provincial as the nominee in case they are having bank accounts. 3. It is resolved that a sum of Rupees 2.25 Crores shall be advanced from the following 4. monasteries/houses in order to settle the financial liabilities incurred by Fr. Jose Koolipurackal CMI, the executive director of SamagraVikas Social Service Society: 5. S.H. Monastery, Chethipuzha - Rs. 40 lakhs, K.E. Residence, Mannanam -Rs. 40 lakhs, CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram - 40 lakhs, Nazraeth Carmel Monastery, Muhamma -25 lakhs, Mar Baselios Ashram, Thiruvalla - 25 lakhs, Chavara CMI Bhavan, Edava-25 lakhs, West Bengal Sub-Region Rs. 30 lakhs. Fr. Joseph Vattaparampil CMI, the Councillor for Finance is entrusted to take execution of the above proceedings. The advanced amount will be refunded as and when the possible assets of Samagravikas are sold out. 6. It is resolved that S.H. Monastery, Chethipuzha, shall extend possible financial support to St. Joseph’s Carmel House, Kutchapuram, for the running and development of Christ Nagar School, Kutchapuram, as and when required on a definite plan with an MOU. 7. It is resolved that K.E. Residence, Mannanam, shall financially assist St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, for its necessary day-to-day running expenses. 8. It is resolved that funds raised from selling the property of St. Antony's Trust Kainakary and the property of the Province located near Vattakayal at a cost around Rupees 4.5 lakhs per cent may be handed over to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, to repay the existing loans taken from the Federal Bank. It is also resolved that ten acres of land belonging to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, located at Shengottai, Tenkasi District, Tamil Nadu, shall be transferred to CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram, in return. 9. It is resolved that funds raised from selling the property of Christ Nagar Educational Charitable Society, Thiruvallam, located at Sasthamangalam at a cost around Rupees 14 lakhs per cent may be handed over to Christ Hall Monastery, Thiruvananthapuram, to repay the existing loans. It is also resolved that five and half acres of land belonging to Christ Hall Monastery located at Maranalloor shall be handed over to Christ Nagar Educational Charitable Society, Thiruvallam, in return. 10. It is resolved that an expert committee shall be instituted to assess all the proposed civil constructions in our Province. The committee shall study the feasibility of the project, financial liabilities, utility of the construction, necessary land documents, master plan, site plan, building plan, etc. and submit the report to the Provincial. The permission shall be granted on the basis of the report of the committee.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL 11. It is resolved that a portion of the building of Saint Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody, shall be converted as an old age home for the CMI members who need constant medical assistance and as a paid home for others. 12. It is resolved that a bursar shall be appointed with immediate effect in all our institutions where the responsible authority is solely dealing with the financial matters. A common bursar shall be introduced in a monastery / house where two or more institutions of same nature function. Recommendations 1. It is recommended that an information and accounting system software shall be introduced 2. for all our educational institutions in order to standardize and unify all office activities and to have financial transparency. This shall be executed gradually over a period of three years customising according to the nature of an institution. 3. It is recommended that pastoral care of the migrant workers is an important apostolate of the time. The Councillor for Evangelisation and Pastoral Ministry shall take steps to execute it in our houses. 4. It is recommended that our young members shall be sent for higher studies for family and youth ministries. 5. It is recommended that arrangements shall be made to write and publish a book on biographies of deceased members of our Province collectively during this term of office. The provincial council shall take necessary steps in this regard. 6. It is recommended that all the superiors shall take initiative to begin a health insurance policy whenever requested by the members ascribed to that particular house. 7. It is recommended that the new provincial and team shall request Fr. Jose Koolipurackal, the present executive director of Samagra Vikas to convene a General Body Meeting of the society immediately and take the necessary steps to address the existing issues in connection with the activities of Samagra Vikas. 8. It is recommended that Youth Ministry and Family Apostolate shall be revamped by equipping our members in the respective field and at least one counseling center shall be started in our Province within two years. 9. It is recommended that a committee shall be set up to study the feasibility of the further development of St. Joseph’s Press, Mannanam. 10. In order to equip our youngsters to get appointment in our aided institutions as well as to guide them in choosing the subjects for their studies according to the needs of the Province, a personnel board shall be constituted in the provincial level. 11. In order to rekindle our commitment to the social causes we shall start one or two new centers in our Province for frontier ministry within two years. 12. The Provincial Council shall constitute a committee to study the pending case of Nalukody Hospital. 13. All our houses shall promote agriculture and farming as part of our commitment to sustainable life style. 14. As part of Green Protocol, we resolve to take necessary steps to keep our campuses plastic free and Eco-friendly.








Department of Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry Vicar Provincial & Councillor:

Fr. Dr Sony Palathra CMI Consultants: Fr. Dr Thomas Kallukalam CMI Fr. Paul Vadakkummury CMI Introduction There are three types of Evangelisation discussed by Pope Francis in his apostolic invitation ‘Joy of the Gospel’, namely, ▪ Ordinary pastoral ministry, which is “animated by the fire of the Spirit”, ▪ Ministry to the “the baptized whose lives do not reflect the demands of Baptism” ▪ evangelization is first and foremost about preaching the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ or who have always rejected him. Pope continues, “we need to move ‘from a pastoral ministry of mere conservation’ to a decidedly missionary pastoral ministry” (Joy of the Gospel, para. 15). The following quote will help us get an orientation into what we are expected to do in the Synaxis, I think, “The Church must look with penetrating eyes within herself, ponder the mystery of her own being… This vivid and lively self-awareness inevitably leads to a comparison between the ideal image of the Church as Christ envisaged her and loved her as his holy and spotless bride (cf. Eph 5:27), and the actual image which the Church presents to the world today... the struggle to correct those flaws introduced by her members which her own self-examination, mirroring her exemplar, Christ, points out to her and condemns” (para. 26). “kp-hntij-h-XvI-c-Ww- F-¶- Z-u-Xyw- ... -t{]jn-X- Xo-£vW-am-b- H-cp- lr-Z-b-¯n-\v Cu- ]-cn-an-Xn-Isf¡p-dn-¨pAht_m[ap-v, A-Xv kz-bw- "_-e-lo-\-À-¡p- _-e-lo-\-\m-bpw- ... F-Ãm-h-À-¡pw- F-Ãm-am-bpw- am-dp-¶p’ (1Cor 9:22)-. A-Xv H-cn-¡-epw- kz-bw- \-ãs¸Sp-¯p-¶- A-h-kvY-bnse¯p-Itbm kz-´w- kp-c-£n-X-X-z-¯nte¡p- DÄ-h-en-bp-Itbm -sN¿p-I-bn-Ã-. ... kp-hntijw- {K-ln-¡p-¶-Xn-epw- B-ßm-hn-sâ ]m-X-I-Ä- hnthNn-¨-dn-bp-¶-Xnepw- Xm-³- Xs¶ C-\n-bpw- h-ftc-n-bn-cn-¡p-¶psh¶v A-Xv Xn-cn-¨-dn-bp-¶p-; A-Xn-\p- -th-n- -sXcp-hn-Â- Aetb-n- h-¶m-Â- -t]mepw- A-Xv Ft¸mgpw- I-gn-bp-¶- \-·- {]-h-À-¯n-¡p-I-bpw- -sN¿p-¶p-” (para. 45). ...-ssZh-P-\-¯n-sâ _-lp-`q-cn-]-£-hpw- A-evam-b-cm-Wv. \yq-\-]-£-am-b- A-`n-jn-à- -sshZn-I-À- (para 102).





Zm-ln-¡p-¶-h-À- X-§-fpsS bm-{Xm- at[y ]m-\w- -sN¿p-¶-Xn-\m-bn- A-W-bp-¶- ]p-Wy-k-t¦X-hpw- \n-c-´-c-am-b-t{]jn-X- {]-h-À-¯-\-§-fpsS -tI{µ-hp-am-b- kaq-l-§-fpsS kaq-l-hp-am-Wv C-S-h-I- (para 28). First, we have a look at our parishes. Table 1 - CMI PARISHES of the Archdiocese of Changanacherry Name of the CMI No Name of the Parish House of Ascription Parish Priest Frs Thomas Sacred Heart Parish, Choolaparampil, Ankith 1. S. H. Monastery, Chethipuzha Chethipuzha Chechottu, Sijo Kunnuthara Puthuval Fr Mathews St Joseph’s Parish, Chackalackal St Joseph’s Monastery, 2. Mannanam Fr Mathew Polachira Mannanam Fr Biju Thekkekuttu St Cicily Parish, 3. Fr Xavier Ampatt Christ Hall Monastery Cicilipuram 4. St Thomas Parish, Fr Joseph Vattaparampil CMI Provincial House, Koliyoor 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

St Antony's Parish, Cheepunkal, Lourdes Parish, Ayroor Amalolbhava Parish, Muttar St Joseph's Parish, Kuchappuram St Mary’s Church, Charupara St George Church, Valikode St Gerard Church, Kuttara St Thomas Church, Kundamom St Peter's Parish, Vizhinjam

Fr Reny Kalathil

St Mary’s Ashram, Cheepunkal

Fr Varghese Kottoor

Lourdes Carmel Ashram, Ayroor Immaculate Conception Monastery, Muttar St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram St Peter’s Carmel House, Vizhinjam

Fr Josey Kollammalil Fr Jojo Vadakkeparampil Fr Jojo Vadakkeparampil Fr Jojo Vadakkeparampil Fr Jojo Vadakkeparampil Fr Jojo Vadakkeparampil Fr Thomas Cheppila




Christ the King Parish, Kattukulam

Fr Thomas Cheppila

Table 2 - CMI PARISHES of the Diocese Thuckalay Name of the CMI No Name of the Parish Parish Priest Little Flower Parish, 15 Fr Thomas Thekkethala Pilankalai St Xavier's Church, 16 Fr Thomas Thekkethala Kaisalavilai St Thomas Church, 17 Fr Anto Thunduparampil Muzhukode S.H. Church, 18 Fr Luka Kollamparampil Pallikonam St Mary's Parish, Fr Tinu 19 Kaliyal Kottackalparampil St Mary's Church Fr Tinu 20 Penuthadam Kottackalparampil St Thomas Parish, 21 Fr Charles Mundakathil Anjugramam St Michael's Mission 22 Station, Fr Charles Mundakathil Maharajapuram St Thomas Church, 23 Fr Davis Karukappally Netta Table 3 - CMI PARISHES of the Diocese Shamshabad St Thomas Parish, 24 CMI Dharma Niketan, Fr Paul Thamarassery Kolkata

St Peter’s Carmel House, Vizhinjam

House of Ascription CMI Malarnilayam, Pilankalai CMI Malarnilayam, Pilankalai Chavara Bhavan, Muzhukode Chavara Bhavan, Muzhukode St Mary's Carmel House, Kaliyal St Mary's Carmel House, Kaliyal St Thomas Bhavan, Anjugramam St Thomas Bhavan, Anjugramam St Thomas Bhavan, Netta

CMI Dharma Niketan, Behala, Kolkata

1. PARISHES looked after by CMI St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, in India St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, is entrusted with 23 parishes spread across three dioceses. There are 14 parishes under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Changanacherry, nine parishes under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Thuckalay, and one parish under the jurisdiction the Diocese of Shamshabad.



1.2. A birds’ Eye-view of the Parishes in Changanacherry Archdiocese 2006














Figure 1: Families in CMI Parishes of Changanacherry Archdiocese There are 14 full-fledged parishes in Changanacherry Archdiocese entrusted to St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram comprising families ranging from 15 to 2006. In total there are appointed 13 priests looking after 14 parishes.



1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1958 1963 1966 1968


Figure 2 Year of Establishment – Changanacherry

It is to be noted that we had all parishes established by 1972 (Muttar became a parish in 1995. But the community existed from 1938.) within the early 126 years. Over the last 50 years no new parishes started in Changanacherry, whereas we concentrated more in the apostolate of education and social work. In these 14 parishes we celebrate 93 masses, a week, including Sundays. We care for 1941 catechism students and work with 187 catechism teachers. We help 18 convents as chaplains. There is annual retreat in 11 parishes and except in 2 parishes (Muttar and Ayroor) the attendance of Mass and parish registration has improved even after Covid-19.



1.3 A birds’ Eye-view of the Parishes in Thuckalay Diocese 180


142 103 70 7




Figure 3 families of CMI Parishes in Thuckalay Diocese

There are nine parishes entrusted to St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, by Thuckalay Diocese. Two of the parishes are Foranes – Pilankalai and Kaliyal. Muzhukode, Kaliyal, Pilankalai and Anjugramam have another station parish also to look after. Thus, officially appointed 6 priests are taking care of 9 parishes. 1987









Figure 4 Year of Establishment - Thuckalay

It is to be noted that we had all parishes established by within the first 21 years of our mission service in Thuckalay area. Over the last 35 years no new parishes started in Thuckalay, whereas regular development was accomplished in almost all parishes. At present all parishes except the small ones have very good churches and other facilities. In these 9 parishes we celebrate 50 masses a week including Sundays. We care for more than 400 catechism students and work with 90 catechism teachers. We help 6 convents as chaplains. There is annual retreat in almost all parishes. The attendance of Mass and parish registration has improved considerably even after Covid-19.



1.4 Parishes/Mass Centres in Shamshabad Diocese 100 82

80 50

Figure 5 – Families/Mass Centers of CMI Parishes in Shamshabad Diocese There is one full-fledged parish, at Behala in Kolkata, belonging to Shamshabad Diocese. Other 3 mass centres are also there. There is a daily Mass in the Parish at Behala. We celebrate Sunday masses in all the above places. There are 86 catechism students and 25 people help them for teaching catechism. 1.5 General Statistics from all parishes in India In total there are 3936 families receiving our pastoral services in 23 parishes and associated 3 mass centres. There are around 27 priests directly involved in the above service. Total number of masses celebrated on Sundays is 148 in a week. This means that those in the communities help out in the above services considerably. On week days and on Sundays around 14000 people attend our services. There are also 2715 catechism students who are well taken care by 314 Catechism teachers in our parishes or mass centers. Fr Johncy Molippadavil is doing pastoral service in Lourdes Matha church, Pacha, and Fr Jerin Valiyathazhathu, our new priest, is doing pastoral ministry at St Joseph’s Church, Champakara, both belonging to Changanacherry Archdiocese. 2. Pastoral Services Abroad At present there are 13 members who are serving in Germany. Following is a profile of those serving in Germany. Name



Lukose Chamakkala

Achen - Hospital


Sebastian Punayar



Jacob Alackal



Antony Kuttiyani





George Vempadanthara



Varghese Panakalam



Joseph Mani Niravathuparampil



Ajy Mooleparampil



Lal Kanatt



Johnson Panthaplackal



Mathew Njarakulam Johnson Palackal Raju Edathinattu

Passau Passau Rottenburg, Stuttgart

12 13

2.1 Number of Years Serving in Germany 30+ 15 15 15 8

19 20 20

24 24




Figure 6 Number of Years CMI Fathers Serving in Germany The enormity of services our Fathers undertake in Germany is visible here. The high demand of German church for elaborate details of preparation for each celebration of Mass, homilies, funerals etc. may be putting our Fathers under lot of pressure. Transcending native language, climate and culture our fathers contribute enormously to a very challenging church. 2.2 Number of churches serving at present 15 9 3










Figure 7 Number of Churches CMI Fathers Serve



It is their dedicated services, generous sharing of resources, unreserved availability and commitment to the Church that makes CMIs still a very wanted group of pastors with a smell of the sheep. It is considered that out of the estimated 2 lakhs of people hailing in the above 67 parishes around 9% i.e., our 13 fathers are imparting their pastoral services to around 18,000 people regularly in Germany. Ministry in Germany is challenging due to the turbulence of faith in this time of history and because of various other local factors. 2.3 USA: There are eight fathers from our Province assisting parishes in USA. Name Abraham Vallayil Cyriac Kochupura George Thirumangalam Joseh Kuzhichalil Joseph Eenthumkuzhy Joseph Kallookalam Mammachan Puthenveedu Thomas Kalam

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Diocese New York Nashville, Tennesee Shreveport Birghmingham and Alabama Sacramento, California Shreveport San Angelo, Texas Nashville, Tennesee

There are 2 priests serving in Shreveport Diocese and the rest are serving in various other dioceses. While serving in Shreveport Diocese Fr Sebi Shan had to step down to face investigations against allegations. Fr Janesh is staying in a parish in Boston and takes part in the parish activities while completing his PhD in Boston College. 2.4 CMI Pastors in USA – Service and Age 83 69





45 14









Figure 8 CMI Fathers Year of Service and their Age

Considering the age and their services it is high time to consider preparing more young fathers to be sent to America for exposure and ministry.



2.4.1 Visit to US: Fr Prior General gave an opportunity to me to be part of the resource team of the renewal programme conducted in the USA in November 2022. Fr Provincial asked me to make it an official visit. I met Fr Sebi Shan CMI together with Fr Joseph Kallookalam CMI and George Thirumangalam CMI (the co-ordinator of CMIs from Trivandrum Province). We also met the Vicar General of the Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana. Fr Sebi Shan is staying in the apartment where Bishop of Shreveport is also staying. His case is still pending disposal till 30 May 2023. I had an opportunity visit Canada also briefly and had a discussion with Archbishop of Edmonton who was acquainted to late Fr Jose Kadavil CMI. 2.5 United Kingdom: Rev Father Joseph Kaduthanam is serving in St Joseph’s Church, Wembley, Westminster Archdiocese, for the last 12 years. He is the Vicar now. Fr Tebin who is also pursuing PhD in English literature and Fr Joseph Ozhukayil are serving as associate pastors. This is a very big parish with 3500 registered members of which 2500 attend on Sundays. They also celebrate Syro-Malabar Mass for around 350 people once in a month. Our services are highly appreciated by the people and the diocese. Fr Johnson Kattiparampil is serving at parish of Welshpool, Newton and Llanidloes (3 churches) in Wrexham Diocese in Wales for the last 10 years. Bishop of Wrexham is also very positive about his service. This is a remote area and mass attendance reaches 150 on Sundays between 3 parishes. Fr Provincial, together with Fr Xavier Ampat, Provincial Auditor, visited the members of the Province doing pastoral ministry or studying in the U. K., in the month of October 2022. 2.6 Ecuador Mission Frs Libin Kariyil, Joffin Kollara, Martin Thayil, Bibin Padiyara and Jibin Kulamkombil serve in Rio Bamba Diocese, Ecuador. There are 3 main parishes allocated mainly for us at present. They will reach out to around 20 to 28 communities each from the 3 main centers. One priest celebrates at least 3 to 4 masses on a Sunday regularly other than the week day masses in the 20+ communities each. Extra masses are celebrated on various occasions like birthdays, death, anniversary masses, aging of girls, marriages, baptisms, jubilees etc. Reaching out to communities in remote places in the heavily rainy season is challenging. Since the income of the people is very low in the country, there is very little financial contribution in the churches. Each priest celebrates around 40 to 50 masses in a month. Fr Joffin will return to India on 12 April 2023. B-cm-[-\-bpsSbpw- h-N-\-hp-am-bp-Å- {]m-À-°-\m-]q-À-W-am-b- I-p-ap-«-en-sâbpw-, I-À-¯m-hp-am-bp-ÅB-ßm-À-°- kw-`m-j-W-¯n-sâbpw- kp-Zo-À-L- \n-an-j-§-Ä- Iq-SmsX, \-½psS -tPmen- F-fp-¸-¯n-Â- A-À-°-cln-X-am-Ip-¶p-; £o-W-hpw- hn-j-a-X-I-fpw- -sIm-v \-½psS Du-À-Pw- \-ãs¸Sp-I-bpw- \-½psS BthiwA-W-bp-I-bpw- -sN¿p-¶p- (para 262).



3. Eucharistic Communities in India There are Eucharistic Communities in the following Ashrams: 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8

St Xavier's Alappuzha St Chavara, Evava Christ Nagar Residence, Maranalloor Christ Hall, Kowdiar Christ Nagar School, Kazhakoottam Shanthi Bhavan, Enathu SJB Ashram, Nooranad K E Mannanam

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Carmel Monastery, Muhamma St Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo Kuriakose Elias Ashram, Kainakary Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam Carmel Monastery, Punnapra St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody CMI Provincial House, Thiruvallam Jeevadhara, Kottayam

Between these 16 Eucharistic communities we take care of 759 lay people on week days and 2505 people on Sundays. We celebrate 100 masses including weekdays and Sundays. We take care of 17 convents also as chaplains. Some Deeper questions to address: 1. How do I evangelize myself? How do I bring the Good News to Myself? Do I take effort to transform myself to become the Good News? 2. How my ministry – be it administration, education, social work, finance or any other ministry – become an extension of the Good News I cherish in my heart/carry in my soul/express in my conversations? 4. Department Consulter’s Meeting The First meeting of Department Consultants was convened on Monday, 12 October, 2020 at St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam. Some concerns were shared by consulters also. • Covid affected worship – pastoral challenges • How to make our houses centres of pastoral ministry? • Insight and training in our schools on human formation and emotional intelligence • Pastoral initiatives/aspects of school/college education (caring for students with behavioural issues) • Starting prayer groups in our educational institutions The second meeting of Consulters of the Department was convened on 06 August 2021 at St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam. Fr Georgy Korattiyil, our new vocation promoter also joined this consulter’s meeting. Following are some of the concerns expressed by the participants: • How to give more care in our Parish at Mannanam? Socio Economic Survey by Fr Thomas Kallukalam; House visit by our Fathers • Connecting with our young priests and giving personal care



• Addressing the disinterest in marriage/other status of life of young people • Caring for the senior citizens • Possibility of self-employment schemes by the Social Work department • How to conscientize young priests to show the face of merciful God to the people? • How to make our ashrams an important part of vocation promotion? A third meeting was convened online on 16 March 2023 since Fr Paul Vadakkummury was in the US for giving retreats. Some important suggestions transpired during this meeting is presented at the end of the report of pastoral ministry. 5. Some pastoral Initiatives by the members of the Province 1) The newly built façade of St Mary’s church, Cheepunkal, was blessed on 2 October, 2020, by Fr Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial. 2) Online Bible Reading Communities: Fr Ajy Mooleparampil started bible reading communities while he was on holidays in India in 2020 and this spread and developed hugely. He is at present a consultant for so many online Bible reading communities. 3) Exegesis is an online Bible Quiz organised by Fr James Madathilchira CMI from November, 2020. This is a Bible reading and quiz session spans for a month. Similar seven sessions completed comprising 300 participants at a time. This aims to delve deeper into the Word of God. 4) Re-dedication of the renovated St Joseph’s Monastery church was held on 23 November 2021. Mar Joseph Perumthottam, Archbishop of Changanacherry, solemnized the ceremony in the presence of the Prior General. 5) Conclusion of the 150th anniversary of the Heavenly birth of Saint Chavara was celebrated on 3 January, 2022. M. Venkiah Naidu, former Vice President of India, was the Chief Guest of the celebrations. 6) Perpetual adoration chapels were opened at Muhamma (5 December, 2021) and Cheepunkal (on 8 December 2021). 7) Pilgrim Centre Mannanam: The centre is progressing well under the leadership of Fr. Mathews Chackalackal (director) and Thomas Kallukualam (assistant director). A charismatic convention Kripabhishekam was organized, preached by Fr Dominic Valamnal from 26 to 30 October 2022. 8) St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara Retreat Centre at Mannanam is functioning well under the leadership of Fr Thomas Kallukalam CMI and Bro. Martin Perumalil. 9) Virtual Evangelisation: There are so many efforts by our Fathers and brothers in the virtual platform CMI TVM Media whatsapp group. Great appreciation to: 1. Fr Luka Chavara CMI – A short video reflection about the Word of God daily 2. Fr Thomas Thekkethala CMI – A Tamil video exposition and prayer on St Joseph



3. Fr Tinu Kottackalparampil CMI - ho-pw Hcp t\m¼pImew You Tube video Lenten Reflection 4. Fr Juby Maniankeril CMI and team 1. {IqinXs³d \ngenÂ, Lenten Reflection Video 2. btk¸nXmhns³d hW¡amkw – Video Reflection on St Joseph 3. H-c p- ItÃdv Zqsc - Im-Â -h-cntbmfw- - Lenten Reflection Video, presently 5. Fr Georgy Korattiyil CMI – Weekly Youtube Video Reflection on the Syro Malabar Liturgical reading for Sundays, from the youtube channel for vocation promotion of the province. 6. Fr Sebastian Kalappurackal CMI – Short, written reflection in the Lent and every week, every year. 7. Fr Mathew Kannampally CMI - A Malayalam video reflection in the Lent and other clips – this is going on in this lent (2023) also under the pen name BeN.

8. Fr Antony Vallavanthara CMI, Fr Justin Valamparampil CMI and Fr Ligin Moozhayil CMI initiated the online streaming of services at St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam.

9. Ephphatha – a Marathon Bible reading was conducted under the auspices of our West Bengal Sub-region from 22 to 26 October, 2020 for the Syro-Malabar Migrants in West Bengal by Fr George Pananthottam CMI who co-ordinated the event. 10. Bro Nebi Kottor and Brothers at S H Monastery, Chethipuzha, - Scent of Lent, YouTube video, Lenten Reflection. Even after leaving the congregation, he continues the online reflections for important feasts as encouraged by Fr Johncy Molippadavil CMI. 11. Bro Alexander Maliekal CMI – A Malayalam video reflection in the Lent 2021. 12. Fratelli Tutti, the popular encyclical of Pope Francis was translated into Malayalam by the Fathers and Brothers of St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, and an abridged copy was published online daily during the advent days of 2020. 13. ‘Ordinary Diaries’ were very creative and innovative video clips prepared and published by our scholastics from Chethipuzha every day during the last advent. 14. Bro Jaison Kizhakkechira CMI prepares and publishes reflections on all days of Lent online. 15. Fr Antochen Thunduparampil CMI prepares a very rich reflection on Syro Malabar Sunday readings and posts the video in YouTube which is used and appreciated by so many people and priests. 16. Fr Jerin Valiyathazhathu CMI presents online Christian inspirational videos. 10) Province Days were celebrated at provincial house - Saturday 21 January 2023; Saturday 15 January 2022 and Saturday, 16 January 2021. Fr John Kallarackal, Varghese Puthiyaveedu, John Pallithuruthil, Mathew Kannampally, Cherian Thunduparampil and Reny Kalathil delivered homilies and public speeches for the Province Days. The newly ordained priests were felicitated on the occasion. In connection with the celebration competitions were organized on



zonal basis. There was speech and Bible verses contest for aspirants, Novices and Scholastics. Fr Jomon Puthenpurackal needs special thanks for organizing these. After the Covid, Province Days took a new dimension in 2022 and 2023. Representatives from those of our communities outside Kerala sent their video greetings for the Province Day online. This added to the collegiality and life of the Province Days. 11) A poem competition on St Joseph in the year of St Joseph was organised by the department of Evangelisation and Pastoral Ministry of St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram online. 12) Penitential Service - Team: Rev Fathers from the four zones of the Province volunteered to conduct penitential services and to hear confessions in various parishes during the Holy Week when the pandemic curbed the availability of priests. Teams of Fathers and Brothers consisting 2 to 4 members each were formed in the following zones: Chethipuzha, Mannanam, Alappuzha, Pulincunnoo and Thiruvananthapuram. They cover many churches around our Ashrams which are appreciated a lot. Similar services were offered for Christmas and Easter 2021, 2022 and 2023 also in the above zones. All members of S H Monastery, Chethipuzha, Carmel Monastery Punnapra, St Joseph’s Monastery Mannanam, K E Residence, Mannanam, St Mary’s Ashram, Cheepunkal, Christ Hall Monastery, Kowdiar, Christ Nagar Residence, Maranalloor, Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam, St Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo, and the Provincial House deserve appreciation for imparting this new service of confession to the nearby parishes. This service was much appreciated by the parish priests. 13) Survey and Counselling Service: A survey was conducted among students from grade 8 to 12 in English and Malayalam to understand the emotional issues among students during the lockdown due to Covid. The plan was to design counselling service for the young people as per the issues studied assessing the responses received in the survey. Around 200 students attempted English survey. And around 62 took part in Malayalam survey. 14) In similar vein, gentle reminders were given to all Principals of our schools to begin or strengthen counselling services in our schools particularly in the context of issues related to the pandemic. This has helped to realise the need for effective counselling services in our schools. 15) Three retreats were organised for the members of our Province: 1. At St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, from 5 to 10 March, 2021, by Fr Sonu Kulathur VC and 2. At the Provincial House from 18 to 23 April, 2021, by Fr Tom Pannalakunnel MSFS. 3. At S H Monastery, Chethipuzha from 23 to 27 May 2022 by Fr Jose Thachil SJ. 16) Since the scholastics returned early due to Covid escalations in Bangalore in the year 2021, it was the responsibility of the Province to organise retreat in preparation for the Diaconate. The Diaconate ceremony took place at Sangamam, the retreat centre of Thuckalay Diocese on 5 May 2021.



17) Accompanying the Scholastics: Scholastics who were expected to begin degree studies were accompanied during their unanticipated early vacation spent in the Provincial House in 2021 to bring them to a study atmosphere with learning English and introducing them back to their plus 2 level studies of other subjects. 18) Virtual Meetings of Scholastics: Virtual meeting of the scholastics of the Province studying at Kolkata was held on Saturday 13 March 2021. Section wise virtual meetings of the scholastics of the Province studying at Dharmaram were held on Sunday 14 March 2021. Fr Provincial and Councillors, Provincial Tutor and Nominee also attended the meetings. 19) Parents’ meet of the scholastics also was held according to Theology, Degree and Philosophy sections, virtually, from 2 to 4 June, 2021, in place of the annual offline meet. 20) Renewal Programme: After the initial meeting of resource persons online organized by the General Department, there was a meeting of resource persons on Monday 23 Aug 2021, to plan the renewal program at S H Monastery, Chethipuzha. Following this ‘CMI Renewal 2021’was organized in six zones namely: Thiruvananthapuram + Tamil Nadu Zones - Venue: Provincial House (Oct 8-9, 2021) Mannanam Zone - Venue: St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam (Oct 11-12, 2021) Chethipuzha Zone - Venue: S H Monastery, Chethipuzha (Oct 20-21) Pulincunnoo + Alappuzha Zones - Venue: Carmel Monastery, Punnapra (Oct 30-31) Punalur Zone - This session was solely for the members of the Novitiate (25 Oct). West Bengal Zone -This was conducted on Thursday 9 December 2021 and Friday 10 December 2021 in google meet. Great appreciation and thanks to Rev Fr Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial, Fr Antony Elamthottam, Fr Thomas Kallukalam, Fr Paul Vadakkumuryil, Fr Reny Kalathil, Fr Justin Aluckal and Fr Cijo Chennad who were the resource persons. 21) CMI Planning Sessions were organised zone wise in December 2021. 22) Fr John Pallithuruthil CMI went to South Africa with Fr James Thazhoor CMI for resuming missionary services. They later returned since the opportunities did not come up. “kp-hntih-XvI-c-W-{]-h-À-¯-\w- GsäSp-¡m-\pw- A-\y-cpsS \-·-¡pth-n- {i-an-¡m-\pw- H-cp- {]m-À-°-\mco-Xn- \s½ khntij-am-bn- {]tNmZn-¸n-¡p-¶p-. A-Xv a-[y-kvY- {]m-À-°-\-bm-Wv. (^n-en- 1: 4 ,7) ... a-[y-kvY{]m-À-°-\- b-Ym-À-°- [ym-\-¯n-Â-\n-¶p- \s½ hy-Xn-N-en-¸n-¡p-¶nsöp- ChnsS \mw- Im-Wp-¶p-. Im-c-Ww-, b-Ym-À-°- [ym-\-¯n-Â- A-\y-À-¡v Ft¸mgpw- H-cp- C-S-ap-v” (para 281). 23) An intercession Team for our Province, comprising 12-15 Fathers, has gathered 4 times even during the covid restrictions at Marian Vachana Theeram. Fr Paul Vadakkummury is the coordinator. All intentions of the members of the Province are offered in prayer during the prayer session. 24) The Councillor for Evangelisation and Pastoral Ministry organized and took part in the following meetings/activities also: Virtual Meeting of Fathers Abroad - country wise, Publication of the Provincial Statutes, Province Directory, The Capital Letter, 50 Provincial



Council sessions, Webinar on Child protection and safe environment, Formation Council, New Vocation Drive, Virtual Meetings of Scholastics, Parents’ meet of the scholastics etc. 25) New Vocation Drive: A wider meeting of our Fathers on Vocation Promotion was held on 20 January at St. Sebastian Monastery at Pulincunnoo at 10.00 am. 15 fathers from different houses attended the same. Provincial, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI welcomed the gathering. Fr. Sony Palathara CMI did an analysis on Vocation Promotion over the years using ppt. Rev Fr. Johncy Molipadavil CMI, the Vocation Director, explained about how he had done Vocation Promotion in a creative manner during his time and also, he briefed about the challenges faced by him in the current Vocation Promotion. All the Fathers who had attended the meeting shared their views to promote the Vocation. 26) Videos from parishes where CMI priests from St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, are serving were published during the Lent 2022. Aaditne Manamulla idayan was the title. 15 Volumes were published. 27) The Vacation Programme: Services were organised for 35 scholastics, who returned from their study houses, as Viswasotsavam in various parishes, the Holy Week services and other Frontier Ministry services for three weeks. A week was spent in the Provincial House as annual gathering of all scholastics presenting reports, excursion, parents’ meet etc. This year also students arrived for vacation from 19 March 2023 onwards. Plans are made out for 37 scholastics till 21 May 2023 and deacon ministries are also arranged to be handed over to the new councillor. 28) Renewed interest in Retreat Preaching The following young fathers have started preaching ministry: 1. Fr James Madathilchira – retreats and camps for young people. 2. Fr Georgy Korattiyil – One day retreats, school retreats, retreats for sisters, brothers and lay people etc. 3. Fr Renny Kalathil – retreats for parishes, sisters and other one day retreats and retreat for schools. 4. Fr Subin Kottoor – Holy Week retreats for parishes. 5. Fr Justin Valamparampil – serving at the Marian Retreat Center, Anakkara, and started preaching for conventions. 6. Fr Sony Palathra – retreats for priests, sisters and lay people in English and Malayalam. 7. Fr Jerin Thuruthel – 3 days and one day retreats for families, schools and teachers, teacher training programmes, youth animation programmes and Sunday School camps. 8. Fr Ankith Chechottu – retreats for aspirants and candidates for religious life. 9. Bro Sebin Panakalam – Sunday school camps and youth animation programmes. 10. Fr Sebastian Attichira is a veteran preacher already.



11. Fr Paul Vadakkummury gets opportunity to preach retreats in the US and Switzerland other than the retreats conducted at Marian Vachana Theeram a detailed report is kept towards the end. 12. Fr Ninan Thekkumthara assists the Jesus Youth as their chaplain. 13. Fr Titto Vallavanthara also helps Jesus Youth as Techno Park, Chaplain, Music Ministry chaplain and Teens Team chaplin, Trivandrum. 14. Fr Febin Kannekonil also assisted Jesus Youth as their chaplain. With all the above positive pastoral involvement I like to bring to attention the following question where we lose grace considerably: What are the areas of losing grace for a CMI religious in St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram? - Human formation – expression of anger in public (harassing/emotional abuse) or to the staff/students etc. - Human formation – sexual life – p*rnography/relationship with women/sexual gratification of the body/digital sex etc. - Human formation – uncontrolled food habits/hot drink habits/exploring new eateries, new food varieties/discussion or longing for exotic food etc. - Human formation – culture of gossip/hate speeches/digital defamation etc. - Impulsive decisions and executions rather than studied, planned longstanding undertaking of the will of God for the good of the people and the common good of the community. - Constant feeling of inadequacy or immature/foolish character leading to addiction in comfortable group formation, position seeking campaigns, too much dependence on money, branded/expensive dress/travel facilities etc. 29) The Councillor for Evangelisation and Pastoral Ministry met catechism teachers of some of our parishes, namely, S H Parish, Chethipuha, St Joseph’s Parish, Mannanam, St Peter’s parish, Vizhinjam and Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam on Sundays and took classes on effective catechism using the Word of God in 2022. 30) St Joseph’s church, Kuchappuram was renewed as part of its Golden Jubilee and a new belfry was also installed. Golden Jubilee of Little Flower Church Pilankalai and the Golden Jubilee of church at Kainakary were celebrated. 31) Suggestions to improve the service of the department and the pastoral orientation of the members of the province: 1. Meeting of all vicars should be organized at least once is six months with regular inputs from pastoral models from other parishes – both run by religious and Diocesan priests. 2. How to revitalize the methods of confession as to develop the ability of a priest to help and guide people who find themselves in repeated sins?



3. How to form priests after the needs of the time – addressing the issues of the new generation? 4. Can Marian Vachanatheeram, Cheepunkal, become a space to study church documents for formators, confessors and Vicars? 5. There are so many areas of care when it comes to retreats and spiritual accompaniment – parishes, religious, youth, college and school students etc. Our retreat center at Cheepunkal can be focus on family retreats. More priests may be sent for study about caring for families. 6. Concrete efforts should be taken to address issues of the new generation and families after proper studies and researches. 7. We need to look at education as a holistic formation also integrating spiritual/moral/societal values accompanying every child ‘that not one of them may be lost’ (Jn 18:9). 8. How to transform our service in West Bengal and Kanyakumari Sub-Regions with a more pastoral slant by instituting a retreat center or developing strategies for direct evangelization? 9. The need of instituting more perpetual adoration chapels in all our institutions may be stressed. Let me conclude by asking the following questions about our formation: - Why the formation until the Novitiate does not sustain/reflect in later life? - Do we need to look at/assess the present tools of direct formation? - How to address formation of scholastics in communities other than common study houses? - How to develop/sustain ownership of religious house in the formees? - How to instill hope in the young religious for fulfillment/passion/joy of life in the CMI way of religious life? - Would I invite someone to become a CMI or would someone be inspired by my life to live a CMI religious life? - What motivates my religious life every day? - Am I serious about ongoing formation? What are the areas of receiving grace for a religious? "a-cn-¨-hs\¦n-epw- D-°m-\w- -sNbvX-h-\pw- -ssZh-¯n-sâ h-e-Xp-`m-K-¯n-cp-¶p- \-ap-¡pth-n- am-[y-kvYwh-ln-¡p-¶-h-\p-am-b- -tbip-{In-kvXp-" X-sâ k`-bn-Â- hn-hn-[- co-Xn-I-fn-Â- k¶n-ln-X-\m-bn-cn-¡p-¶p-. A-hn-Sps¯ h-N-\-¯n-epw-, "F-sâ \m-a-¯n-Â- ct-m aqt¶m -t]cv k-t½fn-¡p-¶-" A-hn-Sps¯ k`-bpsS {]m-À-°-\-bn-epw-, Z-cn-{Z-cn-epw- -tcmKn-I-fn-epw- _-Ô-\-kvY-cn-epw-, A-hn-Sp-¶p- kvYm-]n-¨- Iq-Zm-i-I-fn-epwIp-À-_m-\- F-¶- _-en-bn-epw-, Im-À-½n-I-sâ hy-àn-X-z-¯n-epw- A-hn-Sp-¶p- k¶n-ln-X-\m-Wv. F-¶m-Â- G-ä-hpwD-¶-X-am-b- co-Xn-bn-Â- A-hn-Sp-¶p- Zn-hy-Im-cp-Wy-km-Zr-iy-§-fn-Â- k¶n-ln-X-\m-bn-cn-¡p-¶p- (CCC para. 1373). CONCLUSION I sincerely thank Rev Fr Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial, who guided me, accompanied me like an elder brother and re-formed me in many ways during these six years of the ministry. I also sincerely thank the present team of administration, Fr Joseph Vattaparampil CMI, Councillor for



Finance and Agriculture, and the Superior of the House, who planned out so many areas related to the finance and waited like a mother whenever somebody came in or went out of the Provincial House, Fr Scaria Ethirettu CMI, Councillor for Education and Media, who even with so many issues of the school to be fixed, provided a clear and important vision to the council in many important situations, Fr Santhosh Kayyalaparampil CMI, who shared his youthful spirit and genuine compassion to the council, to all members of the congregation as well as people outside and Fr Xavier Ampatt CMI, who tried with his relentless energy to set us straight by constant enquiries and continuous and dedicated services. I also thank the secretaries Bro Ajith Kizhakkemalil CMI, Bro Thomaskutty Muppathinchira CMI and Bro Aloysius Ayyanadu CMI who worked day in and day out attending to the needs of the Provincial House and various office needs of the Provincial and the Council. They are truly to be appreciated for bearing with all idiosyncrasies of all people in the Province, in particular, those in the Provincial house and the administration. I also make use of this opportunity to thank Frs Thomas Kallukalam CMI and Paul Vadakkummury CMI who were great souls of spiritual support and wonderful hearts of necessary guidance and input. Lastly, I thank you, who represent all fathers and brothers in the province, for bearing with me during the last 6 years, appreciating me even when I was not up to the expectations and encouraging me in situations of sorrow, in particular at the time of the painful departure of my elder brother, Mr Alex Sebastian, a year ago. I am happy that this journey gave me more opportunity for personal growth spiritually. If I have missed out on any in the report, it is not intentional. I also beg your pardon for any of my actions that may have caused pain or upset to anybody. In a very special way, I thank God almighty, who accompanied and protected us during the calamities, specially, the Pandemic, who still continue to be the Father for us, ‘brothers’ and provides daily nourishment for life and love. God bless you. Fr Dr Sony Palathra CMI St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram 11 April 2023










Statement of Department of Education and Communication Media Provincial Councillor: Rev. Fr. Scaria Ethirett CMI

Consultants: Fr. James Mullassery CMI Fr. Sebastian Attichira CMI PART I

EDUCATION 1. INTRODUCTION Education is the most visible apostolate of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) congregation. We the members of the CMI congregation, after the example of our founder Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara consider education as the integral formation of the human person for the fulfilment of his/ her individual and social responsibilities. Our educational endeavours aim at forming leaders who are intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable, who will champion the cause of justice, love, truth and peace and who are ever open to further growth. Our approach in education is holistic in nature hence our activities are devised in such a way that it enables the learners to grow up to be responsible citizens of the nation who will contribute to its growth. Keeping alive the legacy inherited from our founder, Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara who was a pioneer in the field of education; we too try to be the trend setters in the educational sphere. Our teaching and learning processes always continued despite all odds. While covid made it challenging, all our educational institutions under the St. Joseph’s Province Thiruvananthapuram took it upon themselves to beat the challenges and adopted newer ways of teaching. The transition from regular schooling, which all of us were used to for decades and decades to online teaching was not easy, but I am proud to say that with a dedicated team of administrators, teachers and non-teaching staff, we were able to ensure no child was left behind.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Teachers upskilling themselves to leverage technology platforms like MS Teams, Google Classrooms, Cisco etc. and teach their students were massive challenges in the teaching community. Curriculum planning and other developmental strategies were charted out and were implemented largely despite the pandemic related challenges. The post covid year saw hybrid mode of learning in our schools. Subsequently all our educational institutions were back to normalcy as per the Government order. More than 70% of our members are involved in the field of education. We have 64 educational institutions including CBSE, ICSE, ISC and IGSCE schools. These include Special school, Engineering colleges, Polytechnic, Arts and Science Colleges, B.Ed. colleges and a Nursing School. We have hostels attached to our educational institutions and nearly 45,000 students are trained in our institutions. We do render a helping hand to all the families who serve in our institutions as teachers, administrators and other office staff. 2. NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY (NEP 2020)

The New Education Policy was released under the Government of India's Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) on 30 July 2020. With the motto of Educate, Encourage, Enlighten. ➢ New Curricular and Pedagogical Structure (5+3+3+4) The following areas in our institutions need attention as per NEP 2020: • A paradigm shift from ‘quantity “to “quality” in education. • Schools ought to concentrate on the literacy and numeracy skills in order to get a remarkable metamorphosis in reading, writing and speaking. • Moving away from rote learning to actual conceptual understanding. • Shift from syllabus completion to defining learning goals, curate classroom instructions through innovative pedagogy and to link assessment with theses learning goals. • Subjects must be integrated with other streams and technology to create holistic experience for students. • Emphasis to be laid on vocational education through integration and mainstreaming of vocational education with general education. • To provide learning experience to the students and to equip them with the necessary 21st century skills.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA • To transform the nature of learning assessments from one, that is summative and primarily tests rote memorization skills to one that is more regular and formative. More competency based and that tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity. • Teacher education to be gradually moved into multidisciplinary colleges and universities by 2030 and the minimum qualification for teaching will be a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree. • Every teacher and head teacher is expected to participate in at least 50 hours of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities every year for their own professional development, driven by their own interests. NEP 2020 is an attempt to address most of the grievances of the education system, which has been pending for decades. It is intriguing to see how the norms of the policy will be implemented in the educational institutions, but undoubtedly it is a new era for Indian educational landscape. 3. ST. KURIAKOSE ELIAS CHAVARA AND HIS VISION OF EDUCATION AND OF MASS MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION The activities of The Department of Education and Media of Communication of St. Joseph’s Province, Trivandrum are in complete alignment with the vision and missionary work done by our founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. He had a clear vision that education can ameliorate the society by enlightening the minds of people and lead them to the path of knowledge and which will clear the darkness of social evils present in the society. St. Chavara established the concept of ‘a school for every church’ throughout Kerala in an effort to provide education to all individuals irrespective of caste, creed and community. This was indeed a revolutionary step at that time because the system of education was until then segmented by caste, creed and community. The establishment of two religious congregations, indigenous printing press and publications, a Sanskrit school and initiation of women empowerment programmes were indeed revolutionary changes instituted by our founder. His educational reforms brought a new dawn in the educational field. He considered Education and Printing as two most important tools for social reformation. This visionary leader envisaged many plans for the educational, spiritual and social progress of the society and we strive hard to make the dreams of our founding father a reality by the means of education and mass media. 4. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF OUR PROVINCE To spread the light of education as envisaged by our founder St. Chavara to a larger stratum of society, numerous initiatives were taken by our Province to begin educational institutions within the boundary of our Province and also extended our mission to other territories of the nation. Apart from Kerala, we have established well in Tamil Nadu (Kanyakumari Region), West Bengal and now started our educational initiatives in Karnataka as well.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 4.1 Aided Institutions of Our Province We have 7 aided schools in Kerala and 4 aided schools in Tamil Nadu. Our Province has 3 aided colleges in Kerala. 4.2 Unaided Institutions of our Province State Kerala Tamil Nadu West Bengal Karnataka

State 4

CBSE 14 2



Self-Financing College 8

8 1

5. AIDED INSTITUTIONS OF OUR PROVINCE (Kerala) Higher Secondary Schools 1. St. Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam. 2. St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo. High Schools 1. St. Ephrem’s High School, Mannanam. 2. St. Joseph’s High School, Pulincunnoo. 3. Mother Teresa High School, Muhamma. Primary Schools. 1. St. Joseph’s UP School, Mannanam. 2. Sacred Heart UP School, Champakulam. 5.1 Aided Higher Secondary Schools 5.1.1 St. Ephrem’s higher secondary school, Mannanam, Kottayam Academic Credentials The HSS section has three Streams: (1) Science (Biology) (2) Science (Computer Science) (3) Commerce. Students Strength Staff Strength

: Plus One - 318 & Plus Two - 332 : Teaching Staff - 25 & Non-Teaching Staff – 2

Strengths The HSS section is acclaimed to be an efficient wing with well-qualified, highly experienced and truly dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff. It has a high pass percentage and excellent grades in academics. A large number of students seek admission to the HSE course in the school every year. It has considerably good infrastructural facilities, well-equipped lab facilities and equipments for each stream, a well-stocked library, comfortable classrooms, an indoor stadium, a playground etc.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Current Issues • Insufficient administrative staff: There are only two Lab Assistants, which is far below the requirement to help the principal run the office and do other administrative work. Apart from teaching, the teachers are given additional responsibilities that result in delayed delivery of classroom content and lack of conduct of extra class room activities. • Mixed up classrooms: The HSS and HS sections share the buildings for various purposes as there is no separate wing for HSS section. As a result, HSS classes get disturbed and at times even interrupted. HS students use the indoor stadium, washrooms, wash areas etc, which are right in front of the HSS classrooms. To make matters worse, HSS and HS have different break timings. HS students are often seen crowding in front of and the surrounding areas of the principal’s office. All this adversely affects the academic and disciplinary atmosphere of the HSS section. • Unsuitable toilets/washrooms facilities: The washrooms, especially those for the boys, are old fashioned and congested. Some students, it is feared, are making use of the place for unlawful activities. • Quite a few experienced and dedicated teachers have retired and are retiring. (The following year will see an exodus of such teachers from different departments.) • Unclean and unimpressive surroundings of the school. The backyard is rather a junkyard. The front yard too needs maintenance. • At least a few of the students who manage to get admission via Management quota cut a sorry figure and turn out to be disappointing in academics and are also involved in disciplinary issues. Suggestions/Requirements • Enhance infrastructural facilities: HSS needs completely separate and independent wings for HSS. • Maintain the existing building properly and furnish the classrooms with proper windows and seating facilities. A modern office room for the principal and a fully furnished staff room are the requirements. • Make arrangements for periodic clearance of junk from the front and back yards. • Avoid functions and activities in the Indoor Stadium during class hours. • Candidates with good academic track record, pleasing personality and with excellent communication skills must be appointed. At least 50% of Management quota seats should be set apart for students with true merit and aptitude. 5.1.2 St. Joseph’s HSS Pulincunnoo Recently, St. Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo celebrated its Jubilee. It has completed 125 years of its glorious service of educating the people of Kuttanadu. Number of Students Upper Primary High School Higher Secondary


248 519 395


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Total Number of Teachers Upper Primary High School Higher Secondary Non-Teaching Staff Total




10 22 21 9 62

Strengths 1. 125 years of excellent academic service 2. Dedicated and efficient teaching and non-teaching staff. 3. Excellent support from the people of the locality. 4. A catholic atmosphere prevalent in this area and no animosity shown from other religious communities. 5. A village atmosphere and the resultant innocence of people in the vicinity. 6. Presence of priests and religious to serve the institution. 7. Excellent support from the management. 8. A fully furnished new office room for the Higher Secondary guarantees the safety of documents during floods. Weaknesses 1. Geographical location and its backwardness. 2. Comparatively less road access and bus facility. 3. Class rooms in the ground floor cannot be used during floods. 4. Frequency and intensity of floods have increased recently. 5. Shortage of funds for developmental activities. 6. Financial and educational backwardness of parents and families. Suggestions 1. Since the migration of the people of this locality is on the increase, the necessity of upgrading the institution at all levels has become the need of the hour. 2. Require a new building with classrooms, auditorium and library. 3. Construction of a bund around the campus to prevent inundation during floods. Threats 1. Regular floods affect the institution and classes. 2. Migration of families, especially, catholic families to distant lands. 3. A decline in the standard of the students who are admitted to humanities batch. 4. Alarming rise in drug abuse among the youngsters of the locality. 5. Lack of government support for developmental projects and government’s animosity towards aided schools is negatively affecting the institution’s progress. Quasquicentennial Celebrations - St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo. GURETO JUBIRI the Quasquicentennial Celebrations and 125th anniversary of St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo was celebrated with great pomp and gaiety from 16th to 19th of January 2023 with various programmes of Deepasikha Prayanam, Samarppitha Sangamam,


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Guru Vandanam, Alumni Meeting, Send-off Meeting etc. The Prior General of CMI Congregation Very Rev. Fr. Thomas Chathamparampil, Kuttanadu MLA Sri.Thomas K Thomas, Provincial Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara, Rev. Dr. Jose Chennatusserry, Rev. Fr. Scaria Ethirett, Rev.Fr.James Mullasserry, Adv.Mathews K Nelluvely, Rev.Fr.Sebastian Punnassery and other political and social leaders were present and spoke at different functions. Shift from boys’ school to co-education. As a part of the Govt. Policy of Gender Equality, co-education is encouraged in schools by the Department of General Education. At present, St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo functions as a boys school from Std. V to X, even though girls and boys are admitted in Higher Secondary Section of the same school. Based on the request from the local community and recommendations of the school P T A and Pulincunnoo Grama Panchayath, we have submitted an application to the department for the admission of girl students too from Std. V to X from 2023 -2024 academic year onwards. 5.2 S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam – Centenary Celebrations-2022. The 100th anniversary of the school and the closing ceremony of Centenary Celebrations were held on 2nd April 2022 at Fr. Thomas Porukara Auditorium. The Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture Sri.P.Prasd, Provincial Rev.Fr. Sebastian Chamathara, Kuttandu MLA Sri.Thomas K Thomas, Corporate Manager Rev.Fr. Scaria Ethirett, Scientist & Famous writer Sri.V J James, Leaders of Local Self Governments and other eminent personalities were present for the function. 5.3 Students Strength- 2022-23. SCHOOLS






Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma






St. Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam






St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo






St. Joseph’s UPS, Mannanam
















S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam TOTAL

5.4 Staff Strength – 2022-23 SCHOOL

St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam TOTAL





10 21 05 36

24 23 18 65

25 21 46

49 54 18 21 05 147

NONTEACHING STAFF 06 09 04 01 01 21

TOT AL 55 63 22 22 06 168


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 5.5 Appointments in Regular Vacancies.

DIRECT APPOINTMENTS IN REGULAR VACANCIES FROM 2020-21 TO 2022-23. Date of Sl.No. Name of Appointee School Designation Appointment Nature of Vacancy 1 Vinu P O

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo


01-03-2021 Promotion vacancy of Sonia P F as O/A.

2 Albin Alex

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo


01-07-2021 Promotion vacncy of Tinto Antony as O/A

3 Sruthy K Mathew

St Josephs UPS, Mannanam


15-07-2021 Promotion Vacancy of Fr Shaji John as HST

4 Fr. Arun Jacob

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HSST (Jr) 15-07-2021 Retirement vacancy of Smt Jessy Mathew

5 Fr. Jaison Lukose

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HSST (Jr) 15-07-2021 Bytransfer vacancy of Sri.Biju Thomas

6 Fr Sebastian A

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo


20-07-2021 Retirement vacancy of Fr Siby Chethikalam

7 Anu George

St Josephs UPS, Mannanam


02-08-2021 Promotion vacancy of Sr Rosamma Francis

8 Riya Rajumon

St Josephs UPS, Mannanam


02-08-2021 Promotion vacancy of Smt.Joslin P Joseph

9 Alvin James

St.Ephrems HSS, Mannanam HST (Maths) 04-08-2021 Promotion vacancy of Sri.Michael Cyriac.

10 Archana S

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HST (Hindi) 21-08-2021 VRS vacancy of Sri.Tom C Devasia

11 Akhila Treesa Joseph St Josephs UPS, Mannanam


25-08-2021 Promotion vacancy of Smt Sini C Chacko.

12 Minu Joseph

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo


08-09-2021 Smt.Alphonsamma Joseph promoted.

13 Anns Maria Jose

S H UPS, Champakulam


08-09-2021 Smt Mariamma Scaria promoted as HM

14 Setina P Ponnappan St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HSST(Socio) 01-06-2022 Retirement vacancy of Jaimon P Jacob 15 Binu Abraham

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HSST(Mal) 01-06-2022 Retirement vacancy of Sri.Renny Mathew

16 Alvin James

St Josephs UPS, Mannanam

17 Jeffey Mary Joseph

St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo HSST (Jr) 25-08-2022 Promotion vacancy of Sri. Manoj Varghese

18 Megha Thomas

St.Ephrems HSS, Mannanam HSST (Jr) 25-08-2022 Sri.Abraham Varghese retired.


15-07-2022 Fr Saji Chacko promoted as HM

5.6 Regular Appointments of Rule 51A Claimants. 1. Smt. Beena Sebastian is appointed as HSST (Eng) in St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnu with effect from 15/07/2021 against the retirement vacancy of Fr Joseph C S under direct appointment quota. 2. Sr. Mariamma Abraham is appointed as UPST w.e.f. 15/07/2021 in St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo, against the vacancy of Sri. Anil Mathew promoted. 3. Sri. Jince Joseph is appointed in a regular vacancy of HST(Eng) in Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma from 16/07/2021 onwards against the vacancy of Sri. Jijo Mathew transferred.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 4. Sri. George Joseph Puthenpurayil is appointed as HSST (Jr) English against the leave vacancy of Fr Sebastian Antony in St. Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 17/11/2021 to 31/05/2021 under direct appointment quota. 5. Smt.Humsy Joshy, a Rule 51A claimant under direct appointment quota, is appointed as HSST (Jr) Economics in St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo from 25/08/2022 onwards against the vacancy of Sri.Varghese Antony promoted. 5.7 Appointments of Principals and Headmasters. 1. Fr.Luka Antony, Principal St.Ephrem’s HSS Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS Pulincunno from 01/06/2021 and posted as such against the vacancy of Sri.Renny Mathew retired. 2. Sri.Emmanuel Augustine is promoted as Principal and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam w.e.f. 01/06/2021 against the vacancy of Fr.Luka Antony transferred. 3. Sri.James P Jacob HSST(Phy), St. Joseph’sHSS Pulincunnoo is promoted as Principal and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 01/04/2022 against the vacancy of Sri.Emmanuel Augustine retired. 4. Sri.Shaji Thomas HST(SS), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted as Headmaster and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 01/10/2020 against the vacancy of Sri.Jogy Philiph who has taken Leave Preparatory to Retirement. 5. Smt.Bindu Xavier UPST is promoted as Headmistress and posted at St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam w.e.f.14/12/2020 against the LPR vacancy of Sri.Jojan James. 6. Sri.Jameskutty P A HST(Maths), Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma is promoted as Headmaster and posted in the same school from 01/05/2021 against the vacancy of Sri.Michael Cyriac transferred. 7. Fr.Saji Chacko UPST, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted as Headmaster and posted in the same school w.e.f 01/06/2022 against the vacancy of Smt.Bindu Xavier transferred. 5.8 Appointments of Rule 43 Claimants 1. Sri.Manoj Varghese HSST(Jr), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is appointed on bytransfer as HSST(Maths) w.e.f.15/07/2021 against the vacancy of Sri.Joseph Sebastian retired. 2. Fr.Jose Mathew HSST(Jr), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted and appointed as HSST (Eng) from 15/07/2021 onwards against the retirement vacancy of Fr.Joseph Chacko. 3. Smt.Princy Thomas HST(SS), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is appointed on bytransfer as HSST (History) from 15/07/2021 against the vacancy of Fr.Joseph Sebastian retired. 4. Smt.Bindu Joseph HST(Malayalam), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is appointed on bytransfer as HSST (Mal) and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam against the vacancy has arisen due to the retirement of Fr.Thomaskutty C V w.e.f 15/07/2021. 5. Smt.Magy Elizabeth Abraham HSST(Jr) Physics with full time benefit is regularised and appointed as HSST (physics) against the retirement vacancy of Smt.Sancy Dominic and posted to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam w.e.f 01/07/22.
















Sri.Varughese Antony HSST(Jr) Economics, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted as HSST(Eco) and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 01/07/2022 onwards against the vacancy has arisen due to the retirement of Sri.Emmanuel Augustine. Smt.Alphonsamma Joseph UPST, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted as HST(N.Sc) w.e.f. 15/07/2021 and posted at Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma against the retirement vacancy of Smt.Ciciliamma Varghese. Smt.Mariammam Scaria UPST, S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam is promoted as HST (maths) and posted to Mother Theresa H S, Muhamma from 15/07/2021 onwards, against the vacancy occurred due to the promotion of Sri.Jameskutty P.A as Headmaster. Sri.Anil Mathew UPST, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted as HST(SS) and posted in the same school from 15/07/2021 onwards against the vacancy of Sri.Shaji Thomas promoted. Sr. Rosamma Francis UPST, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted and posted as HST(SS) in St.Ephrem’s HSS Mannanam in the vacancy of Sri.Jose John Cherickal retired. Smt.Joslin P Joseph UPST, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted as HST(Mal) from 15/07/2021 and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam in the vacancy of Smt.Bindu Joseph promoted. Smt.Sini C Chackoi UPST, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted as HST(SS) and posted to St. Joseph’sHSS Pulincunnoo w.e.f 15/07/2021 against the vacancy of Smt.Princy Thomas promoted. Fr.Shaji John who worked as HST (Eng) in the long leave vacancy of Fr.Thomaskutty C, is regularised and appointed against the regular vacancy occurred due to the resignation of Fr.Thomaskutty C w.e.f.15/07/2021. Sri.Tinto Antony FTM, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted and transferred to MT HS, Muhamma and posted as Office Attendant from 01/07/2021 against the vacancy of Sri.K B Raveendranath retired. Sr. Soumya K Mathew LG. Hindi Teacher, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted as HST (Hindi) w.e.f. 02/06/2022 and posted at MT HS, Muhamma against the vacancy of Smt.Sessymol Eappen transferred. Sri.Praveen K.P. Office Attendant, MT HS, Muhamma is promoted as Clerk w.e.f.04/05/2022 and posted at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam against the vacancy of Sri.Joseph K P retired. Sri.Midhin M Mathew FTM, St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is promoted as Office Atendant from 04/05/2022 and posted at the same school against the vacancy of Smt.Mariamma U transferred. Sri.Johnson K, FTM, MTHS, Muhamma is promoted and transferred to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 09/01/2023 and posted as Office Attendant against the vacancy of Sri.T.C. Antony retired. Smt.Jissymol John, LG Hindi Teacher (Part Time) S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam is promoted and transferred to St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam and posted as LG.Hindi (FT) w.e.f.20/09/2022 against the vacancy of Sr.Soumya K Mathew promoted.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 20. Sri.Mathew M, Office Attendant, MTHS, Muhamma is promoted as Clerk and posted at St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo w.e.f.02/11/2020 against the vacancy of Sri.Dileep S transferred. 21. Smt.Sonia P F, FTM, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is promoted and posted as Office Attendant in the same school w.e.f.02/11/2020 against the vacancy of Smt.Mariamma.U. transferred. 22. Smt.Josmi Antony UPST, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is promoted and appointed on by transfer as HSST (Jr) Physics at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam w.e.f.19/09/2022, against the vacancy of Smt.Magy Elizabeth Abraham promoted. 5.9 Resignations The following teachers have expressed their willingness to resign from service under the management. 1. Smt.Dhanya George HST(Eng), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam resigned from service on 31/12/2020. 2. Fr.Thomasukutty.C HST (Eng), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam resigned on 14/07/2021. 3. Fr.Johnson P Thomas HST (SS), Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma resigned from service on 31/10/2022. The Manager accepted their resignations and they were relieved from duties with the approval of the Departmental Controlling Officers concerned. 5.10 General transfer 1. Fr.Luka Antony Principal, (an HSST Computer Science hand) St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo w.e.f. 01/06/2021 and posted against the vacancy of Sri.Renny Mathew retired. 2. Sri.Salichan M T, HSST (Computer Science), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is transferred to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam w.e.f.01.06.2021 and posted as such against the vacancy of Fr. Luka Chavara transferred. 3. Fr. Joseph T K, HST(Mal), Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunno w.e.f.01/11/2021 and posted in the existing vacancy of Sri.Babu Thomas promoted. 4. Sri.Shaji Thomas HM, St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo w.e.f.01/05/2021 and posted to the vacancy of Sri.Babu Thomas HM retired. 5. Sri.Michael Cyriac HM, Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma is transferred to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam w.e.f 01.05.2021 and posted in the vacancy of Sri.Shaji Thomas transferred. 6. Smt. Tessy Lukose HSST (Phy), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo w.e.f.01.04.2022 consequent on promotion and transfer of Sri.James P Jacob as Principal to St.Ephrem’s, Mannanam. 7. Smt.Mariamma U, Office Attendant, St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is transferred to Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma w.e.f. 04.05.2022 and posted as such against the vacancy of Sri.Praveen.K.P promoted.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Smt.Bindu Xavier HM, St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam is transferred to S.H.UPS, Champakulam w.e.f. 01.06.2022 and posted against the vacancy of Sri.Raju Xavier retired. 9. Smt.Sessymol Eappen HST(Hindi), Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo and posted against the vacancy of Smt. Archana S HST(Hindi) transferred w.e.f. 01.06.2022. 10. Smt.Archana S HST(Hindi), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is transferred to Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma and posted against the vacancy of Smt. Sessymol Eapen HST(Hindi) transferred w.e.f. 01.06.2022. 11. Sri.Anil Mathew HST(SS), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo, is transferred to Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma w.e.f.01.06.2022 and posted as such against vacancy occurred due to the retirement of Sri.Joseph Mathew. 12. Smt.Sherry Thomas UPST, St. Joseph’sUP School, Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo from 01/06/2022 and posted as such against the vacancy of Sri.Antony Chacko UPST retired. 13. Sr.Monicamma Thomas HST(Mal), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam, is transferred to Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma w.e.f. 01/07/2022 and posted as such against the vacancy existed there consequent on transfer of Fr.Joseph T K HST(Mal) to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo from 01.11.2021. 14. Consequent on reduction of one post of HST(Maths) in St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo, Smt.Shyni Thomas HST (Maths), is transferred and posted as such to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam by relieving Sri.Alvin James HST(Maths w.e.f. 14.07.2022 AN. 15. Consequent on reduction of one post of HST(Maths) in MT HS, Muhamma, Smt.Mariamma Scaria is reverted to her parent post of UPST and transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS Pulincunnoo and posted as such against the vacancy caused due to the transfer of Smt.Rose Mary George w.e.f. 15/07/2022. 16. Smt.Rose Mary George UPST, St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is transferred to St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam from 15/07/2022 and posted as such against the vacancy of Smt.Sherry Thomas transferred. 17. Sri.Manoj Varghese HSST (Maths), St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo is transferred to St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam from 01/11/2022 against the vacancy of Sri.Shibu Varghese HSST(Maths) transferred. 18. Sri.Shibu Varghese HSST(Maths), St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam is transferred to St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo w.e.f 01.11.2022 and posted as such against the vacancy of Sri.Manoj Varghese transferred. 8.

5.11 Retirements and Upcoming Vacancies Sl. No. 1

Name of Staff 2023 Leelamma C.P.,St.Joseph UPS Mannanam

Date of Retirement


31/03/2023 LPSA



Marykutty Thomas, HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/03/2023 HSST(Hin)


Michale Cyriac, St.Ephrem’s Mannanam

30/04/2023 Headmaster


Rosamma Joseph, St.Joseph’s, Pulincunnu

30/04/2023 HST(Mal)


Lagy Mathew, St.Joseph UPS, Mannanam

30/04/2023 LPSA


Liny James, St.Ephrem’s Mannanam

31/05/2023 HST(Maths)


Tomy Abraham, St.Joseph’s, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2023 HST(SS)


Jacob Mathew, St. Joseph’sPulincunnoo

31/05/2023 PET


Salimma Paul, HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2023 HSST(Chem)


Magy Elizabeth Abraham,HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2023 HSST(Phy)

2024 1

Toms V Joseph, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/11/2023 Lab.Assistant


Fr. Roy Thomas. SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2024 HST (SS)


Fr.Luka Antony, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/03/2024 Principal(Comp)


Fr.Jose Mathew, Sj HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/03/2024 HSST (Eng)


Fr.Sebastian Antony, SEHSS,Mannanam

31/03/2024 HSST(Jr) Eng


Shaji Thomas, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2024 Headmaster


Vijimol Xavier, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2024 HST (Mal)


Anto Joseph, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HST N.Sc)


James P Jacob, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 Principal (Phy)


Roy Michael, SE HSS, mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST(Eng)


Tessy Luke, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST(Zoology)


Jose Joseph, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST(Commerce)


Geetha Thomas, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2024 HSST(Politics)


Minimol Mathew SJ HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST (Maths)


Bency K Joseph, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST(Botany)


Varghese Antony, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2024 HSST (Eco)

2025 1

Sr Rosamma Francis, SEHSS, Mannanam

31/03/2025 HST (SS)


Jessy Jacob K, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/03/2025 HSST (Jr) Zoology


Helma Sebastian, SEHSS< Mannanam

30/04/2025 HSST (Chemistry)


Sebastian Pheelipose,SJHSS, Pulincunnu

30/04/2025 HSST(Commerce)


Prasanth S.G., SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

30/04/2025 HSST(Jr) Chem.


Jameskutty P.A, MT HS,Muhamma

31/05/2025 Headmaster



Thresiamma Antony, MTHS, Muhamma

31/05/2025 HST (Maths)


Kunjumol Sebastian, SEHSS, Mannanam

31/05/2025 HST(N.Sc))


Manju Joseph, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2025 HST (N.Sc)


Sibichen T T, SJ UPS, Mannanam

31/05/2025 Office Attendant


Manoj Varghese, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2025 HSST (Maths)


Ramesh C Babu SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2025 Lab. Assistant

2026 1

Mathukutty Mathew,SEHSS Mannanam

31/03/2026 HST (Mal)


Rincy Lukose, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2026 HST (Phy)


Bindu C Thomas, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2026 HST (SS)


Seline P P, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2026 HST (Hindi)


Anil Mathew, MTHS, Muhamma

31/03/2026 HST (SS)


Philip K J

31/03/2026 Office Attendant


Annie Chacko, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2026 HSST (Eng)


Babu George, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/03/2026 HST (Eng)


Tessy Lukose, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

30/04/2026 HST (Phy)


Regy C Paul, SE HSS, Mannanam

30/04/2026 Lab. Attendant


Maymol Joseph, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2026 HST (Maths)


Benny Scaria, SE HSS, Mannanam

31/05/2026 HST (Phy)


Jinu T Velamkalam, SJ HSS, Pulincunnoo

31/05/2026 HST (Hindi)

5.12 State Awards and Achievements Two of our eminent Headmasters were honoured with State Awards for Teachers by the General Education Department, Govt. of Kerala. 1. Sri.Babu Thomas HM, St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo for 2021. 2. Sri.Michael Cyriac HM, St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam for 2022. St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam has won State School Wiki Award and selected to the Final Round of State Level Haritha Vidhyalayam Mega Show. Master. Antony Paul, Anson Antony, Mathew Alex, Nithin Baiju, Stefin K Shaji, Abhkrishna A and Alphy Mariam George from the Higher Secondary Section of St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam secured A Grade and obtained high positions in different cultural and literary events in State Sasthrolsavam and State Kalolsavam. Master.Kannan Sugunan and Master.Alen Dev from St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo were selected as the Captain and Team Member of Kerala Sub-Junior Basket Ball Team. Master.Karthik Chandran and Sino Saji have secured A Grade in State Sasthrolsavam. On behalf of the Corporate Management, I express my hearty congratulations to all the winners and the schools on their splendid achievements.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 5.13 Departmental Updates 1. Kristu Jyothi Group rendered financial assistance to Christ Nagar Central School, Kuchapuram school. Rev.Fr.Jojo Vadakeparampil CMI was appointed as the Principal of the school. It is improving each day in terms of academic standards. An amount of twenty lakhs is provided annually by the Kristu Jyothi Group as financial aid. 2. Mount Carmel CMI Central school Enathu affiliated to CBSE on 1/4/2021. 3. K.E Carmel School Sariksha received the CISCE affiliation. 4. Christ Nagar School , Maranalloor is upgraded to Senior Secondary level. 5. Christ Nagar School , Attingal has submitted the application for Upgradation to Senior Secondary level. 6. Christ Nagar International School Kowdiar is shifted to Kazhakoottam. 7. Mount Carmel CMI Central School Enathu started a nursery school at Adoor. 8. Porukara B.Ed College disaffiliated due to shortage of the required land area. 9. Appointments i. Mr.Ison V Vanchipurackal took charge as the Principal of K.E College Mannanam from 03 March 2022. ii. Fr.James Devasia CMI took charge as the Principal of Carmel Polytechnic College, Punnapra from June 2022 iii. Fr.Saji Parakkadavil CMI took charge as the Headmaster of S. Josephs UP School, Mannanam from June 2022. iv. Fr. Jaison Lukose CMI Commerce HSST (Jr) at St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo. v. Fr.Arun Jacob CMI Zoology HSST (Jr) St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo (appointment pending). vi. Fr. Sebastian Kalapurackal CMI appointed UPST St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo. vii. Fr.James Mullassery CMI appointed as Board of member of CISCE, New Delhi. viii. Fr.LibinXavier , Lecturer, Carmel Polytechnic, Punnapra, Alappuzha ix. Fr.Anoop Naduvilekalam, Lecturer, Lecturer, Carmel Polytechnic, Punnapra, Alappuzha 10. Selection Committee Interviews (HSS) For the appointment to the vacancies of HSST(Jr) Commerce and HSST(Jr) Zoology in St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnu for 2019-20 conducted an interview on 14/11/2020 at Placid Vidya Vihar Chethipuzha. Mr.J Bency, Additional Secretary was the Government Nominee in the Selection Committee. Seven applicants attended the interview. Fr.Jaison Lukose Mavelil and Fr.Arun Jacob Porukara were selected respectively for the above vacancies. The appointment of Fr Arun Cyriac as HSST(JR) Zoology is still pending due to the issue of Reservation of Disabled Persons. Another Selection Committee constituted for the appointment in the vacancies of HSST(Mal), HSST (Sociology, HSST(Jr) Maths were held on 09.04.2022 at the office of the Corporate Manager. Sri.Boby Antony, Additional Secretary, Agricultural Department was the Government nominee in the Selection Committee. Sri.Binu Abraham, Smt.Setina P Ponnappan, Smt.Jeffey Mary Joseph and Smt.Megha Thomas were selected and appointed in


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA the above vacancies under direct appointment quota. Their appointments are also pending for want of filling up the vacancies reserved for Disabled Persons as per RPWD Act. 11. Staff Selection Interview for 2021-22. (Primary & Secondary) An Interview Board consisting of the Corporate Manager, Education Council Members and Subjects Experts was constituted for the selection of candidates and appointment in the vacancies of UPSTs and HST(Hindi) were held on 15/07/2021 at the office of the Corporate Manager. Fr.Sebastian A, Anu George, Riya Rajumon, Akhila Tresa Joseph, Alvin James, Minu Joseph and Anns Maria Jose were selected to be appointed against the vacancies of UPSTs and Smt.Archana S was selected to the post of HST (Hindi). 12. Principals and Headmasters meeting on 14/12/2020 A meeting of all Heads of our aided institutions was held at Placid Vidya Vihar Senior Secondary School, Chethipuzha on 14/12/2020. Detailed discussions were conducted on various subjects Viz:- Results of SSLC & Plus Two, Total number of students and enrollment enrichment programmes, conduct of special academic programmes during Covid*19 pandemic situation etc The issues related to deemed provision, approval of appointments and issues related to teachers continuing on long leave were also discussed. Discussions on matters related to the conduct of Get Together Programme, Distribution of Rev.Dr.John Britto Chethimattom Endowment and Farewell to retiring staff were also held and it was decided to conduct these events on 06/02/2021 at Kristu Jyoti Auditorium at Chethipuzha. It was decided in the meeting that the Pilgrimages that are conducted every year to Kainakary and Mannanam, need not be undertaken during the academic year 2021-2022 owing to the pandemic situation of Covid-19. 13. Get Together Programme/ Reminiscence of Rev.Dr.John Britto Chethimattom A Get Together of all the staff members of the Management was held at Chethipuzha on 06/02/2021. Rev.Fr.Boby Kattikkadu was the Chief Guest of the day and distributed Rev.Dr.John Britto Chethimattom Endowment Awards. The reminiscence Talk by Rev.Fr.Philipose Thunduvalichira on the ‘Life and Vision of Rev.Dr.John Britto Chethimattom’ was truly inspiring. Former Corporate Manager Rev.Dr.James Mullasserry was also present and he offered his felicitation on the occasion. During the meeting teachers and non-teaching staff retiring from service were honored . Annual Staff Meeting-2022 of the St. Joseph’sCorporate and the Rev.Dr.John Britto Chethimattam CMI Endowment Award Ceremony was held on 9th July 2022 at Kristu Jyoti Auditorium, Chethipuzha at 10 am. Rev.Fr.Scaria Ethirett CMI presided over the function. Dr.Ancy Joseph (International Trainer of JCI and former Principal of St.Dominics College Kanjirappally) was the Chief Guest. Sri.James P Jacob Principal, St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam gave a speech on Fr.John Britto Chethimattom CMI. The retired staff of the last academic year were also felicitated during the event. 14. Managers and Administrators Meeting at Mannanam on 26/02/2021 The Managers & Administrators of our educational institutions got together at K E Residence Mannanam on 26/02/2021. The meeting discussed various issues pertaining to the smooth running of our educational institutions especially financial crisis and GST related issues. Rev.Dr.James Mullasserry and Rev.Fr.Sebastian Attichira were entrusted with the duties of Consultants in the Education Department. The meeting also discussed the unresolved problems


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA in some of our aided institutions, particularly with respect to the appointment of teachers and non-teaching staff. 15. School Visit and Staff Meeting. The Manager visited all the schools during March and April and conducted separate staff meeting for sections of Primary, HS and HSS. It gave a true picture of all the schools and their strengths and weaknesses. Most of our teachers put a great deal of effort into training the class X and XII students to achieve 100% result. Some incentives were also promised to our schools for introducing special programmes to increase their enrollment. 16. Online Meeting of Headmasters and Managers on 24/05/2021 A meeting of Local Managers and Headmasters of our aided schools was held online through Google Meet platform on 24/05/2021. All the Headmasters and Managers were present. An elaborate discussion regarding enrollment details, threat of division falls, approval of appointments, transfer and promotions of staff etc. occurred. Temporary posting arrangements for handling online classes were also made at the places of the vacant posts of retired teachers. Offline Meetings of Headmasters and Principals were also conducted in each and every term and before reopening of schools every year. 17. WPC No.19335/2011. Smt. Jolly Paul Vz. Corporate Manager As a result of the case filed by Smt. Jolly Paul, some appointments and transfers made in nonteaching vacancies were held under objection for a long time. Now the case has been closed in favour of the Corporate Manager. The Honourable High Court in its Judgment dated 01/02/2021 has dismissed the Writ Petition finding that “the relief sought for by Smt.Jolly Paul cannot be granted by this court at this distance of time”. 18. Division Fall 2022-23 Two posts of HST (Maths) one in Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma and the other in St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo were reduced due to insufficient number of pupils. In the academic year 2022 – 2023 the students strength was adequate for getting approval for two additional divisions. It has not been sanctioned by the education department till date, as a result of some financial crisis. 19. Staff Orientation Programmes Two Regional Orientation Programmes were organized for the entire staff of the Corporate Schools during the last year. Seminars and Motivation classes for the staff of Muhamma and Mannanam schools were held at St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam and for Champakulam and Pulincunnoo schools at St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo. All the programmes helped the participants to be in complete alignment with the CMI vision of Education. 20. Demise Smt.Jaya Devi Antharjanam, Physical Science Teacher of Mother Teresa High School, Muhamma, passed away on 09/06/2020. Deepest condolence is conveyed on her sad demise and may her soul rest in eternal peace. She died due to cardiac diseases. Her outstanding service in the Corporate Management is highly appreciated and will be remembered with gratitude. 21. St. Chavara Devotion in Our Institutions


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA To commemorate the anniversary of canonization of our founder, on 23rd November students from various CMI educational institutions of the province visited the tomb of Saint Chavara at Mannanam. Around 5000 students from various CMI institutions took active part in this programme. The Cultural procession was flagged off by Rev.Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial, followed by the Holy Mass lead by Very Rev.Fr. Thomas Chathamparambil CMI, Prior General and an Agape was arranged and served for all the visitors and students who were present for the ceremony at this spiritual place. 5.14 Major Issues Existing in Aided Institutions 1. Threat of Division Fall. One of the main issues faced by our aided schools is the reduction of posts due to insufficient number of students every year. Staff Fixation for 2019-20 was made applicable for 2020-21, 2021- 2022respectively and hence there was no division fall during those two years. Two posts of HST (Maths) were abolished during 2022-2023 due to division fall, each one in Mother Theresa HS, Muhamma and St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo. There is a provision for two more additional divisions to be sanctioned as the students’ number has gone up rapidly in St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam in the academic year 2022-2023. But it has not been granted by the Govt. till date due to financial crisis. 2. Bonded Liability to Appoint Protected Teachers. Appointments made in additional division vacancies in our schools for the period from 2006 to 2010 were approved on the basis of the Judgement of the Hon’ble High Court on condition that equal number of vacancies should be filled up from protected teachers list prepared by the Govt. As per the said Judgement, the Manager is deemed to have executed a bond agreeing this condition and liable to appoint 7 protected teachers in regular future vacancies of schools under the Management, subject to the final disposal of the case filed by the Managers’ Association pending before the Apex Court. 3. Issues related with the appointments of Persons with Disability in aided schools. Aided School Managers were required to conduct the selection and appointment in tune with the Government Order dated 18.11.2018 for the implementation of the PWD Act 1995 and RPWD Act 2016 and to fill up the vacancies as directed in the Government Order. In accordance with the said Government Order, the following orders are issued to all Managers of aided institutions coming under the General Education Department. 1. To ensure 3% reservation of the total number of vacancies in the cadre strength in appointments in aided schools to the posts which are identified as suitable for persons with disabilities w.e.f 07/02/1996 to 18/04/2017 as per PWD Act 1995. 2. To provide 4% reservation of the total number of vacancies in the cadre strength in appointments in aided schools to the posts which are identified as suitable for persons with disabilities w.e.f 19/04/2017 as per the provisions of RPWD Act, 2016. 3. It is also ordered that immediate steps should be taken to calculate the backlog of vacancies from 07/02/1996 and the roster shall be prepared tabulating the first in 33 vacancies from 07.02.1996 and the first in 25 vacancies from 19.04.2017 onwards for absorbing differently


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA abled in the process of recruitment in Aided Schools with respect to the vacancies that have arisen after 18/11/2018 (ie the date of issuance of G.O.(P) No.18/2018/SJD dated 18.11.2018). 4. The reservation rules are separately applicable to each of the following categories of vacancies. Category 1. Primary Teachers. Category 2. Secondary School Teachers (except physical education teachers) Category 3. Non Teaching Staff. Category 4. HSST Category 5. HSST(Juniors) Category 6. HSST(Vocational Higher Secondary) Category 7. HSST(Vocational Higher Secondary- Juniors) 5. The appointments of disabled persons shall be made in vacancies that had arisen after 18/11/2018. 6. The pending appointments made after 18/11/2018 will be approved only after appointing disabled persons in the earmarked vacancies as per the roster prepared by the Manager. Appointments already approved will not be reopened. 7. The roster prepared by the management along with the declaration shall be submitted to the Government and get it approved by the Authorities. 8. The backlog vacancies earmarked for persons with disabilities shall be filled immediately by the Managers from the list issued by the Employment Directors, for which Manager has to apply in the prescribed form. 9. If sufficient persons are not available in the respective categories, Non-Availability Certificates issued by the Director should be obtained and the Manager should invite applications and advertise the vacancies in 3 Malayalam daily news papers and in 2 English newspapers. 10. If no applications are received even after the advertisem*nt in newspapers, the Manager can make appointment in accordance with provisions in Section 34(2) of the RPWD Act 2016. Section 34 (2) of the RPWD Act 2016 is as follows: “ Where in any recruitment year any vacancy cannot be filled up due to non-availability of a suitable person with benchmark disability or for any other sufficient reasons, such vacancy shall be carried forward in the succeeding recruitment year and if in the succeeding recruitment year also suitable person with benchmark disability is not available, it may first be filled by interchange among the five categories and only when there is no person with disability available for the post in that year, the employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person, other than a person with disability”. As we are a Religious Congregation, we always have a lien towards the welfare of the marginalised including persons with disability. But the complicated issues relating the complexity of procedures and non-availability of suitable candidates and withdrawal of appointments of existing teachers may result in a crucial situation.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Fourteen of our existing teachers directly appointed in regular vacancies during the last years and whose approvals are still pending, are affected by this rules. Of which 2 of them are HSSTs, 3 of them are HSST Juniors, 7 of them are UPSTs and 2 of them are Non-Teaching Staff. However, they have impleaded in a suit in WA.No.356/2023(A) before the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala. List of appointees affected by the issue of PWD Reservation as follows. Some of the appointments of teachers continuing without approval especially in the category of HSSTs and HSST(Juniors) may have to be withdrawn and persons from disabled categories should be appointed in lieu of them. 18/11/2018- നു ശേഷം റെഗുലർ ഒഴിവുകളിൽ നിയമിതരായവരിൽ, ഭിന്നശേഷി സംവരണ നിയമം ബാധകമായതും നിയമനാംഗീകാരം ലഭിച്ചിട്ടില്ലാത്തവരുമായ ജീവനക്കാരുറെ ലിസ്റ്റ്. Sl. Name of appointee and School Designation Date of Date of No Birth Appointment HSSTs 1









Smt.Setina P Ponnappan St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo

HSST (Sociology)

Sri.Binu Abraham St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo.

HSST (Malayalam)

HSST (Juniors) Fr Arun Cyriac St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo.

HSST(Jr) Zoology

Smt.Jeffey Mary Joseph St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo

HSST(Jr) Maths)

Smt.Megha Thomas St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam

HSST(Jr) Maths)

UPSTs Sruthy K Mathew St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam


21-081980 18-091988

20-081981 07-041990 24-041997


Anu George St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam


Riya Rajumon St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam


Akhila Treesa Joseph St. Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam


20-071992 27-091994

Details of Approvals


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval





Alvin James Joseph’sUPS, Mannanam


UPST 28-101996

Minu Joseph St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo.


Anns Maria Jose S.H.U.P. School, Champakulam


15-061996 13-041996


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval


Pending Approval



Vinu P O St. Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo Albin Alex Joseph’sHSS, Pulincunnoo

Full Time Menial St.

Full Time Menial

15-091988 21-021998

In strict conformity with the existing rules and directions issued by the Department, we have prepared a Roster for the appointment of disabled persons reckoning the appointments in open vacancies from 07/02/1996 and submitted the same to Government for approval. The summary of the ‘Roster’ are as follows:-


APPOINTMENTS MADE IN OPEN VACANCIES From 07.02.1996 From 19.04.2017 To 18.04.2017 till date. No. of 3% of No. of 4% of Direct Direct Direct Direct Appoi- Appoin- Appoi- Appointments tments ntments ntments


No. of posts to be earmarke d for Disabled hands.

Existing Vacanci es

Primary Teachers





1.7 6



High School Teachers





1.0 5



Non Teaching Staff





0.6 6







0.5 0



Higher Secondary Teacher-Senior







0.8 5





5.15 St. Ephrem’s Sports Academy (Basketball & Cricket (Boys & Girls) St. Ephrem's Sports Academy was established in the year 2003-2004, which imparts holistic training to the potential students in the game of Basketball and Cricket. St. Ephrem's academy is deftly linked to St.Ephrem's Higher Secondary School, Mannanam which has a history of 138 years of educational flourishment and advancement. The academy functions under the stewardship of Government of Kerala State Sports Council in Basketball, Kerala Cricket Association in Cricket. The total number of students is around 80 and they are equipped to confront the challenges posed by the tight regimen of relentless and disciplined actions and activities related to Basketball. Sports Training Aid Rendering Scheme –STARS –A charitable trust for sports development The academy has a scheme called STARS Reg.No.43|1V|11 PAN No.AAKTS2968 (Sports Training Aid Rendering Scheme) which aims at extending help and assistance to socially and financially disadvantaged students who are in the age group of 12 to 19 to get trained in the academy. The Activities Related to the Academy. The academy hosts a number of programmes such as personality development classes, summer vacation training programme, brain storming sessions and well-versed coordination between management and parents. Ephrem’s Trophy It is an All Kerala/South india Inter- School Basketball Tournament for boys and girls which got underway in the year 2003. Every year Ephrem’s trophy is being conducted at the state level. More than 25 schools participate in the event from different parts of the state. Training Camps More than 100 students are taking benefits daily from coaching sessions consisting of basic and advanced training programs, exhibition matches, pinpointed training and skill sets acquisition programs. Parents give much support to these endeavors of the school. State Championships and State Coaching Camps for the National Championships St.Ephrem’s Sports Academy conducted several State Basketball Championships such as Sub Junior Basketball Championships 2009,Youth Basketball Championships 2017 , Youth State Championship in 2021-22, Junior State basketball Championship in 2022-23 (August 5-9 2022) and the academy hosted three State basketball camps for the National Championships in 2022-23 for Sub junior, youth and Junior State camps. Achievements St. Ephrem’s Basketball Team Won Major Tournaments in and out of Kerala State 2023 a) Lourdean Trophy Kottayam , Kerala – Winner


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Ephrem’s Trophy, Mannanam ,Kerala-Winner K E Trophy Mannanam , Kerala-Winner Rajagiri Trophy, Kalamasserry,Kerala- Winner Blak,Kalyan Kendra Kozhikod,Kerala (Souith India)-Winner Christ Nagar Trivandrum St.Ephrem’s Basketball Academy Mannanam KSSC Basketball Academy (Boys)20222023 New Residential Building For Ephrem’s Academy, The Need Of The Hour, We dream of building a complete sporting facility that extends to more than 16,000 sq. feet of infrastructure which will lie on two floors which can accommodate 50 plus residential students and 25 plus students as part of various camps held in our indoor stadium. Our short-term goal for the moment is to complete the ground floor that has around 8700 sq. feet of base area. Envisioning the future infrastructural impact: 1) The nearness to the school building will provide improved sports training. 2) The closeness to the ground and other sporting facilities. 3) Enhanced study atmosphere during study hours. The tentative deadline kept for the completion of the first floor is 2023 June. The building's construction project would cost 1.25 crore approximately for civil work and 75 lakhs approximately for interior work. b) c) d) e) f) g)

Future Plans 1. Convert the Academy at St Ephrem’s Higher Secondary School to an Elite Basketball Centre. 2. Completing the construction of the new building. 3. Start a new academy for badminton. 5.16 Higher Education 5.16.1 Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam Kuriakose Elias College, Mannanam is a centre of higher learning which molds the destiny of students by the effective channeling and fostering of human resources. The teamwork and the innovative methodologies, making optimum use of the opportunities around, materialize our Vision and Mission. The institution has a good academic tradition of about fifty nine years catering the needs of the students and the society. The participative Management and the effective Leadership make the institution an exemplary college not only in the state but also in the country. Staff strength – teaching staff (Aided) Staff strength – teaching staff (Aided) (Guest) Staff strength – teaching staff (Self financing) Staff strength – non-teaching staff (Aided)

48 (Including Principal) 18 56 21


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Staff strength – non-teaching staff (Self financing) Vacancies of teaching staff


Retirements of teaching staff

2022-23: Malayalam-1 and Chemistry-1 2023-24 : Zoology-1 2024-25 : Biochemistry-1 6 (Appointments done in March 2023) 2024-25: Head Accountant 2025-26: Jr. Superintendent 1017 757 1 (Principal)

Vacancies of non-teaching staff Retirements of non-teaching staff Students strength (aided) Students strength (self-financing) Number of appointments (aided) in last 3 years (teaching staff) Number of appointments (aided) in last 6 years (non- teaching staff) Areas of Improvement

Essentials in 2023-2024


Psychology-3 Physical Education-2 Commerce-2 Mathematics-2 History-1 Hindi-1 Economics-1 Zoology-1 Chemistry-1

0 • Lack of hostel facilities • Lack of sufficient staff members. • Decline in the number of students opting for conventional UG and PG programmes. • Scarcity of funding from the Government for college augmentation/up-gradation and maintenance • Less chances ofexpansion of the college infrastructure • Poor research facilities • Submission of Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA) (September 2023) • NAAC Visit (March 2024) • Beautification of college buildings

5.16.2 Carmel Polytechnic College, Punnapra Alappuzha Details of Staff Total No.of Teaching Staff Total number of Non-Teaching staff

50 19



1 Year

11 Year

111 Year


Civil Engineering





Mechanical Engineering





Electrical & Electronics Engineering





Total No. of Students


Upcoming Vacancies- March 2023 to December 2026 Sl. N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Subject Lecturer in English Store Keeper Lecturer in Mechanical Engg Tradesman (Welding) Office Attendant Tradesman (Electronics) Lecturer (Electronics) Workshop Instructor (Mechanical) Lecturer (Civil Engg) Clerk -2 nos Lecturer in Mechanical Engg

Date of Retirement 31-03-2023 3 1-05-2023 31-05-2023 3 1-05-2023 3 1-05-2023 31-03-2024 31-05-2024 3 1-05-2024 3 1-03-2026 31-05-2026 3 1-05-2026

Five-year plan 1. To be an NBA accredited Institution 2. To start with new polytechnic diploma courses 3. Create more opportunities for students to attend more training programmes from reputed IT Firms and Universities. 4. Start an incubation Centre for innovation and Entrepreneurships. 5.16.3 Carmel College of Engineering & Technology (CCET) Vision To mould distinctive engineers with integrity and social commitment Mission • • •

Extend harmonious curricular and co-curricular exposure to the students▪ Empower the students to accomplish career goals upholding moral values

Encourage the students to contribute for the sustainable development of the society

• •

Motto: Enlightened for Excellence Year of Inception: 2014



Owned and managed by St. Joseph’s Carmel Educational & Charitable Trust of CMI. Type: Self-financing, Minority Institution Courses Offered

• • • •

Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Computer Science Engineering.

Approvals & Affiliations 1. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) (Id No. - 1-2182645451) 2. Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Kerala Affiliations

Institute Achievements Collaborations / MoUs with International Universities • Collaborations with Murdoch University, Australia for various Environmental related projects since 2019. • MoU with Aurel Vlaicu, the University of Arad, Romania. • MoUs with Industries / Institutions and Organizations • Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (KDISC) for Technological upliftment of the Kuttanad area with a grant of Rs 4, 57,000 /-. • HMT Machine Tools Limited, Kalamassery.



Kerela State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (KSCSTE) the project ‘Digi Wire’ with a grant of 4,20,000/• National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH), Govt. of Kerala. • KELTRON(KELTRAC) • CILL Associates Cochin. • Oracle Academy. • RedHat India. • Technovalley Software India Private Ltd. • ICT Academy, Govt. of Kerala and Tamilnadu. • Inter CAD Systems Pvt Ltd. Societal Outreach • Survey and preparation of Contour Maps for 53 schools in Alappuzha Municipal area. • A detailed master plan prepared for 28 schools for future development. • Planning and design of the Cherthala municipal bus hub. • Faculty mentors for the project “Innovation by Youth with Disabilities”, Govt. of Kerala from 2022 onwards. • ‘Krishikoottu’ – A mobile application for Local Farmers is under development, an initiative of Govt. of Kerala from 2022 onwards. • Installation of a Rain Gauge Laser Precipitation Monitoring instrument at our premises in collaboration with ISRO (ISTRAC). Institutional Recognitions • University (KTU) audit 2022-23: Rated Excellent for all Departments. • Got approval for two KTU-funded FDPs with a sanction of Rs. 3, 56,000/- in 202223. • Organized an Indo-European Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Processing sponsored by Taylor & Francis (February 2023). • Co-Sponsor of the International Scientific Conference: “Artificial Intelligence in the field of Security - Advantages and threats”. Higher School of Security and Economics VUSI 2022. • Nodal Centre of IIT Virtual Labs from 2022 onwards. • Our NPTEL(National Programme for Technology Enhanced Learning) Local Chapter was selected as one of the top hundred active local chapters in the South zone (2019). • Nodal Centre for Skill Delivery Platform, Kerala 2018 onwards with a grant of Rs. 17,72,718/- for infrastructure development in the campus. • Civil Department completed various consultancy projects for a sum of Rs. 6, 80,220/- for clients: NATPAC, KWA, INKEL Ltd., LSGD, KSEB Ltd., KITCO Ltd, PWD, KSEADC, TLDC and Irrigation Department Kerala. • Received a grant of Rs. 21,000/- funded by Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) as consultancy charges for the project: Implementing Integrated Surveillance System to Monitor the Sewage Dumping at Alappuzha Canal.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Faculty Information Teaching Staff AY 2022-23

Ph. D


AY 2021-22

M. Tech/M. Sc. TOTAL /MBA/MA 46


Ph. D

M. Tech/M. Sc. /MBA/MA



AY 2020-21


Ph. D



M. Tech/M. Sc. /MBA/MA




Technical Staff & Supporting Staff AY 2022- 23

AY 2020 – 21

AY 2021- 22

Technical Staff & Lab Staff




Administrative & Supporting Staff




Student Performance Item

AY 2021-22

AY 2020-21

AY 2019-20

Number of Students Appeared the Final Year Exam




Number of Students Graduated in the Stipulated Period




No of Students Placed/Higher Studies / Entrepreneurship





EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Student Strength Academic Year 2022-2023

Academic Year 2021 2022

Academic Year 2020 2021




2nd 3rd
















Mechanical Computer Science





































239 129








Electrical & Electronics


2nd 3rd


2nd 3rd



172 724

Major Investments Sl No




Building Renovation & Road Tarring


Computer and Accessories










Electrical Fittings










Garden Maintenance


Lab Investments





Library Books & E-Journals





Machinery and Equipments





NBA - Documentation



NBA - Registration



Repair & Maintenance

12 13





Interactive Panels & PA Systems




Sewage Treatment Plant Renovation








Accreditation Updates

Civil and echanical Engineering Departments of CCET have been eligible to apply for accreditation by NBA (National Board of Accreditation). NBA is one of the two major


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA bodies responsible for accreditation of higher education institutions in India, along with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). NBA accredits technical programmes, such as engineering and management programmes, while NAAC accredits general colleges and universities. • SAR (Self-Assessment report) was submitted on 31st August, 2022. • Expert Team visited the campus from 24th to 26th February, 2023. • Results awaited. Plans For Future Enhancements Establishing facilities to start new courses. 1. Roofing and furnishing of the fifth floor of the main block. 2. Preparations for NBA accreditation of Electrical and Computer Science Departments. 3. Establishing a Fab Lab (Digital Fabrication Lab), IOT Lab and Technical Incubation Centres in cooperation with IEDC for promoting innovation and entrepreneurial skills of the students. 4. Improving hostel facilities both for students and the staff and guest room facilities. 5. Establishing a software development centre in association with the Computer Science and Engineering Department. 6. Purchasing of a new College bus and increasing College bus routes. 7. Improving Sports and Games facilities and fitness centre. Financial Liabilities Loans and OD Statements as on 20.02.2023 Sl No

Account Type

Loan Account No


15677100000098 (15Cr)

Term loan


15677100000106 (5Cr)

Term loan


15676900000241 (4Cr)


Sanction Amount Opening 1499,99,512.00

Rate of Interest

Loan Outstanding






Term loan




15676900000571 (Covid Relief)

Term loan





15676900000720 (Covid Relief)

Term loan





15675500000858 (2.5Cr)




63,65,949.00 1653,70,429.36




Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 32


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 28

The Golden Jubilee of St. Thomas High school, Netta was celebrated on Nov.18th Friday. Rev. Fr.Sebastian Chamathara, Provincial was the chief guest and inaugurated the function. Fr. Tinu Kottakkaparampil, Kanyakumari Regional Superior presided the function and Former correspondents, Headmasters, Teachers and Non-teaching staffs were honoured. Meritorious students were awarded Scholarships by the Panchayat President and the event ended up with the colourful programs by students. Present Challenges • New appointment are not approved by the department • The strength of Tamil medium has dropped drastically • Facing financial crisis in infrastructural maintenance • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. Future Plans • Focus on the improvement of the students in English medium • School buses or transport facility for students

• To promote more extra curricular activities for the students 6.2 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal

Mrs. DIVYA MOL C S, MA., M.Ed.,

No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students



State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary


Present Challenges • Experiencing financial crisis in maintaining and developing infrastructure • Lack of CMI personal resources


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Future Plans • Boarding facilities for students both boys & girls. • Need a new entrance, directly from the main road. • Must start new foundation classes for NEET, IIT & JEE. • School requires good Auditorium. 6.3 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 87


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 85

Present Challenges • New appointments unapproved by the department • Tamil medium strength has gone down • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. • Experiencing financial crisis in maintaining infrastructure Future Plans • More focus and planning to be done for the overall development of the school in English Medium. • Start new initiatives to encourage extra-curricular activities.

• School bus facility required. 6.4 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 266


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 287


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Present Challenges • No higher secondary classes • Inadequate space for Higher secondary class rooms and for the practical labs • Financial Crisis Future Plans • Upgrading the school to higher secondary

• Completion of the Second floor for the higher secondary building. 6.5 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 135


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 85

Present Challenges • New appointment unapproved by the department • Less number of students in Tamil medium • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. • Experiencing financial crisis in maintaining and developing infrastructure Future Plans • More focus and planning to be done to enhance the quality of English Medium • Start new initiatives to encourage extra curricular activities • Provide School bus facility . 6.6 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 15


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 26


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Present Challenges • New appointments are not approved by the department • The strength of Tamil medium has dropped drastically • Facing financial crisis in infrastructural maintenance • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. Future Plans • More focus and planning to be done to enhance the quality of English Medium • School buses or transport facility for students • To promote more extra curricular activities for the students 6.7 Name of the School


Name of the Correspondent


Name of the Principal


No. of Teachers


No. of Non-teaching staff


No. of Students

Boys: 430


State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation

Type of the School

Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Girls: 345

Present Challenges • New appointments are not approved by the department • The strength of Tamil medium has dropped drastically • Facing financial crisis in infrastructural maintenance • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. Future Plans • More focus and planning to be done to enhance the quality of English Medium

• Provide School bus facility • To promote more extracurricular activities for the students. 6.8

Name of the Correspondent Name of the Principal No. of Teachers No. of Non-teaching staff No. of Students


Syllabus Type of the School

State Board (Aided) / CBSE / Matriculation Primary / Secondary / Hr.Secondary

Name of the School


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Present Challenges • New appointments are not approved by the department • The strength of Tamil medium has dropped drastically • Facing financial crisis in infrastructural maintenance • English Medium strength is not taken in staff fixation. Future Plans • More focus and planning to be done to enhance the quality of English Medium • Provide School bus facility • To promote more extracurricular activities for the students 7. CMI DHARMANIKETHAN SUB-REGION, WEST-BENGAL Educational institutions in the region Name of the School Year of Establishment Status (i) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, AMTALA 1993 (ii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, SARISHA 2003 (iii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, BEHALA 2009 (iv) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, SARSUNA 2010 (v) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, AMBARI 2010 (vi) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, SURI 2015 (vii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, ORGRAM 2016 (viii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, BANKURA 2019

Strength 1923 1544 563 280 938 753 216 300

Affiliated Affiliated --------------------Affiliated NOC --------

Up-Coming Projects (i) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, SARISHA, II CAMPUS (ii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, PURULIA (iii) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, MEJIA (iv) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, MAHESHTALA (v) K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, JHARGRAM Swot Analysis Strength • We have Eight prestigious Educational institutions in West Bengal Region and out of which 3 schools are affiliated to ICSE and others are in the process of getting affiliated. • All our Schools are under two Trust, which follows uniformity in the teaching methodology, syllabus, dress codes and the same mode of office administration, together working as a Group of Schools; named as K.E Carmel CMI School and K.E Carmel Group of Schools, West Bengal. • Central Pooling financial management is effectively done here. It enhances fast progress and developments.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA • Each unit School has its own freedom to administer the school according to the local concerns. • The Staff is appointed for the Group of Schools so that transfer is possible. This system helps to support newly established institutions in their beginning stage. • The mission of our founder and the CMI mission is made known to all our stakeholders. Weaknesses • As we purchase land in rural areas and establish institutions in the interior corner, the duration of growth is too long and huge efforts are required in its beginning stage.

• Among Eight Schools, only Two Schools are seem to be financially stable and all other Schools are on its way to progress. So it is not possible for the Trust to move forward with huge investments now.

• Financial outcome received from the institutions are not sufficient in the present scenario. • Lack of Teachers’ residence in the Schools campuses: as a result efficient teachers from the urban area are not able to serve in our institution which undoubtedly affects the quality of education imparted. Opportunities • Now we have Seven CMI Houses and Eight Educational institutions in West Bengal Region and all the Eight Schools are renowned across the state for their academic excellence. Hence, we can start more number of schools and colleges with our brand name. • When we increase the number of educational institutions, the central pooling financial system will be strengthened and it will foster future developments. • The cost of land is affordable in the rural areas, so that we can purchase more land during this favorable time. Threats • Since, we have institutions in the rural area, the lack of visibility felt in our institutions especially in their beginning stages. • We have a threat in stable financial income from the institutions in future, as; the policies of the Central Govt. are not in our favour. What Potential Actions to Take up? A. Immediate Short Term (2023 – 2026) • The infrastructural constructions of the School buildings will be assisted with professionals and the modern technologies to ensure its quality and durability. • School building construction of ground floor and first floor should be completed in Ambari.



• First floor of the existing building must be constructed and the Master plan of the building must be finalized in Bankura. • N.O.C process should begin in Orgram, Guskura. • Master Plan of the School Building must be finalized in Jhargram. • Master plan of the School Building should be finalized and construction of Ground Floor School building of Sarisha should begin. • Seeking possibility for getting affiliation for Behala School. • Searching lands for new Schools in affordable amount. B. Short Term (2023-2029) • Ongoing assessment training and knowledge updation programme should be created for the priests on the chair to enhance their skills and competency. • Try to purchase more land for educational institutions and get affiliation for maximum number of Schools on this favourable political scenario. • N.O.C and affiliation process should begin in Bankura School. C. Long Term (2026 – 2038) • West Bengal being the Capital State of Art and Literature; we must have One Arts and Science College in the outskirts of Kolkata. • As, we are the pioneers of education; we are responsible to form professional teachers to enhance the quality of education of the State. For this purpose, we need to launch a B.Ed. college with Post Graduation and research faculties. • We must have at least Two Technical Schools with production centers in focus to the students from the poor family. Technical education will equip them for their survival. • We need to begin courses to equip our students to appear in Civil Service examinations and national level entrance examinations for professional studies. • We must have three Day- Schools for differently abled, attached to our institutions. • While considering the tradition of art and culture of West Bengal, we should have an art and cultural centre here. CONCLUSION CMI West Bengal Mission is a place with good potential for the growth of our Mission. With the clear focus and right plan, we will be able to achieve tremendous growth in all spheres by the time we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the West Bengal Mission in 2038. We must now anticipate what our Mission will be in the Jubilee year. Plans should be conceived accordingly. If we are able to announce our presence in West Bengal in a very short span of time, we can make a huge leap forward through our systematic planning. The Province and the Sub Region should think together and work with one heart and one mind for the integral development of this Mission. Let’s seek the heavenly intercession of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara for the same. 91

EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 8. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION IN RAMANAGARA (KARNATAKA) St. Joseph’sProvince, Trivandrum purchased a land of 18 acres in the year 2016 at Ramanagara in Karnataka during the Provincialship of Rev.Fr. Cyriac Madathil CMI. A Kindergarten was set up in the purchased plot in 2018 as part of our institution’s expansion to enhance our presence in the educational sphere at the state level. In the year 2019 the construction of a two storey building with 15 classes started and it is nearing completion. The school is located at Kavannapura, which is 9 km away from Ramanagra town. Ramangara is on the BenguluruMysore Highway with a distance of only 65 km away from Bengaluru city . Rev.Fr.James Madathilchira CMI was appointed as the Director of the centre in the year 2021 replacing Rev.Fr.Jose Konatt CMI. The following important documents regarding conversion of the land and establishment of school were obtained from various departments under the leadership of Rev.Fr.James Madathilchira CMI. • Obtained Original License for Pre-Primary section from BEO Office Ramanagara • School Bus Registration issue was rectified and registered • Temple and Sy road issue was rectified • Got stay order against demolition of building from High court • Legally fought and won High Court Case • Built Boundary wall • Survey no 88/1, 88/4, 146/2, and 3, were having outstanding loan records from their previous owners issue was rectified legally and corrected documents obtained. • Obtained land conversion for 13 acres • Obtained Building license form Panchayath • Survey no 177 had no proper document and records were rectified • Survey Pond issue was rectified • School Name changed to Christ School • Survey no 177 Online Application is submitted for Land Conversion • Started Advertisem*nts and campaign for Admissions for kindergarten 2023-24 I would like to extend my appreciation and thankfulness to Fr.James Madathilchira CMI and all the other members working in Bangalure for their painstaking efforts to solve the land related legal issues and for having obtained all the required documents and sanction for starting of the school. 9. EVALUATION OF THE ‘GS38 THRUST’ IMPLEMENTATION The GS38 has put forward a good number of resolutions, thoughtful recommendations and effective action plans for the effective functioning and growth of all our Educational Institutions and Media of Communication. In line with the GS38 proposal on education, i.e. to make education accessible for all, our institutions have accommodated students from the socially and economical backward strata of the society as well. Attempts have been made to fill up the allotted 10 % seats for them, but more concrete steps ought to be taken in order to fill the 10 percentage of seats under this


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA reservation category completely. Institutions from West Bengal region were on a mission to transform the lives of the children in the nearby slum areas. They did a commendable job by educating the children in the nearby slum areas. All the educational institutions in the province had promoted many anti-drug campaigns and held seminars to create awareness among the students against drug addiction. Experienced Counsellors and a special educator were appointed in all the unaided institutions of the Province to provide social and psychological help to all the students. This also helped in the identification of children with special needs and they were helped by the schools. Numerous training sessions were organized for all the teachers in all the schools of the Province to update them with the recommendations of NEP 2020. Lot of work has also gone into the implementation of NEP in schools, by redefining the educational goals, change in pedagogy and by new ways of assessments. As a part of our charitable services, all the educational institutions in the Province took up the ‘ONE YEAR ONE HOME PROJECT’ in full swing. A homeless person in the near vicinity of the institution was identified and a house was built and given, thus making their dream a reality. This imitative was a roaring success in all the institutions. Being in complete alignment with the G.S.38 policy on the protection of Children, Vulnerable adults and also prevention of sexual harassment in all the CMI work places, a meeting of all the CMI members of the Province was held in this regard, focusing on importance of the policy and its authentic implantation. The Province also took initiatives to notify all the employees about the same. In conformity with the G.S 38 policy on the systematic filing of all documents, planning has been done in this regard .But owing to some land related issues and administrative delay from the government sector ,the policy could not be carried out effectively .The office procedure , paper work are in process and the all the required documents should be filed systematically in the forthcoming years. The resolutions and recommendations of G.S 38 Thrust, are CMI aspirational Vision documents which are made and stated to bring forth changes and transformation in our academic ventures and in our missionary work .It is time for us to reflect upon the GS38 policy and evaluate the effectiveness of its implementation.

PART II MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION. The different publications of media are: Jeevadhara, Karmela Kusumam, Province Directory and Capital Letter (Monthly). The St. Joseph’s Press, Mannanam, and its publishing wing need revitalization and development. The quality of Karmela Kusumam, under the new leadership of Fr Josey Kollammaly (Editor) and Fr Shaji Enekattu (Press Manager), has improved and it comes out regularly but without much increase in subscription as yet.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA The contribution of Sargakshetra, cultural centre, at Chethipuzha under the leadership of Fr. Alex Prayikalam is praiseworthy. 1. SARGAKSHETRA FM 89.6 COMMUNITY RADIO Sargakshetra FM 89.6 community Radio, is an initiative of Sargakshetra Charitable trust to contribute to the development of the society. Sargakshetra Community Radio, licensed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India is located at Mannanam in Kottayam District, Kerala. This community radio is practical implementation of a key provision of the constitution of CMI Congregation ‘action for justice and participation in the transformation of the world.’ Our coverage area ranges from 20 to 30 kilometres from the studio campus. Community Radio is not for profit and provides a mechanism for facilitating individuals, groups, and communities to tell their own diverse stories, share experiences and become active creators and contributors in a media rich world. The purpose of this radio is to give voice to the unheard voices of communities that otherwise go unnoticed. A whole gamut of programs will be aired ranging from music, infotainment, education, health, environment, agriculture to social welfare. We resolve to be radio of change, an ambassador of ‘positivity, hope, optimism and goodness’. Vision An enlightened and empowered community, who are able to take charge of their lives, respecting social, cultural and environmental values. Mission To educate, express, entertain and enrich the community by broadcasting programs and enhancing community involvement in the actions pertaining to social, cultural and economic development, nurturing innovation and promoting environmental protection for the betterment of the society. Values • Social Justice • Environmental stewardship • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion • Discovery and Innovation • Community Involvement • Cultural and Artistic Expression • Religious harmony Highlights of Radio Programme • Motivational commentary based on scripture • Quotes of great thinkers • Devotional songs • Newspaper headlines • Birthday greetings


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA • Informative programmes on community development, agriculture, health and hygiene, waste management • Lunch time movies and songs of the yester years • Programme for Home Makers and Senior Citizens • Radio jockey at your door step • Game shows and Quiz • New box offices releases • Hilarious real stories from different part of the world • Relay from All India Radio. I take this occasion to congratulate Rev.Fr.Alex Praikalam CMI and his team for this creative an inspirational enterprise. 2. FILM ON SAINT CHAVARA- KARMASAGARAM (Visudha Chavarayachan) A historical movie titled Karmasagaram (Visudha Chavarayachan) based on the exemplary holy life and teachings of renowned social reformer and spiritual leader Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara our founder , was released in Kerala theaters in the year 2022 . It was also flashed in all the CMI schools in an attempt to spread the teachings of this Saint to a larger audience especially the present generation of the students. I would like to extend my appreciation and thankfulness to the directors Shri Aji K Jose and Shri Ansari. Let me also extend my gratitude to Rev.Fr.James Mullassery CMI former Councilor for Education and Mass Media for the ceaseless support given in this inspirational endeavor. 3. KARMALA KUSUMAM The publication of the monthly magazine ‘Karmalakusumam ‘ is a regular work undertaken by the press which began in the year 1903. The responses received from all the readers regarding the content and book design has been commendable. The good reviews and compliments from our clients would undoubtedly serve as a motivation for future good work in the Karmalakusumam. I utilize this occasion to sincerely appreciate and thank the chief editor Fr. Josey Kollammalil CMI and Fr.Prior and community of St. Joseph’sMonastery , Mannanam for the exemplary editorial innovation and and the overwhelming support given to the publication of this monthly magazine which will continue to inspire people to grow in their spiritual life. 4. ST. JOSEPH’S PRESS In order to construct a well-structured museum depicting the life and contributions made by St. Chavara, , it was decided to use the St .Joseph’s Press Building at Mannanam to house the museum. Subsequently, St. Joseph’s Press was shifted to St.Ephrem’s sports Academy building, which is near St. Joseph’s U.P School at Mannanam and opposite to Pope John Hostel building.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA The shifting of machines and other equipments is at the finishing stage. An amount of Rs.24,26,723 has gone into this shifting . Challenges 1. Machines owned are outdated. 2. High maintenance cost. 3. Lack of financial grant. 4. Unavailability of Skilled technicians. Future Plans 1. To replace the old machines with the modern ones. 2. Expected to receive financial support of Rs. 1-2 crores approximately for upkeep. 3. To get more offers and printing work from all the Houses of the Province and from the nearby institutions 5. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY CMI FATHERS 1. Fr Joby Mukalel CMI: Orientalism embedded in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. 2. Fr Thomas Chennattussery CMI: Chavara Pithavinoppam Nurudinangal 3. Fr Francis Vallappura CMI: Marikkatha Kadalas II 4. Fr. Antony Edanad CMI : Visvasavum Prathisandhiyum ( Mal) – Commentary on the Epistles of John, and Their View of Christian Existence ( Dharmaram Publications 2021) 5. Fr. Sony J Mathew CMI: Nishabhadhayude Niracharthukal 6. Fr. Samji Mathew CMI : Thanathu Kuttanadu: Desacharithravum Samskaravum 6. LET US DREAM PROGRAMME LET US DREAM trust is a Not-for-Profit Organization that strives to create holistically developed (Psycho-social and leadership) communities by empowering youth and retirees. In the last trust was able to serve around 421 participants free of cost with the help of volunteers at 7 different locations in Karnataka and Kerala. The trust is presently serving: • More than 250 middle school children • 145 plus college students (student mentors) • More than 37 community volunteers/mentors who are actively involved in leading and managing the project in their local communities. The trust is running a project called DREAMS (Desire, Readiness, Empowerment, Action, and Mastery for Success), a three-year (personal, Interpersonal and Leadership) curriculum based intervention program for middle school students in different locations of Kerala and Karnataka states with the leadership and collaboration of the local community volunteers and college/university student volunteers. Through these programs, the trust is able to train and develop youth and young adults holistically (psycho -social and leadership skills) and thus contribute towards its objectives mentioned in Section 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 of the Trust deed.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA Through supportive community of peers, senior mentors and trainers the volunteers are able to help the teenagers to learn interpersonal skills. The camps also help students to make new friends, build meaningful relationships, and participate in life- changing events. The five steps (DREAM) in the model sequentially lead an underperforming participant towards holistic Success through its five days’ summer training and quarterly one day follow up programs at every chapter. Through DREAMS Program, DREAMS Band, DREAMS Pro Club and LET US DREAM Conference the trust and its volunteers are able to connect and serve the various underprivileged communities in India. A. DREAMS Program: The Dreams program has overall helped the trust to meet the objectives as specified under section 10.5,10.8 to 10.11 of the Trust deed. Currently the project is implemented at four locations in Kerala and three locations in Bangalore, Karnataka. • The trust started the DREAMS program at Thiruvananthapuram under the leadership of Prof Alex Thomas, Mrs Maria Oomen and Mrs Lakshmi. The programme was conducted at Christ Nagar School and Shishu Vihar School in Trivandrum. • It further expanded the project in Changanacherry, Kerala. This chapter was hosted by S.B High School and the project was led by Mr. James Thomas, Mr Joshy Job and Mrs Tessy Thomas • The trust introduced Dreams project in Thiruvallam, district through Prof Sheeba S. • In the list of Kerala chapters, Mannanam is the latest addition started under the leadership of Mr Rejy C.J. and Adv. Vincent. The project was organized in St Joseph UP School along with the support of KE English medium School, Mannanam. • The trust and it volunteers were successful in starting DREAMS program in Karnataka. The chapter was set up in Bangalore under the leadership of Dr. Amaresha S., Dr Anuradha and Prof Satyaseelan, The project is hosted in Bangalore at the Christ School, Carmel school and Kristu Vidyalaya which is a Kannada chapter Below is a quick snapshot of the various Chapters Kerala Chapters: N o

Location/ Chapters

Community Leadership

Total No.



Mrs. Mari 6 Ooman Prof. Alex Thomas

College University

Total No



Total Stake holds

Govt Women’s & Arts college


Shishu vihar Christ Ngr.





Poonthura/TVL M

Prof. Sheeba Ms. Serin M.


Changanacherry (SB) (Two groups)



Mr. James v. 11 Mrs. Tessy Thomas Mr. Joshy J Fr. Nannattumalil Adv. Vincent J 6 Mr. Reji M Mr. George Fr. Cijo Chenadan 28



Christ Nagar Bed Christ Vizhinjam Assumptio n Krithu Jyothi St. Joseph


Poonthura School




SB School Govt school St. Teresas St. Joseph’s St. Ann’s



KE college


St. Joseph 35 Athirampuza Praral





Karnataka Chapters: No

Location/ Chapters

Community Leadership

Total No.

College University

Total No




Bangalore Kristu Vidyalaya (Kannada) Bangalore Carmel (Eng)

Dr Amaresha Ms. Avanti


Christ University


Krista Vidyalaya (Kannada)


Total Stake holds 53

Ms. Malavika Dr. Anuradha


Christ University




Bangalore Christ

Dr. Sathyaseelan Ms. Roseline


Christ University


Carmel School Christ school Christ School Carmel School










B. DREAMS Band brings together a group of talented and determined individuals in various location of the DREAMS Project, who wish to make positive changes around them through the power of music. Written, composed, performed, and managed by the children in the band, the songs share stories of values, and success. The Band performs one day musical retreats apart from the regular concerts of 1-2 hours’ duration. The camps, theatre, music, and other cultural and art forms has helped to create sociocultural awareness and thus align to its objective section 10.4 of Trust deed.


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA C. DREAMS Pro Club is a support group to help in personal and professional development of the young professionals. A team consisting of 10-12 working professionals meet once every month to discuss strategies to understand and support personal and interpersonal life situations. Apart from enhancing communication skills and problem-solving skills, it also focuses on generating positive attitudes about self and the other, developing leadership, cooperation, and community engagement. With the introduction of Pro Club, the trust was able to contribute towards its initiatives as planned under section 10.6,10.7 and 10.14 of the Trust deed. D. The LET US DREAM Conference was started with a purpose to provide a forum for professionals, scholars, researchers, and post-secondary students to share experience, activities, challenges and achievements in their respective efforts to realize community improvement. It has helped the trust to align towards its objectives specified under section 10.12, 10.13 of the Trust deed. The conference was a great success, featuring prominent keynote speakers, three separate panel discussions on the fields of -Education, Health and Social Service and numerous organizational table presentations. Approximately 200 people attended this annual community conference. Since its inception conferences have reflected on positive and effective recommendations for community development and it’s running every year at Christ University Bangalore and Vazhuthacadu, Trivandrum Kerala. Overall, the above activities have helped the trust and its team members to contribute toward the various objectives mentioned in Section 10 of the Trust Deed. This group is thus enthusiastically engaged in nurturing the teenagers and youth to evolve into a complete human being, lead a challenging and fulfilling life and serve as a better citizen of our country. Let Us Dream is a service organization established in the USA, India and Germany with the vision of empowering communities with a specific focus given on the psychosocial development and wellness of youth across culture and nationalities for building globally interconnected communities. Grounded in principles of volunteerism, collaboration, and networking, it promotes the idea of holistically developed, sustainable communities worldwide. Vision: Empowering local communities for sustainable global impact and improvement Mission: Providing global and diverse platforms for enhancing the holistic (Personal, Social and Professional) and sustainable development of individuals through collaborations and networking for empowered communities. Core Values: ❖ Inclusive Collaboration and Mutual Empowerment ❖ Passion for Service and Stewardship ❖ Global Perspective and social commitment


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA PROJECTS: ❖ DREAMS Program: Desire, Readiness, Empowerment, Action and Mastery for Success is a three-year community-university collaborative intervention program for school students. The

program is implemented through a five-day summer camp and quarterly one-day follow-up camps with games and activities. The program is led by college/university students with the support and guidance of senior community mentors in multiple locations in three different countries. ❖ Community Conferences: Annual local and Triennial international conferences to promote voluntary community initiatives and networking. It provides an opportunity and platform to

share, learn and support by empowering the community objectives. Established in INDIA: Trivandrum, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and USA: New York and Louisiana. ❖ Clubs: A space where like-minded people from diverse backgrounds congregate every month (virtually/hybrid) for an hour, engage in illuminating conversations to ideate on issues of common interest with inputs and advice from other group members. It helps to establish harmony and mutual understanding by harnessing the wisdom of the group for shared learning and personal/professional development. ❖ Productions: Harnessing the diverse artistic talents

from the local community for the empowerment and transformation of the community through motivational artistic performances and shows. ❖ Fellowship: This one year LUD Leadership Fellowship Program (LLFP) equips young, global leaders with the skills and competencies needed to address pressing issues in their communities. ❖ Research: All the above programs are consistently evaluated and assessed by our diverse research teams for continuous improvement and innovation. LUD’s multidisciplinary and multinational

research team undertakes high-quality research that contributes to the overall improvement and efficacy of LUD projects. More than five research papers are published and in peerreviewed journals in the year 2022 – 23.

Conclusion To impart education of the highest standards through value based holistic education has been our endeavour. Our educational practices in all our institutions should help to remove darkness


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA of the human minds, infuse new ideas, new light and new directions for change and development of the society. As educators, we ought to awaken the social responsibility of our young learners, which will reconstruct our society by making it modernized, productive, value based and a happier place to live in. This educational mission should enable us to inspire the young minds to give back to the society, thereby aligning our educational services with the vision of our founding father St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. In the course of our transformational journey, I have always felt that, we lack the passion and spirit of our founder St. Chavara in our entrusted ministry. It is time for us to look back at the incredible work done in the year 1846 when a printing press was established by our founder at Mannanam. Being a writer, a poet, an artist and a publisher his contributions to the field of media and communication was phenomenal and still remains unparalled. Let us evaluate our growth in this field of visual media and communication in the current time when it has a wide scope. I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude and whole-hearted thankfulness to dear Provincial Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI and my fellow council members Rev. Fr. Sony Palathra CMI (Vicar Provincial), Rev. Fr. Santhosh Kayyalaparambil CMI, Rev. Fr. Joseph Vattaparambil CMI, Rev. Fr. Xavier Ampatt CMI. A bouquet of thanks to all the Managers, Principals, Teachers and Administrative staff of all our institutions and warmest thanks and appreciation to all the respected Synaxis members.

Fr Scaria Ethirett CMI Councillor for Education and Communication Media 11 April 2023 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN KERALA 1. Aided Schools Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Name of the School St. Joseph’sUP School, Mannanam S H UP School, Champakulam Mother Teresa HS, Muhamma St. Joseph’sHS, Pulincunnoo St.Ephrem’s HS, Mannanam St. Joseph’s HSS, Pulincunnoo St.Ephrem’s HSS, Mannanam School for Deaf, Enathu

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Boys Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed

2. Unaided School Sl.No. 1 2

Name of the School Christ Nagar Eng.HSS, Kowdiar Kristu Jyoti HSS, Chethipuzha

Syllabus Kerala Kerala

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed


EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

KE HSS, Mannanam Christ Nagar Central School, Kuchapuram Jawahar Public School, Edava Christ Nagar Sr.Sec.School, Thiruvallam Christ Nagar Central School, Kowdiar Christ Central School, Thiruvalla Placid Vidya Vihar Sr.Sec.School Porukar Central School, CHampakulam K E Carmel School, Kainakary K E Carmel Central School, Muhamma Mount Carmel Central School, Enathu Christ Nagar Central School, Attingal Christ Nagar Public School, Maranallur Christ City, Muttar Christ Nagar Hr.Sec.School, Kowdiar Kuriakose Elias School, Mannanam K E Carmel Central School, Pulincunnoo Carmel International School, Punnapra Kristu Jyoti Vidya Niketan, Chethipuzha Christ Nagar International School, Kazhakoottam


Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed

3. Aided College Sl.No. 1 2 3

Name of the College K E College, Mannanam St. Joseph’sTraining College, Mannanam Carmel Polytechnic College, Punnapra

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed

4. Self-Financing Colleges Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Name of the College Carmel Engineering College, Punnapra Kristu Jyoti College, Chethipuzha Porukara CMI College, Champakulam Christ Nagar College, Maranallor Christ Nagar College of Education, Thiruvallam Mater Dei College, Enathu Christ College, VIzhinjam Carmel College, Muhamma

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed


Name of the College St. Joseph’sPrimary School, Plankalai St.Mary’s Primary School, Kaliyal

Nature Co. Ed., Tamil Medium Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium



St.Thomas HS, Netta St.Xaviers LPS, Kaisalavilail St.Mary’s HSS, Kaliyal St. Joseph’sHS, Plankalai

Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium


St.Thomas LPS, Netta

Co. Ed., Tamil & Mal Medium

6. Unaided Schools Sl.No. 1 2

Name of the College St.Mary’s Central School, Kaliyal Christ CMI Central School, Anjugramam

Syllabus CBSE CBSE

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed


Name of the College


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

K.E. Carmel School, Amtala K.E. Carmel School, Sarisha K.E. Carmel School, Behala K.E. Carmel School, Sarsuna K.E. Carmel School, Ambari K.E. Carmel School, Suri K.E. Carmel School, Orgram K.E. Carmel School, Bankura K.E. Carmel School, Sarisha, II Campus K.E. Carmel School, Purulia K.E. Carmel School, Mejia K.E. Carmel School, Maheshtala K.E. Carmel School, Jhargram


Land Purchased

Nature Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed Co. Ed

Upcoming Project Upcoming Project Upcoming Project Upcoming Project Upcoming Project


Name of the College Christ Nagar School, Chavara Gardens, Kavanapura

Syllabus Nature ICSE Co. Ed

PUBLICATIONS 1. Jeevadhara 2. Karmalakusumam 3. Capital Letter







Opening Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005941


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Teachers interview


Nuts & Dates-Teachers Interview


Snacks - Kottaram -Teachers Interview


Milk- Teachers Interview


Govt.Nominee -Gift St.Joseph hss C/o Fr.Arun Porukara


Fr.Joshy Plamoottil


Raju Sir Advance Photostat - Raju Sir Appeal Petition - Johnson K through Raju Sir 14/11/2020 Revision Petition- Johnson K through Raju Sir

2439.00 561.00 2000.00 1000.00

Appeal- Fr.Thomas Choolaparambil through Raju Sir


Proceedings order - Regularisation orders through Raju Sir


17/11/2020 Deepika News Paper Adv




HM and Principals Confrence Snacks


HM and Principal's Confrence -Tissue


HM and Principal's Confrence-Nuts


HM and Principal's Confrence -Milk




14/01/2021 Kristu Jyoti Group


14/01/2021 One Day Salary Contribution St.Joseph Up School, Mannanam


15/01/2021 One Day Salary ContributionSt.JosephHS Pulincunnoo


One Day Salary Contribution SH UP SCHOOL, 19/01/2021 CHAMPAKULAM


20/01/2021 One Day Salary ContributionST.EPHREMS HSS


CLOSING BALANCE -Hand over by Fr.James Mullassery 20/01/2021 CMI


02/02/2021 Raju sir Remuneration


02/02/2021 Office Expense


02/02/2021 Woolen Shawl- Teachers Gathering


05/02/2021 Memento - Babu Sir




05/02/2021 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP 500*93




One Day Salary Contribution,ST.EPHREMS 06/02/2021 HS,MANNANAM


One Day Salary Contribution,MOTHER TERESA HS, 06/02/2021 MUHAMMA






06/02/2021 FLEX


06/02/2021 FLOWER, BOQUET


06/02/2021 DESK RENT One Day Salary Contribution,ST.JOSEPH'S HSS 15/02/2021 PULINCUNNOO

600.00 99880.00

One Day Salary Contribution REFUNDED TO SJHSS, 15/02/2021 PULINCUNNOO


17/02/2021 Case Fee - Adv.Tony George-Jolly Paul Case Chequ No.54554


23/02/2021 Food expense - Teachers Gathering




27/02/2021 One day Salary - SHUP School


27/02/2021 One day Salary- St Joseph HS, Pulincunnoo


27/02/2021 RefundedOne day Salary- St Joseph HS, Pulincunnoo


05/03/2021 Contribution - St.Ephrems HS, Mannanam


05/03/2021 Contribution - St.Josephs HSS, Pulincunnoo


01/06/2021 Raju sir Remuneration


15/07/2021 Office Expense


15/07/2021 Interview Board Member TA- Mathematics


15/07/2021 Interview Board Member TA - Science


15/07/2021 Bank Charges


Closing Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005941


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Cash in hand



1341622.63 1341622.63





Opening Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005941


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Cash in hand



EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA 30/07/2021 Remuneration -Raju Sir


Advertisem*nt - Deepika 06/08/2021


Advertisem*nt - Mangalam


30/09/2021 Remuneration -Raju Sir


27/10/2021 TA Sri John Sir ( appointment of Corporate Manager


Snacks for Teachers of SJHSS, Pulincunnoo, Trs 02/11/2021 Training



Sunil D Kuruvilla


30/11/2021 Remuneration -Raju Sir


15/12/2021 TA and allowance Raju Sir


21/12/2021 TA Babu Sir DEO Kottayam


01/01/2022 TA and allowance Raju Sir


TA & DA - reliquishment santion from DEO, 07/01/2022 Kottayam


01/02/2022 Remuneration -Raju Sir



Website Design - Jacob Jose One Day Salary St.Joseph UP School, Mannanam




15/02/2022 One day Salary Mother Teresa HSS, Muhamma


30000.00 5000.00 38050.00

One Day Salary St.Ephrems HSS Higher secondary


One Day Salary St.Ephrems HS, Mannanam- HS section


One Day Salary St.Joseph Higher Secondary 22/02/2022 Pulicunnoo


26/02/2022 One day Slary St.Joseph HS, Pulicunnooo


St.Joseph HS Pulincunnoo Quiz Comp through 28/02/2022 Fr.Scaria Ethiret 05/03/2022 St.Joseph UP School, Mannanam - 2nd Part

10000.00 31210.00

Memento Expense MTHS, Muhamma Through 10/03/2022 Fr.Kuruppassery


Salary - Defencia , MTHS, Muhamma through Tinto 14/03/2022 Antony


31/03/2022 Remuneration -Raju Sir 06/04/2022 Salary Challenge - SH UP School, Champakulam


5000.00 9460.00

TA and DA subject expert - Maths


TA and DA subject expert - Sociology


Lunch, dates, nuts, ta


TA/DA - BOBY Antony 09/04/2022












20/04/2022 V M PREMKUMAR





51090.00 75118.00

One Day Salary - Returned to St.Joseph HS, Pulicunnoo One Day Salary - St.Ephrems HS, Mannanam

75118.00 50295.00

One Day Salary Returned to SEMHS, Mannanam 19/05/2022


One day Salary Refunded To St.Joseph UPS, Champakulam


Water - for meeting




Memento Expense- RETIRED STAFF




Food Expense for Teachers Gathering 09/07/2022

Guest TA - Teachers Gathering



54500.00 6000.00 29250.00

08/08/2022 Advocate Remuneration


Advance Received from K J Group


Closing Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005941


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Cash in hand

15669.00 1449351.83






Opening Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940





FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Cash in hand


Fr.John Britto Endowment- St.Ephrems HSS, 11/10/2022 Mannanam through Fr.Scaria


11/10/2022 Remuneration -Raju Sir


18/10/2022 Website Design - Jacob Jose


18/10/2022 Website Design - Subin ( Linda Paul)


01/11/2022 KJ GROUP


04/11/2022 KJ GROUP 04/11/2022 FR.LUKA CHAVARA CMI

130000.00 75000.00

06/11/2022 Remuneration -Raju Sir


21/12/2022 Stationary - Mr.Raju Xavier Registers


21/12/2022 Johny - Design Video


21/12/2022 Remuneration -Raju Sir




15/01/2023 Remuneration -Raju Sir 04/02/2023 St.Joseph Province , Trivandrum

5000.00 200000.00

04/02/2023 Remuneration -Raju Sir


06/02/2023 Website Design - Jacob Jose

96500.00 405000.00


Closing Balance : South Indinan Bank Balance A/c No.0119073000001630


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005940


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000005941


FDQLG A/c No.0119100000006662


Cash deficit

521.00 1254387.83









Report of the Department of Social Work St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram

Provincial Synaxis XVI 10 -14 April 2023 CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram INTRODUCTION Dear Rev. Fr. Provincial, Provincial Councillors, Auditor and the members of the XVIth Provincial Synaxis,

“Let there be no day in your life in which you did no good to others” (Chavarul). We the CMI’s, being the descendants of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, it’s our duty and responsibility to live and work for the poor, needy and destitute around us and to empower them holistically through education, training and socio-economic development programs for their sustainable and independent living. During the past years of the pandemic of Corona virus and other natural calamities, we the CMI’s were always there with helping hands and compassionate minds to reach out to our fellow brethren around us. With my sincere gratitude to our beloved CMI members, our Ashrams and our varied institutions and above all, with Immense gratitude to God Almighty for his wonderful providence and blessings bestowed on us during the past three years of our ministry in our province, I am very happy to place this report of the Department of Social Apostolate before you. The Social Apostolate of St. Joseph’s Province, Trivandrum 1. Fr. Santhosh Mathew Kayyalaparampil – Social Apostolate Councillor 2. Fr. Joseph Mannooparampil – Social Apostolate Consultant 3. Fr. Leju Thekkekalam – Social Apostolate Consultant 4. Fr. Varghese Puthiyaveedu – nominated member (Kolkata) 5. Fr. Charles Mundakathil – nominated member (Kanyakumari) 6. Fr. Biju Thekkekutt – nominated member 7. Fr. Jaison Maveli – nominated member I. THE MAJOR SOCIETIES/TRUST under the Social Work Department and its activities are: 1. Kanyakumari San Thome Sub-Region A) Kanyakumari Integerated Rural Uplift Plans and Actions (KIRUPA) a) Fr. Tinu Kottakkaparampil – President


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE b) Fr. Charles Mundakathil – Secretary c) Fr. Thomas Thekkethala – Treasurer d) Fr. Luka Kollamparampil – Board Member e) Fr. Joseph Anithottam – Board Member Programmes: • Medical Support • Educational Scholarships • Housing projects • Women Empowerment through Employment A) - 1 K.E. Medical Gloves Packing Center (Business Trust) - Under KIRUPA - (47 women Working) B) Malarnilayam Bala Bhavan – Under Malarnilayam, Pilankalai a) Fr. Thomas Thekkethala – Director • 12 students C) Malar Electronics - Under Malarnilayam, Pilankalai a) Fr. Thomas Thekkethala – Director • 35 women working staff 2. CMI Dharma Niketan Sub-Region, West Bengal A) Kuriakose Elias Carmel Social Action Program (KECSAP) a) Fr. Paul Thamarassery – President b) Fr. Varghese Puthiyaveedu – Director Programmes: • Free Evening Tuition, Fee concessions and educational aid • Medical Support and awareness programs • Skill Development Programs • Housing Projects 3. Samagra Vikas – Alappuzha a) Rev. Fr. Provincial – President b) Councillor for Social Apostolate – Working President c) Fr. Mathew Arekalam – Secretary d) All the superiors of our houses in Kerala – Board members • Change of the Secretary (Fr. Jose Koolipurackal transferred to Kaliyal) and Fr. Mathew Arekalam appointed as new Secretary



As per the resolution of the Provincial Synaxis, the financial crisis of Samagra vikas is being sorted under the new Secretary Fr. Mathew Arekalam

4. Vikas Electronics, Nalukody a) Fr. Biju Thekkekuttu – Director • V-Guard Stabilizer Assembling Unit. • 18 Working staff 5. Samagra Mahila Sangam, Mannanam a) Fr. Biju Thekkekuttu – Director • V-Guard Stabilizer Assembling Unit • 23 Working staff • Being dissolved since, primarily, because of lack of space due to the construction of New Chavara Museum and also since V-guard is not giving permission to continue if shifted 6. St. Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody a) Fr. Antony Elamthottam – Director b) Dr. Leju Thekkekalam – Consulting Psychologist c) Fr. Ligin Moozhayil – Administrator • General Nursing College • 100 Bed Hospital • 14 Doctors & 60 staff • Casualty was renovated, hospital painted, room furnished for priests 7. Santi Bhavan, Enath a) Fr. Joseph Ayyamkary – Director • 38 students (school for the deaf and dumb) • 10 Teaching Staff & 4 Non-Teaching Staff II. SOCIAL WORK INITIATIVES undertaken by the department of Social apostolate of the Province


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 1. Housing Projects A) Houses completed in the year 2020-2021 1. A new house of Mr. Kunjumon Kodathussery, Veliyanad was completed by the department of Social Apostolate of the Province.

2. A new house was constructed in collaboration with Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor for Mr. Manoharan – Girijakumari family.

4. A new house was constructed to Ms. Susheela – kitchen staff of CMI Malarnilayam Balabhavan and a widow with two kids by the department of Social Apostolate of the Province.

3. A new house was constructed in collaboration with Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor for Mr. Antony – Rejina family.

5. A new house was constructed to Ms. Annamma Joseph, Valachery by K E School, Mannanam


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE B) Houses completed in the year 2021-2022

6. St Joseph’s Province, St Joseph’s Monastery, and K.E. College MSW Department together renovated the house of an intellectually challenged child

8. A house was constructed by Kristu Jyoti College, Chethipuzha

7. As part of the Rededication of Mannanam Monastery Church, we constructed a small beautiful dwelling

9. A new house was constructed to Mr. Biju Manimalaparambil by K E School, Mannanam

10. A beautiful House was constructed for Mrs. Mary, Kitchen Staff, by Carmel Monastery, Punnapra.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE C) Houses completed in the year 2022-2023 11. A new beautiful house was constructed to Mr. Sibichen and family, Pulincunnoo, by the department of Social Apostolate of the Province.

12. The Department of Social Apostolate in collaboration with Christ Nagar School, Maranalloor, constructed a house for Mr. Mohanan at Maranalloor.

13. A new beautiful house was constructed and handed over the keys to Mr. Saji and family, Punalur, who is a staff at our Nirmalgiri ashram in collaboration with the department of Social Apostolate of the Province, Nirmalgiri Novitiate and other CMI Priests and Ashrams.

14. The Department of Social Apostolate, in collaboration with Mar Thoma Bhavan, Netta, renovated old damaged house of Mrs. Mary Sarojam, a widow and the kitchen staff of the Ashram.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 15. A new house was constructed to Mr. Philomina Baby by K E School, Mannanam.

16. The Department of Social Apostolate, in collaboration with Christ Nagar College, Maranallor, a new beautiful house was constructed for Mr. Shashidharan and family.

17. The Department of Social Apostolate, in collaboration with Jawahar Public School, Edava, constructed a new beautiful house for Mr. Anilkumaran Nair and family.

18. The Department of Social Apostolate, in collaboration with St Rita’s hospital, Nalukody is constructing a new beautiful house for Mr. N C Baby and family, staff and a parishioner of Holy Family church, Kaippuzha.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 19. Sarga Kshethra, Chethipuzha, constructed a new house for a beneficiary at Mannanam.

20. Sarga Kshethra, Chethipuzha, constructed a new house for a beneficiary at Pala.

21. Sarga Kshethra, Chethipuzha, constructed a new house for a beneficiary at Kanjirappally.

22. New houses under construction at Suri, Ambari and Amtala at West Bengal 2. Medical aid 2.1 General Medical Support 1 General Family Health issues

Rs 15,000/-

2 General Family Health issues 3 General Family Health issues

Rs 10,000/Rs 20,000/-

4 General Family Health issues 5 General Family Health issues

Rs 35,000/Rs 30000/-

6 General Family Health issues

Rs 5000/-



Rs 20,000/-

8 Covid Patient 2 9 Heart patient

Rs 10,000/Rs 30,000/-

10 General Family Health issues 11 Cancer aid

Rs 15,000/Rs 1,20,000/-

12 General Family Health issues 13 General Family Health issues

Rs 1,00,000/Rs 25,000/-

14 General Family Health issues 15 Accident aid

Rs 25,000/Rs 30,000/-

16 Heart patient

Rs 1,00,000/-

17 General Family Health issues

Rs 50,000/-

18 General Family Health issues 19 General Family Health issues

Rs 1,50,000/Rs 20,000/-

20 Cancer aid 21 General Family Health issues

Rs 30,000/Rs 30,000/-

22 Cancer aid 23 Renal failure aid

Rs 1,00,000/Rs 50,000/-

24 General Family Health issues 25 General Family Health issues

Rs 50,000/Rs 30,000/-

Total Rs 11,00,000/2.2 World Cancer Day 2022

As part of the World Cancer Day, and our commitment towards the suffering, the Department of Social Apostolate contributed a financial support to deserving cancer patients of our CMI Parishes and institutions. Around 20 cancer patients were given an amount of Rs. 20,000/- (twenty thousand each). 3. Educational Support • An amount of Rs 2,49,330/- was given away to deserving higher education students



Kit for kid - On the occasion of school re-opening during the Pandemic, St. Joseph’s Province Social Apostolate together with the assistance of institutions of our educational department organized an Edu-Health kit distribution to our most deserving students of our parishes and Aided Schools.

The kit contained Notebooks, N95 Masks, Sanitizer, Geometry Box, Thermal Flask and Tiffin Box, a copy of the Chavarul etc. More than 1500 students benefitted by this project. An amount of Rs 5,86,000/- was spent for Kit-for-kid project 4. Marriage aid • An amount of Rs 60,000/- was given away to 3 deserving women for their marriage. 5. Calamities 5.1. Tauktae Cyclone Relief Food and Sanitary kits were distributed to the families around Kochuthoppu-Vallakkadavu, coastal areas in Thiruvananthapuram who were affected by Tauktae Cyclone through volunteers.

5.2. Covid Relief 5.2.1 Covid Help to our CMI houses from the department Financial aid was given to the CMI houses mentioned below from our Province about reaching out to the poor and needy people/parishioners around our communities in this Covid-19 catastrophe. Medical needs, Food and sanitation were given priority.



Amount in Phase 1

1 2

St Mary’s Ashram, Cheepunkal St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam

Rs 25,000/Rs 25,000/-


Immaculate Conception Monastery, Muttar Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam

Rs 25,000/-

St Peter’s Carmel House, Vizhinjam St Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchappuram

Rs 25,000/-

7 8

Mar Thomas Bhavan, Netta St Mary’s Carmel House, Kaliyal

Rs 25,000/Rs 25,000/-


Rs 25,000/-


Sacred Heart Residence, Pallikonam Chavara Bhavan, Muzhukode

11 12

CMI Malarnilayam, Pilankalai St Thomas Bhavan, Anjugramam

Rs 25,000/Rs 25,000/-


Nirmalgiri Ashram, Punalur Total

Rs 25,000/Rs 3,25,000

4 5 6

Rs 25,000/-

Rs 25,000/-

Rs 25,000/-

Following is a list of various social work activities and their extents taken up by St Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, during the second wave of the pandemic. 5.2.2 Kanyakumari Sub-Region Food and sanitary kits and financial help were given to Covid affected families of our Parishes, and the student families of our CMI Schools in Kanyakumari district specially in Anjugram, Pilankalai, Kaliyal, Pallikonam, Muzhukode and Netta.

Food Kits were distributed to the patients and health workers in Kanyakumari Government Medical College and Hospital, Asaripallam, Nagercoil.



5.2.3 Kolkatta Sub-Region Sanitary and food kits were distributed in the villages of our residences and schools in Kolkatta Sub-Region. Students were given scholarships and fee concessions in our schools.

5.2.4 Extend of Covid Relief Works Below is the data collected from our Ashrams and institutions during Covid pandemic. Total no. of families reached out from our Ashrams No. of migrants reached out

42,026 2,623

No. of people given Pastoral- Psycho-social support


Total funds utilized as COVID response from our Ashrams Total funds utilized as COVID response from our institutions

8,07,384 1,90,13,327

5.2.5 Covid Relief Activities - St. Joseph Monastery Mannanam St. Joseph Monastery Mannanam and its aligned institutions come forward to help the vulnerable groups by providing food kit and other essential items. Basic necessities are also distributed to ensure that the general public gets enough to eat. Covid Relief Committee has distributed over 350 food kit to the underprivileged in different parts of Mannanam, Kaipuzha, Athirampuza Panchayat and Neendoor Panchayat. Each of these kits comprised of rice, oil, sugar, vegetables, beans, flour and spices, soaps, etc. Total amount of Rs. 3,00,000/- was spent for the Covid Relief activities. Fr. Biju Thekkekutt, Fr. Jose Kaduvanal, and Fr. Ligin Moozhayil coordinated all the activities.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 5.2.6 Covid Relief Activities - Christ Nagar School and College, Maranalloor

Christ Nagar institutions contributed the food materials and other provisions of Grocery items, Toiletries and Cleaning Supplies to some charitable homes.

The Palliative Care unit under NSS unit of CNC distributed a tricycle for handicapped and a sewing machine to the respective desiring individuals. The NSS unit consider it a great privilege that they could mellow down the struggles for sustenance of these two individuals. 5.2.7 Covid Relief Activities - Porukara Central School, Champakulam Oru Pidi Nanma Programme was an initiative of management, staff and students of Porukara Central School, Champakulam, who collected and distributed food, stationary and provisional store items to the needy.

6. Relief Activity at Kootickal after Debris flow and landslide A volunteer team of Rev. Fathers and Scholastics of our province in collaboration with Sargakshethra Charitable Society, Carmel Polytechnic Punnapra and Immaculate Conception Monastery Muttar rented whole hearted service to clean the worst affected regions of


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE Vadakkemala, following the devastating flood. About a hundred volunteers worked as a team and were able to clean up affected and collapsed houses and the damaged roads through this initiative.

III SOCIAL ACTION 1) CMI Solidarity Day with The Displaced Families at Vizhinjam The CMI fraternity joined with our brethren struggling for life at Vizhinjam due to the unjust deal from the parties involved in the construction of Vizhinjam port. More than 45 members from our Province together with 20 members of CEVA, Karikkamuri, Ernakulam, participated in the protest. Rev Fr Sony Palathra CMI, Rev Fr James Madathilchira CMI and Rev. Fr. Thomas Irumpukuthiyil CMI were the spokes persons in the event. Rev Fr Joshy Plammoottil also delivered his views on the issue.

2) KECSAP and VET - Free Medical Camp and Skill Development Programme Various activities are being carried out in our 8 schools through KECSAP and VET charitable trusts in the West Bengal. In addition to helping our school staff in many ways, we are renovating their homes and providing housing for the homeless. As part of this, free ophthalmology camps, book distribution, sewing and tuition are being conducted in our schools.



3) KIRUPA - Social Action at Kanyakumari Through KIRUPA (Kanyakumari Integerated Rural Uplift Plans and Actions) various social activities are being carried out in and around our Ashrams, Parishes and schools. Educational scholarships, Medical Camps, free tuition, House maintenance aid, Food and health kits, medical support and women empowerment programmes are the major activities undertaken by KIRUPA.

4) KEDAS – K E College Mannanam 4.1 Vacation Camp – Haritham 2022 Haritham 2022, a vacation camp was organized by the department of Social Apostolate and K E College, Mannanam, for children of high school around Mannanam, Neendoor and Kaippuzha area. Nearly 150 kids took part in the programme. This was to bring awareness among the students about climate change and personality development. An educational kit worth Rs 900/- was also distributed.

4.2 World Day Against Child Labour As part of World Day against Child Labor, KEDAS in Association with Department of Social Work and Department of Psychology (SF) organized an awareness class on Child Labor


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 and POCSO Act at St. Margaret U P School Kaippuzha on 17th June 2022.

4.3 Community Library Honoring the father of Library Movement, late P N Panicker, National Reading Day was celebrated by KEDAS on 20th June 2022 by Launching a community Library at SKV GLPS, Kaippuzha to fulfill his dream of “One library at One Village”.

4.4 Medical Camp Joining hands with CARITAS Hospital, one-day free medical camp was organised for the benefit of public in Neendoor Gramapanchayat on 17 July 2022.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 4.5 Village Adoption by K E College Nalpathimala, Sreekandamangalam Villages at Athirampuzha, Ambedkar Colony, Rajiv Gandhi Colony, Kallingal Colony, Harijan Colony and Laksham Veedu Colony at Neendoor were adopted by Social Work Department of K E College, Mannanam. 4.6 Awareness Class on Addiction at Schools Awareness classes were organized in various schools as part of the project 'HELPING HANDS' with the aim of preventing drug abuse. The sessions were held at St Joseph's UP School, Mannanam, St Ephrem's HS Mannanam, St George English Medium School Mannarkunn and St. Gregorious School, Mannarkunn.

4.7 Tailoring and Hand Embroidery Learning Center Under the Entrepreneurship Fostering Program of KEDAS with the cooperation of Department of Social Apostolate of St. Joseph’s Province, a free tailoring and hand embroidery course has been started in collaboration with Jan Shikshan Sansthan, a central government scheme aimed at women empowerment and entrepreneurship.

4.8. World Aids Day KEDAS and the P G Department of Social Work jointly organized an Awareness Program at Kuriakose Elias English Medium School on 25th November 2021. Trainee Social Workers presented Flash mob at KE School and Awareness was given to the students on Child Protection.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 4.9 HUMAN RIGHTS DAY and VOLUNTEERS DAY was jointly celebrated by organizing a seminar on the topic ‘Volunteer Now for Future Security’ and followed by a meeting for youth at Kaippuzha Holy Family Church to provide awareness to youth on Human Rights.

4.10 Nirbhaya Day As part of Nirbhaya Day, the first year MSW students in association with WCD, KEDAS and ASWEM conducted a street play at Medical College, Kottayam on 17th December 2021.

4.11 Migrants Day KEDAS Volunteers presented a flashmob at an Awareness program on the Rights and Entitlements of Migrant Workers held at the Poovanthuruth Industrial Estate which was organized by MHD Kottayam in collaboration with the Migrant Suraksha Project, Kottayam and District Labour Office, Kottayam. The programme was attended by 50 migrant workers who received training programmes.

5) Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor 5.1 Village and School adoption Department of Social Apostolate together with the NSS UNIT of Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor, adopted a colony of 125 houses in Kathippara village, Vellarda and St Thomas School, Netta and another colony at Malayinkeezhu.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE Two-day camp was organised with an initial survey in families, followed by Motivation classes, Gaming sessions and various other activities for the students. We have donated up to 300 books to the library and provided food for the students. It was decided to initiate a monthly visit from each department to ensure an active role in the developmental activities for the village.

5.2 Beach Cleaning Programme To give awareness about the demerits of plastic, a beach cleaning programme “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” was conducted by the NSS Unit, Nature club and the Science club of Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor as part of Biological day and Environment day.

5.3 Computer Literacy Programme The Department of Social Apostolate of our province in association with Maranallor Christ Nagar College organised a Computer Literacy Programme as part of the Village Adoption Programme at Netta Village, Vellarada, Trivandrum. Villagers, especially the ladies and senior citizens were given basic training in computer and its usage.

6. Christ College, Vizhinjam 6.1 Village Adoption, Awareness Camp and Sanitation of Premises Christ College, Vizhinjam adopted a village called Ambedkar Colony in Venganoor Panchayat, Ward No. 16, for supporting educational and integral development of students and community therein. They conducted camp and distributed books and other related materials for the students of the adopted colony. Also provided medicine kit containing medicines to the needy and the sick


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE living around the Ashram. The NSS unit of the college cleaned the drainages in the Venganoor Panchayat and also cleaned the harbour area at Vizhinjam.

7. K E Carmel School, Muhamma 7.1 V Share As part of the V Share collection programme, every week food packets are collected from students and are donated to the children of Deepthi Special School and Mariyan Divyakarunyalayam. They helped the children living in the slum areas of Varanasi, taken care by the ASMITHA CHARITABLE TRUST and collected a bulk of study materials and other articles which costs around 7.5 lakhs. 7.2 Orupidi Nanma Children for Alleppey - Orupidi Nanma is an initiative mooted by the Alappuzha district administration. it aims to provide food items to the needy. Essentials were collected from students and the same was distributed to the needy.

8. Carmel Monastery, Punnapra 8.1 Cleaning by NCC cadets of Poly Technic NCC cadets of Carmel Poly Technic set apart separate days for cleaning Alappuzha Railway Station and the campus under the banner ‘Healthy Youth & Healthy India”. They also repaired 60 chairs and placed on the platforms.



8.2 Unarv NSS Volunteers of Polytechnic college conducted a programme titled ‘Unarvu” on which included a flash mob, Essay competition for the general public, three days ‘Developmental Work for Health’, Blood donation camp, Old Age Home Visit at Santhibhavan, Punnapra and a 7 days’ Camp at W7C Hospital, Alappuzha.

IV. SARGAKSHETRA CULTURAL CHARITABLE AND ACADEMIC CENTER Sargakshetra is a socio-economic, charitable, cultural and academic and people’s organisation developed under the Sacred Heart Monastery, Chethipuzha, Changanacherry to cater to the real need of the young and old alike. Sargakshetra aims at developing the socio-cultural potentials and the artistic and creative talents of the people of all age groups, irrespective of their caste, creed or any other socio demographic factors, by giving them proper motivation and training. 1. ACTIVITIES DURING COVID -19 During the spread of the novel Coronavirus, Sargakshetra is undertaking various activities to fight against the pandemic. The important activities are listed below: • Distribution of masks: • Distribution of dry ration kits • Distribution of hygiene kits • Distribution of learning kits • Summer track program - for the children aged between 10 to 14 years


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Distribution of basic necessities Lockdown challenge for children in conflict with law Kit distribution to chosen vulnerable families Promotion of organic farming Support to cultural trainers (gurus) Temporary financial support Covid-19 check ups Distribution of footwares to frontline workers Vaccination center Ration and hygiene kit for orphanages Setting up of covid first line treatment center (cfltc) Supply of oxygen concentrator to palliative care units - i Kit distribution for migrant workers Kit distribution to chosen vulnerable families Dispensed oxygen concentrators to health care centers – ii Conducted summer learning workshops for school students * Story Telling Workshop * Orientation programs * Achieving Goals at any Stage in Life * Webinar on Creative Writing Provided tele-counselling Corona preventive medicine (ayurveda) for senior citizens Financial support to the poor Free training programs

• • • • •

* IIST Program @ Schools 2020 * Online training for competitive exams Career guidance for children in conflict with law Donation to cm relief fund – Rs 50,000/Financial assistance to 15 old age homes Provided medical adherence and support Aadharavu - honouring covid warriors


2. RESCUE, RELIEF AND REHABILITATION ACTIVITIES DURING THE KERALA FLOODS 2021 Unprecedented torrential rainfall that occurred in the month of October 2021 resulted in floods and landslides in the districts of Kottayam and Idukki in Kerala. There were huge losses to human and animal life, thousands of houses were completely washed away and


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE many were partially damaged and declared unfit for further living. Sargakshetra team visited the affected areas at first to assess the situation and identify the struggles and requirements of the people. • Cleaning drive at houses • Cleaning of flood and landslide affected houses in Kottayam & Idukki districts of Kerala • Distribution of food kits • Distribution of hygiene kit • Distribution of essential items in flood relief camps • Kit distribution to camps • Construction of transitional shelters • Community disaster resilience fund (CDRF) project 3. SOURYA 2021 - TRANSGENDERS MEET The program's major goal was to create a public platform for transgender people, who are a vulnerable group in society. About 50 of them took part in this session, where they were able to showcase their diverse talents. They were given a utility kit and a hygiene pack, as well as a monetary reward. Cultural events were conducted from the transgender community and the event ended with a photo session followed by Lunch. Sargakshetra women’s forum Distributed 10 sewing machines to the transgender communities in Haripad and Kayamkulam areas. Ten garment units were started and each unit was provided with a sewing machine. 4. ELPIDA – CANCER CARE PROJECT This endeavour is a continuation of Sargakshetra's cancer care. Sargakshetra intends to support cancer sufferers by giving financial aid to meet their one-time medical requirements in this extension face. More than 250 persons benefited from this programme. 5. SUNDAY FIESTA - AN INTERACTIVE SESSION FOR TEENS Sargakshetra Cultural/ Charitable/Academic Centre, in collaboration with the Youth Forum, “We Next,” arranged a Sunday Fiesta orientation session for teens on October 10, 2021 as a means of resolving this stressful circ*mstance. 6. THUDAKKAM - A PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTION PROGRAM 'Thudakkam' is a psychosocial intervention program for the children in conflict with law aiming at creating insights for a better tomorrow. This programme aims to inspire each youngster to see a bright future for themselves, to break free from their criminal past, and to become self-sufficient.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 7. SARGARAMAM - ENTERTAINMENT, RELAXATION AND FITNESS CENTRE Sargaaramam is an entertainment, relaxation and fitness centre under Sargakshetra. The activities of the centre will include various indoor games, simple outdoor games, socialization etc that would pep up the body and mind and provide the much-needed relaxation to the participants. Objective is to provide an avenue for building as well as bettering interpersonal relationships, promote better understanding and leadership among members, thereby help destress and detoxify the body and mind for a better community. 8. HOUSE CONSTRUCTION Three Houses were constructed at Mannanam, Pala & Kanjirappally 9. ANTI-DRUG ACTIVITY Anti – Drug Activities For Children In Conflict With The Law In Association With District Child Protection Unit Alappuzha * counseling, psycho-education, regular house visit and follow up * orientation programs at community level and for children * campaign against drug and alcohol abuse * referral for de-addiction treatment and follow up * international day celebration against drug abuse * excise drive at tsunami colony, Punnapra, Alappuzha * excise drive near Lajanathul school, Alappuzha 9.1 Signature Campaign to Unite Against Addiction Sargakshetra organised a mass signature event on 6th November 2022. The event was hosted at rural community to sensitize the community members about the fight against Drug abuse. 9.2 Kerala Formation at Placid Vidya Vihar School As part of the fight against drug addiction, sargakshetra organised a Anti – drug pledge for the students on 14th November at Placid School ground. As part of this program an anti-drug pledge was taken by the students. Around 1000 students recited the pledge against drugs. on the map of Kerala arranged at Chethipuzha Kristu Jyoti school ground. 9.3 Signature Campaign to Unite Against Addiction at Kristu Jothi College 9.4 Awareness Rallies and Logo Launch 10. CHANGANASSERY PROFESSIONAL MARATHON Sargakshetra organized a professional Marathon at Changanassery providing a platform to the people to run against the drug abuse. The event was held on 18th December 2022 at Chethipuzha, Changanacherry, Kottayam. A professional marathon customised to sensitise the people about alcohol and substance abuse and to develop a healthy practice among the citizens thereby reducing their dependence on Drugs and other substances.



Honouring Covid Warriors Distribution of essential items Kit Distribution

Elpida – Cancer Care Project Cleaning Of Flood and Landslide

Sourya 2021 - Transgenders Meet

Supply of Oxygen Concentrator


Distributed Sewing Machines



Signature Campaign

Kerala Formation

Changanassery Professional Marathon V. REPORT ABOUT VARIOUS ACTIVITIES OF RESOLVING ISSUES AT SAMAGRA VIKAS (for the years 2020-21, 2021-22 to Till 016-03-2023 & the Present Scenario of the SAMAGRA VIKAS SOCIAL SERVICE SOCIETY as on 16 March 2023) 1. Samagra Vikas Society at a Glance The Samgara Vikas Social Service Society was formed in the year 1979, soon after the bifurcation of CMI St Joseph’s Province into Kottayam and Trivandrum, to streamline the socio-cultural development of the people of the Kottayam, Alappuzha, Pathanamthitta, Kollam, Trivandrum and Kanyakumari districts of Kerala and Tamilnadu which are under the St Joseph’s Province, Trivandrum. The society was legally registered on 23rd October 1979 with Reg. No. K/368/79 under the Travancore Cochin Act 12 of 1955 of registration of Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies having its office at St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam. 2. Legal Status As a registered Society it has 12 A registration. (u/s.12 A (a) of the I T Act, 1961) from 8-10-1990, 80G Certificate (u/s 80G (5) (vi) No. AABTS6626B/15-16/3-0064/80G of the Income Tax


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE Act,1961) and FCRA registration with Reg.No. 052870161. The society has PAN Number (AABTS6626B). The office records show that few other units are registered by the Secretary under such as, 1. Kuttanad Seva Samithi, Nalukody (Reg.No. K/329/87 dated 02-09-1987) 2 Samagra Mahila Samajam, Vikas Bhavan, Nalukody (Reg.No. K.477/91 dated18-091991 3. Sanjoe Welfare Centre, Chethipuzha (Reg.No. A-5/95 dated 04-01-1995) 4. Surabhi Mahila samajam, Kaipuzha (Reg.No. K/509 dated 22-08-2001) 5. Sneha Mahila Samajam,Mannanam (Reg.No. K/508 dated 22-08-2001) 6. Vikas Mahila Samajam, Arattuvazhy, Alappuzha (Reg.No.A/2924/2006 dated 14-06-2006) & 7.Vikas Infotech, Mamood ( Reg.A2 907/13 and License from Madappally Grama Panchyat dated 31/03/2013) Under the auspices of the Samagara Vikas Society another society was formed at Tamilnadu and registered (Reg.No. 28/1991) for Kanyakumari Mission on 04-10-1991 namely, PIlankalai Makalir Munnetta Mantram. Kuttanad Seva Samithi has FCRA registration (no renewal of FCRA has done recently) and CRECHE at Kainakary has a Certificate of License (not renewed recently) from the Govt. authorities (No. B7/CR-287/KTM/88-89). We are not sure about the present situation of these Societies, Samajams, entities etc., their legal status and the related accounts of such entities due to the unavailability of reliable documents. The 12 A Registration of the Samagra Vikas Society is renewed and the IT Returns are filed till March 2022. The accounts are being audited by Tony Kallukalam &Co, Changanacherry. FCRA registration is being renewed with the Board of Directors as follows: 1. Fr Sebastian Chamathara - President 2. Fr Jose Koolipurackal - Secretary 3. Fr Joseph Puthenpura - Member 4. Fr Mathew Arekalam - Member 5. Fr Antony Valekalam - Member The Board of Directors are not elected in the General Body Meeting. It was done so due to the absence of proper Governing Body meetings and to alleviate the problems, taking into account the present situation.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 3. Committee and the new Director for solving the issues related to Samagra Vikas A Committee was formed by the Provincial Council in order to solve the issues of the Society that occurred after starting the Housing Project and Fr Mathew Arekalam was entrusted to deal the cases and the office matters of the Society. The Committee consists of the following members: 1. Fr Santhosh Kayyalaparmpil, Provincial Councillor for Social Apostolate 2. Fr Scaria Ethirett, Provincial Councillor for Education 3. Fr Joseph Vattaparambil, Provincial Councillor for Finance 4. Fr Xavier Ampatt, Provincial Auditor 5. Fr Joseph Puthenpura, Superior, St Xavier’s Carmel House 6. Fr Mathew Arekalam, Director, Samgravikas Society 7. Fr Antony Elamthottam & 8. Fr Josey Kollamalil. The Committee periodically met and discussed the issues and addressed all heart-rending issues timely. 4. Bank Accounts of the Society Bank & Branch Indian bank, Alappuzha

Account & Head


C S B - Nalukody

1991- Creche

C S B, Nalukody

4825 - Vikas Infotech

S B I, Changanacherry


C S B, Thiruvalla

90001- Vikas Infotech


7262 - Marriage Fund


9545 – Tsunami Fund


9323030 - Vikas Infotech


933132 - Vikas Infotech

S B I, Changanachery

7273 – FCRA, SWGP

Only the bank account in the Indian Bank, Alappuzha is operated now. It’s an account jointly operated by Fr Joseph Puthenpura, Superior, St Xavier’s Carmel Villa and Fr Mathew Arekalam, the present Director of the Society. 5. Memorandum of Association / Bye-Laws of the Soceity and required Amendments which are proposed in the General Body Meeting held on 15th February 2023 at Chethipuzha. In the General Body Meeting held on 15 February 2023 at S.H Monastery, Chethipuzha and discussed in detail the present scenario of the Samagra Vikas Social Service Society. Fr Mathew Arekalam CMI presented the financial situation and the necessary requirements which are to be taken into consideration, including the required amendments in the Bye-laws of the Society, for


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE the smooth functioning of the Society in future. The General Body constituted a Committee for drafting the proposed amendments as follows: 1. Fr Santhosh Kayyalaparampil CMI (Convenor) 2. Fr Antony Elamthottam CMI & 3. Fr Mathew Arekalam CMI The Committee proposed amendments and these may be executed shortly with the consent of the next General Body meeting. The Office of the registered society was shifted from Mannanam to Chethipuzha (with address Sacred Heart monastery, Chethipuzha Kottayam, Kerala – 686 104 (‘with effect from 29-011986’) and then to Nalukody with the following address: Vikas Bhavan, Nalukody, Changanacherry, Kerala – 686 548. It seems that shifting of Office to Nalukody was done with the permission of the Provincial Council. Again, the Office of the Samagravikas Society was shifted to Alappuzha with the address Vikas Bhavan, Sea View Ward, Alappuzha – 688 012. The details of the said shifting of office to Alappuzha and the due permission required either from the Provincial Council or from the Governing Body are not available. The above address of the office is printed in the Letter Head of the Society by showing ‘Reg.Office as Nalukody’. However, a Notary signed (22-07-2005) minutes of the Board of Directors held on 10-04-2005 is available. The above notary signed extract of the minutes states as follows: “The members of the Board of Directors of Samagra Vikas Social Sevice Society met on 10th April 1996 at St Joseph’s Monastery Mannanam and decided to shift the headquarters of Samagra Vikas Social service Society from Mannanam to Vikas Bhavan, Sea View ward, Alleppey- 12 on or before 20th April 1996”. The Memorandum of Association was printed and re-printed in book forms and certain amendments were given in these printed Memorandum of Association. It is interesting to note that there is no available proof of the date, ie., 29-01-1986 (‘added with effect from 29-01-1986’), on which the amendments regarding the name, address and other clauses were made. The report of the General Body met on 17-01-1986 state that 26 members were present. But only 21 members were present as per the Minutes Book and it was also stated that “Some changes were made in the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Bye-laws of the Society, proposed by the Board Members. The Secretary presented the mid-term report and the proposed changes in the Bye-laws. The amendments were passed unanimously.” Therefore, we do not know what are the amendments and the date on which they are amended. Moreover, it seems that the amendments are not duly registered but only Notary signatures are obtained when and where it was needed.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE It was stated, in the Memorandum of Association prepared in the beginning and registered on 23rd October 1979, that the President, Secretary and Treasurer ‘shall be elected at every Annual general Meeting and shall hold office till the next Annual general Meeting’. It also states that ‘the Board of Directors shall consist the President, Secretary, Treasurer and 8 other members elected by the General Body of the Society’. Moreover, it is stated that an Advisory Committee may be nominated by the General Body. But in the Memorandum of Association, which was printed with address Vikas Bhavan, Nalukody states that ‘The Provincial of St Joseph’s Province Trivandrum shall be the ex-officio President of Samagra Vikas’ and there will be a working President for the society who shall be ‘the Provincial Secretary for Social Work’ who is an ‘ex-officio Working President of the society .......In the absence of the President, the working President shall act as the President’. The ‘Secretary shall be elected by the General Body for a period of three years. He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society’. The Board of Directors ‘shall consist of President, Working President, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 other members by the General Body of the Society’. In all the printed forms of the Memorandum of Association the role of Executive Director/ Director of Samagravikas Social Service Society is not mentioned anywhere. Fr Jose Koolipurackal signed in many statutory documents under the title: Secretary, Executive Director and the Chief Functionary. Therefore, taking into consideration the present situation and the functional feasibility of the Society, amendments are urgently required and it has to be legally registered too. 6. Housing Project The Housing Project was started in the year 2018 after the traumatic flood situation in Kerala. The beneficiaries were from Alappuzha, Kottayam, Ernakulam and Trivandrum districts of Kerala. There were 254 beneficiaries in the list submitted by Fr jose Koolipurackal by December 2020. It is to be mentioned that the matter was not discussed in the General Body Meeting/ Board of Directors meeting and no sanction was obtained for this project. There is no well-defined plan for the execution of the project. No background study was done before starting the project. No necessary documents are collected. No phase-wise plan is given to the beneficiaries. Therefore, a standard and systematic procedure for executing the project is not easy. It is unfortunate that certain beneficiaries in the list who are already having houses also joined the project. Some beneficiaries mentioned that they joined the project thinking that they may get double or more amount when they deposit two or 2,25 lakhs of rupees. Therefore, the very reputation of social service activities of the congregation is terribly damaged. We have addressed this issue and by God’s grace and we could manage the clients without damaging the good will of the Soceity/ CMI Congregation. So far we could give back the money they have deposited, and in some cases with interest. Few beneficiaries who have completed the


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE construction of the houses received nearly Rs. 4,00,000+. Fr Jose Koolipurackal collected Rs. 4,87,68,000/= and paid back to beneficiaries Rs. 3,58,63,200/=. We have paid so far from the Province Rs. 2,34,86,240/= . We still need to pay Rs. 10,70,000/= as and when the beneficiaries approach. 7. Marriage Fund Marriage Aid Programme started as per the decision of Governing Body held on 15-11-1985. Almost 1000 beneficiaries were enrolled in the Marriage Fund programme at the beginning stage and the number increased gradually. In December 2020 the number of beneficiaries were 1172 and we have closed till date 235 books. No.of Collected from Centres Books Beneficaries Pullangady Punnapra

54 123

998100 3885500

Kayalpuram Champakulam

129 123

2583850 2575050

Kuttamangalam Kainakary

161 149

2695350 3535650

Muttar Pulincunnoo

119 92

2272150 1280800




At present we have 950 cases/books as per Marriage Fund Programme and the total of liability is Rs. 19826450/-. There are 8 animators are still in the field work. The salary is being paid regularly from the Marriage Fund Collection. 8. House Repair Fr Jose Koolipurackal has collected from 17 beneficiaries. He has given only the names and address of 10 beneficiaries that amounts to Rs. 2, 45. 000/- and most of these beneficiaries are field workers (Animators). However, 9 other beneficiaries appeared with claims and we had to pay so far Rs.5, 05.021/-. We are bound to pay the balance amount of Rs. 2, 20,000/-, if they claim for it. 9. Audit of Accounts The Audit of accounts of the Samagravikas Social Service Society is carried out by M/s Tony C. Kallukalam & Co. The Audit Fee for the 2019-20,2020-21 and 2021-22 are not yet given which sum up Rs.4,50,000/-.


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE 10. Present Liability of the Society The present liability of the Samagra Vikas Society to the beneficiaries of the projects is about [9,70,000(Housing Project) + 2,00,34,950(Marriage Fund) + 2,20,000(House Repair) + 4,50,000(Audit Fee)] Rs. 2,16,74,950/=. But some Marriage Fund Books are to be closed by giving an extra half of the deposited amount so that the amount may exceed Rs.2,00,34,950/=. In addition to this the Province has given till date Rs. 3,05,13,250/=. Moreover, a sum of Rs.3, 00, 000/= is taken as Gold Loan by Fr Jose Koolipurackal. We also need to meet the regular office expenses. Therefore, the total liability of the Samagravikas Society as per accounts will be approximately around (Marriage Fund + Housing Project + Province amount, House Repair + Audit Fee + Gold Loan & Office expenses) Rs.5,24,88,200/=, i.e. approximately Rs. 5.25,00,000/- (Rupees Five Crore and twentyfive Lakh). 11. Income & Expenditure Statement as on 16.03.2023 INCOME


Bank Opening Balance on 01-12-2020 Fr Jose Cash Deposit and Other Credit to Indian Bank A/c 5887 Province Contribution including Kolkota,Edava,Chethipuzha Marriage Fund Accounted from Sept 2021 to March 2023


63,025.35 12,42,239.00 305,13,250.00 26,12,200.00

344,30,714.35 AMOUNT

235,86,246.00 5,20,027.00

Housing Project House Repair

52,73,524.00 21,35,958.00

Marriage Fund Loan Repayments

11,29,852.07 50,000.00

Office Expense & Salary Cash Withdrawal by Fr Jose Kuttanad Integral Development Society (KIDS) Advance Re-payment to CMI Dharmaniketan Trust, Kolkota

Bank Closing Balance as on 23-03-2023 Cash in Hand as on 23-03-2023


12,20,071.00 5,00,029.00 15,007.28 0.00


Fr Mathew Arekalam CMI Director, SVSSS 16-03-2023


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE VI. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE 1. As in Provincial Statutes 2020 No. 150. Social Work amount from each house has to be included in the budget. This has to be verified at the time of the budget approval. This 5% amount is to be transferred to the account of the Social Work Department by the first half of the financial year. 2. Samagra Vikas: Since it has got a good service history and it possess 80G, FCRA Registration Number and an office at Alappuzha a dedicated priest has to be appointed for the activities. He should be properly qualified to assume the post of the director and has to be changed after every six years. 3. An important observation found in this years’ report is the social action process achieved through adoption of various villages by some of our colleges. This model can be adapted by other institutions too. 4. St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody: There is a major upward shift in the face of St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody. Also, a new team is presently active as administrators. At this juncture, it is highly recommended that the lab, operation theatre, pharmacy, X-Ray Scanning unit and Water Recycling unit are to be renovated as early as possible to make it a full-fledged basic hospital. 5. Youth should be encouraged to take up courses of Social Work and hospital management for higher studies so that the Social Work can be made an effective ministry within the next three years. 6. Since Sneha Bhavan Adoor is located almost in the middle of the geographical area of our Province, the Social Work Councillor can stay there to accomplish and co-ordinate the various activities and also restart a social commitment in the same place and fruitfully utilize the place. 7. V-guard units are almost going redundant (Mannanam, Champakulam). In this context new ventures about women empowerment by giving them opportunity for employment can be identified. One such initiative is making straws using coconut leaves. Discussions are going on with regard to this new initiative at Kanyakumari. 8. There are discussions about new ventures to start at the 10 acres of land newly allocated to the Province at Thenkashi from Carmel Monastery, Punnapra. Incorporating the need of the local people and to lift the social and charitable face of the Province it may be better to start a hospital there which can open access to the local people.

CONCLUSION “Let us give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind” (Psalms 107:8) Let me conclude this report with folded hands before God almighty for his unfailing love and blessings on us. Let me express my sincere thanks to our beloved Provincial Very. Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara for his parental concern and guidance in all matters of Social Apostolate. I do also thank our Vicar Provincial Rev. Fr. Sony Palathra who was a 145


true inspiration in my responsibility and also for his whole hearted help in drafting this report. I do also thank my co-councillors Rev. Fr. Joseph Vattaparampil, Rev. Fr. Scaria Ethirettu and Rev. Fr. Xavier Ampatt for their whole hearted cooperation. My deep sentiments of gratitude to the department consultants Rev. Fr. Joseph Mannooparampil, Rev. Fr. Leju Thekkekalam, and the nominated members Rev. Fr. Varghese Puthiyaveedu, Rev. Fr. Charles Mundakathil, Rev. Fr. Biju Thekkekutt and Rev. Fr. Jaison Maveli for their relentless support, encouragement and cooperation for the last three years. My sincere thanks to Rev. Bros. Ajith, Thomaskutty and Aloisious who helped me a lot in carrying out the office duties from Provincial house. I would also like to thank all the superiors of our Ashrams and the heads of our institutions for their timely cooperation and help. Finally let me quote a Tamil poem: “செல் வம் என்பது செல் வதற் காகவவ வெர்த்து பதுக்குதல் தீமமயில் தீமம பத்திருந் தாலும் பகிர்ந்து சகாடுத்து வாழத் சதரிந் தால் வானகம் திறக்குவம”

Thanking you all. Fr. Santhosh Kayyalaparampil CMI Councillor for Social Apostolate, Trivandrum April 2023 Appendix I – DONATIONS RECEIVED Page 146 Appendix II – EXPENSES 2020-2023 Page 147 Appendix III – CONTRIBUTIONS GIVEN TO OTHER HOUSES Page 149 Appendix IV – SOCIAL WORK EXPENSES BY HOUSES AND INSTITUTIONS Page 151 Appendix V – EXPENSES PIE CHART – Page 152 Appendix I - DONATIONS RECEIVED Punnapra Poly Hostel Punnapra, K E Carmel School Punnapra K E Carmel School Punnapra Poly College Chethipuzha S H Monastery

10000 50000 20000 50000 300000


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE Chethipuzha Kristu Jyothi School


Chethipuzha Placid School Christ College-Vizhinjam

250000 20000

Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam Christ School Thiruvalla

25000 75000

Christ School, Thiruvalla Christ School Kaliyal

75000 50000

St Mary's Kaliyal KE School, Mannanam

50000 300000

Christ College Maranallor


Christ Nagar School, Maranalloor


Christ Monastery, Kowdiar Nazareth Carmel Monastery, Muhamma

250000 150000

St Rita's, Nalukody Mar Thoma Bhavan, Netta

100000 75000

St Joesph's Monastery, Mannanam Jawahar School, Edava

400000 200000

St Sebastan's Monastery, Pulinkunnu Christ Nagar, Thiruvallam

25000 100000

St,Xaviers Alapuzha


Calcutta School


Gift and Donations Received Interest Received

45000 21812

Contribution Received from P. G. House Contribution Received from Province Total

100000 3919000 7,185,812.00

Appendix II - EXPENSES 2020-2023 Bank Charges

₹ 762.62

Covid Aid to Muttar

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Champakulam

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Cheepunkal

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Kaliyal

₹ 25,000.00



₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Kuchapuram

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Mannanam

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Muzhukode

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Netta

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Pallikonam

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Pilankalai

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Punalur

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid to Vizhinjam

₹ 25,000.00

Covid Aid Paid directly from Dept

₹ 464,000.00

Donation Paid to Archdiocese

₹ 125,000.00

Donation Paid to Arch Diocese Tvm

₹ 100,000.00

Dress Aid Paid

₹ 7,150.00

Gift and Donations Paid

₹ 218,000.00

Housing Aid from Dept

₹ 4,171,028.00

Kit for Kid - Education kit

₹ 586,000.00


₹ 200,000.00

Marraige Aid

₹ 60,000.00

Medical Aid

₹ 1,100,000.00

Printing and Stationaries

₹ 340.00

Salary and Allowances Paid

₹ 9,000.00

Educational Aid

₹ 249,330.00

Travel Exp

₹ 9,900.00

Vehicle Maintenance (from Previous term)

₹ 21,200.00


₹ 7,646,710.62





K E School, Mannanam 1 Sargakshetra Chethipuzha


2 Sports Hostel, Mannanam (B.Ed College) 3 Christ Nagar, Bangaloor

1343142 569800

4 Holy Family Church, Kaipuzha 5 St.Sebastian's Monastery, Pulimcunnoo

150000 20000

6 Nirmalagiri Novitiate, Punaloor 7 St. Joseph's Press TVM

50000 84500

8 St. Joseph's Educational & Charitable Trust


9 St. Mary's Ashramam, kumarakom


10 K E College, Mannanam 11 St. Joseph's Monastery, Mannanam

145413 33250


2456434 Jawahar Public School, Edava

1 Samagra Vikas Social Service 2 Vizhinjam (Advertisem*nt) 3 St. Rita's Hospital (Advertisem*nt) 4 St Joseph’s Monastery Mannanam Total

200,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,215,000.00

Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor 1 Nirmalgiri Novitiate, Punalur 2 St Joseph's Monastery, Mannanam 3 St Sebastian's Pulincunnoo 4 St Thomas School, Netta Total

89688 500000 20000 50000 659688

S H Monastery, Chethipuzha 1 Christ Nagar School, Kuchappuram 2 Sarga Kshethra 3 St Sebastian's Pulincunnoo 4 Immaculate Conception Monastery, Muttar Total

6,375,000 4000000 100000 55000 1,05,30,000

Christ Hall Kowdiar 1 S.H. Church Chethipuzha





3 Vizhinjam Chapel 4 St. Joseph Church Kaisalalvilai

300000 100000

5 St. Alphonsa Church, Pongumoodu 6 Sargakshetra

15000 200000

7 Sports Hostel Mannanam Total

500000 1145000


Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam Carmel Monastery, Muhamma (Maintanence of Mother Teresa School

2 3

St. Joseph's School Pulincunnoo (Repair & Maintanence) Sargakshetra Radio, Mannanam

1,998,509 490,020

4 5

Saint Chavara Park, Mannanam Roof work of St Joseph's UP School, Mannanam

805,796 1,957,216

6 7

Laptop to Saint Ephrem's School, Mannanam Insurance and maintanenc of Car at Mannanam

104,800 143,443

8 9

Salary to the Basketball Coach at St. Ephrem's School Textbooks to Muttar School

315,000 363,152

10 11

Salary to Two drivers of Porukkara School, Chamapakulam TATA Nexon car to Kuchapuram

192,600 1,248,976

12 13

TATA Nexon car to Ayroor TATA Nexon car to Alapuzhza

1,248,976 1,248,976

14 15

TATA Nexon car to Muttar Vehicle Repair at Punalur Nirmalgiri Novitiate

1,248,976 145,960


Amount spent for Ramnagara Christ School (Compound wall, Purchases of Tractor, Land conversion School building etc) Total


38,200,428 50,497,916


DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL APOSTOLATE Appendix IV - SOCIAL WORK EXPENSES BY HOUSES AND INSTITUTIONS housing Medical Education Fee marriage Covid Insitution and houses aid aid aid consession Other aid aid Department of Social Apostolate, Province 4171028 1280000 249330 300000 60000 911000 St Xavier's Carmel House, Alappuzha 25000 180000 183000 508000 Darsana Veedu, Kalarkodu 8000 15100 11000 Christ CMI Central School, Anjugram 84000 25000 1493000 220000 Lourdes Carmel Ashram, Ayroor 65000 58498 9360 26919 Porukara School, Champakulam 307118 3449015 9200 1000 St Mary's Ashram, Cheepunkal 129082 13375 21910 115500 S H Monastery, Chethipuzha 242260 221871 5424 132779 27000 140414 KJ Group of Institutions 1459170 4284 3567054 17663966 1208816 Sarga Kshethra 2675000 1164509 266500 283450 260240 Jawahar Public School, Edava 1243200 1002950 182437 15538042 639155 KECSAP, Kolkata 6028482 543421 1368720 5033235 569155 Shanthi Bhavan, Enathu 542100 K E Carmel House, Kainakary 76150 22000 18420 10000 29300 St Mary's Carmel House, Kaliyal 29500 252832 156499 33000 74500 38800 St Mary's Central School, Kaliyal 6000 300000 250000 874790 St Joseph's Carmel House, Kuchappuram 87250 16000 1746227 43600 2500 16000 St Joseph's Monastery, Mannanam 804025 108669 4000 133288 15000 304810 K E School, Mannanam 1514231 666669 1057200 3563012 4589517 Christ Nagar College, Maranalloor 637567 116557 4727923 562457 Christ Nagar School, Maranalloor 664540 298106 1932674 158369 Nazareth Monastery, Muhamma 220020 486328 651170 11258078 328150 I C Monastery, Muttar 600000 132000 11250 110000 130000 Chavara Bhavan, Muzhukode 12000 13800 9190 12000 32500 St Rita's Hospital, Nalukody 662375 36005 Mar Thoma Bhavan, Netta 55000 59242 114800 8020 10500 46960 SJB Ashram, Nooranad 5000 1550 36000 CMI Malar Nilayam, Pilankalai 20025 4775 4100 10000 18500 St Sebastian's Monastery, Pulincunnoo 5000 28027 2000 193499 5000 30571 S H Residence, Pallikonam 3500 13200 Nirmalgiri Novitiate, Punalur 262500 415851 46790 55645 11000 40677 Carmel Monastery, Punnapra 784500 87800 3500 30459911 108500 5600 189510 Mar Baselios Ashram, Thiruvalla 40000 245554 34000 11376 Christ Central School, Thiruvalla 663000 947000 6768177 Christ Nagar Group, Kowdiar, TVM 3623824 471048 75965 9675362 10000 20000 Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam 121000 781706 66649 24667690 350660 St Peter's Carmel House, Vizhinjam 100000 17270 13000 14000 20000 Christ College, Vizhinjam 250000 23800 10000 3885000 84000 225000 Total 25569847 11013094 9448936 143424207 10619166 264100 2612701



marriage aid Rs.2,64,100

Other Rs. 1,06,19,166

Covid aid Rs.26,12,701

housing aid Rs.2,55,69,847

Medical aid Rs.1,10,13,094 Education aid Rs. 94,48,936

Fee consession, Rs.14,34,24,207











Statement of Department of Finance and Agriculture Province Councilor: Fr. Joseph Vattaparampil CMI Consultants: Fr. Thomas Choolaparampil CMI Fr. Robin Anandakattu CMI Dear Reverend Fr. Provincial, Council members and members of the Provincial Synaxis, On behalf of the department of Finance and Agriculture, as its Councillor, I am pleased to present the report at the first session of the Provincial Synaxis XVI of St. Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram, for the period 01 April 2020 – 28 February 2023. It was in the middle of the pandemic when everything stood still that this ministry took charge. Even in the bad times God had been very kind to us. We survived a very big financial crisis. We held ourselves together during the bad times. We extended our support to the people around who struggled during the Covid. This report will present the financial situation of the past three years. I wholeheartedly acknowledge the advice from Fr Provincial and other Council members, my predecessors, consultants to the Finance Councilor, other experts and all my community members who helped me to carry out the duties effectively and efficiently. I remember with gratitude all our benefactors for their invaluable contributions. The present report is divided into Four sub-sections as mentioned below:

1. 2. 3. 4.




1. FINANCIAL STATEMENT This section is divided into two sub sections viz., Income Statement and Expenditure statement. The table below explains the financial status of our Province at a glance.

At a Glance


Income Statement Amount

Opening Balance

Expenditure Statement Particulars Amount

3,40,31,124.78 Advance-Samagravikas


Salary Share - Abroad

11,86,27,354.48 Contributions


Salary Share – Local

10,31,05,719.63 Subsidy


Pension & Gratuity

1,08,78,488.00 Salary Share to Houses


Land Disposal

1,39,51,554.00 Formation


Central Pooling Mass Stipend

67,75,011.02 Administration 11,24,275.92 Departmental

2,81,58,429.00 43,55,508.00

Other Incomes

62,98,120.95 Social Maintenance of Members

44,89,453.00 1,36,70,954.00

Religious and Mission Closing Balance

36,69,075.00 2,28,91,434.00

29,47,91,649.00 29,12,74,262.00 Table - 1 The income and expenditure statements presented here is from 01 April 2020 to 28 February 2023. St. Joseph Province, Thiruvananthapuram, is having an income of Rs. 29,47,91,649/- and an expenditure of Rs. 26,83,82,828/- in the previous three financial years. The balance amount of Rs. 2,28,91.434/- is in 8 bank accounts (Rs. 2,26,29,772/-) and cash-in-hand (Rs. 2,61,662/-). A detailed description of all the income and expenditure is given in the tables and charts below. Further, an amount of Rs 88+ lakhs is remitted by Fathers from Germany and America to their NRI accounts as in Table 31. Therefore, in total an amount of Rs 3,16,95,122/- cash balance is available. 1.1 INCOME STATEMENT Our Province has a revenue of Rs.29,47,91,649/- for the last three financial years. Major sources of income in our Province are shown below. Income Statement Particulars 1 Opening Balance 2 Salary Share - Abroad

Amount 3,40,31,124.78 11,86,27,354.48

% 12% 40%




4 Pension & Gratuity 5 Land Disposal

1,08,78,488.00 1,39,51,554.00

4% 5%

67,75,011.02 11,24,275.92

2% 0%

6 Central Pooling 7 Mass Stipend 6 Other Incomes Grand Total

62,98,120.95 29,47,91,649.00

2% 100%

Table - 2

Income Statement 4


2 2



40 Opening Balance



Pension & Gratuity

Land Disposal

Central Pooling

Other Income Figure 1 Remarks: - Major source of the Province’s income is from the salary of our members (22 Cr) working in India and abroad (75%) A) OPENING BALANCE Opening Balance (as on 1 April 2020) 1

CSB A/c No.90001



SIB A/C No.6387



SIB A/C No.7047




22,190.00 Sub Total


Table - 3 The opening balance of the Province on April1, 2020, was Rs. 3,40,31,124.78. St. Joseph


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Province has 9 bank accounts, of which five are in South Indian Bank, Main Branch, Thiruvananthapuram, and two in State Bank of India, Poonkulam and New Delhi and one each in Catholic Syrian Bank, Palayam, & Bank of India-Thiruvallam. A/c no-5796 of State Bank of India (Delhi) is our FCRA account: all Foreign donation and Mass fund are credited here. We are using A/c No 7047 of South Indian Bank and SBI A/c no4052 for the utilization of such credited funds. SIB A/c No 6387 is our primary account number which we are using for all other income and expenditure of Province such as Salary, Contributions, Payments etc. B) SALARY SHARE – ABROAD Salary Abroad Country





1 Germany





2 America













3 UK Total

Table - 4 Remarks: At present 26 priests of our Province are working abroad, namely in Germany, US, and UK who earn money. 13 members are working in Germany, 9 in the US and 4 in the UK. (The account may reflect the remittance of those who served abroad previously also.) Above 67% of the salary of the Fathers working abroad comes from Germany. The figures shown in the following tables are only the amounts sent by our members working abroad directly to the Province account. Germany Salary- Germany Sl no


1 Fr. Jacob Alackal 2 Fr. Raju Edathinattu

2020-21 13,08,743.95

Indian Rupee 2021-22

Total Salary 2022-23

47,73,912.27 44,23,955.83

24,04,019.00 15,96,763.00

71,77,931 73,29,463

3 Fr. Lal Kanatt 4 Fr. Ajy Mooleparampil


3,277.00 44,18,890.33

16,48,739.00 15,96,728.00

55,83,611 60,15,618

5 Fr. Jose Niravathuparampil 6 Fr. Mathew Njarakulam

21,72,514.20 30,59,376.55

21,67,836.00 16,86,061.00

15,96,421.50 20,31,110.00

59,36,772 67,76,548




7 Fr. Johnson Palackal


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 8 Fr. Varghese Panakalam


9 Fr. Johnson Panthaplackal 10 Fr. Sebastian Punayar 11 Fr George Vempadanthara 12 Fr, Antony Kuttiyanickal 13 Fr. Lukose Chamakala Total






21,67,027.43 43,23,506.00


55,35,639 43,23,506

5,724.00 50,70,605.39

24,20,747.00 33,53,130.00

67,90,715 84,23,735


24,55,360.00 24,55,360 2,70,51,646 7,95,20,022.80

Table – 5 Remarks: ➢ There are thirteen members of our Province working in Germany. ➢ One month salary of the Fathers is given to Prior General’s House as German and American salary share. ➢ Amount of € 875815.46 is the total income of German Member’s for the Year 2020-22. The United States of America Salary- USA Particulars

Fr. Mamachan Puthenaveed




Total Amount

Total Amount

Total Amount








Fr. Joseph Kallookalam

Total Amount

Fr. George Thirumangalam





Fr. Thomas Kalam





Fr. Abraham Vallayil








Fr. Joseph Kuzhichalil Fr. Paul Thunduparampil





Fr. Joseph Eanethumkuzhy





Fr. Biju Palamattam Fr. Seby Chamapallil

15,75,168.24 5,42,529.30


Fr. Kochupura Cyriac 80,56,077.65


15,75,168.24 96.50






Table – 6 ➢ Nine of our members are working in the USA at present. (The account may reflect the remittance of those who served abroad previously also.) ➢ Frs Paul Thunduparampil and Mathew Palamattam have come back from their pastoral ministry in the US. Frs. Cyriac Kochupura started his pastoral ministry in the US during this term. ➢ As per the decision of the Provincial Council Fr Dr Thomas Kalam has already sent $ 5000 and Fr George Thirumangalam has sent $ 2500 and Fr. Joseph Eanthemkuzhy has sent $


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 12050 from their salary to the Ecuador mission. ➢ An Amount of $940 by Fr George Thirumangalam was paid back to him for some of the local ticket expenses of the visit of Fr Sony Palathra CMI, Vicar Provincial. The figures in the above table do not show this amount. ➢ Even if individual NRI account has started for all members the present system is not fool proof. United Kingdom SALARY - UK Particulars


Fr. John Menonkary


Fr. Jose Kaduthanam


Fr. Joseph Ozhukayil 13,87,358.45



Total Salary 10,00,000.00










Table – 7 Remarks: Four of our priests are working in the UK. Fr John Menonkari returned and Fr Joseph Ozhukayil started his service in the UK during this term. Among them Fr Tebin Puthenpurackal is pursuing his higher studies and Fr Johnson Kattiparampil is doing his mission work there. ➢ Fr Tebin’s salary is used for his higher studies. ➢ Fr Johnson’s salary is very meager that he is just able to manage with it there in Wales. Suggestions: German pastors and their salaries are the backbone of the financial strength of our Province. It would be better to encourage a few more of our young Fathers to go abroad, especially to Germany, for pastoral ministry as the salary is comparatively higher there and paid by the State. Similar to the arrangement of remitting of salary to the Provincial House in Germany, a common account may be started for our Fathers serving in the US, UK and similar standing order may be given to send the amounts monthly to the common account from each diocese and the co-ordinator would be responsible for the regular remittance of the salary to the Province and the amount for their personal expenses may also be sent back to them by the Co-ordinator. C) SALARY SHARE – INDIA The centralized salary sharing system that was introduced in the previous ministries has been found effective with some exceptions. Measures are to be taken if the salary drawers have given standing order to the bank to send the money as and when it reached the bank.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE There is a new arrangement in the sending of salary of our members working in the Kolkota Sub-Region. They are sending only half salary to the account of the Province since huge amount is taxable when this is shown in the bank account. Salary of SALARY SHARE – INDIA er's- India Particulars

2020-21 Un Aided



Un Aided



Un Aided

Fr. Aluckal Justin




Fr. Ampatt Xavier




Fr. Anithottam Joseph



Fr. Attichira Sebastian



Fr. Ayyamkary Joseph



Fr. Chackalackal Mathews


Fr. Chalangady Kurian


Fr. Chathamala Ajin


470000 742657



Fr. Chavara Luka




Fr. Chechottu Arun Fr. Cheeramkuzhy Joshy


Fr. Cheeramthara Xavier Fr. Chempilaparampil Tomy

881366 322512

Fr. Chennamattam Joseph Fr. Chennattussery Jose Fr. Chennattussery Thomas Fr. Cheruvilparampil Josekutty

Fr. Elavunkal Thomas

Fr. Kadamthottu Johnson





478437 339060



899236.5 372285

234000 316700










Fr. Eanekatt Shaji Fr. Ehtirett Scaria



Fr. Choolaparampil Thomas Fr. Edasseriparampil Joseph

507500 901300


Fr. Chethikalam Mathew Fr. Chiramukhath Abraham











Fr. Kalarickal Kuriakose



Fr. Kalapurackal Sebastian Fr. Kanayil Cyriac

44650 329916

Fr. Kanjirathinkal Antony Fr. Kannekonil Jino

329916 320000


302423 880000


410001 245600

Fr. Kanayakonil James




Fr. Karukapally Davis







Fr. Karikathara Akhil Fr. Kayyalaparampil Santhosh


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Fr. Kizhakkethadathil Romeo



Fr. Kollamparampil Jose



Fr. Kollamparampil Luka


Fr. Kochupura Cyriac




Fr. Kottapuram Libin


Fr. Kottoor Varghese


Fr. Kottoor Subin


Fr. Kureethara Joseph Fr. Kuruppacherry Joseph











Fr. Madathilchira James Fr. Malieckal Benedict (Roy) Fr. Manackal Chacko




Fr. Manaliparampil Jojo







Fr. Manathra Boby Fr. Mangaud Paul


Fr. Mannooparampil Joseph Fr. Mannooparampil Thomas






Fr. Mattaparampil Bijo


Fr. Mavelil Sanish



Fr. Mavelil Jaison Fr. Mayamparampil Joshy

32600 111733

Fr. Mukulel Joby

214300 439650

Fr. Mullassery James


Fr. Mundakathil Charles


Fr. Munduvelil Sebastian


405900 15100





Fr. Naduvilekalam Anoop


Fr. Njallampuzha Francis 320000 409200



Fr. Panamthottam George


Fr. Pandimackal Thomas


Fr. Parakkadavil Saji


Fr. Parapally Babu Fr. Pattarackalam Bino Fr. Pathickal Lijo

Fr. Pulinchuvalil Tinto

500004.76 163175







1079200 253000

Fr. Pokuvarayath Thomas Fr. Plamoottil Joshy

673965 278500

Fr. Pemala Thomas Fr. Peroor Byju

386000 10294

Fr. Ozhukayil Joseph Fr. Palathra Sony










59400 181210


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Fr. Punoor Isaac Fr. Purakary Jacob Fr. Puthenpurackal Mathew








Fr. Puthenveliyil Siji




Fr. Puthiyaveedu Varghese






Fr. Puthukulam Chacko




Fr. Thamarassery Paul




Fr. Thayil Martin




Fr. Thekkekalam Leju




Fr. Thekkekutt Biju


Fr. Thengumpally Mathew




Fr. Thevalassery Soji




Fr. Thottany Augustine Fr. Thundiparampil Rogin




Fr. Thunduvalichira Philipose




Fr. Thuruthayil Jojo




Fr. Vadakkedam Samjy




Fr. Thunduparampil Anto

Fr. Vadakkeparampil Jojo Fr. Valekalam Antony


Fr. Valiyakalayil Bibin




Fr. Vallavanthara Titto


Fr. Vanchikal Nicholas




Fr. Varappuzha Jose



Fr. Vekathanam Jose

2080000 22000



Fr. Venkida Shyju



common fund ( Pulincunno)






578750 2046379.83




20704289 14518000


Table –8 Total salary of Members in India for the FY-2020-23 is listed below. Total salary of Members in India for the FY-2020-23 is listed below Particulars 1 Fr. Aluckal Justin 2 Fr. Ampatt Xavier

Total Salary Un Aided Aided 1171148 693804

3 Fr. Anithottam Joseph 4 Fr. Attichira Sebastian

1928268 1711194

5 Fr. Ayyamkary Joseph



FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 6 Fr. Chackalackal Mathews


7 Fr. Chalangady Kurian 8 Fr. Chathamala Ajin

456326 48000

9 Fr. Chavara Luka 10 Fr. Chechottu Arun 11 Fr. Cheeramkuzhy Joshy 12 Fr Cheeramthara Xavier 13 Fr. Chempilaparampil Tomy 14 Fr. Chennamattam Joseph 15 Fr. Chennattussery Jose 16 Fr. Chennattussery Thomas 17 Fr. Cheruvilparampil Josekutty 18 Fr. Chethikalam Mathew (sibi) 19 Fr. Chiramukhath Abraham

3770583 1765750 2261103 1032266 1004364 4088808.19 1032572 62052 234000 980950

20 Fr. Choolaparampil Thomas 21 Fr. Edasseriparampil Joseph 22 Fr. Elavunkal Thomas 23 Fr. Eanekatt Shaji 24 Fr. Ehtirett Scaria 25 Fr. Kadamthottu Johnson 26 Fr. Kalarickal Kuriakose 27 Fr. Kalapurackal Sebastian 28 Fr. Kanayil Cyriac 29 Fr. Kanjirathinkal Antony 30 Fr. Kannekonil Jino

205100 338985 866840 1336300 787145 811299 550019.2 44650 962255 1610001 619050

31 Fr. Kanayakonil James


32 Fr. Karukapally Davis


33 Fr. Karikathara Akhil 34 Fr. Kayyalaparampil Santhosh


35 Fr. Kizhakkethadathil Romeo 36 Fr. Kochupura Cyriac

889000 250000

37 Fr. Kollamparampil Jose 38 Fr. Kollamparampil Luka

931580 927000

39 Fr. Kottapuram Libin


40 Fr. Kottoor Varghese


41 Fr. Kottoor Subin 42 Fr. Kureethara Joseph 43 Fr. Kuruppacherry Joseph

1020940.56 3108489.92 869000


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 44 Fr. Madathilchira James 45 Fr. Malieckal Benedict (Roy) 46 Fr. Manackal Chacko

2234000 734458

47 Fr. Manaliparampil Jojo 48 Fr. Manathra Boby

708300 330000

49 Fr. Mangaud Paul 50 Fr. Mannooparampil Joseph

310080 2056177

51 Fr. Mannooparampil Thomas 52 Fr. Mattaparampil Bijo 53 Fr. Mavelil Sanish 54 Fr. Mavelil Jaison 55 Fr. Mayamparampil Joshy 56 Fr. Mukulel Joby 57 Fr. Mullassery James 58 Fr. Mundakathil Charles

1495000 113490 2113610 32600 731933 877850 1771750 131250

59 Fr. Munduvelil Sebastian 60 Fr. Naduvilekalam Anoop


61 Fr. Njallampuzha Francis 62 Fr. Ozhukayil Joseph


63 Fr. Palathra Sony 64 Fr. Panamthottam George

1158300 66374

876000 320000

65 Fr. Pandimackal Thomas 66 Fr. Parakkadavil Saji 67 Fr. Parapally Babu 68 Fr. Pattarackalam Bino 69 Fr. Pathickal Lijo

60000 1557969.76 441675 860006 1490400.17

70 Fr. Pemala Thomas 71 Fr. Peroor Byju


72 Fr. Pokuvarayath Thomas 73 Fr. Plamoottil Joshy

589060 59400

74 Fr. Pulinchuvalil Tinto 75 Fr. Punoor Isaac


76 Fr. Purakary Jacob 77 Fr. Puthenpurackal Mathew 78 Fr. Puthenveliyil Siji 79 Fr. Puthiyaveedu Varghese 80 Fr. Puthukulam Chacko 81 Fr. Thamarassery Paul


2977900 2054800 819630 1633500 455221 1361036 762620




83 Fr. Thekkekalam Leju 84 Fr. Thekkekutt Biju

1155125 260050

85 Fr. Thengumpally Mathew 86 Fr. Thevalassery Soji

1444329 308300

87 Fr. Thottany Augustine 88 Fr. Thundiparampil Rogin


89 Fr. Thunduparampil Anto 90 Fr. Thunduvalichira Philipose


91 Fr. Thuruthayil Jojo 92 Fr. Vadakkedam Samjy

1121727 1215080

93 Fr. Vadakkeparampil Jojo 94 Fr. Valekalam Antony


95 Fr. Valiyakalayil Bibin 96 Fr. Vallavanthara Titto

249800 1485250

97 Fr. Vanchikal Nicholas 98 Fr. Varappuzha Jose

3129000 144000

99 Fr. Vekathanam Jose 100 Fr. Venkida Shyju

452562 1136000

101 common fund ( Pulincunno) TOTAL

626000 43606597.7

3702460.83 59499122

Table – 9 D) LAND DISPOSAL Land Disposal (FY-2020-23) Place Nr Medical College-Kottayam Technocraft** Total

Area (in acres) 0.4 0.79

Actual Remaining 85,53,200.00 53,98,354.00 1,39,51,554



85,53,200.00 53,98,354.00 1,39,51,554

Table – 10 Remarks: The Prior of St Joseph’s Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, was entrusted (by the previous Provincial Team) with the responsibility of disposing of the Province’s property at Medical College, Kottayam. They disposed that 31 cents property at an amount of Rs. 4,00,000/ lakhs per cent to Rev. John Ipe, Shibu Ipe and Mrs. John Ipe and to receive a total of Rs 1,20,53,200/-. Of this an amount of Rs. 35 lakhs were collected by the previous Ministry and balance of Rs 85,53,200/- collected and the same was transferred to Punnapra College as a contribution from the Province for the repayment of the Loan availed for the construction of the Engineering College.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE ** The ownership of the property of Technocraft, as resolved by the previous Provincial Synaxis, has been donated (gift deed) to Placid Educational and Charitable Trust (PECT), for an amount of Rs. 2,06,61,180 by the previous Ministry and collected an amount of Rs 1,52,62,826/- in their period. The balance of Rs 53,98,354/ collected and the same has utilized as contribution given to Anjugramam– Rs. 38,48,354/- Bangalore – Rs 10,00,000/- and Rs 5,50,000/-for Land Registration Expense. E) CENTRAL POOLING There has been no payment of central pooling from many houses due to the financial crunch after Covid-19. The following table shows the payment of central pooling from all houses:

Kerala Houses

Amount Assigned

Amount Received






2 3

Ayroor Champakulam

72,000 12,60,000

72,000 12,60,000











6 7

Christ Hall Darsanapuram

12,60,000 1,80,000


60,000 1,80,000

8 9

Edava Enathu

12,60,000 6,48,000


9,60,000 6,48,000

10 11

Jeevadhara Kainakary

72,000 3,60,000


KE, Mannanam










15 16

Maranalloor Muhamma

10,80,000 12,60,000


8,20,000 12,60,000

17 18

Muttar Nalukody

1,80,000 72,000

19 20

Nooranad Pulicunnoo

9,00,000 10,80,000

9,00,000 10,80,000










23 24

Thiruvalla Vizhinjam

12,60,000 9,00,000


6,36,549 9,00,000





72,000 3,60,000 1260000



1,80,000 3,931


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Kanyakumari Sub Region 1 2

Anjugramam Kaliyal

9,00,000 9,00,000

9,00,000 9,00,000

3 4

Kanyakumari Muzhukode

72,000 72,000

72,000 72,000

5 6

Netta Pilankalai

6,48,000 1,80,000


27,72,000.00 1,30,000.00 Kolkata Sub Region










3 4

Behala Goskura

10,80,000 3,60,000

10,80,000 3,60,000

5 6

Sarisha Suri

9,00,000 3,60,000

9,00,000 3,60,000

Total Grand Total

44,28,000.00 2,49,84,000.00

65000 65000

0.00 67,75,011.02

5,83,000 1,15,000

44,28,000.00 1,82,08,988.98

Table – 11

Central Pooling Balance

Amount Received 0% 27%


Figure 2 Remarks: The income from the central pooling from different houses is 2% of the total income of the Province. Yet, we could collect 27% of the expected amount of the central pooling between 2020 and 2023. Since lower level houses are not expected to remit money to the account of the higher level houses as per new Income tax rules, the central pooling amount may be deducted from the


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE salary received from each house each month before it is paid back. F) OTHER INCOMES Other Income Particulars 1 Interest Received 2 Gifts and Donation 3 Vehicle- scrap value & insurance claim

Total Amount 18,04,125.00







27,96,940.95 7,17,550.00

7,37,439.00 7,17,550.00



4 Mediclaim 5 Chapel Offering

2,31,138.00 3,153.00



2,31,138.00 430.00

6 cultivation (coconut/vegitables etc) 7 Farm (milk/egg/meat)









8 Remuneration


9 Sale of Old Car Sub Total


40,000.00 40,000.00 62,98,120.95 22,73,798.00 11,57,496.13 28,66,826.82 Table – 12

Pension & Gratuity Pension & Gratuity Member's



Pension 1 Fr. Louis Kandankarry


2 Fr. Abraham Vallayil 3 Fr. Siby Chthikalam

5,50,000 6,33,352

4 Fr. George Thirumangalam


5 Fr. Joshy Plamoottil


6 Fr. Mammachan Joseph 7 Fr. Joseph Kuzhichalil

2,50,000 8,00,000


8 Fr. Sebastian Chamathara



9 Fr. Joseph Puthenpurackal



10 Fr. Joseph Ozhukayil 11 Fr. Cyriac Kochupura

14,00,000 2,00,000

Gratuity & Honourarium 1 Fr. Nicholas Vanchikal


2 Fr. Thomas Choolaparampil




7,00,000 3,00,000 6,33,352

2,50,000 190000


3,59,180 800000





2,00,000 1000000 10,72,764


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 3 Fr. Isaac Punoor 4 Fr. Joseph Chennamattam 5 Fr. Joseph Kureethara



5,32,136 65,607

5,32,136 65,607

6 Fr. Jimmy Moolayil 7 Fr. Thomas Pandimackal 8 Fr. Thomas Pemala 9 Fr. Kuriakose Kalarickal 10 Fr. Jose Kollamparampil 11 Fr. Joshy Plamootil 1,08,78,488




Table – 13 Gifts and Donations Major Gift and Donations Name of the Donner



1 2

Roman Catholic Diocese of San Angel FOERDERVEREIN NEUES KERALA EV

1,80,943.00 1,40,000.00

Seminarians Training Social Work

3 4

Joan & Michael-Dublin, Ireland Johny G

4,16,496.00 50,000.00

Social Work Seminarians Training


Fr. Joseph Eanthemkuzhy



Fr. Mamachan Joseph


for Cheepunkal Vehicle EMI Seminarians Training




Solar Project

27,96,940.95 Table – 14

Mass Stipend Mass Stipend Particulars 1 Said for Obligation – Local & Foreign

No of Mass 9,072.00

2 Said for Obligation Gregorian


Sub Total


Amount 10,64,275.92 60,000.00 11,24,275.92

Table – 15 Interest received


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE An amount of Rs 18,04,125/- has been received as interest for the deposit from three savings accounts. 1.2 EXPENDITURE STATEMENT The total expenditure during the past three years was Rs. 26,83,82,828/-, of which we spent Rs. 9,70,90,943/- for contributions and subsidies. From the remaining Rs. 17,12,91,885/-, we spent Rs. 14,13,78,635/-for formation of our members, religious expenses, departmental expenses, administrative expenses and Rs. 2,99,13,250/- paid as advance to Samagravikas Service Society, which we expect to get back in coming years. Expenditure Statement 1

Particulars Advance-Samagravikas

Amount 2,99,13,250.00


2 3

Contributions Subsidiy

6,88,35,943.00 2,82,55,000.00

24.00 10.00

4 5

Salary Share to Houses Formation

3,99,69,945.00 4,70,65,271.00

14.00 16.00

6 7

Administration Departmental

2,81,58,429.00 43,55,508.00

10.00 1.00






Maintenance of Members



10 11

Religious and Mission Closing Balance

36,69,075.00 2,28,91,434.00

1.00 8.00


Grand Total

29,12,74,262.00 100 Table – 16 Remarks: Major expenditure of the Province is the contribution to the houses including subsidies, investment in assets, loan repayment, etc. The second major expense of the Province is for the formation of our members. A detailed description of all the above said particulars is given in the tables and charts below.



Expenditure Statement Advance-Samagravikas Contributions Subsidy

1%8% 10% 5% 1% 1%

Salary Share- Houses


Formation Administration

16% 14%



Social Maintanance of Members Religious & Mission


Figure 3 CONTRIBUTIONS Contribution House


1 Alappuzha 2 Cheepunkal

11,00,000.00 14,76,299.00

3 Champakulam 4 Kainakary

5,00,000.00 62,78,343.00





8,50,000.00 3,77,777.00

2,50,000.00 5,98,522.00

5,00,000.00 30,00,000.00



5 Kutchapuram 6 Sanjoe Bhavan

10,72,317.00 6,47,317.00 32,60,000.00 8,00,000.00

4,25,000.00 15,10,000.00


7 Muttar 8 muhamma

7,28,000.00 13,96,773.00

2,78,000.00 8,23,386.00

4,50,000.00 5,73,387.00

9 Nalukody





10 Pulincunnoo 11 Punnapra

22,24,843.00 82,21,737.00

71000 82,21,737.00



12 Sargakshethra 13 Ayroor

25,00,000.00 11,34,500.00

14 Adoor 15 Enathu

1,16,840.00 49,94,905.00

16 Jeevadhara

10,00,000.00 6,00,000.00

15,00,000.00 5,34,500.00


45,700.00 28,39,099.00

71,140.00 16,55,806.00

4,00,000.00 3,00,000.00 4,39,19,657.00 1,79,33,154.00

50,000.00 1,15,54,759.00

50,000.00 1,44,31,744.00

2,00,000.00 5,00,000.00


1 Anjugram

Kanyakumari 21,48,354.00 21,48,354.00

2 Kaliyal 3 Kaisalavila Church

50,95,134.00 15,00,000.00

38,06,000.00 10,00,000.00




5 Pallikonam 6 Pilankalai

1,53,000.00 9,96,750.00

7 Santhome Centre

4,40,000.00 1,04,08,238.00

1 PG House 2 Local House 3 Bangalore


1,53,000.00 1,00,000.00 8,96,750.00 3,00,000.00 72,54,354.00

90,000.00 9,40,000.00

50,000.00 22,13,884.00

Others 6,00,000.00 2,00,000.00



10,08,293.00 43,94,355.00

31,60,832.00 13,06,096.00

38,66,465.00 1,72,007.00

1,45,08,048.00 56,02,648.00 6,88,35,943.00 3,07,90,156.00

46,66,928.00 1,71,61,687.00

42,38,472.00 2,08,84,100.00

80,35,590.00 58,72,458.00



Table – 17

Contribution Others 21% Kerala

Tamilnad u 15%

Kerala 64%

Tamilnad u

Figure 4 Remarks: Above mentioned Chart explains that 64% of the total contribution is spent in Kerala and 36% of the total contribution is given to Tamil Nadu and Other Region. An amount of Rs. 6.88 Cr. has been spent as contribution to 23 houses in our Province. FORMATION Formation House 1 Aspirants-

Total 52,29,450.00

2020-21 16,09,000.00

2021-22 19,34,450.00

2022-23 16,86,000.00

Chethipuzha 2 AspirantsMannanam









3 Novices -Punalur







5 Higher Studies 6 Seminar and Courses

90,44,402.00 1,02,968.00


29,93,870.00 36,901.00

40,18,067.30 66,067.00

7 Vocation Exp. [CSV] Total









Table – 18 In the above table expenses of all levels of formation from Vocation promotion to higher studies of priests are included. Graphical representation of contribution given to each formation levels in each year – 2020-21; 2021-22 and 2022-23

Formation 2020-21



43 37 31




28 28


34 35






Figure 5 The formation of our aspirants, novices and scholastics is a major recurring expense with an upward growth. We need an amount of almost 1.61 crores of rupees for the formation of our brothers, every year, of which Rs.94 lakhs is for the formation of our aspirants and novices. Average expense per year and month per month (total/12) Total

per year (total/3)

1 Chethipuzha




2 Mannanam




3 Punalur Total up to Novitiate

1,19,16,542 2,13,70,992

39,72,181 71,23,664

3,31,015 5,93,639

4 Scholastics Total

1,61,94,409 1,61,94,409

53,98,136 53,98,136

4,49,845 4,49,845




5 Higher studies


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 6 Vocation and seminar




7 Seminar & Courses











Table – 19 We spend almost Rs. 4.70 Cr as expense for the formation from Aspirants to scholastics in total. SH Seminary: An average of Rs.17lakhs is spent every year for the formation of our first-year aspirants at Chethipuzha. MIM Seminary: An average of Rs. 14 lakhs is spent every year for the formation of our second and third year aspirants at Mannanam. There is a gradual decrease in the case of the amount spent for Mannanam Seminary in the last three years. One of the reasons for this is the decrease in the number of aspirants at Mannanam. Nirmalgiri Novitiate: An average of Rs. 40 lakhs is spent every year for the formation of our novices. The amount spent at novitiate is a bit high due to the increase in intake, expenses for maintenance works, cost for the land regularization, purchase of vehicle etc. The income from the rubber plantation is also very low. The expenses at the novitiate house could be reduced to 30-35 lakh per year as the renovation and maintenance works are almost over. Scholastics: An average of Rs. 53 lakhs is spent every year for the formation of our scholastics. An increase of an average amount of 2 to 3 lakh is found every year in the expenses for our scholastics. Scholastics House

Total Amount




22,68,944.03 19,96,409.00 3,10,200.00

5,08,645.01 6,19,262.00

7,69,683.54 7,67,531.00 70,200.00

9,90,615.48 6,09,616.00 2,40,000.00

4 Kolkota 5 Others

5,83,001.00 1,10,35,855.12

1,55,700.00 35,16,658.44

1,24,583.00 36,78,431.75

3,02,718.00 38,40,764.93






1 Dharmaram 2 Wardha 3 Pune

Table – 20 The above table illustrates the total expenses of our scholastics at various seminaries per year. ADMINISTRATION Administration Particulars 1 Advertisem*nt 2 Computer &Maintance

Total Amount 1,70,401 3,03,306











FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 3 Canonical Visitation Exp 4 Domestic Articles 5 Furniture




4,10,423 2,97,470

2,22,744.00 31,470.00

1,87,679.00 2,66,000.00

6 Internet Charge 7 Land Expense

1,41,677 21,25,694

28,560.00 2,41,064.00

64,416.00 7,79,130.00

48,701.00 11,05,500.00

8 Light & Water 9 Legal & Audit Fee

19,49,517 28,47,367

7,63,364.00 4,35,700.00

7,30,140.00 22,09,997.00

4,56,013.00 2,01,670.00

10 Books & periodicals 11 Machinery & Fittings

1,25,094 93,839

39,440.00 33,200.00


55,276.00 60,639.00

12 Postage & Phone 13 Printing & Stationary

5,10,548 6,52,131

1,27,925.00 2,30,795.00

93,042.00 1,48,781.00

2,89,581.00 2,72,555.00

14 Superiors Meeting Expense 15 Synaxis Expense



15 Tally Software 16 Taxes & insurance

8,45,142 6,81,129

2,69,892.00 1,11,707.00

2,73,996.00 92,361.00

3,01,254.00 4,77,061.00

17 Travel Expense





18 Vehicle & Maintenance





6,18,719 1,20,000



35,719.00 1,20,000.00

1,04,90,977 42,40,155.73 2,81,58,429 85,00,116

24,65,841.08 92,11,280

37,84,980.16 1,04,47,033

19 Wages & Allowance 20 Website Expense 21 Other Expense Total



Table – 21 Legal expenses: A fine of Rs.39,65,000/-has been imposed on us by the IT department for rectification of the IT return for the financial year 2016-17. Our auditor Mr. P V Chacko has assured that this amount will be reimbursed with interest once the case is settled. This is in the process.

Cloud-based Tally Software Subscription: Accounts of all the houses and institutions of our Province are centralized to Cloud-based tally software. An average annual expense of Rs. 2,81,714/-is spent for the 44 users (Rs. 6402/- per user) and the Province bears this expense right now. The annual expense of Cloud-based Tally Software is to be deducted from each house in the future. Travel Expenses: It includes the domestic and international travel expenses of the Provincial, Councilors and the Auditor. It also includes the initial international travel expenses of the members of the Province who go abroad for Pastoral ministry or for higher studies. All the travel expenses of our missionaries in Ecuador too are met by the Province. Wages and other expenses of the Provincial House: Christ Nagar Senior Secondary School, Thiruvallam, meets the expenses of travel of members of the Provincial House, salaries of most of the workers and other possible expenses. DEPARTMENTAL


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Departmental Departments


1 Education Department


2 Pastoral Ministry Department




2022-23 2,00,000.00




3 Provincial Auditor Expense

5,000.00 51,568 36,19,000.00

4 Social Works Department Sub Total

14,816.00 31,752.00 8,69,000.00 12,50,000.00 15,00,000.00

43,55,508.00 10,88,192.00 13,60,088.00 19,07,228.00

Table – 22 ➢ All departments have new separate bank accounts for their departmental activities. SOCIAL WORK Social Work Particulars 1

Care of Orphans


Dreams Project


Gift and Donations


Social Works Sub Total























Table – 23 The above table shows the details of the amounts spent for social work directly by the Province other than the social work department of the Province. In the last three years we contributed Rs.36,19,000/- to the General Social Work Department. GIFT AND DONATION Gift and Donation Particulars


1 The Director- Pastrol Ori-Ernakulam - incn with Covid -19


2 Tabernacle c/o Fr. Provincial


3 Angamaly Sister's Home


4 Cheepunkal (Fr. vadakkumury)


5 Nalukody


6 Mannanam Church


7 Jeevadhara


8 Other gifts and donations



FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 9 Major Archbishop Curia

45,000.00 Sub Total


Table – 24 The amounts shown in the above table are gifts and donations (other than contributions) given to various churches for their renovation works and to other organization by the Province. MAINTENANCE OF MEMBERS Maintenance of Members Particulars

Total Amount 6,20,998.00










Medical Treatments

57,24,956.00 14,75,369.00 13,91,985.00 28,57,602.00


Sanjoe Bhavan

73,25,000.00 24,00,000.00 24,00,000.00 25,25,000.00

Sub Total

1,36,70,954.00 39,87,927.00 40,58,119.00 56,24,908.00 Table – 25

RELIGIOUS AND MISSION Particulars 1 Feast and Celebrations 2 Ecuador Expenses 3 Occasional 4 Ordination & Profession

Religious and Mission Total 2020-21 7,39,384.00 19,61,984.00 3,54,138.00 6,13,569.00

2,77,228.00 10,63,224.00











80,264.00 2,65,899.00

Sub Total

36,69,075.00 16,86,615.00 7,21,678.00 12,60,782.00 Table – 26 Remark: The above table includes expenses for the Ecuador missionaries for their language studies, travel and personal care. The expense for buying pious articles and sacred vestments are also included in this ledger head. A subsidy of $500 is granted (by the Provincial Council) every month from the salary of our fathers in the USA for the maintenance of the community and day to day expenses of the members in Ecuador. An amount of $19,550/- has been already paid. OTHER EXPENSES Other Expenses Particulars 1 Advance

Total 2,17,550.00



2022-23 2,17,550.00





3,10,000.00 6,09,000.00


5 Room Renovation work 6 Solar Project

46,61,562.00 31,64,930.00


7 Generator Running Exp


3 Road Tarring 4 Wardrobe Work

8 Laundry and Toilet

34,816.00 3,370.00 1,150.00 3,200.00

5,000.00 18,050.00

13 Repair & Maintenance 14 Welfare Expense 15 Miscellaneous Expense Sub Total

1288362 31,64,930.00

2,340.00 3,200.00

11 Festival Allowance 12 Professional Charge




9 Pious Item 10 Renewal Charge


13,08,835.00 1,23,359.00

5,19,320.00 23,226.00

1,190.00 1000 7,140.00

4,000.00 10910

4,65,001.00 80,695.00

3,24,514.00 19438

9,694.00 9,694.00 1,04,90,977.00 42,40,155.73 24,65,841.08


Table – 27 CLOSING BALANCE Closing Balance 1 2

CSB A/c- no-90001 SIB -6387

59,39,814 33,05,311.22

3 4

SIB-7047 (FCRA utilisation a/c) SBI -4052 (FCRA Utilisation a/c)

5,36,949.51 8,02,098.45

5 6

SBI-5796 (FCRA a/c) BOI-7156


7 8

SIB-30307 SIB--30305

9 10

SIB- Fixed Deposit Cash In Hand

56,912.00 66,571.00 1,05,37,983 2,61,662.00 2,28,91,434.00

Table – 28 An amount of Rs 88,03,688/- has remitted by Fathers from Germany and America to their NRI accounts as in Table 31 below. Therefore, in total an amount of Rs 3,16,95,122/- cash balance is available Salary @ NRI A/c Member's Name

A/c No

Indian Rupee

Germany 1 Fr. Lal Kanatt


2 Fr. Jacob Alackal






65,40,399.00 USA

1 Fr. Mamachan Puthenveedu 2 Fr. Cyriac Kochupura

15,34,491.00 3,23,709.00

3 Fr. George Thirumangalam Total

4,05,089.00 22,63,289.00

Grand Total

88,03,688.00 Table – 29

Remarks: St. Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram is mainly depending upon the salary from its members working abroad and in India for financial income. The major contributors of the Province are the Fathers working in Germany. As mentioned earlier the salary in Germany is paid by the State. In the case of other foreign countries, the diocese is paying the salary. In India also we could see that the Fathers working in aided institution get more compared to unaided institutions. Hence, we have to concentrate more on Aided appointments and encourage more personnel to work in Germany at younger age. More priests could be allowed to be enrolled as teachers or other posts in un-aided institutions also since it is very difficult to get posts in aided institutions. This will be a pathway before getting the post in an aided institution. Our two major expenses of the province are the contribution to houses as well as the expenses incurred for formation. As the number of older members in our Province is on the increase we need to concentrate more on infrastructure development of our houses. Some of the expenses of the formation and old age home may be shared by comparatively income generating institutions. Other Major expenses met by the Provincial House from Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam, is given below Contributions given from Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam from 2020 April to 2023 March No

Institutions and works done



Carmel Monastery, Muhamma (Maintenance of Mother Teresa School


St. Joseph's School Pulincunnoo (Repair & Maintanence)


Sargakshetra Radio, Mannanam



Saint Chavara Park, Mannanam


7,85,088 19,98,509



Roof work of St Joseph's UP School, Mannanam



Laptop to Saint Ephrem's School, Mannanam



Insurance and maintanenc of Car at Mannanam



Salary to the Basketball Coach at St. Ephrem's School



Textbooks to Muttar School



Salary to Two drivers of Porukkara School, Chamapakulam



TATA Nexon car to Kuchapuram



TATA Nexon car to Ayroor



TATA Nexon car to Alapuzhza



TATA Nexon car to Muttar



Vehicle Repair at PunalurNirmalgiri Novitiate


Amount spent for Ramanagara Christ School (Compound wall, Purchases of Tractor, Land conversion School building etc)

1,45,960 3,82,00,428



Table – 30 An amount of Rs 1.65Cr has been paid to purchase a property at Mannanam with area of 50 cents at a cost of 3 Lakhs for a cent and the registration fee was 15 lakhs. This is bought for the St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, by Christ Nagar Educational and Charitable Society, Thiruvallam. Thus, a total of 6.69 Cr has been paid by the Society at Thiruvallam. APPENDICES A. MASS OBLIGATION Mass Obligation Apr-2020 to Mar-2023 Particular

Number 2,658

Amount 2,95,800.00


Opening balance

2 3

Foreign Mass Gregorian- Foreign



4 5

Local Mass Gregorian Mass








1 2

Said for Obligation- Local & Foreign Mass Said for Obligation- Gregorian Mass

9,072 300

10,64,275.92 60,000.00


Given outside

3,488 12,860

22,81,568.00 34,05,844

Closing balance- Ordinary Mass



Closing balance- Gregorian Mass Closing balance




Table – 31 B. SUBSIDY LIST Subsidies 1



Subsidy List Amount (FY-2020-23)

Per Year






3 4

Cheepunkal Jeevadhara

12,65,000 9,45,000

4,21,667 3,15,000

5 6 7

Kuchapuram Muzhukode Pilankalai

90,000 8,75,000 12,60,000

30,000 2,91,667 4,20,000

8 10

Ramanagara Sargakshethra

17,60,000 25,000

5,86,667 25,000


Enath Total

2,10,000 2,82,55,000

70,000 85,35,000

Table – 32

2. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE PROVINCIAL SYNAXIS XV Resolution 1: Pooling the salary of those working abroad Efforts have been taken to pool the salary of all those who are working in the USA and the UK to the account of the Provincial House abiding by proper standards and new government norms. Individual NRI accounts were created for all those who are working in the US. Salaries of each of the Fathers were identified. An amount of $850/- was stipulated for their personal expenses. The rest of the amount was asked to be sent to the account of the Provincial House. Since there is salary hike in every year, this cannot be easily found out by those in India. Therefore, the system followed in Germany may be implemented in the case of those serving in the US also.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Similar to the arrangement of remitting of salary to the Provincial House in Germany, a common account may be started for our Fathers serving in the US and UK and similar standing order may be given to send the amounts monthly to the common account from each diocese and the co-ordinator would be responsible for identifying the hike of the salary and the regular remittance of the salary to the Province and the amount for their personal expenses may also be sent back to them by the Co-ordinator. Resolution 2: registration of WILL deed The execution of this resolution has been initiated with regard to the properties and inheritance of our members residing at all houses. Resolution 3: Liabilities of Samagra Vikas This resolution of advancing money from various monasteries to settle the financial liabilities of Samagra Vikas could not be materialised since the financial status of the monasteries has been very bad due to the second wave of Corona pandemic. Hence, Rs 2,99,13,250/- (Rupees Two Crore Ninety-Nine Lakhs Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty) have been advanced from the account of the Provincial House as a loan to settle the issue and the process is still going on. It is expected that this amount will be credited back to the account of the Province after selling the property of Samagara Vikas at Mammood and Tamilnadu. A general body meeting has been called in which a resolution has been passed to sell the above properties to compensate for the advanced amount from the Province. The project of Marriage Fund is still going on. An amount of about Rs 2.5 Cr had been already collected. However, this amount is not available in the account of Samagra Vikas. Since liquid cash was collected from the people and this amount is missing, this can be a serious violation in the income tax law. Therefore, immediate measures have to be taken to pool this amount also. KIDS – Fr Jose Koolipurackal has resigned from the post of the secretary of KIDS. Fr Mathew Arekalam, the present Director of Samagra Vikas is an ex-officio member of KIDS. An amount of Rs. 11,80,000/- (Rupees Eleven Lakh Eighty Thousand only) has been paid from the Provincial House to settle the account of KIDS. Some of the Fathers do still have membership in KIDS society but the main office bearers are lay people. They would not want us to have any of the offices too. The future of KIDS and our relationship with them has to be clarified. Resolution 4: Financial support to St. Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchapuram A meeting has been organized between S H Monastery Chethipuzha and St. Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchapuram, where an initial understanding has been made between the houses to pay


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Rs 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only) as financial support annually. Resolution 5: Financial support to St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam An informal understanding has been made with regard to supporting St. Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, by K E Residence, Mannanam, for the time being. Resolution 6: Repaying the Financial liabilities at St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra “It is resolved that funds raised from selling the property of St. Antony's Trust Kainakary and, the property of the province located near Vattakayal at a cost around Rupees 4.5 lakhs percent may be handed over to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, to repay the existing loans taken from the Federal Bank. It is also resolved that ten acres of land belonging to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, located at Shengottai, Tenkasi District, Tamil Nadu, shall be transferred to CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram in return”. Prior of St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, has been handed over the respective documents to pursue the above resolution and discussions are going on for selling the property at Kainakary. However, the whole transactions are delayed due to rampant spread of Covid-19. Further, a sum of Rs 1,20,83,200-/ (One Crore Twenty Lakhs Eighty-Three Thousand Two Hundred Only) received after alienating 31 cents of land owned by the Province located near Medical college, Kottayam, has been handed over to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, to facilitate the repaying of the existing loans. There was a good sum of money received as part of the land of 86.148 cents given away for the National High Way construction. An amount of 1,00,480,871 has been received from the Govt. This helped to pay a great part of the loan accumulated at Punnapra. Total Liability amounts to Rs 16,53,70,430/- at present. Resolution


Repaying the financial liabilities of Christ Hall Monastery, Thiruvananthapuram After a discussion conducted to take a decision on choosing the property at Sasthamangalam/Maranalloor to facilitate the repaying of the existing loans, the property at Maranalloor has been sold. The amount: Rs 4,69,20,000/- (Four Crore Sixty-Nine Lakhs and Twenty Thousand Only). Total liabilities amount to Rs.23,20,64,508/- at present. Resolution 8: Committee to assess all the proposed civil constructions in our Province An expert committee was instituted to assess all the proposed civil constructions in our province with the following members: 1. Fr Antony Elamthottam CMI 2. Fr Nicholas Vanchickal CMI


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 3. Fr Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI (Convenor) 4. Fr Robin Anandakattu CMI 5. Fr Antony Valekalam CMI Resolution 9: Bursar in all our institutions Discussions were conducted in the respective monasteries or houses where the above arrangement of a bursar was required and measures were put in place to manage the finances with transparency and efficiency.

3. MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Planning Board Following are members of the Planning Board: 1. Fr Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial (Convenor) 2. Fr Joseph Vattaparampil CMI, Councillor for Finance and Agriculture 3. Fr John Pallithuruthil CMI, Formation Co-ordinator 4. Fr Antony Elamthottam CMI 5. Fr Xavier Cheeramthara CMI 6. Fr Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI 7. Fr Jojo Thuruthayil CMI 8. Fr Tinu Kottackalparampil CMI The first meeting of the Planning Board was convened on 26 October, 2020. A second meeting was convened on 6 March, 2021 to discuss the financial constraints after the impact of Corona Pandemic. 2. Financial Projects: It was decided that no developmental plans are to be proposed in the context of the onslaught of Corona Virus and this was communicated to all monasteries to be taken into consideration when the budget plans are made in the year 2021/22. 3. Importance was given on resolving the present crises in various houses or institutions, namely, Samagra Vikas, Chavara Gardens, Ramanagara, Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam, St Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody and St Thomas Bhavan, Anjugramam. An amount of Rs. 25,00,000/- has been paid to Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam, in an emergency. An amount of Rs. 85,15,100/- has been paid to St Rita’s Hospital Nalukody, from Apr-2020 to support Hospital Construction and other maintenance. An amount of Rs. 2,24,43,354/- has been paid to St Thomas Bhavan, Anjugramam from April 2020. An average amount of Rs 6.5 lakhs is regularly paid monthly to settle ongoing liability of this house from previous years. 5. Management audit was conducted at Samagra Vikas, Christ Nagar Residence, Maranalloor and Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE There is a difference between the expected income and actual income: 1. Maranalloor College: 56,55,649/- (April 2017 to January 2021) 2. Maranalloor School: 73,62,999/- (April 2017 to January 2021) 3. Champakulam School: 67,22,730/- (April 2019 to January 2021) 6. Pending case of Nalukody Hospital In continuance to the recommendation of the Provincial Synaxis XV “The Provincial Council shall constitute a committee to study the pending case of Nalukody Hospital” an out of court settlement has been agreed for an amount of Rs 19,00,00/- (Nineteen Lakhs Only), the amount has been paid. A power of attorney will be registered in the name of Fr Thomas Choolaparampil CMI, Prior, S H Monastery, Chethipuzha, to deal with the matters in relation to a property owned by Fr Joseph Muttath located at Madappally. However, another case has been registered by Mr Benny Varghese as he says he did not receive the amount. Further, the property owned by Fr Joseph Muttath has been registered by Mr Benny Varghese in his own name. Fr Provincial authorized Fr Choolaparampil to pursue case against Mr Benny Varghese in this regard. 7. Shanthi Bhavan Enathu It is acknowledged that Fr Jose Kadavil has developed Shanthi Bhavan, Enathu, dedicating his entire life for the wellbeing of the differently abled young people by instituting a home for the deaf. He has also initiated a CBSE school and arts and science College in a property of around 13 acres. A part of the property he inherited at Kurisummoodu has been agreed to be handed over to his brother who has expressed his desire for the same. The following are some of the liabilities identified to be remitted after his sudden demise. 1. An amount of Rs 10,000/- was being regularly paid monthly through the Prior of S H Monastery, for the upkeep of his Aunty who gifted the property at Kurisummood until the death of his aunty. 2. Personal loans, text books, bank loans and other Liabilities already paid from the Province. 3. An amount of Rs 31100/- as vehicle EMI and Rs 30,000/- as subsidy (for the last 7 months) are being paid regularly every month. Thus, in total an amount of the Rs. 49,94,905/- as liabilities and a subsidy of Rs 2,10,000/- has been paid. 8. Medical Insurance Scheme of Medical insurance has been initiated in the Provincial House incorporating Sanjoe Bhavan and members in Trivandrum Zone. Members in West-Bengal Sub-Region have already started health insurance scheme. Alappuzha and Pulincunnoo zones have initiated the process of beginning health insurance scheme. This was completed as an initial experiment.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE New insurance has been initiated for all members till the age of 80 Through South Indian Bank from Manipal Cigna. Those who served in aided institutions have Medisep comprehensive health insurance coverage of the State Government. 9. Registration of Trusts in all our houses The process of registering all our houses as trusts has been started. Each house has to be registered in the same pan card of the house to be recognized as an entity in the eye of the government. This has been completed by major houses. 10. Financial support for the Missionaries in Ecuador Arrangements have been made from the Province to support our missionaries working in Ecuador. Fr Joseph Eenthumkuzhy serving in the USA has agreed to pay $500/- monthly for their upkeep without affecting his regular due to the Province. Total given in this term: $19550/11. Personal Loans in our institutions Arrangements have been initiated to settle the personal loans in our institutions, namely: K E Residence, Mannanam, - Rs. 2,66,33,226/- Personal loans in K E Residence is paid back after taking term loans from bank. St Mary’s Ashram Kaliyal (personal loan) - 1,21,00,000/- total liability of the Ashram is Rs. 4,24,59,602/12. Regularization of properties belonging to each house The department of Finance and Agriculture has started the process of making arrangements for the regularization of properties belonging to each house. 13. Chavara Gardens, Ramanagara Compound wall has been built, the Hindu shrine which was in our property has been walled out; a public walk way through our property has been closed off. 18 acres of our property had been applied for conversion. Out of this, conversion of 12.5 acres have been completed. The conversion of the rest of the property is in process. An amount of Rs. 76,32,458/- has been paid to Chavara Gardens, Ramanagara from the account of the Provincial House and Rs 3,82,00,428/- from the account of Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam. In total Rs 4,58,32,886/- has been paid to Chavara Gardens, Ramanagara. The building also was granted permission. The permission to start nursery from the state government is received. Concreting of the second floor of the school building is completed. Nursery School is expected to start in the coming (2023 June) academic year. 14. New Land at Ponga/Kainakary A new land of which 3 Acres and 80 cents paddy field and 32 cents of landed property at


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Ponga/Kainakary c/o Fr John Kallarackal was handed over as a gift to the Province. An amount of Rs 8,80,630/- has been spent from the Province for the registration. 15. Sargakshethra Community Radio An amount of Rs 25,00,000/- was earmarked for Sargakshethra Community Radio. This has been paid. Arrangement has been made by Fr Provincial to pay the salary of six staff members at Sargakshethra Radio for the next 6 months. Paying an amount of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand Only) by an institution of the following communities from February 2023 onwards can help the initial running of the Community Radio: 1. K E Residence, Mannanam 2. S H Monastery, Chethipuzha 3. Mar Baselios Ashram, Thiruvalla 4. Nazareth Carmel Monastery, Muhamma 5. Chavara CMI Bhavan, Edava 6. CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram 16. A new land at the right-hand side of the Sports hostel near the road has been bought for St Joseph’s Monastery, Mannanam, by spending from the account the Trust of the Christ Nagar School, Thiruvallam. The land area is 50 cents and the total amount spent is 1.65 Cr. 17. Sports Hostel at Mannanam has been offered Rs 50 lakhs from the Provincial House of which Rs 25 lakhs has been paid. 18. National Pension Scheme (NPS) offered by the Central Government has been initiated for all members of our Province. All our members can be made part of one of the various educational trusts/societies in our Province. An amount as allowance can be deposited for each of the member of the trust in the NPS. This can be made available later on for the upkeep of the province and a lump sum may be available in the future. 19. Renovation at Punalur Many rooms and toilet of part of the building at Punalur has been renovated - Rs 22,70,542/-. Sanctuary of the chapel at Punalur has been renovated - Rs 10,00,000/-. 20. Buying land at Ayroor An area of 3 cents of land in front of the property at Ayroor has been bought by the money given from the Provincial House - Rs 3,40,000/21. Property at Thenkashi “It is resolved that funds raised from selling the property of St. Antony's Trust Kainakary and, the property of the province located near Vattakayal at a cost around Rupees 4.5 lakhs per cent may be handed over to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, to repay the existing loans taken from the Federal Bank. It is also resolved that ten acres of land belonging to St. Joseph's


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, located at Shengottai, Tenkasi District, Tamil Nadu, shall be transferred to CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram in return”. As per the second part of the resolution above, ten acres of land belonging to St. Joseph's Carmel Monastery, Punnapra, located at Shengottai, Tenkasi District, Tamil Nadu, has been transferred to CMI Provincial House, Thiruvananthapuram. A new trust (Carmel Educational Trust, of Carmelaram House) has been registered on 18 July 2022. Members of the trust: 1. Fr Tinu George CMI, President 2. Fr Santhosh Mathew, Secretary 3. Fr Charle m Chakkappan CMI, Treasurer 4. Fr Devasia Joseph CMI, Member 5. Fr K L Luka CMI, Member 6. Fr Sebastian Antony CMI, Member 7. Fr Ajish T James CMI, Member Address of the trust: Carmel Educational and Charitable Trust, (Carmelaram,) Carmel Polytechnic Estate, Mayiladumpara, Elathur P.O., Pin- 627803, Shengottai, Thenkashi, Tahilnadu. The arrangement is as follows: 8.5 acres of the above land in front of the property has been written in lease and 1.5 acres is in understanding. 22. Committee to assess the present financial prospects A committee was formed to assess the present financial prospects and future resources of the Province and its effective utilization: 1. Fr Joseph Vattaparampil CMI, Councillor for Finance and Agriculture (Convenor) 2. Fr Antony Elamthottam CMI 3. Fr Joshy Cheeramkuzhy CMI 4. Fr Thomas Cheppila CMI 5. Fr Bijo Mattaparampil CMI. The committee paid a visit to the properties in Chenkottai, Nooranad, and Cheepunkal on the 23 March, 2022. Summary of the report of the committee is given below: 1. Land at Chenkottai - Findings & Recommendations a) At least 10 acres of property must be promptly separated for the province from the 37 acres. b) Whereby, the province can establish an educational institution such as a school or college (arts and science) or health centre like hospital unless otherwise the land is handed over to an educational agency in our province for the same reason. c) It can be sold, and the earnings will be utilized entirely towards the purchase of a new piece of land anywhere in India, or for the construction of a new educational institution anywhere in India. d) Whereas, a portion of the 10 acres can only be sold when an educational institution is established there. Whereby the land's worth can be elevated.


FINANCE AND AGRICULTURE 2. Land at Nooranad - Findings & Recommendations a) It will be a multi-purpose location for educational institutions, as well as an educational hub. Without wasting time, we must establish a college (arts and science) and a school therein. b) Whereas, a portion of the above said property may be sold if it is essential for the effective completion of the projects mentioned in clause (a). c) The whole earnings from said transactions mentioned in clause (b) will be utilised to finish said projects in Nooranad, and the remaining funds will be used to purchase a new plot anywhere in India or to build a new educational institution anywhere in India. 3. Land at Cheepunkal - Findings & Recommendations a) It will be a place of multi discipline like ayurveda, yoga, meditation, education and tourism. b) When it comes to tourism, we may start a new venture by constructing an echo-friendly resort facility for tourists, or we can employ specialists or a private organization to do it for us. c) To carry out the afore-mentioned suggestion, we must send interested candidates for tourism-related studies. d) If it is possible, after the conversion of said 22 acres of thanneer thadam we can start an educational institution therein unless otherwise have to be sold the said wet land. e) The complete income of said selling described in clause (d) will be utilised solely for purchasing a new plot at anywhere in India or can be used for constructing a new educational institution anywhere in India. f) Not withstanding anything contained in the said proposals mentioned in clause (a) (b) (d) and (e) we have to separate certain area of land from the Vachanatheeram Retreat Centre hereinafter called house. Among the 33 acres, 11 acres of converted land as purayidam has to be demarcated for the house and the balance 22 acres of thanneer thadam has to be immediately separated for the Province. 23. Sanjoe Bhavan, Chethipuzha Sanjoe Bhavan for the elderly and sick members of our Province has been furnished properly and the gardens and surroundings were made neat and tidy. A lift was also installed in the house. More helpers were given to each of the fathers who need assistance. The continuous presence of a regent brother and regular assistance from the Prior contributed to the smooth functioning of the old age home. 24. Provincial House a. Solar Project: A subsidy of Rs 18,03,500/- (Euro -22367) has been received from Germany by the constant efforts of Fr John Kallarackal and a solar electric system has been installed in the Provincial House. Total cost of the project is Rs 31,64,930/There is a major change in the expense – Previously, the monthly electricity charge was around Rs. 65,000/- this is now came down to around Rs 22,000/b. Shifting of Sacristy: Part of a guest room near the chapel has been shifted to make a new spacious sacristy for the chapel in the Provincial House. c. A new statue of the Sacred Heart is installed in front of the Provincial House.


The registration of Trusts in all our houses is to be completed.



• •

Making use of our properties at Darsanapuram, Nooranad, Adoor, Cheepunkal and Chenkottai may be important for the future. The newfound interest in agriculture and gardening has to be continued and started anew in some of our ashrams. Those who are yet to complete the process of registering the will-deed are encouraged to complete it. It is recommended that we need not invest much in Kerala any more. We need to get out to Ecuador, West-Bengal, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. The territories in West Bengal may need to be extended to North East so that vocations may be developed with the purpose of making the Sub-Region a Region and a province in the future. The area of Kanyakumari Sub-region may be extended further so that we can reach out other places where faithful from Kerala are located. This will also provide with more vocations so that the Sub-Region a Region and a province in the future. There should be more collaboration and support between houses in the Province so that no subsidy or contribution may be received from the Provincial House. The concept behind National Pension Scheme (NPS) is that all members of the Province should be made members of one or the other educational trust owned by the Province where every member may be given an allowance to be deposited in the NPS. This can eventually become a huge amount which may be utilized in the future.

CONCLUSION ‘Gratitude is the best attitude’. Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to our beloved Provincial Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara, to his paternal guidance in all the matters related to finance and the administration of the Province and the Provincial House. Heartfelt thanks to my co councilors Rev. Frs. Sony Palathra, Scaria Ethirettu, Santhosh Kayyalaparampil and Xavier Ampatt, the Provincial Auditor for their whole hearted cooperation. Thanks to all fathers who are working and earning money in India and abroad who contribute to the Province generously. May I express deep sentiments of gratitude to the members of departmental Consultants Rev. Frs. Joseph Mannooparampil and Joseph Ayyankary. I express my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the Province to their relentless support, encouragement and cooperation for the last three years. Finally, my sincere thanks to Rev. Bros Ajith Kizhakkemalil, Thomaskutty Muppathinchira and Aloysius Ayyanadu for their dedication to carry out all the responsibilities dutifully. Thank God. Fr. Joseph Vattaparampil CMI Provincial Councilor for Finance and Agriculture 12 April 2023








Statement of the Provincial Auditor Rev. Fr Xavier Ampatt CMI Dear Rev. Fr Provincial, Councillors and Respected members of the Synaxis, I am happy to present a brief report on the audit of accounts conducted in all our houses in the Province during the period 2020 – 2023. The accounts and documents of the houses and institutions of the province were examined during the period. 1. Number of Visits: a. First Visit: from October 2020 to December 2020 b. Second Visit: from May 2021 to August 2021 c. Third Visit: from May 2022 to August 2022 d. Half Yearly audit through online 2. Resolution & Action Plan Resolution of the General Synaxis Taking into account the importance of internal auditing, we resolve to make it a regular practice to appoint a member of the house concerned as the internal auditor of the house and institutions (CMI Constitution 263 b). Action Plans of the General Synaxis (i) The auditor (internal/provincial) shall see to it that the income and expenses are in tune with the approved budget and also according to our rules and regulations, as the account statements (monthly/ quarterly/ half yearly/ annual) are presented. Observations in tune with the Action Plan ➢ In the audit undertaken in the Province, it was observed that in most of the houses income & expenses were less than the budget amount due to the pandemic. Action Plans of the General Synaxis (ii) The internal auditor appointed by the superior (C 263 b) should present the audit report every month in the community; in case the community is too small, the provincial auditor himself shall also undertake the auditing of such communities once in six months (C 263b; GS 37, No. 114). Actions Taken ➢ Internal auditors’ list was prepared after the consultation with the Superiors. ➢ Provincial auditor acts as an internal auditor where there are less than 3 members. ➢ Completed the yearly provincial audit once in a year (2 times in total). ➢ Submitted a report of my visit to the respective Superiors and copies were given to Rev Fr. Provincial and Councillor for finance & agriculture. ➢ Recommended to complete the ATR and verified its implementation in my next visit. ➢ Monthly audits were undertaken in Provincial house.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR ➢ Verified whether the statutory auditing was completed within the time frame in every house/institution. Action Plans of the General Synaxis (iii) By the end of the third quarter of each financial year, the provincial auditor shall assess the utilization of the 10% of net income set apart for social apostolate and propose remedial measures to utilize the fund within the financial year itself in a fruitful manner. Observations in tune with the Action Plan ➢ It was observed during the Provincial audit visit that the stipulated 10% for the social work was not completely remitted due to the lack of funds after pandemic. It was recommended to reinstate the after the pandemic. Action Plans of the General Synaxis (iv) A management audit of our houses and institutions shall be held once in three years for ensuring transparency and greater effectiveness. Actions Taken ➢ Management audit was conducted in Samagravikas Social Service Society, Alappzua, Christ Nagar Residence, Maranalloor and Gagultha Monastery, Champakulam and their allied institutions. Only Porukara School was included at Champakulam. 3. Maintenance of Accounts “The financial well-being of a house depends to a great extent on the care with which the accounts are kept” (D.235). I am happy to say that the accounts are properly maintained in almost all the houses/institutions. The accounting package ‘Tally’ or ‘Tally through cloud’ was introduced in most of the institutions. The Superiors and Head of Institutions have become more aware of the importance of proper accounting. Action Taken: ➢ Superiors were recommended to prepare a list of members earning salary, and pension with the respective amounts. It was instructed to submit passbooks and annual statements of the members at the time of auditing (half yearly and yearly). Individuals have to make sure that Gratuity received after retirement should be remitted to the account of the Provincial house. It should be monitored by the councillor for finance regularly. ➢ Instructions were given not to pay cash transactions more than Rs.10,000/- in a single payment. Bank transactions were encouraged. ➢ Insisted jointly operated a/c s in every house and institution. ➢ It was encouraged to stick to the repayment of bank loan (OD/term) as per the schedule. Instructed to settle the pending bills before the closing of financial year. Observation: It was observed that few houses are facing the issues of penalties related to Income Tax Returns (eg. Christ hall, Pulincunnoo). Accordingly it was recommended to consult with auditors on time and provide the proper guidelines to our accountants.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR 4. Maintenance of Documents: All most all the documents were maintained well in each school as well as in institutions. Observations / Suggestions: ➢ Land documents are required to be verified with experts to avoid future issues. It is recommended to prepare a present Land sketch and display in common in each house. ➢ House building permissions, Building completion certificates, Land Tax receipts, PF& ESI confirmations and any other related documents should be verified time to time. Get the expert opinion whenever and wherever required. 5. Internal Auditing C. 263b says: “At the end of every month a statement of accounts including those of mass stipends shall be entered in a special book. This shall be examined every month by the auditor appointed by the local superior with the consent of the local council, and if it is found in order it should be signed by the superior and a member of the permanent council. Besides, they should ascertain if the cash in hand tallies with the accounts”. Internal auditing was not done in many of the houses and I recommended the superiors to send a copy of internal auditing report prepared by internal auditor to Rev Fr. Provincial and the Provincial Auditor immediately after presenting it to the community. Also it was advised to make Internal auditing compulsory by Superiors in each house on time. 6. Agriculture and farming Steps may be taken to cultivate the unused land we possess and subsidies may be given to encourage agriculture in a certain extent. 7. Central Poling and Salary Share PS 2020 says, “The superior of the house shall see that the salary of our members working in our educational institutions as well as pension shall be regularly remitted to Provincial house account through bank transfer. Half of the salary and pension of the members be given back to the respective houses where they enjoy their ascription”. From 01-04-2020 to 28-02-2023 Particulars

Budget amount

Central Pooling Salary from USA Salary from UK Salary from Germany Unaided Salary Aided Salary Pension & Gratuity to Provincial House.


Received Pending amount Rs.67,75,011/Rs.1,82,08,989/Rs.3,55,75,515.84/Rs.35,31,815/Rs.7,95,20,023/Rs.4,36,06,597.70/Rs.5,94,99,122/Rs.1,08,78,488/-


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR Happy to observe that majority of members gave salary to provincial house regularly. But central poling amounts were not remitted to the account of the Provincial House properly. Salary share to Houses –Rs.3,40,86,768/Observation: There is no list of expected salaries kept in the Provincial House for those serving abroad. The salary and its annual hype should be properly listed out in consultation with the respective Dioceses/or Co-ordinators or from the salary statements of the fathers annually. This can help in the proper remittance of salaries to the Provincial House from aboard. It is important to keep a copy of the amounts of salaries and its annual hype of all earning members in the Province in the Provincial House to verify its proper remittance. This has to be updated annually. 8. Amount Remitted to Social Work Department from Houses The stipulated amount (10% of the gross/ net income) is to be set apart for Social Work and half of which is to be transferred to Social Work Department of the Province (PS 150). The auditor verified this in the audit. Income and Expenditure of Social Work Dept. (From 01-04-2020 to 28-02-2023) Opening Balance Income Expenditure Closing Balance Rs.10,14,893/Rs.68,85,812/Rs.76,46,711/Rs.2,51,623/9. Mass Account Mass a/c is maintained well in almost all houses. It was instructed to Superiors to see to it that there were sufficient masses available in the respective houses. Observation: There are few houses where the Holy Mass is celebrated without actual intentions for stipends. The accountant later allocates the stipends to the already celebrated Masses. This practise has to be avoided. 10. Loans It was observed that loans from banks were taken for constructions in most of our houses especially where there are institutions. The following table shows the details of loans in each house. 10.1 Liabilities as on 30-09-2022. Sl. Name of Houses As on 31-03-2021 As on 31-03-2022 As on 30-09-2022 No. 1. Christ Hall, Tvm Rs.32,20,82,181/- Rs.25,25,73,001/Rs.23,35,79,169/(Bank Loan (Bank Loan alone) (Bank Loan alone) Rs.7,25,35,801/alone) Rs.6,80,78,291/(Pending bills). Rs.4,90,44,008/(Pending bills) (Pending bills). 2. Punnapara Rs.23,19,57,142/- Rs.24,12,95,664/Rs.17,51,47,706/3. K E Mannanam Rs.6,84,72,755/Rs.4,79,84,340/Rs.3,74,51,452/4. Thiruvallam Rs.6,41,70,256/Rs.5,69,78,016/Rs.5,18,24,519/-


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21

Maranalloor Thiruvalla Muhamma Kaliyal Chethipuzha Champakulam Edava Anjugramam Pulincunnoo Ambari Vizhinjam Sarisha Kuchapuram Enathu Pallikonam Mannanam Monastery Chavara Welfare Centre, Mannanam Sargakshetra


Rs.5,03,22,957/Rs.4,41,05,104/Rs.4,01,61,525/Rs.3,80,79,989/Rs.3,80,99,025/Rs.4,33,08,736/Rs.3,40,22,403/Rs.3,63,69,583/Rs.2,02,34,059/Rs.1,45,06,802/Rs.2,68,91,400/Rs.2,48,08,794/Rs.1,28,58,574/Rs.1,01,57,264/Rs.1,42,83,125/Rs.1,09,85,568/Rs.90,65,424/Rs.74,20,138/Rs.54,56,137/Rs.30,47,226/Rs.3,00,13,726/Rs.4,16,76,322/CLOSED CLOSED Rs.31,83,878/Rs.25,96,857/Rs.15,99,383/Rs.5,83,383/Rs.9,25,466/Rs.8,39,028/CLOSED CLOSED Rs. 3,70,422/Rs.3,10,422/(Car loan) 22 Nil Rs. 2,92,833/Rs.2,32,833/(Car loan) 23. Cheepunkal Nil Rs. 5,12,461/CLOSED (Car loan) 24. Kainakary Nil Nil Rs.7,72,702/Total Rs.107.48 Cr Rs.95,96,59,620/- Rs.82,68,47,605/• Interest Fee Loan (IFL) & Caution deposits were not included. Observations: ➢ Though the money is invested for constructions, it has become a matter of great concern. ➢ It is recommended to remit the loan amount as per the repayment structure. ➢ It is better to have a short term and long-term plan for repayments. ➢ 3 Samples are considered here. 10.1.1 Christ Hall, Kowdiar Details of OD Amount Rate of Balance as on 28Sanctioned Interest. 02-2023 7 Cr 9.35 % Rs.5,55,67,636/5 Cr 8.9 % Rs.1,91,11,348/2.95 Cr 10.25 % Rs.32,37,572/1.60 Cr 9% Rs.24,59,308/Total Rs.8,03,75,864/Total OD amount sanctioned – Rs.16.55 Cr

Date of Sanction 18-08-2016 01-12-2018 28-03-2015 31-01-2015


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR Details of Term Loan as on 28-02-2023 Amount Rate of Balance Loan to Monthly Interest be paid Instalment 90 Lakhs 9.35 % Rs.8,50,088/Rs.1,07,142/50 Lakhs 9.35 % Rs.12,57,470/Rs.59,523/1.80 Crores 8% Rs.1,01,21,967/Rs.5,00,000/50 Lakhs 7.9 % Rs.50,00,000/Rs.1,39,000/1 Crore 9.25 % Rs.58,33,333/Rs.2,77,800/50 Lakhs 9% Rs.26,31,972/Rs.97,621/6 Crores 8.41 % Rs.96,03,964/Rs.12,00,000/1 Crore 9.9 % Rs.55,33,735/Rs.1,80,834/10 Crores 8.85 % Rs.9,39,67,536/Rs.8,54,251/1.25 Crores 7.9 % Rs.80,17,397/Rs.2,24,700/30 Lakhs 9% Rs.27,09,277/Rs.60,973/30 Lakhs 9% Rs.27,09,277/Rs.60,973/13.53 Lakhs 7.9 % Rs.12,33,065/Rs.20,420/22.76 Lakhs 11,1 % Rs.22,19,563/Rs.49,203/Total Rs.15,16,88,644/- Rs.37,42,643/Liability unit wise under Christ Hall (Bank loan only)

➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Date of last Instalment 26-07-2023 30-03-2024 30-10-2024 06-04-2027 29-11-2024 03-06-2025 30-07-2023 31-03-2023 10-04-2032 19-01-2026 20-07-2028 20-07-2028 30-04-2029 01-12-2027

Unit Amount Kazhakuttam Rs.10,86,36,552/Kowdiar Rs.10,34,38,722/Attingal Rs.1,99,89,234/Total Rs.23,20,64,508/Observations: Remit the Term Loan without fail & reduce the rate of interest of term loan and OD as much as possible. Try to close OD one by one within a period of time considering the completion of the term loans as well as pending amounts. OD renewal should be done annually after receiving the written approval of Provincial. It is also better to reduce the sanctioned amounts annually for ODs.

10.1.2 Carmel Monastery, Punnapara Details of OD Amount Sanctioned 2.5 Cr

Rate of Interest 12.50%

Balance as on 20-02-2023 Rs. 63,65,949/-

Details of Term Loan as on 20-02-2023 Amount Rate of Date of Sanction Interest 15 Cr 9.93 % 06-11-2014 5 Cr 9.93 % 02-04-2015

Date of Sanction 01-03-2017

Balance Loan to be paid Rs.5,80,78,706/Rs.3,12,56,827/-

Monthly Instalment Rs.10,00,000/Rs.3,33,333/-


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR 4 Cr 9.93 % 31-03-2014 Rs.1,67,18,588/Rs.3,54,167/3.99 Cr 9.25 % 02-07-2020 Rs.3,30,00,360/Rs.12,73,000/1.99 Cr 9.25 % 29-07-2021 Rs.1,99,50,000/Rs.6,37,000/Total Rs.15,90,04,481/Rs.35,97,500/Total Liability –Rs.16,53,70,430/Observations: ➢ Remit the Term Loan without fail & reduce the rate of interest of term loan and OD as much as possible. ➢ OD renewal should be done annually after receiving the written approval of Provincial.

10.1.3. St Mary’s Ashram, Kaliyal as on 31-01-2023 Type of Loan


Action Plan

Individual Loan


Co-operative bank IFL Advance from Staff Loan from SIB Loan from CSB

Rs. 58,27,837/Rs. 1,38,00,000/Rs. 7,20,000/Rs. 51,67,770/Rs. 48,43,995/-

Should be closed before 31st June, 2023 Remit as per bank EMI


Rs. 4,24,59,602/-

Before 31st March, 2023 Remit as per bank EMI Remit as per bank EMI

11. Trust and Societies Efforts are made to make the Superiors and heads of institutions aware of keeping the documents of the Trusts/Societies up to date. The documents are checked during the audit and any lapses found are brought to the notice of those concerned. It is also important to be careful in the financial transactions between the Trusts/Societies and with the Houses. The Government Regulations are to be meticulously followed. 12. Will Deed The execution of registration of Will Deed has been initiated with regard to the properties and inheritance of our members residing at all houses. Around 50 % from the total members (above 60 years of age) registered till now and originals were kept in Provincial house (not all). Steps are to be taken to complete the above registration. 13. Membership register Membership register was introduced in every house in our province. It was checked during the provincial audit. 14. Financial Status of our Institutions: The financial status of most of our Houses and Institutions are stable. There are a few Houses and Institutions which are running on subsidies from the Provincial House. Steps are to be taken to make them self-supporting.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR A: Established houses/ Institutions. B: Developing Institutions, Formation houses, Monasteries, Retreat Center C: Houses/ Institutions were struggle for existence or Inactive and have no specific mission. A B C Sacred Heart Monastery, St. Joseph’s Monastery, Lourdes Carmel Ashram, Chethipuzha Mannanam Ayroor CMI Provincial House, St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Jeevadhara Theology Centre, Thiruvallam Pulincunnoo Kottayam CMI Dharmaniketan, St. Joseph’s Carmel St. Xavier’s Carmel House, Behala & Sarsuna Monastery, Punnapra Alappuzha Nazareth Carmel St. Mary’s Ashram, Darsanaveedu, Alappuzha Monastery, Muhamma Cheepunkal Mar Baselious Ashram, St. John the Baptist San Thome Centre, Thiruvalla Ashram, Nooranad Kanyakumari K E Carmel CMI Residence, St. Peter’s Carmel House, Sneha Bhavan, Adoor- Not Amtala Vizhinjam active K E Residence, Mannanam St. Mary’s Carmel House, Samagravikas – Alappuzha Kaliyal Chavara CMI Bhavan, S H Residence, Chavara welfare centre – Edava Pallikonam Mannanam- Closed St. Mary’s CMI Centre, Christ Residence, Sarisha Kazhakuttam Gagultha Monastery, St. Thomas Bhavan, Champakulam Anjugramam Christ Hills Residence, Our Lady’s Shanti Attingal Bhavan, Enathu Christ Hall Monastery, Mar Thoma Bhavan, Netta Kowdiar Christ Nagar Residence, Chavara Bhavan, Maranallor Muzhukode Chavara Bhavan, Siliguri CMI Malarnilayam, Pilankalai Immaculate Conception Ashram, Muttar St. Thomas CMI Residence, Guskura St. Joseph’s CMI Residence, Suri K E Carmel School, Bankura KIRUPA – TN


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR Sanjoe Bhavan, Chethipuzha Nirmalgiri Novitiate, Punalur MIM Seminary, Mannanam SH Minor Seminary, Chethipuzha Samagravikas–Nalukody St. Rita’s Hospital, Nalukody St. Elias Carmel House, Kainakary (School & House) St. Joseph’s Carmel House, Kuchapuram (School) Chavara Gardens, Ramanagara Recommendations: How to make the following houses self –supporting? Cheepunkal Anjugramam & Kanyakumari Enathu Muzhukode Pilankalai Ayroor Jeevadhara Kainakary Kuchapuram Ramanagara Cheepunkal: Father/s can be part of K E School trust. Anjugramam: Subsidy can be wind up after the loan repayment. (Subsidy given – Rs.1, 62, 95,000/-). It is expected that the present liability would be paid off after 2 years only. Enathu: Ways and means are to be found out as to make the activities of this house financially viable. Muzhukode: There is no scope in starting an educational institution there. There is no sufficient land for setting up a new technical institution too. One of the fathers teaching either from Netta, Pilankalai or Kaliyal would be appointed as a member so that the house could be managed without Province subsidy. Pilankalai: One of the fathers teaching in aided section at Pilankalai may be appointed as a member of the house so that the house could be managed without Province subsidy. Ayroor: We have to find out the ways and means to make it economically viable by adopting meaningful activities like KG or any other. Now we have a parish over there. Members can be part of Thiruvalla/ Chethipuzha school trust. Jeevadhara: Jeevadhara journals are circulated from here. We need to make a plan to run the house without subsidy from provincial house. Members can be part of Muhama/ K E School trust.


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR Kainakary: The number of students in K E Carmel came down drastically. The house and institution should be supported by any other financially sound institutions like Muhamma/ Champakulam. Kuchapuram: The number of students from Christ Nagar School came down. Chethipuzha supports them for the last 2 years. Team work will be the better solution for improving the quality and quantity of school. (From Chethipuzha – Rs.20, 00,000/- per year.) Ramanagara:- Land permissions and building constructions are almost complete. We hope this institution could develop within the next 10 years. This house is supported by Provincial house and Christ Nagar, Thiruvallam. 15. Income and Expenditure of CMI St. Joseph’s Province A/c (From 01-04-2020 to 28-02-2023) Opening Balance



Rs.26,07,60,524/- Rs.26,83,82,828 /-


Closing Balance Rs.2,28,91,434/-

Major Income – More than 1 Cr. (From 01-04-2020 to 28-02-2023) Particulars Salary from Abroad Salary from Local Pension & Gratuity

Income Rs.11,86,27,354.48/Rs.10,31,05,719.63/Rs.1,08,78,488/-

Major Expenses – More than 1 Cr. (From 01-04-2020 to 31-01-2023) Particulars Contributions Salary Share to Houses Subsidy Advance (Loan) – Samagravikas Formation till Novitiate Scholastics

Income Rs.6,88,35,943/Rs.3,99,69,945/Rs.3,55,80,000/Rs.2,99,13,250/Rs.2,13,70,992/Rs.1,61,94,409/-

Observations: • Income 1. Salary from abroad is the main source of income of the province. Half of those members will be back to India within 5 years because of their age. We need to send young generation to work abroad especially in Germany and America. (Salary from USA –Rs.3,55,75,515/-; Salary from UK –Rs.35,31,816/- & Salary from Germany –Rs.7,95,20,023/-)


STATEMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL AUDITOR 2. Half salary from aided and unaided institutions is the second source of income for our province. Let us make our young generation qualified for teaching in the aided sector of schools and colleges. (Full amount: Unaided Salary –Rs.4,36,06,597/- & Aided Salary –Rs.5,94,99,122/-) 3. Measures have to be taken to raise the salary of Fathers working in unaided institution. (If there are 500 students, salary of Principal can be fixed as Rs.30/- *500 = Rs.15,000/- & College – Rs.50/- per student.) • Expenditure 1. Contributions to houses were considered as the major expenses from the above a/c. By the help of established institutions & with the proper planning, the above expenses from province a/c can be reduced and fruitfully used for new projects. 2. Major subsidies given are: for Anjugramam – Rs.2,02,95,000/- & Sanjoe Bhavan – Rs.73,25,000/-). 3. Another major expenditure is for formation. This is an important unavoidable expense. It is recommended that the expense of scholastics staying in a house may be paid by that house itself according to the financial capacity of the house. 4. Each student should be informed of the annual expenses for them personally or as a group. 5. Expenses of those fathers who are doing higher studies can be paid by respective house according to the financial capacity of that house. 6. All types of mismanagement should be avoided & accounts should be properly monitored. 15. Conclusion While concluding this Provincial audit report I am happy to state that almost all the houses and institutions in our province are properly maintaining their accounts. It is recommended to compulsorily implement the recommendations/ suggestions made by statutory audit team for the further improvements. Measures are to be taken to update with new accounting systems and provide proper training for accountants. As I conclude this brief report, my heart is filled with gratitude to Almighty God for his blessings. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Rev. Fr Sebastian Chamathara, beloved provincial, to his paternal guidance in all matters related to provincial auditing. Heartfelt thanks to Rev. Fr Sony Palathra, Rev. Fr Joseph Vattaparampil, Rev. Fr Scaria Ethirettu and Rev. Fr Santhosh Kayyalaparampil for their guidance and support. Thanks to the entire Superiors for your generous support and encouraging words. Special thanks to Mr. Thankachan, Mr. Gopakumar and all the accountants in various institutions in St. Joseph’s Province, Thiruvananthapuram.


Statement of the Provin

Sl. No.

Houses and Institutions 1 1. Adoor 2 1. Alappuzha St.Xavier's Carmel House 2. Alappuzha Samagra 3 1. Alappuzha Darsanapuram 4 1. Anjugramam St. Thomas Bhavan 2. Christ CMI Central School 3. Vehicle & Store Account 5 1. Santhome Catholic Centre, Kanyakumari 6 1. Ayroor Lourdes Carmel Ashram 7 1. Champakulam Gagultha Monastery 2. Porukara College of Education 3. Porukara College of Advd Studies 4. Porukara Central School 5. Bonaventure KG 6. Bus A/c

7. Store A/c

8 1. Cheepunkal St. Mary's Ashram 2. Marian


Period 2020-2023 2020 Dec 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2023 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021

Opening Balance nil 1,02,034

Total R nil 7 25

13,01,064 1,00,398 2,14,501

3,17 7 10

59,47,460 6,95,617

73 68

3,96,523 7,48,886 7,55,965 1,28,556 53,988 2,61,168 3,22,753 92,693 51,055 2,23,797 1,46,759 82,749 19,34,952 10,35,422

1,98 2,17 1,28 7 5 7 21 9 3 19 11 9 62 44

16,12,181 20,38,714

78 41

77,55,826 34,47,088

1,63 81

1,90,375 7,14,013

3,43 3,01

1,71,311 72,964

34 26

83,377 3,944

7 24

1,55,562 88,356

41 20

9,55,065 78,023

30 35




ncial Auditor

7,21,515 5,37,479

Total Expenditure nil 6,19,480 24,39,747

Closing Balance nil 1,02,034 3,34,127

Amount spent for Social work nil 9,000 69,350

7,68,500 7,42,204 0,85,563

3,30,81,843 6,28,101 10,66,601

2,14,501 2,22,663

15,712 13,481

3,71,668 8,66,394

1,26,23,511 75,06,218

6,95,617 44,574

8,67,529 7,26,429 8,11,763 7,80,860 5,65,215 7,02,066 1,28,223 9,58,481 3,36,842 9,66,018 1,35,625 9,94,658 2,87,722 4,33,858

1,95,15,165 2,13,69,218 1,44,35,552 8,55,428 6,95,421 4,11,756 23,58,283 9,95,620 3,26,951 20,43,056 12,31,749 9,68,788 71,87,253 42,59,476

7,48,886 7,55,965 9,39,249 53,988 2,61,168 1,81,920 92,693 51,055 60,946 1,46,759 82,749 1,21,025 10,35,422 9,21,933

8,78,534 1,94,333

74,52,001 39,99,769

20,38,714 22,33,833


3,05,823 1,88,819

2,06,14,560 61,17,674

34,47,088 54,79,194

6,500 1,58,995

3,39,195 1,45,027

3,50,23,448 2,52,00,751

7,14,013 15,95,785

1,55,250 19,68,728

4,11,702 6,91,714

27,36,488 6,13,629

72,964 40,552

57,000 2,000

7,41,401 4,57,001

7,24,661 6,84,827

3,944 1,342

1,20,867 0,64,428

40,71,002 17,70,301

88,356 87,256

0,44,066 5,49,636

39,21,107 41,31,408

78,023 79,635

1,24,139 2,50,200






Bank loans nil


46,809 3,46,921 83,140

1,89,17,191 1,42,83,125 1,09,85,568 1,24,000

62,436 10,000 40,300 66,377 19,600 1,73,625 94,905

11,70,450 8,10,807

2,07,19,230 2,38,56,294

47,43,008 22,24,299


Vachanatheram 9 1. Chethipuzha S H Monastery 2. Sargakshetra Cultural Centre 3. Sargakshetra Charitable Trust 4. Placid Educational Trust 5. Kristu Jyothi HSS 6. Placid Vidya Vihar 7. K J College

8. K J C Management

9. K J K G and Play School 10. K J Store

11. K J canteen

12. Bus A/c

13. K J Vidya Niketan 14. Vidya Jyothi Boarding 15. Nirmal Jyothi Boarding House 16. Marthoma Bhavan

10 1. Chethipuzha S H Seminary 11 1. Chethipuzha

2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Sept 2020-2021



27,46,938 69,13,154

2,56 1,58

24,11,492 1,36,876

24 19

22,39,528 16,40,838

1,30 1,49

28,90,986 14,56,591

9,15 5,44

6,97,859 3,41,513

3,56 3

10,43,612 17,61,584

9,92 8,07

3,73,995 10,43,791

5,89 4,78

7,63,635 8,74,397

92 66

2,91,786 2,96,441

1,21 1,08

41,12,936 5,69,833

2,48 1,22

1,77,367 2,03,767

3 8

7,64,701 38,689

27 7

3,09,671 4,93,602

1,08 1,18

36,54,390 1,36,987

82 1,40

5,61,591 1,95,145

1,26 1,64

6,282 2,502


1,44,406 3,72,381 5,74,283 14,33,699

23 21 8 53





6,95,788 8,84,506

2,19,43,508 1,63,55,159

69,13,154 90,73,519

4,19,406 9,59,169

28,34,548 19,63,238

1,36,876 90,780

0,16,352 9,12,491

1,11,88,698 1,05,43,287

5,98,907 4,35,540

2,01,343 6,91,001

18,82,417 5,55,134

16,40,838 59,00,771

1,03,457 5,60,180

7,78,894 2,92,833

9,27,01,413 3,84,90,245

14,90,459 21,06,059

6,56,591 31,19,654

2,73,98,754 1,96,78,925

6,29,416 3,41,515

3,59,85,762 2,59,26,504

3,41,513 5,00,64,016

6,56,591 3,06,614

2,96,800 7,94,230

9,84,36,569 7,12,59,604

17,61,584 1,05,67,075


9,36,026 8,47,174

5,82,66,230 4,71,09,896

10,43,791 2,96,361

22,350 42,68,972

2,70,674 6,69,141

88,58,167 69,79,811

8,74,397 2,70,408


1,49,166 8,65,162

1,21,47,818 70,27,131

2,96,441 68,922

8,86,930 2,23,583

2,84,30,033 1,40,47,404

5,69,833 7,84,947

3,58,038 8,33,194

3,41,638 7,40,911


7,40,267 7,70,127

34,65,681 32,72,986

38,689 6,24,526

8,95,443 8,90,807

1,07,02,885 1,03,16,988

4,93,602 64,980

15,000 6,38,603

2,43,038 0,26,350

1,07,60,441 1,98,13,881

1,36,987 10,63,576

44,500 76,559

6,68,542 4,09,539

1,30,38,451 1,39,61,544

1,95,145 2,51,488


55,000 2,05,520

58,780 2,05,320

2,502 2,702

3,72,417 1,10,706 8,35,154 3,10,642

21,44,441 19,08,804 7,28,767 59,99,247

3,72,381 5,74,283 6,80,671 7,45,094

19,590 4,981 1,661 26,490


Sanjoe Bhavan 12 1. Edava Chavara Bhavan 2. Jawahar Public School 3. K G and Store A/c 4. Vehicle A/c

5. Jawahar Educational Trust 13 1. Enathu Santhi Bhavan School 2. Mount Carmel CMI Public School 3. Mater Dei College 14 1. Kainakary St. Elias Carmel House 2. K E Carmel School 3. Boat A/c

15 1. Kaliyal St. Mary's Carmel House 2. St. Mary's Central School 3. St. Mary's Van A/c 4. St. Mary's Carmel Stationary A/c 16 1. Kolkota, Behala CMI Dharmaniketan (House) 2. Behala K E School

3. Sarsuna K E School

2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021

7,45,094 4,26,975 4,97,273 4,61,522

53 25 25 27

40,40,134 73,58,866

5,74 4,60

16,44,813 27,08,819

59 30

31,64,961 21,34,223

10 2




1,30,064 81,505

68 26

12,99,518 7,25,214

57 51

35,38,991 10,23,370 6,73,147 29,16,270 18,59,402 14,05,336 13,406 9,431 48

59 32 11 1,43 49 30 6 10



4,78,292 7,67,423

1,70 1,21



1,22,889 8,47,573 14,87,446 25,21,668

47 33 48 64

13,09,667 58,23,882

1,99 1,73




3,89,375 5,17,367 5,71,089 7,95,646

59,43,449 21,46,321 26,06,841 14,11,722

4,26,975 9,27,911 4,61,522 17,22,875

26,072 8,670 2,18,000

4,87,339 0,15,488

5,41,68,608 4,02,56,332

73,58,866 53,23,715

9,94,005 15,47,541

9,61,444 0,78,408

48,97,438 48,21,707

27,08,819 9,05,570

0,21,606 2,67,157

20,52,344 16,08,856

21,34,223 13,07,913









8,75,073 6,66,081

69,23,631 34,93,285

81,505 6,21,981

2,500 3,11,806

10,41,455 7,69,383

7,82,217 1,24,618

63,56,521 45,87,825

7,25,214 11,12,290


9,88,938 2,80,284 1,73,975 3,82,855 9,80,446 0,79,899 6,07,060 0,94,942

85,04,558 37,30,908 12,67,866 1,54,39,722 54,74,292 42,55,498 6,11,035 11,04,325

10,23,370 6,73,147 6,11,856 18,59,402 14,05,336 10,52,346 9,431 48



0,93,163 1,46,478

1,34,16,076 1,30,07,014

7,67,423 7,02,956





7,42,839 3,33,970 8,77,694 4,12,253

1,25,60,155 57,40,985 38,43,471 52,25,811

3,47,573 3,20,557 25,21,668 37,32,040

1,92,39,574 1,88,81,554 21,650 1,41,266

9,99,176 3,07,509

1,54,84,960 1,55,77,710

58,23,882 73,02,182

6,251 13,080





1,36,64,661 87,85,116

58,63,422 40,73,458

63,700 71,986 18,750 35,055 37,802 13,300


15,200 61,778


1,68,63,324 1,45,46,090


17 1. Amtala K E Carmel Residence 2. Amtala K E Primary 3. Amtala K E Secondary 4. Amtala Bus A/c 5. Amtala Canteen 18 1. Sarisha St. Mary's Residence 2. Sarisha K E Primary 3. Sarisha K E Secondary 4. Sarisha Bus A/c 5. Sarisha Canteen 6. Sarisha Day Boarding 19 1. Ambari, Chavara Bhavan 2. Ambari, K E Carmel School 3. Ambari Bus A/c 4. Ambari Boarding 20 1. Suri St. Joseph's Residence 2. Suri K E Carmel School 3. Bus A/c


2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021



8,52,137 8,29,004

13 12

55,01,694 1,08,06,602

3,49 2,88

29,66,520 77,70,092

3,82 3,55

12,76,180 9,56,293

58 68

8,27,279 8,57,709 1,45,846 4,51,653

16 9

50,84,997 95,76,623

2,46 2,08

54,24,702 79,21,937

1,95 1,57

3,05,253 3,17,691

53 3

2,73,558 2,83,532


2,01,547 2,09,299


6,041 1,77,101

13 7

5,90,420 16,40,357

1,99 1,95

3,63,920 3,88,387

65 2

22,774 3,869 75,334 3,22,710

6 3

4,89,782 5,96,955

1,06 99








3,45,872 2,60,762

13,69,005 9,59,608

8,29,004 11,31,025

55,300 1,98,024

9,68,486 8,12,667

2,96,63,578 2,98,21,797

1,08,06,602 81,03,296

8,320 3,17,823

2,34,743 5,77,519

3,34,31,172 3,46,17,860

77,70,092 87,40,029


8,02,506 8,28,500

61,22,392 58,76,519

9,56,293 19,09,278


51,949 67,603

21,519 7,248

8,57,709 9,10,305

6,20,487 9,83,615

13,14,680 7,05,712

4,51,653 7,25,724


6,07,220 8,95,546

2,01,15,594 2,00,48,540

95,76,623 66,89,465


5,78,802 7,30,838

1,70,81,567 1,29,20,623

79,21,937 61,00,799

3,89,372 3,79,803

53,67,944 84,69,244

3,17,691 1,88,117

2,70,383 11,700

2,60,409 33,329

2,83,532 2,61,904

2,08,456 11,314

2,00,704 1,581

2,09,299 2,19,032

3,03,475 7,20,418

11,32,414 7,45,716

1,77,101 21,714

3,000 38,348

9,54,497 5,99,404

1,89,04,560 1,88,33,641

16,40,357 12,26,269

7,000 1,16,563

5,54,186 2,83,841

65,29,719 14,69,634

3,88,387 1,72,505

95 14

18,999 58

6,27,175 3,21,464

3,79,799 3,21,576

3,22,710 3,22,598

10,000 13,500

6,73,488 9,58,460

1,05,66,315 75,10,211

5,96,955 3,09,205

58,220 1,32,010






1,14,94,143 54,56,137

3,869 Nil


21 1. Orgram St. Thomas Residence 2. Orgram K E Carmel School 3.Bus A/c

22 1. Bankura Mother Treasa Residence 2. Bankura K E Carmel School 3.Bus A/c

1. Kuriakose Elias Carmel Society for Social Action Pr (KECSAP) 2. CMI Dharmaniketan Educational Trust (ER) 3. CMI Dharmanivas Educational Trust (DET) 4. CMI Vallavanthara Educational Trust (VET) 23 Kottyam Jeevadhara 23 1. Kuchapuram St. Joseph's Carmel House 2. Christ Nagar Central School 3. Bus A/c

24 1. Mannanam St. Joseph's Monastery 2. Mass Wine

3. San Joe Book Stall

4. St. Joseph's Press

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1,46,705 46,569 85,873 14,61,958 6,77,180

1 5

64 37

1,28,085 58,463

3 2


5 1

45,136 32,803

40 34

1,31,743 58,486 1,38,526 32,09,416 23,66,353

8 6

51 36

1,70,52,067 3,77,00,752

6,69 7,93

14,24,071 96,88,950

5,90 4,34

1,35,52,686 1,72,33,676 10,49,875 9,70,497 8,83,613 4,88,322 2,53,692

2,46 4,71 70 19 7 6 22 22

1,84,163 5,10,653 7,46,556 12,528 29,224 56,793 81,14,362 64,32,189 59,66,081 6,26,143 6,35,681 8,20,936 21,59,343 15,15,724 16,46,530 37,54,070

1,47 86 78 28 9 20 1,90 97 64 8 7 2 31 23 15 92





1,59,100 5,14,422

2,59,236 4,75,119

46,569 85,873

4,20,156 7,32,786

72,04,933 41,04,518

6,77,180 3,05,448

3,72,976 2,38,600

4,42,598 2,31,229

58,463 65,834

5,19,978 1,57,059

4,59,655 1,63,290

60,323 54,292


0,61,223 4,16,394

40,73,556 31,77,846

32,803 2,82,350

6,970 8,400

8,13,503 6,21,195

8,86,759 5,41,267

58,486 1,38,526

1,06,624 6,16,019

63,73,588 22,11,602

23,66,353 37,76,503


9,83,911 3,37,416

4,72,87,877 7,26,04,466

3,77,00,752 4,34,36,467


0,85,775 4,82,522

7,01,55,988 5,66,34,723

96,88,950 66,09,479


6,59,436 1,90,922 0,65,334 9,30,836 7,93,815 6,57,151 2,98,510 2,06,331

1,11,06,749 4,35,30,178 1,04,40,545 20,10,215 8,52,999 7,90,391 25,33,139 24,13,802

1,35,52,686 1,72,33,676 74,51,114 9,70,497 8,83,613 7,63,107 2,53,692 3,33,622

16,37,265 82,500 50 30 2,600 1,55,862 1,22,215

7,63,223 6,16,957 8,60,562 8,70,664 9,80,062 0,35,727 0,61,798 7,40,573 4,98,833 8,80,634 7,49,294 2,99,609 1,08,416 3,92,868 5,94,015 2,34,222

1,44,36,733 96,62,360 71,86,426 28,53,967 14,16,164 19,10,461 2,07,43,970 93,55,238 81,59,316 8,71,096 5,37,039 75,464 37,52,034 22,62,062 13,13,473 1,09,45,124

5,10,653 7,46,556 7,65,309 29,224 56,793 8,38,524 64,32,189 59,66,081 48,72,507 6,35,681 8,20,936 10,72,081 15,15,724 16,46,530 19,27,071 20,43,167

54,621 17,170

13,525 43,302 44,147 8,825 10,520 3,84,242 3,65,680 1,76,375 2,000 3,500

32,44,322 31,83,878 25,96,857 5,63,597

20,000 1,00,000 900 1,12,400


5. St. Joseph's Book stall

5. Karmela Kusumam

6. K E College

7. K E College Self-Financing 8. M.Ed A/c

9. Development Fund

10. St. Aloysius Boarding House 11. St.Ephrem's Higher Secondary School 12.Pope John Hostel 13. St. Ephrem's Sports Academy 25 1. Mannanam MIM Seminary 26 1. Mannanam K E Residence 2. K E English Medium School - ICSE 3. K E HSS - State

4. Boarding A/c

5. Bus A/c

6. Book A/c

27 1. Maranalloor Christ

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7,64,282 7,51,638 6,93,525 7,71,676 21,94,562

8 4 1 1,13 62

20,94,488 19,51,219

2,97 1,66

13,73,419 15,00,833

3 3

3,86,069 2,86,747 980 3,23,328 93,696 1,72,197 2,53,878 6,05,182 6,63,301 17,60,751 8,83,538 8,29,144 3,05,013 7,54,463

3 5 2 13 12 17 28 18 19 33 40 23 59 13

7,89,624 8,94,765 4,75,785 3,93,710 2,61,711 3,59,522 9,41,476 10,12,278 19,82,879 7,63,752 8,43,781 35,54,177 21,63,574 13,50,019 65,94,944 4,06,005 3,28,997 3,20,714 13,82,646 9,88,285 12,82,604 2,12,674

22 11 17 1,02 20 9 7,06 7,60 4,84 3,44 4,23 2,66 1,93 1,60 4,13 25 4 53 1,22 69 78 18







8,55,740 4,41,388 1,59,607 3,94,150 2,43,891

8,68,384 4,52,102 1,72,959 99,71,263 68,52,978

7,51,638 6,93,525 6,81,789 21,94,562 14,15,669

7,55,549 6,70,925

2,98,98,818 1,62,10,943

19,51,219 24,15,059

3,15,000 3,75,000

1,87,586 3,75,065

15,00,833 15,61,426

3,49,080 5,87,164 2,68,968 3,68,451 2,59,172 7,58,455 8,61,676 8,46,104 9,19,610 3,07,048 0,29,996 3,64,802 9,03,221 3,53,171

4,48,402 8,72,931 1,82,955 15,98,083 10,87,597 14,26,705 25,10,372 13,74,818 21,54,292 41,84,261 40,84,390 24,96,397 54,53,771 11,51,284

2,86,747 980 86,994 93,696 1,72,197 4,89,292 6,05,182 6,63,301 3,98,619 8,83,538 8,29,144 6,97,549 7,54,463 8,36,417

2,66,574 1,96,820 7,88,629 2,93,594 0,45,983 9,02,250 6,61,804 0,46,309 4,69,293 4,79,764 3,85,746 6,07,064 3,11,694 0,82,406 3,11,822 5,95,147 4,51,257 3,03,503 2,40,825 9,86,567 8,82,313 8,75,439

21,61,432 15,94,201 17,29,126 1,04,25,592 93,06,726 4,48,26,152 7,05,91,002 4,45,61,117 3,84,13,212 3,43,99,736 1,97,19,867 1,60,62,989 2,01,25,249 2,68,75,764 3,08,31,908 26,72,205 21,56,017 54,30,342 1,26,35,186 85,36,308 22,11,674 20,05,416

8,94,765 4,75,785 5,42,741 2,61,711 3,59,522 4,96,059 10,12,278 19,82,879 29,78,282 8,43,781 35,54,177 41,22,286 13,50,019 65,94,944 65,61,691 3,28,997 3,20,714 36,16,498 9,88,285 12,82,604 19,54,035 82,697


22,874 5,18,669 72,170

38,500 62,298 89,455 24,550 5,000 35,910 5,007 12,469 18,054

3,58,968 3,58,968 3,58,968

25,419 40,834 48,644

52,100 7,63,853 6,72,255 12,10,770 21,50,156 11,14,968 20,84,691 1,31,500 38,750 27,700

5,13,04,908 4,15,58,929 3,28,64,092 72,52,598 31,54,582 17,01,715

41,67,390 32,70,829 28,85,645


Nagar Residence 2. Christ Nagar Public School 3. K G A/c

4. School Bus A/c

5. School Store A/c

6. School Charity A/c

7. Maranalloor College

8. College Bus A/c

9. College Store A/c

10. College Hostel A/c

11. Christ Nagar Educational & Charitable Trust 28 1. Muhamma Nazareth Monastery 2. K E Carmel School

3. K G A/c

4. Bus A/c

5. MTHSS A/c

6. Store A/c

7. Carmel Collge A/c

8. Nazareth Carmel

2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021

82,697 3,77,841 7,19,542 10,49,680 12,90,255 10,28,642 10,42,686 1,99,526 2,50,227 1,05,002 2,74,126 97,385 1,60,749 3,22,906 1,30,356 1,45,852 2,17,492 96,80,111 79,76,671

18 11 4,09 3,91 2,05 2,08 91 58 43 32 46 83 1,52 84 5 3 3 6,63 4,69

61,84,353 22,31,850

37 84

21,00,261 18,51,283

29 26

15,85,851 16,95,859

3 5

15,09,339 6,78,058

2,03 1,39

11,07,651 6,10,673

57 30

44,64,604 12,69,261

5,63 2,89

10,77,543 1,74,648

53 44

9,96,519 30,366

13 4



7,75,557 8,01,119

20 11

13,13,640 6,52,029

50 50




8,04,009 1,44,068 9,72,715 1,12,751 5,37,636 8,55,940 1,76,145 8,09,301 3,02,459 2,70,776 6,38,983 3,02,581 2,99,975 4,57,072 5,55,232 3,92,765 3,70,975 3,59,035 9,99,346

21,37,192 7,02,060 4,06,42,578 3,27,69,689 2,24,73,851 2,08,41,897 1,08,60,835 68,77,015 44,47,684 56,20,647 52,25,345 82,39,217 1,65,20,548 68,93,825 4,89,736 2,01,125 3,34,539 6,80,62,475 4,03,02,678

3,77,841 8,19,849 10,49,680 12,90,255 9,98,410 10,42,686 1,99,526 3,02,977 1,05,002 2,74,126 6,63,994 1,60,749 3,22,906 46,556 1,45,852 2,17,492 2,63,531 79,76,671 1,45,19,429

7,65,479 4,30,128

77,17,982 46,47,109

22,31,850 59,91,593

9,09,040 6,26,398

31,58,017 26,88,848

18,51,283 20,45,412

3,71,668 5,39,112

2,61,659 4,25,959

16,95,859 8,92,463

3,28,848 9,49,903

2,06,61,326 83,61,491

6,78,058 5,43,246


7,28,179 0,92,102

62,25,156 36,05,954

6,10,673 5,22,683


3,09,947 9,65,503

5,95,05,290 2,77,06,423

12,69,261 11,82,068

2,58,098 1,82,272

3,67,994 4,24,251

62,70,889 37,86,402

1,74,648 1,20,134


3,17,985 4,60,029

22,84,137 13,03,424

30,366 34,613




0,75,378 1,06,247

20,49,816 2,65,028

8,01,119 4,56,867

0,88,052 0,02,948

57,49,663 47,09,262

6,52,029 5,72,427




1,150 17,896 10,75,130 3,84,259 49,380

4,53,69,829 3,69,47,992 3,19,70,809 80,79,143 87,53,234 80,93,734 56,98,280 46,21,731 40,40,561

1,97,304 3,27,366 7,76,825 25,52,782 5,51,929

1,18,13,755 85,15,140


41,000 2,73,69,132


Educational Charitable Trust 9. K E Ishare Charity

29 1. Muttar

30 1. Muzhucode Chavara Bhavan 31 1. Nalukody St. Rita's Hospital 2. School of Nursing

3. School of Nursing Mess 32 1. Netta Mar Thoma Bhavan 33 1. Nooranad St. John's Ashram 34 Pallikonam Sacred Heart House 34 1. Pilankalai CMI Malar Nilayam 2. Balabhavan

35 1. Pulincunnu St.Sebastian's Monastery 2. K E Carmel School 3. K E Carmel K G A/c 3. Bus A/c

4. Store A/c

5. St. Joseph's School

6. St. Joseph's High

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1,15,636 8,11,939 7,65,299

1 7

2,66,674 31,298 95,993 73,51,937 69,61,560 59,98,331 10,10,079 4,97,494 55,449 2,068 59,821 8,300 9,90,488 9,55,163 14,56,206 6,75,368 2,15,327 1,72,084 8,802 1,16,927 1,19,327 1,72,725 2,48,051 8,117 3,993

8 4 3 3,23 3,19 1,70 35 11 21 14 26 17 27 20 12 14 6 5 8 9 7 40 27 8 3 3

10,03,554 7,83,532

52 56

6,69,056 5,25,623

2,06 1,07

5,000 3,25,000

50 12

5,25,121 7,21,127

11 9

6,63,861 8,11,837

93 34

1,49,050 5,49,119

17 13












1,49,276 7,19,173

1,95,916 11,63,045

7,65,299 3,21,428


8,52,284 4,98,800 3,89,514 3,51,681 9,41,628 0,27,227 5,87,218 1,44,947 1,14,862 4,92,258 6,37,494 7,02,165 7,06,665 0,11,298 2,14,600 4,78,716 6,90,681 5,07,353 8,37,047 9,17,755 7,44,751 0,01,211 7,83,138 8,92,264 3,10,000 3,18,000

10,87,659 4,33,506 3,51,543 3,27,42,058 3,37,27,863 1,72,12,227 40,99,803 18,47,370 18,38,294 14,34,507 25,81,981 14,31,477 27,41,990 15,87,155 10,48,611 19,38,757 7,01,346 5,65,933 8,28,244 6,79,246 5,65,737 39,47,813 27,52,706 8,99,734 3,14,124 3,21,668

31,298 95,993 3,61,964 69,61,560 59,98,331 86,46,993 4,97,494 55,449 3,32,017 59,818 8,300 2,78,988 9,55,163 14,56,206 16,14,995 2,15,327 1,72,084 1,17,004 8,802 1,16,927 2,80,304 1,72,725 2,48,051 2,55,899 3,993

53,290 22,350 11,900 24,511 3,12,545

2,21,808 6,65,802

54,41,831 58,03,424

7,83,532 3,01,306

1,18,374 1,92,858

5,68,933 7,01,222

6,32,678 7,20,294

2,07,76,111 71,46,399

5,25,623 12,08,414

2,61,444 4,98,214

1,06,64,777 77,95,691

0,33,012 2,35,720

47,12,992 11,84,795


1,940 52,280

1,67,761 9,92,113

13,63,767 7,81,527

7,21,127 5,10,542

14,176 310

3,56,063 4,35,302

92,08,087 35,38,581

8,11,837 2,26,660

475 4,630

7,25,651 3,78,531

13,25,582 14,29,799

5,49,119 5,75,852







1,35,047 1,08,678 58,485 550 41,000 1,000 500 7,955 16,200 33,365 5,48,100 3,441

10,15,151 9,25,466 8,39,028



School 7. St. Joseph's Boarding

8. St. Sebastian's Monastery Social Service Society 9. Sport's Hostel 36 1. Punalur Nirmalgiri Novitiate 37 1. Punnapra Carmel Monastery

2. St. Joseph's Educational & Charitable Trust 3. Carmel Engineering College 4. Store A/c

5. Vehicle A/c

6. Eng. Hostel A/c Canteen A/c 7. Carmel Villa Estate

8. CPC Self Financing

9. CPC Management

10. CPC Hostel

11. Carmel International School 12. K G & Bus A/c Store A/c 13. Carmel Collections A/c 38 1. Thiruvalla Mar Baselious Ashram 2. Christ Central School

2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2021-2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2019-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021

1,29,684 51,040 27,653

1 3

88,465 15,949 93,159 6,99,643 7,03,272 3,49,773 2,84,590

3 90 61 53 71 54

8,55,845 3,43,480 3,84,461 15,49,261 43,95,638 22,73,792 37,846 38,132 66,558 26,089 15,58,287 67,069 16,318 1,05,345 80,735 162 1,762

1,24 1,24 5,04 7,81 6,63 5,08

14,69,517 5,92,462

2,11 1,45

17,05,935 13,82,936

63 36

36,14,613 32,17,414

28 26

8,98,409 4,47,415

2,10 1,81

8,77,468 4,01,738

1,00 72

1 18 15 21 14 19 18 3 4

27 10,27,302 3,04,749 9,06,910 9,74,156

20 13 10 7,86





1,00,479 3,84,217

1,23,866 3,96,155

27,653 13,815


56,329 50,500

16,332 61,695

88,465 77,270

3,03,480 0,21,632 1,53,883 3,76,053 1,25,889 4,16,514

1,06,583 84,15,148 60,19,817 48,33,696 71,91,071 61,22,341

2,12,846 6,99,643 7,03,272 2,27,066 2,84,590 7,63,650

4,96,070 4,72,254 4,60,631 1,94,889 3,62,782 8,15,137 56,042 30,125 1,31,385 8,93,742 5,37,686 1,55,529 4,43,511 9,25,842 8,94,421 3,19,971 4,66,280

1,30,08,435 2,28,23,355 3,84,03,605 7,53,48,512 5,26,17,696 3,84,62,761 55,756 98,273 1,89,525 18,16,351 20,98,867 18,75,560 13,54,484 18,01,281 12,87,260 3,18,371 4,55,010

3,43,480 3,84,461 1,24,41,487 43,95,638 22,73,792 1,46,26,168 38,132 66,558 8,418 1,03,480 67,069 3,47,038 1,05,345 80,735 6,87,896 1,762 13,032

1,61,270 5,07,268

2,20,38,325 1,37,27,245

5,92,462 10,83,568


3,81,923 6,44,454

67,04,922 31,56,777

13,82,936 9,78,036


8,79,897 6,31,536

32,77,096 49,45,501

32,17,414 15,96,996


0,93,954 1,86,726

2,15,44,948 1,48,22,179

4,47,415 27,64,682

41,13,600 40,27,861

0,28,430 2,70,813

1,05,04,159 58,52,500

4,01,738 5,56,826




0,54,281 3,36,341 0,62,913 6,78,063

27,91,835 14,63,885 6,98,119 7,84,60,824

3,04,749 9,06,910 12,80,586 11,91,395

4,67,630 2,17,523 1,97,660 13,075 30,759

1,07,94,090 1,19,46,853 21,73,91,607 22,77,83,510 16,46,18,993

1,23,465 73,75,161 78,900


15,58,287 1,01,370 Closed


22,13,158 14,63,931

2,37,935 44,118 13,777 5,49,301



3.Christ Thiruvalla Cultural Trust 39 1. Thiruvallam Christ Nagar Sr. Sec.School 2. Christ Nagar KG

3. Bus A/c

4. Society

5. Canteen

6. Christ Nagar College of Education 40 1.Thiruvananthapuram Christ Hall Monastery 2. Christ Nagar State School 3. Christ Nagar Central School CBSE 4. Christ Nagar ICSE School 5. Christ Nagar IGCSE School Kowdiar 6. Christ Nagar KG ICSE 7. Christ Nagar KG CBSE 8. ICSE & KG Store

9. IGCSE Store

10.State & CBSE Store 11. Bus A/c

2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021

11,91,395 26,19,619 19,41,663 5,09,481 4,61,373 34,23,614 61,54,783

4,72 3,61 1,48 45

41,45 22,69

17,16,860 22,80,499

2,80 3,83

6,65,544 1,71,272

57 31

6,54,712 13,11,355


4,29,923 47,766



10,20,009 37,28,550

2,56 3,46

5,13,924 12,41,551 32,73,310 21,37,079 16,63,193 28,72,222 29,89,854 23,42,990

4,60 2,76 2,16 6,73 7,84 4,92 11,01 8,82

-8,58,203 6,68,645 32,46,964 -61,326 1,20,484 23,65,779 84,400 16,832 11,03,825 94,157 1,28,582 13,99,918 52,432 21,887


1,49,592 1,74,679

71 79



5,52 1,80 1,67 57 1,31 1,61 54 1,30 71 82 69 4


2,01,324 1,16,370 8,87,586 5,44,029

4,80,98,525 4,67,74,585 1,63,19,767 20,92,938

5,28,493 9,27,697

41,17,97,324 21,31,95,678

8,21,022 40,68,366 5,09,481 4,61,373 36,18,134 61,54,783 1,44,37,070

26,19,619 3,13,459 7,500

4,01,61,525 3,80,79,989

20,09,573 76,43,795

6,00,56,884 5,69,78,016

0,87,999 3,29,070

2,75,24,360 2,00,35,560

22,80,499 20,75,109

7,42,385 1,47,594

62,90,657 57,54,486

1,71,272 3,96,627

6,80,448 39,035

23,805 17,705

13,11,355 23,16,239

81,523 3,573

4,63,680 17,490

47,766 33,850




6,60,269 6,18,763

2,29,51,728 2,40,64,742


52,558 3,09,214

2,67,95,972 1,34,34,412

0,66,843 6,47,069 6,01,874 3,07,946 4,20,045 2,71,864 1,13,159 2,94,517

4,53,39,217 2,87,02,128 2,41,79,538 6,93,08,824 3,60,97,540 2,15,84,296 10,49,48,096 5,40,81,221

12,41,551 32,73,310 8,17,257 16,63,193 28,72,222 87,20,806 23,42,990

18,340 3,90,740 1,99,508 13,811 6,68,788 2,66,038 43,300 16,24,180



2,00,304 0,01,845 7,88,940 7,52,301 1,35,969 1,74,603 4,34,808 0,67,543 1,23,910 2,37,392 9,00,339 4,59,488

4,17,21,524 1,78,20,034 50,69,946 48,35,175 1,32,03,537 40,10,677 33,87,785 1,30,33,119 28,37,444 82,47,197 69,30,884 5,70,637

6,68,645 32,46,964 1,39,81,165 1,20,484 23,65,779 39,85,849 16,832 11,03,825 3,94,420 1,28,582 13,99,918 4,24,539 21,887

1,47,556 9,66,842

68,50,924 59,27,096





6,97,84,559 4,42,58,869 5,17,43,193

7,98,027 20,285 15,720 23,773 700



12. Christ Nagar Charitable Trust 13. Christ Nagar Milma Parlour 14. Christ Nagar Charity and Social Service 15.Chavara Distributors 16. Gaston Foundational and Charitable Society 13. Christ Nagar Public School, Attingal 14. Christ Nagar KG 15. Bus A/c

16. Attingal Construction

17. Attingal Store A/c

18. Attingal Charity A/c

17. Christ Nagar International School, Kazhakutom 18. CNIS A/c 19. CNIS Bus A/c 20. CNIS Charity A/c 21. CNIS Store A/c 22. CNIS Canteen A/c 41 1. Vizhinjam St.Peter's Carmel House 2. Vizhinjam Christ College 3.St.Peter's Church Construction A/c 4.St.Peter's Church


2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2023 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2022 Sept 2022 Sept 2022 Sept 2022 Sept 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Sept 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022

1,07,877 70,159 2,986 1,727

2 1,19 1,56

4,41,549 4,54,538 4,43,863 5,53,868 3,16,730


8,97,740 11,13,725


1 4 2

30 Nil

2,29 26

63,88,915 1,22,548 14,45,988 3,04,664 5,32,770 11,95,461 33,429 50,543 11,278 2,48,970 2,76,475 1,05,974 2,88,355 8,577 6,49,852 5,63,149 52,378 88,348 32,31,428 4,83,23,709 12,30,665 2,30,225 1,34,371

3,25 3,01 3,12 1,71 67 68 28 8 1,17 1,48



15,03,495 1,60,898

10 2

22,26,462 13,42,401 14,29,415 44,40,551 8,883

3,40 1,84 2,13 21

1,21,705 71,641

3 2

2 49 46 65 1

9 8,58 3,71 1,93 2,02 91


2,18,975 9,66,886 6,07,609 67,468

24,01,481 1,11,84,575 1,56,08,868 54,08,765

70,159 20,06,859 1,727

7,93,119 Closed 6,72,05,584 5,59,35,031

4,61,263 12,378 1,53,527 4,09,090 2,63,343

4,48,274 23,036 83,902 6,46,228 3,62,427

4,54,538 4,43,863 5,13,488 3,16,730


28,15,572 17,924


9,97,803 6,29,019

1,87,30,645 27,25,840


5,10,140 1,90,172 2,95,790 1,56,478 7,66,292 8,19,071 8,16,507 8,29,479 7,92,137 8,17,555 86,122 2,24,983 9,06,348 6,35,978 5,97,653 1,22,862 84,268 9,22,073 8,74,514 1,58,830 3,41,861 2,78,363 1,08,755 36,905 9,87,803 56,957 0,29,894 2,50,328

3,87,76,507 1,93,70,155 3,52,28,633 1,69,28,373 30,55,540 22,79,914 27,99,393 18,60,450 1,14,40,119 1,47,90,049 25,49,525 1,89,25,489 51,86,126 16,88,389 53,08,212 6,33,633 98,299 5,55,165 4,07,82,234 11,73,41,573 1,98,62,059 1,57,83,347 32,55,002 25,11,636 1,05,537 23,72,491 3,66,305

1,22,548 14,45,988 -11,38,706 5,32,770 11,95,461 13,10,597 50,543 11,278 16,88,842 2,76,475 1,05,974 28,293 8,577 6,49,852 15,83,828 52,378 88,348 4,87,397 4,83,23,709 12,30,665 7,10,467 3,34,807 35,886 36,905 5,40,209 5,071 1,60,898 43,021

0,39,563 4,01,588 3,45,522 1,29,270

3,49,23,623 3,58,48,708 3,03,67,873 65,60,938

13,42,401 14,29,415 35,70,505 8,883


3,66,767 2,32,271

4,16,831 1,67,339

71,641 1,36,573



5,950 3,840

3,70,91,640 2,38,84,686 1,43,18,798

42,23,213 34,19,461 27,06,034


98,299 5,54,918 4,600 39,100 16,000

11,43,15,094 11,24,01,423 9,82,38,791 12,90,308 1,47,19,491

4,200 34,502 1,04,79,211 3,00,13,726


42 1. Trivandrum CMI Province A/c 2. Local House

3. Depart. Of Pastoral Ministry

of Pastroal

4. Dept. of and Communication Media 5. Dept. of Social Apostolate


6. Vocation A/c

43 1. Ramanagara Trust Christ Nagar Educational 2. Chavara Gardens

3. Christ Nagar School Ramanagara 44 Social Activities 1. Kirupa

2.Vikas Electronics Nalukody 3. Chavara Welfare Centre, Mannanam

2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Feb 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022 Jan 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-Dec




3,67,213 3,82,099 8,87,501 8,90,318 8,48,867 10,17,376 1,33,253



4 21


5,57,246 2,70,089

51 1,50 1,20 37 12 5 10 11 3

1,62,801 74,894

25 3

9,027 56,415 3,98,156 5,64,270
















4,05,000 1,56,143

4,17,990 30,40,265

8,90,318 8,48,867 8,36,398 1,33,253




1,30,340 0,63,196 0,05,810 7,99,185 2,54,400 5,49,500 0,72,908 1,85,000 3,56,000

37,57,779 1,50,75,808 99,03,893 9,98,982 10,23,030 5,59,546 16,80,753 14,57,157 3,92,388

9,027 56,415 21,52,011 21,00,828 5,64,270 23,13,763 5,57,246 2,70,089 1,87,201

5,31,041 3,03,299

26,18,947 2,64,538

74,894 1,13,656



71,530 4,99,518




88,157 41,985 31,500 14,000

2,49,500 1,23,659









ON SANTHOME SUB-REGION, KANYAKUMARI Fr. TinuKottackaparampil CMI Regional Superior General Outline Members Priests: 13 Brothers: 3

Main Activities: Parishes: 9 Houses: 7

Schools: Aided Primary: 4 Aided Secondary: 3 Aided Higher Secondary: 1 Unaided: 2 (CBSE)

Social activities: Boys home: 1 Women empowerment project: 3 Various social upliftment projects under KIRUPA

1. MAR THOMA BHAVAN, NETTA Members: Fr. Davis Karukapally –Superior, Vicar, Principal, St. Marys Higher Secondary School, Kaliyal Fr. Santhosh Kayyalaparampil – Councillor of Social Apostolate, teacher at St. Thomas High School

Activities: St Thomas Parish- 100 families St. Thomas Primary School- 41 students & 2 aided teachers, 3 management staff St. Thomas High School- 60 students & 9 teachers and 2 non- teaching staff.

2. ST. MARY’S CARMEL HOUSE, KALIYAL Members: Fr. Tinu Kottakkaparampil - Superior, Forane Vicar Fr. Joseph Anithottam - Headmaster St. Thomas High School, Netta, Mission in Charge at Chempakatharissu Fr. Jose Koolipura - Pastoral Ministry Bro. Sebastian Akkathara - Student at Nesamani College, Marthandom 223


Bro. JubinPerumprayil- Student at Nesamani College, Marthandom Bro. Thomas Kalapurakal- Student at Nesamani College, Marthandom

Activities: St. Mary’s Forane Church- 142 families St. Mary’s Church, Penuthadam - 20 families St. Mary’s LP School- 210 students, 10 teachers St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School- 774 students, 25 aided and 27 management staffs E. St. Mary’s Senior Secondary School (CBSE) - 1170 students, 59 teachers, 22 nonteaching staff A. B. C. D.

3. CHAVARA BHAVAN, MUZHUCODE Members: Fr. Anto Thunduparampil - Prefect, Vicar Fr. Mathew Kannamppally - Pastoral Ministry

Activities: St. Thomas Parish- 190 families

4. SACRED HEART RESIDENCE, PALLIKONAM Members: Fr. Luka Kollamparampil - Director, Vicar and Headmaster- St. Joseph’s High School, Pilankali

Activities: Sacred Heart Church, Pallikonam- 70 familes Women’s Tailoring Training Centre

5. CMI MALAR NILAYAM, PILANKALAI Members: Fr. Thomas Thekkethalackal- Superior, Forane Vicar Fr. Jose Albert- MEd @Bethlehem College, Marthandom Fr. JosekuttyCheruvilparampil- MA @Nesamony College, Marthandom

Activities: Little Flower Forane Church - 150 families St. Xavier’s Church, Meikkamandapam - 90 families 224


St. Joseph’s Primary School- 125 students, 8 teachers St. St. Joseph’s High School- 225 student, 18 teachers St. Xavier’s Primary School- 20 students, 2 teachers Boys’ home Malar Electronics Unit Gloves Packing Unit under KIRUPA

6. SANTHOME HOUSE, KANYAKUMARI Members: Fr. Charles Mundakathil - Superior, Vicar Fr. Arun Chechottu - Bursar

Activities: St. Thomas Church, Anjugram - 7 families St. Michael’s Church Maharajapuram - 6 families Christ Central School- 553 Students, 30 teachers, 24 non-teaching staff

IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES DURING THE PRESENT MINISTRY 1. The province has taken up 10 acres of land at Thenkasi, which belonged to Carmel House Punnapra, intending to hand it over to the sub-region for its further development. A Trust (Carmel Educational and Charitable Trust) is formed for this purpose and the Lease Document is already registered. 2. Erection of new CMI house at Pallikonam. 3. Consecration of the newly constructed Church at Kaisalavilai. 4. 5 of our brothers were conferred diaconate the Sangamam, Thuckalay. 5. The Silver Jubilee of the ordination of Rev Fr Thomas Thekkethalackal and Golden Jubilee of CMI Malar Nilayam, Pilankalai was celebrated. 6. Little Flower Church Pilankalai also celebrated its Golden Jubilee and the newly built cemetery was blessed on the same day. 7. Constructed a house in collaboration with the social works department for Mrs. Suseela the kitchen staff of Pilakalai House. 8. Built a new grotto for the Maharajapuram Parish. 9. Consecration of the new altar and blessing of the new flag mast at Netta. 10. St Thomas school Netta was celebrated Golden Jubilee. 11. Constructed a house in collaboration with the social works department for Mrs. Mary Sarojam, widow and the kitchen staff of Netta House. 12. Marian Grotto of St. Mary’s Church Kaliyal was renovated and modified. 225


13. Inauguration of the new Library and computer lab of St. Mary’s HSS, Kaliyal. 14. Sameeha Barwin of St. Mary’s HSS Kaliyal participated in the World Athletics Championships in Poland and got qualified for the upcoming Special Olympics. 15. A New Tailoring centre for Women was started at Pallikonam. 16. Covid awareness and vaccination camps were conducted at various parishes and schools. 17. Aid and helps were given for the less privileged and the Covid affected through our parishes and schools. 18. Visited hospitals and orphanages, especially during the lockdown period, meeting the needy. 19. Year of St. Joseph was concluded with a visit to the Asaripallam Medical College, DNN Orphanage, Anpakam Orphanage etc. by our parishes, distributing food, medical kit, grocery etc. 20. Around 25 new families and 25 individuals (non-Christians and non-Catholics) were accepted to the Catholic faith at our different parishes. 21. Orientation classes were conducted at schools on “the protection of children and vulnerable from sexual offences” 22. Faith formation and enrichment classes were conducted for Sunday school teachers and leaders of various Pious Groups. 23. Year of St. Joseph was also observed as year of Families and couples celebrating Golden and Silver Jubilee of Marriage were honoured, along with the jubilee of Ordination and Vestition.

KIRUPA Kirupa is the social service wing of the sub region. The gloves packaging unit is working under the KIRUPA, which provides job opportunities and financial sustainability to many people. 35 to 40 women are working in gloves packing units and earning daily wages. Through KIRUPA we also provide medical aid, tuition fees and other financial help for the deserving. It also provides financial support for house construction, marriage etc. During the Covid 19 pandemic, KIRUPA also helped the needy with medical kits and financial support. KIRUPA aims the total development of the society, particularly at those regions where the CMI houses exist.

FUTURE SCOPES Anjugram- construct new building and upgrade the school to +2 level. Also make possibilities to revive the house with full time residing members. 226


We have a gloves company at Pilankalai, which was so far run under the individual proprietorship of Fr Luka Kollamparampil. In the current scenario, we have formulated a trust (Santhome) to run it as a new company (Kuriakose Elias Gloves Packing Unit) to run business. It gives us the chances to operate more such firms under the same company. Women upliftment activities at Kaliyal, Muzhucode and Pallikonam after the model of Pilankalai. Kanyakumari Santhome house has once been a dialogue centre upholding the Ecumenical and inter-religious face of our congregation. We need to revive the house and its activities by integrating inter-religious dialogue, meditation, yoga-therapy and spiritual tourism. The diocese of Thuckalay was so far confined to the districts of Kanyakumari and Thenkasi. It recently got extended to the districts of Thirunelveli, Thoothukudy, Virudhanagar, Ramanathapuram, Sivagangai, Madurai and Theni. The diocese is also demanding us to extend our territory outside the KK dist. Currently we have 7 houses entrusted with 9 parishes, 9 schools, 3 companies and a few other centres run by just 10 full time priests. That’s indicates how heavy is the workload for each person. We need more personnel to work in the sub-region to continue the existing ministries and open up new avenues. Therefore, we suggest the reopening of the minor seminary at Kaliyal, as the students can now get the schooling in English Medium. More brothers can also be sent to the region for their college studies.

CONCLUSION Kanyakumari Santhome sub-region is a fertile land for our CMI Mission, concentrating more on pastoral, social and educational apostolates. Since most of the people still foster an agrarian culture, there is a large scope of developing a well-established farm for agriculture and animal husbandry. We need more young, energetic and dynamic members along with senior experienced members to work in the region for its further development as we are running short of persons now. For the past five decades, our activities were exclusively concentrated in KK district alone. It is high time for us to open up new avenues and extend our mission to the neighbouring districts like: Thenkasi, Thirunalveli and Thoothukudy. We gratefully remember all the provincial teams and members of the province who supported the mission in various means, and those members who worked in the region at different times. Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Provincial and the team for your continuing support and also for inviting me and giving a chance to present this report on the Santhome Sub-region, Kanyakumari. 227







CMI DHARMANIKETHAN SUB-REGION, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL 2020-2023 Activity Report (Activity report is given to Fr. Provincial for the Provincial Chapter to be held in April-2023) Introduction We started CMI West Bengal mission in 1988. We were invited to render Pastoral care to Syro Malabar migrant community in West Bengal. In the year 2038 we will be celebrating the Golden Jubilee of our mission. Present term we have blessed two new buildings for the Residences at Orgram and Ambari. And we erected new Residence at Bankura (Mother Theresa CMI Residence). The activity Report of the West Bengal Mission 2020-23 1. Residences & Personnel Sl. No 1

Name of the Residence

CMI Dharmaniketan, Behala



Total No of Members


Name of the Members

Fr. Paul Mathew Thamarachery CMI

Fr. Sebastian Munduvelil CMI Bro. Alexander Maliakal CMI Bro. Georgekutty Kallukalam CMI Bro. Jaison Kizhakechira CMI 2.

K.E. Carmel CMI Residence, Amtala



Fr. Jojo Thuruthayil CMI Fr. Joseph(Babu) Parapally CMI


St. Mary’s Residence, Sarisha



Chavara Bhavan, Ambari (Siliguri)


1 2

Fr. Johnson Kadamthodu CMI Fr. Byju Peroor CMI Fr. Jojo Manaliparampil CMI



St. Joseph’s Residence, Suri St. Thomas Residence, Orgram St. Mother Tereasa CMI Residence, Bankura

2015 2016 2022

1 1 1

Fr. Varghese Puthiyaveedu CMI Fr. Ajin Chathamala CMI Fr. George Panamthottam CMI

Theology Studies 1. Bro. Pious Pakkallil CMI (IIIrd year, Morning Star Seminary, Kolkata) 2. Bro. Jinnu Thazhathu CMI (IIrd year, Morning Star Seminary, Kolkata) 3. Bro Arun Vithuvattical CMI (IInd year, Morning Star Seminary, Kolkata) College Graduation Studies 1. Bro. Alexander Maliakal CMI (IIIrd year, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) 2. Bro. Jaison Kizhakechira CMI (Ist year, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) 3. Bro. GeorgeKutty Kallukalam CMI (Ist year, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata) 2. Apostolate of Education 2.1 Existing Schools Sl No

Name of the School




Land Area






2.73 Acre






1.94 Acre Primary- 3 Cottah 1 Chattak Secondary- 8 Cottah 8 Chattak











6 Cottah






8.01 Acre






11.25 Acre






7.29 Acre






15.34 Acre



Up-coming Projects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Land Area


10.04 Acre 15.23 Acre 6.92 Acre 5 Cottah 1 Chattak 15.34 Acre

2.3 Class X Results


2020-21 2021-22

% of Pass 100% 100%


2020-21 2021-22

100% 100%

70 55

70 55


2020-21 2021-22

100% 100%

42 39

42 39


2020-21 2021-22

100% 100%

8 22

8 22



Total Appeared 218 127

Above 75% 218 127

2.4 lass XII Results UNIT



2020-21 2021-22

% of Pass 100% 100%

Total Appeared 102 113

Above 75% 102 113

3. Apostolate of Social Action The Sub-Region has two Social Service Organizations which co-ordinate the social service activities of the Sub-Region. They are KECSAP (Kuriakose Elias Carmel Society for Social Action Programme) and VET (Vallavanthara Educational Trust). The activities are run in various places of the State of West Bengal through our Schools. 3.1 Activities of KECSAP a. Study Help – Local, Brilliant Students (Non-KECS) b. Students (KECS) Tuition Fee Concession c. Free Medical EYE & Cataract Operation Camp



Tailoring Training Programme New House Construction / House Repair Spoken English Class Evening School (Tuition) for the Local West Bengal Board students.

3.1.1 Amount Spent for the KECSAP Activities Year


Total Amount


Rs. 60,70,853.00


Rs. 16,80,896.00


Rs. 20,84,620.00


3.2 Activities of VET a. Study Help – Local, Brilliant Students (Non-KECS) b. New House Construction / House Repair c. Winter cloth distribution, Wheel Chair & Crutch distribution d. Free Medical Camp f. Free Food Distribution. 3.2.1 Amount Spent for the VET Activities Year


Total Amount




Rs. 16,43,765.00


Rs. 27,90,500.00



4. Apostolate of Pastoral Work We have 1 Parish and 4 Mass Centres in West Bengal, which come under Syro Malabar Diocese of Shamshabad. Name of the Parish/ Mass Centre St Thomas Syro Malabar Parish Church


Total No of Families

Sunday School

Family Unit Prayer

Sunday Mass

Every Day Mass








CMI DHARMANIKETHAN SUB-REGION, KOLKATA St. Ignatius Mass Centre, Iqbalpur St. Chavara Mass Centre, Mukundapur St. Chavara Mass Centre, Jalpaiguri St. Mother Teresa Mass Centre, Durgapur

1978 2017 2018 2019





















5. Dept. of Finance 5.1 Land Investment Present term we have purchased 6.92 Acre Land in Mejia and 5 Cottaha land and one building in Maheshtala. Additional Land we have purchased in Jhargram (66 decimal), Sarisha II campus (24 decimal), Purulia (99 decimal) and Suri (11 decimal). In Ambari we have given advance amount to purchase additional land of 36 decimal. 1




1 3 5 6 7 8


SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7












BUILDING CONSTRUCTION [ SCHOOL BUILDING & BOUNDARY WALL] SL.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


6. Spreading the Wings (Zonal Development) We have seen the Stable and steady growth of the Sub-Region during the last 35 years. We dream


CMI DHARMANIKETHAN SUB-REGION, KOLKATA of Zonal Development of the Sub-region and we shall continue the policy of rural development through educational & social activities. The Proposed Zones 1. Behala Zone (i) Amtala, (ii) Sarisha I Campus (iii) Behala (iv) Sarsuna (v) Sarisha II Campus (vi) Maheshtala. 2. Suri Zone (i) Suri (ii) Orgram (iii) Bankura (iv) Purulia (v) Mejia 3. Jhargram Zone 4. Siliguri Zone 5. Malda Zone 7. Swot Analysis (i) Strength (a) Central Pooling (b) K.E. Carmel brand name and its social acceptance. (ii) Weakness (a) Lank of trained personnel. (b) Lack of human resources. (iii) Opportunities (a) Village development through Education and Social action (b) Availability of Low-cost land. (c) Scope of evangelization and pastoral care. (iv) Threat Growth of Hindu fanatic movements. CONCLUSION Dharmanikethan CMI West Bengal Mission is a place with good potential for the growth of our Mission. With the clear focus and right plan, we will be able to achieve tremendous growth in all spheres by the time we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the West Bengal Mission in 2038. We should anticipate what our mission will be in the Jubilee year. Plan should be conceived accordingly. The Province and the Sub Region should think together and work with one heart and one mind for the integral development of this Mission. Let’s seek the heavenly intercession of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara for the same. Fr. Paul Mathew Thamarachery

Behala, Kolkata

Sub-Regional Superior








Report CMI Ecuador Mission Introduction Ecuador is a Christian nation with majority of Catholic population. Though they have a long tradition in Catholic faith, it is very unfortunate to see that the present generation seems to be almost passive in living their faith. When we go through the current situation, we could realize that one of the reasons behind this is the lack of pastoral care. Their pastoral needs are not well taken care of. The pandemic of Covid-19 and the rising number of crimes and the emergence and quick growth of protestant and Pentecostal and other denominations are highly alarming. This scenario signifies our mission. We are really happy to inform that the gesture of welcome and appreciation from the part of hierarchy and the faithful toward us are really inspiring. As the faithful here are in need of quality pastoral care to grow in their faith, our presence and the style of mission can certainly help the spiritual growth of different parishes and thus by the whole Diocese. We highly appreciate Rev. Fr. Provincial and the Councilors, who became God’s instruments, to take up and guide such a wonderful and fruitful mission. Let us be proud of being part of the thrust of global mission of our Congregation and to witness and live the charisma of our beloved founder St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. A brief history of our Ecuador Mission The CMI mission spreads in four dioceses of Ecuador. Fr. Cyriac Madathil CMI, Provincial, visited the diocese of San Jacinto in 2014 along with some other Provincials of CMI congregation. They had a meeting with the Bishop and the Bishop requested the Provincials to send missionaries. Fr Provincial accepted the request of the bishop and agreed to send priests. For this, Our Major superiors and the diocese of San Jacinto drafted an agreement regarding the life and duties of the CMI missionaries. We started our mission with the coming of Fr. Seby Chullickal CMI in the year 2016. Then in 2017 two more priests reached - Frs. Jojo Pathinezhilchira CMI and Libin Kariyil CMI. From 2016 to 2019, we collaborated with the Sacred Heart Province of Kochi. But in the year of 2019, Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial, and his councilors took a brave decision to take up a new diocese and expand the mission as own our own. Likewise, St. Joseph Province of Thiruvananthapuram individually started its mission with the diocese of San Pedro de Riobamba and signed the contract between Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chamathara CMI, Provincial, and the then bishop of San Pedro de Riobamba, Mons. Julio Parilla.


ECUADOR MISSION Mission in the Diocese of San Pedro de Riobamba Diocese of San Pedro de Riobamba is a large diocese with very few priests to work. It is a land thirsting for a new spiritual awakening and zealous priests. As the Bible says, “Harvest is plenty and labourers are few”. We have started our mission at the outskirts of Riobamba with a small parish and a dozen of centres. At first, we started our mission in a rented house, and with a lot of difficulties. But by the grace of God, we could gain a lot of souls for Christ, and guide them spiritually. We had house visits, hospital visits, catechism centers, Sunday Mass centers, youth groups and two convents to offer our services. It was very difficult to continue our mission during the pandemic of covid-19. After the pandemic, in the year 2020, Fr. Jojo Pathinezhilchira CMI, returned to the Province to continue his studies and Fr. Jofin Kollara CMI joined the mission. After a few months Fr. Cyriac Kochupura CMI joined the mission, but couldn’t continue long and moved to USA. In the year 2021, Mons. Jose Bolivar, offered us a new mission area with two Parishes and 47 mission stations (mass centers) in Pallathanga and Trigoloma at the south of the diocese. This is a hilly area and majority of our mission stations are very far and difficult to reach. We found that there is fast growth of different sects in our mission regions and the major reason behind this is the lack of practice and love towards the sacraments. Here, by knowing the facts and figures we cannot blame them for their deviation in faith. They have been lacking efficient leaders for decades. If there is proper catechism and reception of sacraments, we believe that there will be growth in their Catholic belief and love toward the Church. Thankfully, the current Provincial team, gives us sufficient support spiritually, economically, and personally by sending missionaries. The Provincial team, managed to select 3 new missionaries for Ecuador mission. Among the three, Fr. Martin Thayil CMI, reached here in the month of January, 2023 and has already started his mission with a new parish with 20 mission stations. And the two other Frs. Jibin Kulamkombil CMI and Bibin Padiyara CMI reached on March 07, 2023. All the three parishes are near to each other and therefore we can gather and nourish our community life frequently. The Financial Status of the Mission We can meet our daily normal expenses (food and running of the house) from the income that we get from the parish and centres. Majority of the celebration of our Holy Mass is without mass intensions (which is not a custom here). But if some emergency like hospital cases or to purchase of some gadgets to the house or church, taxes and duties, travel, maintenance of vehicles and house etc. since there is very little money, these give a lot of mental struggles. Especially, the


ECUADOR MISSION journey to the homeland is a very difficult task for a missionary, as the prices air tickets are too high. But we would like to acknowledge the concern and benevolence of the Province who support us in this. Future of the Mission The future of the Ecuador mission depends on the willingness of the potential missionaries to come in the future. We need a lot of missionaries to effectively spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. And also, I would like to invite your attention to make a study to do something more like educational institutions and houses of the province here to motivate vocations from here. There are a lot of youngsters inspired by our style of mission and even ask us to join our seminaries. Conclusion Missions are the pastoral areas of the provinces. The pastoral visit of the Major Superiors and timely help would be a great moral support and encouragement for the missionaries. At a glance, Ecuador is a fruitful mission area to work with pastoral satisfaction. The hierarchy and faithful are expecting more priests from our congregation. Our congregation has the power and ability to do more. Since our CMI congregation has a thrust of global mission, especially to South American and African missions, we wish more zealous and energetic missionaries to come forward to enrich our Ecuador mission.

Prepared by Missionaries of Ecuador Fr. Libin Kariyil CMI, Fr. Jofin Kollara CMI, Fr. Martin Thayil CMI, Fr. Jibin Kulamkombil CMI and Fr. Bibin Padiyara CMI

19-03-2023 Pallatanga, Ecuador








Joseph Kallookalam: “When I was asked to be pastor, I preferred small churches even though, financial problems could be questionable. I liked to get involved in every aspect of parish life. I realized that catechizing the community should play an important role in educating the community. I started writing article half a page in length every week for parish bulletin. I used CCC., Catechism of Catholic Church by John Hardon S.J, Family Catechism, Life in Christ etc. For spiritual education I used DVDs produced by those who have a doctorate in Spiritual life, like Albert Haas. I also conducted Bible study classes prepared by Collegeville Bible study programs. I covered most of the books.” (He has been in the US for 36 years with a break of 2/3 years. In his early 80s the diocese gave 3 churches! He has to drive over 120 miles every weekend to serve these parishes? He needs rest.) Thomas Kalam: He is an Associate Pastor in the Parish of Our Lady of the Lake Church in Hendersonville, (Diocese of Nashville), TN. Fully occupied with pastoral and spiritual services in the largest parish of the diocese. He also takes care of the Spanish Catholics in the area. Abraham Vallayil: Associate Pastor at St. Catherine’s Church, in the archdiocese of New York. He has been in the same parish for nearly 20 years. A very busy ministry. Every day he says the 6.45 am mass, no matter rain or snow. Two weekend masses, with hearing Confessions every Saturday 45-60 minutes. Leads adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday, including Lent. Visiting the sick at home and in hospitals; almost all funerals. Besides all this he has to take care of 3 hospitals and nursing homes! The greatest thing is Fr Abraham is happy to do all these ministries and whatever the pastor wants him to do! The Pastor is indeed blessed to have such an associate! George Thirumangalam: Serving in the Diocese of Shreveport, LA. Now, the Pastor of St. Lucy Catholic Church in the village of Hodge, a small rural community. When I came to the diocese in 2018, we had 11 CMI priests. With the transfer of the Bishop of the time to another diocese, and with the new administration, everything went downhill. We have now two CMIs working in the diocese. The parish is a small community of retired people, no baptism, no wedding, and some occasional funerals.



Joseph Kuzhichalil: He is currently administrator of the parish of St. Joseph’s catholic Church in Florence, Alabama for two and half years. Besides the English-speaking community, he also serves the Spanish speaking community of the area. The Parish runs a school, which involves lot of responsibility from his part. Similarly, he provides pastoral service to the Catholic student community and staff of the University of North Alabama. He is fully occupied with ministering the Catholic patients of two hospitals in the area. Mamachn Joseph: Currently serving the Diocese of San Angelo, TX as Catholic chaplain of the hospitals and nursing homes in the city of San Angelo. Before moving to San Angelo, he serves as Parochial vicar of Holy Family Catholic Church, in Abilene for couple of years. As chaplain Afterwards I am asked to serve as Catholic chaplain of the hospitals and nursing homes in San Angelo, San Angelo Diocese, Texas for last 2022-23. He takes care of the patients in a city hospital, by visiting them, and administering the sacrament of confession, celebrating Mass, and anointing of the sick. He also does some counseling and praying with the sick and dying, viaticum, Apostolic Pardon, visiting the sick. Cyriac Kochupura: Ministering in the Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee. After a period of time serving at various parishes, he is now an Associate Pastor at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Murfreesboro, TN since July 2022. Joseph Eenthumkuzhi: Report of My Pastoral Activities; Fr Joseph Sebastian Eenthumkuzhy CMI “I came to USA in 4th October 2019 and work in the diocese of Sacramento, which is one among the twelve dioceses in the state of California. This is my third parish, and I was appointed as pastor on 1 July 2022 in St Theresa church in south lake Tahoe, California. My neighboring CMI house is St Mary’s Sacramento which is about 100 miles away and of 2 hours’ drive, but time of arrival varies depending on weather conditions. There are 7 CMI priests working in our diocese from various provinces. Geography: My parish is a mountain parish which is situated around 6500 feet above the sea level, and it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the state of California. People from far and near come 12 months of the year as tourists because of the snow in winter and second biggest lake of USA in summer.


USA MISSION Parish life; we have around 500 families including Anglo, Hispanic from different Latin American countries and Philippines but no Indians. parish life is active and those who are coming to church is very religious and faithful. On normal Sundays we have around 600 people including visitors for the 4 Sunday masses which includes Saturday evening Vigil mass and Sunday 2 English masses and a Spanish mass in the evening. Daily we have a mass in English mass at 8 am which is attended by 25-30 people and every evening we do eucharistic adoration from 5-6pm which is attended by 25-30 people. people come for confession daily especially during the adoration time, and many do come to receive anointing of the sick etc. we have a religious education and faith formation where we prepare children for first communion and confirmation. this year we have around 50 students for confirmation and 40 students for first Holy Communion. We do have 3 people for RCIA preparing for adult baptism and faith formation for adult. Our church also has social work which is feeding the poor and homeless on every Monday evening named as Bread &Broth, around 80-100 people come to get food. Every Friday we have a small provision for poor people to come and get some help for food it is known as Back Door Ministry. our church does financial help to people who are unable to pay rent etc. which is called the Caritas. I am happy to be here. Thank you so much.” [He has been well accepted in the diocese; is a member of the Presbyteral Council. This is good opportunity for us to have a hold in the diocese, like other provinces have already done. If priests are being sent here, they have to be bilingual, a good knowledge of English and Spanish] Sebi Chullikkal: We all need to pray hard for him. The next court appearance is May 30. Miracles happen; a change of mind in Prosecution can free him without incarceration. Let us all pray for this intention! The Diocese has provided him a place to stay. His material need are well taken care of by some extraordinarily wonderful souls, with great prayer support.

Fr George Thirumangalam CMI Co-Ordinator (USA)








Comprehensive Report of the CMI´s working in Germany Respected Rev. Fr. Provincial, Councilors and Synaxis members, With immense joy and profound gratitude to the Almighty, let me present a comprehensive report of our fathers working in Germany. More than 5 decades, we are in the wine yards here. Archbishop Hoffner of Cologne diocese invited us to work in his diocese. This is the beginning of our german mission. Now we are 125 in number with a delegation superior, procurator and 3 councilors. Our common house is in Dormagen, belongs to the Cologne archdiocese. Our presence in Germany Among the 28 dioceses in Germany, we work in 15 dioceses. From our province, 13 are working in different dioceses. Fr.Johnson Panthaplakil is in Osnabrück, Fr. Sebastian Punayar in Berlin, Fr. Raju Edathinattu in Rotenburg Stuttgart, Fr.Lukose Chamakala in Aachen, Fr. Jose Poovatty is doing his doctorate, Frs. George Vempadanthara, Georgekutty Kuttianickal, Jacob Aleckal are in Cologne, Frs. Joseph Niravathuparambil, Ajy Mooleparampil, Lal Kanatt, Varghese Panakalam are in Münster, Frs. Johnson Palackal and Mathew Njarakulam in Passau. Pastoral Work Now the pastoral work is entirely different from ours in Kerala. Number of parishes are united as parish community with one German pastor (Vicar), one assistant vicar, deacon, and catechists(male /female).One priest has to say two or three holy masses in weekends. One large parish community has ca.15000 to 25000 members. The sacrament of baptism is given on Saturdays and Sundays in groups. The first holy communion and confirmation are celebrated well. We prepare them to receive these sacraments. The sacrament of Confession is not active among the youths. The youths are not churchgoers. To bring them back to church is a herculean task. Marriages in the churches are declining. In great cities there is common cemetery, where there is normal burial and ash burial. Priests should be always available either in his office or in the church premises. Like the priests in Kerala, we are always engaged in the parish activities and do all our housework like cleaning, washing and cooking. We are happy here, although we miss our ashram life, families, friends, culture, etc. Helping Hands Through our pastoral works, we help the German church as well as our congregation. We do it wholeheartedly and thank our congregation for this chance to work outside India. Like our founding father St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, we do all our efforts to proclaim the word of God, even though we have our limitations of language and culture. Daivanichayam nadakkum, nadathum- God´s will be done, and has to be done- says St. Chavara. During the last years, we have achieved a lot. We are proud of that. Our fathers in all fields work hard and it has its results. Last year (January 2022- February 2023) we sent 3.50 lakhs Euros to the province. All three months we send our contributions. 10% of this amount is to be utilized for the uplift of the poor. That is what the german church expect from us. The financial support of ours will be presented by Fr. Joseph Vattaparambil. We thank all of you for your support and concern to us. God bless us all. Fr Johnson Panthaplackal CMI Co-Ordinator (Germany)




skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯\dnt¸mÀ«v

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kn.Fw.sF k`bpsS amXr`h\amb am¶m\w B{ia¯nsâbpw Xncpk`bpsSbpw kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsSbpw At\Imbncw \m\mPmXn aXØcpsSbpw B{ibtI{µamb hnip² Nmhd]nXmhpw aäv ]nXm¡·mcpw A´yhn{iaw sImÅp¶ hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ ]Ånbpw DÄs¡mÅp¶ am¶m\w Xo°mS\tI{µ¯nsâ Ignª aq¶v sImçfnse (2020þ23) {]hÀ¯\dnt¸mÀ«v. k`m[nImcnIÄ 2020 G{]n amk¯n _lp. tXmakv Nm¯w]d¼n A¨³ kn.Fw.sF.k`bpsS P\depw _lp tPmkn XmactÈcn A¨³ hnIÀ P\depambn XncsªSp¡s¸«p. 2013 þ 16 ImeL«§fn am¶m\w {]ntbmcmbn tkh\w A\pjvTn¨ _lp sk_mÌy³ Nma¯db¨³ Bbncp¶p Cu Imebfhn Xncph\´]pcw skâv tPmk^vkv t{]mhn³knsâ s{]mhn³jyÂ. 2020 Pq¬ 14 \v _lp. tXmakv IÃpIfa¨s\ am¶m\w skâv Nmhd ]nÂ{Knw skâdnsâ Akn. UbdIvSdmbn \ntbmKn¨p. tImhnUv almamcn tIcfkaql¯n acW`oXn hnX¨ncp¶ \mfpIfmbncp¶p B ImeL«w. kmaqlnI AIew ]men¨msW¦n t]mepw ]pd¯nd§p¶Xv t]Snkz]v\ambn P\§Ä `h\§fn am{Xambn PohnXw \bn¡phm³ hn[n¡s¸« \mfpIÄ. tImhnUv sIm-ph¶ kmaqlnI AIehpw AS¨nSoepw Cu ImeL«¯nsâ {]tXyIXbmbncp¶p. 2020 sk]väw_À 30þmw XobXn ^m. amXyqkv N¡mebv¡Â F¶ Rm³ am¶m\w B{ia¯nsâ {]ntbmcmbpw ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ UbdIvSÀ Bbpw \ntbmKn¡s¸«v NpaXetbäp. ]ucmWnI{]uUntbmsS XebpbÀ¯nb am¶m\w B{iassZhmebw ]Ånbpw ]Ån¡qS§fpsaÃmw ASªpInS¶ tImhnUv Ime¯v am¶m\w B{ia¯nsâ ap¶nep-mbncp¶ Gähpw henb shÃphnfn ap³ {]ntbmÀ _lp kvIdnb FXntc䨳 XpS§nh¨v ]mXntbmfw hgn ]n¶n« ssZhmeb¯nsâ ka{K \hoIcW tPmenIÄ ]qÀ¯nbm¡pI F¶Xmbncp¶p. ]Wn ]qÀ¯nbmt¡- XnbXnIÄ amdn amdn \nÝbn¨v Ahkm\w hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ hnip² ]Zhn {]Jym]\ Zn\¯nsâ 7þmw hmÀjnIZn\amb 2021 \hw_À 23þmw XobXn N§\mtÈcn AXncq]X BÀ¨v _nj¸v amÀ tPmk^v s]cpt´m«w ]nXmhnsâ ImÀ½nIXz¯n ]p\ÀIqZmi sNbvXp. _lp P\dmf¨³, P\d Iu¬entekv, kn.Fw.kn. aZÀ P\dÂ, _lp s{]mhn³jymf¨·mÀ, s{]mhn³jy Iu¬kntegvkv, aZÀ s{]mhn³jyÂ, sshZnIÀ, 150 Xntesd kntÌgvkv 2000 ¯n IqSpX `àP\§Ä F¶nhcpsS km¶n²yw NS§ns\ hfsc {it²bam¡n. “kotdm ae_mÀ k`bpsS B[p\nINcn{Xw am¶m\¯p Bcw`n¡p¶p” F¶ Ncn{XkXys¯ ssZhmeb¯n Xn§n\ndª hnizmknIfpsS km¶n²y¯n AXncq]X sa{Xmt¸meo¯ A\pkvacn¨Xv XnI¨pw NmcnXmÀ°yIcamWv. \hoIcWw ]qÀ¯nbm¡n IqZmi sN¿s¸« ssZhmebw cmjv{Sob, kmaqlnI, kmwkv¡mcnI, aXt\Xm¡·mÀ kµÀin¡pIbp-mbn. kzÀ¤ kuIpamcy§Ä \ndª hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ ]pWy]pcmX\cq]w {]XnjvT 2020þ21 hÀjw hn. butk¸nXmhn\v {]tXyIw kaÀ¸n¡s¸« hÀjambn ]cn. ]nXmhv {^m³knkv amÀ¸m¸ {]Jym]n¡pIbp-mbn. AXn\v NphSp]nSn¨v \½psS ssZhmeb¯nsâ BZy Øm]\ Ime¯v ]ÅnbpsS apJhmc¯n (^kmUv) Øm]n¨ncp¶ butk¸nXmhnsâ ]pWy]pcmX\ Xncpkzcq]w Xmsgbnd¡n tamSn]nSn¸n¨v ]ÅnbpsS heXphi¯v {]tXyIw Hcp¡nb IqSmc¯n Øm]n¨p. 2021 P\phcn 31þmw XobXn Xn¦fmgvN B{iamwK§fpsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw km¶n²y¯n _lp. s{]mhn³jy A¨³ ]p\xkaÀ¸Ww \S¯n. kwc£W¯nsâ {]XoIamb hn. butk¸nXmhnsâ Npaen Nmcn Dd§p¶ D®otbiphnt\mSpIqSnb 190 hÀjw ]g¡apÅ, kzÀ¤kuIpamcy§Ä \ndsªmgpIp¶ A]qÀÆ cq]¯n\pap¼n C¶v hfsc A[nIw `àÀ XncnI¯n¨v hW§p¶p. A¶papX FÃm _p[\mgvNIfnepw {]tXyIs\mth\ {]mÀ°\ \S¯pIbpw sN¿p¶p.


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ hnip² ]nXmhnsâ I_dnSw kµÀin¡phm³ hcp¶ FÃm XoÀ°mSIÀ¡pw hnizmknIÄ¡pw B²ymßnIhpw `uXnIhpamb kuIcyw Hcp¡phm³ skâdnsâ Akn UbdIvSdmbncp¶ ^m. tXmakv IÃpIfa¨³ {]tXyIw {i² sNep¯n. hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä, ZÀi\§Ä, P\§fnte¡v IqSpXembpw F¯n¡p¶Xn\pw, IpÀ_m\, s\mth\ ASna, a²yØ{]mÀ°\ F¶nhbv¡pÅ ]WwkzoIcn¡p¶Xn\pw ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ Hm^okv {]hÀ¯n¨phcp¶p. B[p\nI Ime¯nsâ Bhiy§Ä¡\pkcn¨v Hm¬sse¬ s]bvsaâv kwhn[m\w ]nÂ{Knw skâdn GÀs¸Sp¯nbn«p-v. XoÀ°mSIsc kzoIcn¡pI, Iym¼Êv `wKnbmbpw hr¯nbmbpw BIÀjWobambpw kq£n¡pI, ]mÀ¡nwKvkuIcy§Ä \nPs¸Sp¯ns¡mSp¡pI, `àkm[\§Ä e`yam¡pI, sh_vsskänsâ taÂt\m«w, A¡u-vknsâ NpaXe XpS§nb {]hÀ¯\§fpw ]nÂ{KnwskâÀ Hm^nkv \nÀhln¡p¶p. GXp Znhk§fnepw Ip¼kmcn¡p¶Xn\pw Iu¬knen§n\pw Ipªp§sf BZym£cw Ipdn¸n¡p¶Xn\mbn ChnsS kuIcyw \ÂIp¶p. Nmhd]nXmhnsâ P·Zn\amb s^{_phcn 10 \v BtLmjamb Fgp¯n\ncp¯v IÀ½hpw \S¶phcp¶p. Znhkw apgph³ F¶ coXnbn _lp. IÃpIfa¨sâ km¶n²yhpw _lp. amXyq t]mf¨nd A¨³ _lp. tP¡_v ]pfnbv¡Â A¨³ F¶nhcpsS GXpkab¯papÅ tkh\hpw ]nÂ{Knw skâdnsâ A\p{KlamWv. AUvan\nkvt{Säohv Iu¬kn aoänwKv 2020 HIvtSm_À 21, 2021 \hw_À 11, 2022 \hw_À 7 F¶o XobXnIfn _lp. P\dmf¨sâ t\XrXz¯n AUvan\nkvt{Säohv Iu¬kn aoänwKv IqSn ]nÂ{Knw skâdnsâ {]hÀ¯\§Ä hnebncp¯pIbpw `mhn ]cn]mSnIÄ Bkq{XWw sN¿pIbpw sNbvXp. Xmsg]dbp¶ AwK§Ä DXn kw_Ôn¡p¶p: kn.Fw.sF.{]ntbmÀ P\dÂ, kn.Fw.sF. hnIÀ P\dÂ, kn.Fw.kn. aZÀ P\dÂ, kn.Fw.kn P\d Iu¬kneÀ, kn.Fw.sF. Xncph\´]pcw s{]mhn³jyÂ, kn.Fw.kn. N§m\mÈcn s{]mhn³jyÂ, ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ UbdIvSÀ, Akn.UbdIvSÀ, am¶m\w B{ia{]Xn\n[nIÄ, ssI\Icn Nmhd`h³ UbdIvSÀ. hni p² IpÀ_m\bpsS kab{Iaw km[mcWZnhk§fnÂ: 6.00 am, 7.00 am 11.00 am F¶o kab§fnepw shÅnbmgvN CXp IqSmsX sshIpt¶cw 4.30 pm \pw hnip² IpÀ_m\. km[mcW Znhk§fn ]Ånbn F¯p¶hcn IqSpXepw am¶m\s¯ kao]{]tZi§fnepÅ It¯men¡m hnizmknIfpw am¶m\s¯ hnZym`ymk Øm]\§fnepw aänS§fnepw tkh\w sN¿p¶hcpamWv. i\nbmgvN s\mth\Znhk§Ä: i\nbmgvN Znhk§fn 6.00 am, 7.30 am, 9.00 am, 11.00 am sshIpt¶cw 4.30 pm F¶o kab§fnembn 5 IpÀ_m\Ifpw AXnt\mS\p_Ôn¨v s\mth\bpw aäv Bßob ip{iqjIfpw \S¯s¸Sp¶p. cmhnsebpw sshIpt¶chpambn GItZiw apgph³ kabhpw Ip¼kmc ¯n\pÅ kuIcyhpw e`yam¡p¶p. hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ am²yØw tXSn \qdp IW¡n\v hnizmknIÄ i\nbmgvNIfnse Xncp¡À½§fn kw_Ôn¨phcp¶p. CSkab§fn ssZhmeb¯n X\n¨v Ccp¶v {]mÀ°n¡p¶Xn\mbn \nch[n BfpIfpw F¯p¶p. RmbdmgvNIfn : RmbdmgvNIfn 5.15 am, 6.30 am, 8.00 am, 9.30 am, 11.00 am sshIpt¶cw 4.30 pm Cu kab§fnembn 6 IpÀ_m\IÄ AÀ¸n¡s¸Sp¶p. cmhnse 8 aWnbpsS IpÀ_m\ CShI¡mcpsS IpÀ_m\bpw 9.30 sâ hnip² IpÀ_m\bv¡ptijw thZ]mT¢mÊpw \S¯nhcp¶p.XoÀ°mSIcpsS Bhiym\pkcWw aäv kab§fnepw hnip² IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n¡phm³ Ahkcw Hcp¡p¶p. {_. amÀ«n³ s]cpamen \bn¡p¶ hN\{]tLmWhpw ZnhyImcpWy Bcm[\bpw FÃm shÅnbmgvNIfnepw 12 apX 2 aWn hscbpw RmbdmgvNIfn shIpt¶cw 6 apX 8 hscbpw \S¯p¶Xv henb A\p{Klambn amdp¶p F¶Xv {]tXyIw ]dtb-XmWv.


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v tImhnUv aqew \nÀ¯nh¨ncp¶ 5 Znhks¯ [ym\]cn]mSn 2022 P\phcn apX ]p\cmcw`n¨p. FÃm amk¯nsebpw \memw RmbdmgvN Bcw`n¨v hymgmgvN Xocp¶ hn[¯n [ym\w \S¯nhcp¶p. \½psS _lpam\s¸« sshZnIcpw {_. amÀ«n³ s]cpamenbpw t\XrXzw \ÂIp¶p. hni p² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ Xncp\mfpIÄ 1. hnip² ]ZhnbpsS hmÀjnI A\pkvacWwþ\hw_À 23 Nmhd]nXmhns\ hnip² ]Zhnbntebv¡pbÀ¯nbXnsâ hmÀjnI HmÀ½ FÃm hÀjhpw \hw_À 23 \v BtLmjambn \S¯nhcp¶p. At¶Znhkw 11 aWnbv¡pÅ hnip² IpÀ_m\bv¡v apJyImÀ½nIXzw hln¡p¶Xv _lp. P\dmf¨\pw klImÀ½nIcmbn P\d Iu¬kntegvkpw BWv. A¶v Xncph\´]pcw t{]mhn³kn\p IognepÅ hnZym`ymkØm]\§fnse hnZymÀ°nIfpw A[ym]Icpw hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ I_dnS¯nte¡v XoÀ°mS\w \S¯p¶Xn\v \ntbmKn¡s¸«ncn¡p¶ ZnhkhpamWv 2.hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ kzÀ¤{]m]vXnbpsS Xncp\mÄþ P\phcn 3 Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µ¯nsâ Gähpw henb BtLmjw F¶Xv FÃmhÀjhpw Unkw_À 26 \v Bcw`n¨v P\phcn 3 \v kam]n¡p¶ 9 Znhk§fnembn BtLmjn¡p¶ hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ kzÀ¤{]m]vXn Xncp\mfmWv. {][m\ambpw hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ am²yØklmb¯m A\p{Kl§Ä {]m]n¨hcpw am²yØklmb¯n\mbn {]mÀ°n¡p¶hcpamb {]kptZ´namcn \n¶pÅ hnlnXamWv Xncp\mÄ sNehn\mbn D]tbmKn¡p¶Xv. Xncp\mfnsâ 9 Znhk§fnepw aq¶p do¯pIfnepws]« IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n¡phm\pÅ kuIcyhpw k`bnse FÃm s{]mhn³jyÂamÀ¡pw {][m\ B{ia§Ä¡pw Npäp]mSpapÅ hnImcnamÀ¡pw hnip² IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n¡phm\pÅ Ahkchpw sImSp¡p¶p. P\phcn 3þmw XobXn Cu Ignª aq¶p hÀjhpw kn.Fw.sF. k`bn ]pXnbXmbn ]«taä sshZnIcpsS KWamWv hnip² IpÀ_m\ AÀ¸n¨ncp¶Xv. AXv hfsc al\ob ZÀi\ambn hnizmknIÄ a\Ênem¡p¶p. 2020þ 21 hÀjs¯ hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ Xncp\mfn 112 {]kptZ´namcpw 2021þ22 hÀj¯n 170 {]kptZ´namcpw 2022þ23 hÀj¯n 172 {]kptZ´namcpw Xncp\mfn `mK`m¡pIfmbn. kzÀ¤{]m]vXnbpsS 150þmw hmÀjnImNcWw Nmhd]nXmhnsâ kzÀ¤{]m]vXnbpsS 150þmw hmÀjnImNcWw 2022 P\hcn 3 \v hfsc hn]peambn BtLmjn¨p. apJymXnYnbmbn C³UypsS BZcWob\mb sshkv{]knUâv {io.Fw. sh¦¿ \mbnUp hs¶¯nbXv hmÀjnImNcWs¯ AhnkvacWob Ncn{XaplqÀ¯am¡n. kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS {]ntbmÀ P\dÂ, hnIÀ P\dÂ, kn.Fw.kn. aZÀ kp¸ocyÀ, s{]mhn³jy A¨·mÀ, s{]mhn³jy kntÌgvkv, sshZoIÀ, knkvtägvkv, tIcf¯nsâ ap³apJya{´n {io D½³ Nm-n, tI{µa{´n {io. hn. apcfo[c³, tIcf klIcW cPnkvt{Sj³ hIp¸p a{´n {io hn.F³. hmkh³, tXmakv NmgnImS³ Fw.]n., KpcpcXv\w Úm\X]Êzn DÄs¸sS, cmjv{Sob kmaqlnI, kmwkv¡mcnI, aXtaJeIfnepÅ hninjvS hyànIfpsS km¶n²yw Cu NS§ns\ al\obam¡n. aäv BtLmj§Ä hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ Xncp\mÄ DbnÀ¸pXncp\mfn\ptijw aq¶mas¯ RmbdmgvN hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ Xncp\mÄ BtLmjn¡p¶p. \mev]XpaWn Bcm[\ FÃmhÀjhpw hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ Xncp\mfnt\mS\p_Ôn¨v \mev]XpaWn Bcm[\ \S¯p¶p IÃn« s]cp¶mÄ k`mØm]\¯nsâ HmÀ½ BNcn¨v sabv 11 IÃn« Xncp\mÄ BtLmjn¡p¶p


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v amXmhnsâ Xncp\mÄ Unkw_À 8 AatemÛhamXmhnsâ Xncp\mÄ BtLmjn¨phcp¶p A¶v k\ymkmÀ°nIfpsS {hXhmKvZm\hpw k`mhkv{XkzoIcWhpw \S¯p¶p. F«pt\m¼mNcWw 2021. 22 hÀj§fn F«pt\m¼mNcWt¯msSm¸w hnip² IpÀ_m\bv¡ptijw Hcp aWn¡qÀ ZnhyImcpWy Bcm[\bpw \S¯p¶ coXn Bcw`n¨p. 2020 se F«pt\m¼mNcW kab¯v tImhnUv \nb{´W§Ä \ne\n¶ncp¶Xn\m B kab¯v hoSpIfn Bbncn¡p¶hÀ¡pw hnip² IpÀ_m\bpw F«pt\m¼v {]mÀ°\bnepw kw_Ôn¡p¶Xn\mbn hnip² IpÀ_m\ Hm¬sse³ kwt{]£Ww Bcw`n¨p. ss__nÄ I¬h³j³ 2019, 2020 hÀj§fn tImhnUv almamcn aqeap-mb \n{´W§Ä ImcWw I¬h³j³ \S¯phm³ km[n¨ncp¶nÃ. 2021  \S¯nb Hm¬sse³ ss__nÄ I¬h³j³ _lp. tPmbn sN¼ItÈcn A¨³ \bn¨p. 2022  _lp. tUman\nIv hmfh\m A¨sâ t\XrXz¯n HIvtSm_À 26 apX 30 hsc \S¶ Ir]m`ntjIw ss__nÄ I¬h³j³ hfscb[nIw P\§Ä¡v Bßob DWÀÆn\v ImcWambn. GItZiw 15000 t¯mfw hnizmknIÄ kw_Ôn¨Xmbn IcpXs¸Sp¶p. kµÀi \w \S¯nb {]apJÀ C³UybpsS BZcWob\mb D]cmjv{S]Xn {io. Fw.sh¦¿\mbnUp, tI{µhntZiImcya{´n {io. hn. apcfo[c³, tIcfNo^v sk{I«dn {io hn.]n. tPmbn, ]Ýna_wKmÄ KhÀWÀ {io. kn.hn. B\µt_mkv sF.F.Fkv., {io iin XcqÀ Fw.]n., kndnb³ HmÀ¯tUmIvkv k`bpsS ]cam²yI³ A`nhµy _tkentbmkv amÀtXmam amXyqkv {XnZob³ sa{Xmt¸meo¯, Gäpam\qcnsâ Fw.FÂ.F.bpw tIcfklIcW cPnkvt{Sj³ hIp¸v a{´nbpamb {io. hn.F³. hmkh³, tlmw sk{I«dn {io än.sI. tPmkv sF.F.Fkv., {]Xn]£ t\Xmhv {io. hn.Un. kXoi³, I½ojWÀ {io. ]n.F¨v. Ipcy³ sF.F.Fkv., Pehn`hhIp¸v a{´n {io.tdmjn AKÌn³, KpcpcXv\w Úm\X]kzn, sImÃw Fw.]n. {io. F³.sI, t{]aN{µ\pw IpSpw_hpw, {io tXmakv NmgnImS³ Fw.]n., {io tPmkv sI. amWn Fw.]n., {io ]n.sP. tPmk^v Fw.FÂF. {io tam³kv tPmk^v Fw.FÂ.F., Xt±i kzbw`cWt\XrXz¯nencn¡p¶hÀ XpS§nbhÀ hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ I_dnSw kµÀin¨{]apJcn NnecmWv. II ]pXnb ImÂsh¸pIÄ kv]ncn¨z ]mÀ¡v XoÀ°mSIÀ¡v hn{ian¡p¶Xn\v B²ymßnINn´bpWÀ¯p¶ cq]§fpw kvXq]§fpwsIm-pÅ ImgvvN hncps¶mcp¡p¶ Nmhd kv]ncn¨z ]mÀ¡nsâ \nÀ½mWw ]qÀ¯nbm¡n 2020 \hw_À 22 þmw XobXn _lp s{]mhn³jy A¨³ shs©cn¨v `àP\§Ä¡mbn Xpd¶psImSp¯p. Xncph\´]pcw ss{IÌv\KÀ kvIqfnsâ km¼¯nIklIcW¯sSbmWv Nmhd kv]ncn¨z ]mÀ¡v knÀ½n¨ncn¡p¶Xv. Nmhd hN\§Ä FgpXnbncn¡p¶ Cu ]mÀ¡v cq]Iev]\ sNbvXncn¡p¶Xv BÀ«nÌv {]Zo]mW.v kZmkabhpw {ipXna[pcamb `ànKm\§Ä {ihn¡p¶Xn\pÅ kuIcyw ChnsS kÖoIncn¨ncn¨n«p-v. ]nXrkvarXn aWvU ]w þ ^ut-gvkv ]mÀ¡v Øm]\w kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsS ZzniXm_vZn Hcp¡¯nsâ Bcw`w Ipdn¨v k`mØm]I]nXm¡·mcmb aev]m³ tXmakv ]mebv¡Â, aev]m³ tXmakv t]mcq¡c, hnip² Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmk¨³, {_. tP¡_v IWnbm´d F¶nhcpsS kvacWbv¡mbn B{iassZhmeb¯n\pw t_mÀUnwKv sI«nS¯n\pw CSbnembn ]nXrkvarXnaWvU]w \nÀ½n¨p. Nmhd]nXmhnsâ hnip² ]Zhn {]Jym]\¯nsâ F«mw hmÀjnIZn\¯n {]ntbmÀ P\d dh. tUm. tXmakv Nm¯w]d¼n shs©cn¨v `àÀ¡v Xpd¶psImSp¯p. CSh PhlÀ ]_vfnIv kvIqfnsâ 10 e£w cq]bpsS km¼¯nIklmbw CXnsâ \nÀ½nXnbn e`yam¡nbXv \µntbmsS A\pkvacn¡p¶p.


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v

]Ånapäw \hoIcWw þ hml\ ]mÀ¡nwKv {Ku-v \hoIcWw ]ÅnbpsS ]cnkc§Ä tamSnbm¡p¶Xnsâ `mKambn ap³his¯ ]mÀ¡nwKv {Ku-v Icn¦Â ]mfnIÄ ]mIn amt\mlcam¡n hml\]mÀ¡nwKn\pw I¬h³j³t]mepÅ ]cn]mSnIÄ \S¯p¶Xn\pw kuIcy{]Zam¡n. ]Ånapä¯p\n¶pw skâv Ft{^wkv kvIqÄ tdmUnte¡v Cd§p¶ \SIfn ssS ]mIn ssIhcnIÄ ]nSn¸n¨p. Xncph\´]pcw amdm\ÃqÀ kn.Fw.sF.ss{IÌv `hsâ `mKnI km¼¯nI klmbw (5 e£w) CXn\v e`yam¡nbXv \µntbmsS kvacn¡p¶p. Nmhdayqknbw kn.Fw.sF. k`bpsSbpw am¶m\w B{ia¯nsâbpw NncImem`nemjw Bbncp¶ A´mcmjv{S \nehmcapÅ Hcp B[p\nI ayqknbw, dnkÀ¨v skâÀ F¶o alXv {]Øm\§Ä Øm]n¡p¶Xn\pÅ {]mcw` \S]SnIÄ 2023 P\phcn 20 \v am¶m\w sI.C. tImtfPnse ^mZÀ ^m_nbm³ lmfn \S¶ {]mcw` {]hÀ¯\NS§n DZvLmS\w sN¿s¸«p. kÀ¡mcpambn \S¯nb \nc´camb I¯nS]mSpIfpw a{´namcpambpÅ IqSn¡mgvNIfpw, Gäpam\qÀ Fw.FÂ.F.bpw a{´nbpamb {io hn.F³. hmkhsâ Xmev]cy]qÀÆapÅ CSs]SepIfpamWv DZvLmS\]cn]mSnIÄ hsc F¯p¶Xn\v klmbIcambXv. B{i assZhmebw þ Hmt«mamänIv ]ÅnaWn Øm]n¡Â GItZiw 10 e£w cq] sNehp sNbvXv B{iassZhmeb¯nsâ aWnamfnIbpw aWnIfpw dn¸bÀ sNbvXv Hmt«mamänIv kwhn[m\¯nem¡n. Nmhd ^ut-j³ {SÌv cPnkvt{Sj³ am¶m\w Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µhpw ssI\Icn Nmhd `h\pw kn.Fw.sF. P\dteänsâ t\XrXz¯n ‘Nmhd ^ut-j³’ (Nmhd ^ut-j³, skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ, _nÂUnwKv \¼À 159, am¶m\w ]n.Hm.) F¶ {SÌnsâ Iogn sIm-ph¶p. {SÌnsâ cq]LS\ skäveÀ: dh.^m. tXmakv Nm¯w]d¼nÂ, {]ntbmÀ P\d {SÌn : dh.^m. tPmkn XmactÈcn, hnIÀ P\d sk{I«dn: Akn. UbdIvSÀ am¶m\w Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw AwK§Ä: P\d Iu¬kneÀ t^mÀ Chm³©ssetkj³ B³Uv ]mÌd an\nkv{Sn. s{]mhn³jy Xncph\´]pcw skâv tPmk^vkv t{]mhn³kv, s{]mhn³jy tIm«bw skâv tPmk^vkv t{]mhn³kv, UbdIvSÀ & Akn. .UbdIvSÀ Nmhd]nÂ{Knw skâÀ, am¶m\w UbdIvSÀ ssI\Icn Nmhd `h³ P\d Iu¬kneÀ t^mÀ ^n\m³kv B³Uv A{KnIĨÀ I^täcob \nÀ½mWw XoÀ°mSIcpsSbpw aäpÅhcpsSbpw Bhiy§Ä¡mbn IqSpX kuIcy§tfmsS Hcp I^täcob Bhiysa¶v I-v P\dteän \n¶papÅ km¼¯nIklmbt¯msS I^täcnbbpw _p¡vkvämfpw \nÀ½n¨p. AXnsâ Npäp]mSpIÄ sNSnIÄ \«pw {KnÃpIÄ ]nSn¸n«pw at\mlchpw kpc£nXhpam¡n. Ìm^v dqw \nÀ½mWw XoÀ°mS\tI{µ¯nse tPmen¡mÄ¡v hn{ian¡p¶Xn\pw {UÊv sN¿pp¶Xn\pambn kv{XoIÄ¡pw ]pcpj·mÀ¡pambn c-v sdÌnwKv dqapIÄ ]nÂ{Knw skâdnt\mSv tNÀ¶v \nÀ½n¨p.


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v GsäSp¯ \nÀ½mWþ\hoIcW {]hÀ¯ \§Ä 1. ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ: kpc£bpsS `mKambn {KnÃpIÄ, hmXnepIÄ. s]mXpD]tbmK¯n\mbn I®mSnIfpw tSmbvseäpIfn ]pXnb lm§dpIfpw ]nSn¸n¨p. ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ, dn{Soäv skâÀ P\tdäÀ kwhn[m\¯nem¡p¶Xn\pÅ CeIv{SnIv tPmenIÄ ]qÀ¯nbm¡n. 2. ssU\nw§v lmÄ: ]nÂ{Knw skâdnse ssU\nwKv lmfn\p kao]s¯ Øew ssS ]mIn at\mlcam¡n XoÀ°mSIÀ¡v kuIcy{]Zam¡n. hm«À bqWnäv, `£Ww Ign¡p¶ t¹äpIÄ hbv¡phm³ Ìm³UpIÄ ]nSn¸n¨p. NqSpshffw e`yam¡p¶Xn\pÅ loäÀ kwhn[m\w ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ c-v \neIfnepw {IaoIcn¨p. 3. Nmhd dn{Soäv skâÀ: [ym\tI{µ¯ntebv¡v Ibdp¶ ]SnIÄ¡v ]mÀ«oj³, sKbväv, ]SnIfpsS apIÄ `mK¯v ssIhcnIÄ, sSdÊnte¡v Cd§p¶ `mK¯v {KnÃpw ]nSn¸n¨p. [ym\tI{µ¯n ]pXnb IÀ«\pIÄ, k¦oÀ¯nbnse Bhiy§Ä¡mbpw ssa¡v knÌw kpc£nXambn kq£n¡p¶Xn\pambn It_mÀUpIfpw lmfn FIvkvtlmÌv ^m\pw ]nSn¸n¨p. 4. ^m¯naamXm It¸f, hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ IpcniSn: ^m¯naamXm It¸f, hnip² butk¸nXmhnsâ IpcniSnbSn F¶nhnS§fnse {KnÃpIÄ Xcp¼v]nSn¨v {]À¯\£aaÃmXncp¶Xv tISp]mSpIÄ \o¡pIbpw ]cnkcw ssS ]mIn, AI¯v c-v It_mÀUpIfpw \nÀ½n¨v s]bnânwKv, aäv Aä Ipä¸WnIÄ sN¿n¸n¨pw `wKnbm¡n. 5. Pq_nen It¸f: Pq_nen It¸fbpsS NpäpaXnensâ apIÄ`mKw {Kn amän Aepan\nbw sdbv ]nSn¸n¡pIbpw `n¯nIfn hnip² Nmhd]nXmhn\v ]cnip² amXmhnt\mSpÅ `ànsb kqNn¸n¡p¶ hN\§Ä FgpXn¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXp. 6. hm«À ^nÂäÀ: hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâ apdntbmSv tNÀ¶pw [ym\tI{µ¯n\v kao]hpw ]pXnb AIzmkvvt]m«v hm«À ^nÂäÀ bqWnäv Øm]n¨p. 7 ssa¡v anIvkÀþ It_mÀUv: ssa¡v anIvkÀ, B¹n^bÀ, Xncp¡À½§Ä Hm¬sse³ kwt{]£Ww \S¯p¶Xn\pÅ B[p\nI Iw]yq«À A\p_Ô D]IcW§Ä Ch kq£n¡p¶Xn\papÅ It_mÀUpIÄ, hnip² IpÀ_m\bn D]tbmKn¡p¶ _enhkvXp¡Ä, Xncphkv{X§Ä, Xncp¸m{X§Ä, Bcm[\{Ia]pkvXI§Ä, Xncp\mÄ sFäwkv, HmÀK¬ F¶nhbv¡mbn k¦oÀ¯nbnepw It_mÀUpIÄ Øm]n¨p. k¦oÀ¯n¡v kao]w D]tbmKiq\yambn InS¶ncp¶ apdn AäIpä¸WnIÄ XoÀ¯v ^ÀWnjnKv \S¯n D]tbmK{]Zam¡n 8. Nmhdapdn: Nmhdapdnbnte¡v Ibdp¶ `mK¯v Nmhdb¨sâ cq]t¯msSm¸w ]ÅnbpsS t^mt«mbpw tNÀ¯v XoÀ°mSIsc kzmKXw sN¿p¶ hn[¯n FÂ.C.Un. ]m\ {IaoIcWt¯msS at\mlcamb t^mt«m, Nmhdapdnbnepw Xmgs¯ `mK¯pw hnip² Nmhd]nXmhnsâbpw klsshZnIcpsSbpw kw£n]vX PohNcn{Xw, Nmhdapdnbn kn.Fw.sF., kn.Fw.kn. k`bpsS kw£n]vXNcn{XhnhcWw, Nmhd hN\§Ä F¶nh Øm]n¨p. Nmhd]nXmhnsâ apdnbpsS ap³]nep-mbncp¶ e¯o³, Cw¥ojv `mjbnepÅ hN\§Ä ]pXp¡n FgpXn. Nmhd apdnbpsS `n¯nIfn Xq¡nbncp¶ D]ImckvacWIÄ FgpXnb ]gb t^mt«mIÄ \o¡w sNbvXv `n¯nIÄ knaâv tX¨v _eh¯m¡n s]bnânwKv \S¯n. Ip¼kmcIt¸fbn ]pXnb t_½, Aįmc, It_mÀUpIÄ, CXnsâ Xdbn hnss\epw H«n¨v `wKnbm¡pIbpw sNbvXp. 9. UbdIvSÀ Hm^okv dqw: UbdIvSdpsS Hm^okv apdn ^ÀWnjv sNbvXv ^bepIÄ kq£n¡p¶Xn\v It_mÀUpIÄ Øm]n¨p. ]nÂ{Knw skâÀ _nÂUnwKnembncp¶ Iw]yq«À dqw Nmhd Hm^okn\p ]pdInse hcm´bn Im_n³ \nÀ½n¨v amän Øm]n¨p. Hm^okv, Iw]yq«À dqw F¶nhnS§fn C³shÀ«À kuIcyw GÀs¸Sp¯n


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v 10. thX\hÀ²\hv: 2014 \ptijw 2022 G{]n amkw apX tPmen¡mcpsS thX\ hÀ²\hv kn.Fw.sF. P\dteän \n¶papÅ A\phmZt¯msS \S¸nem¡n. 11. ItcmÄ Km\ aÕcw: 2021 Unkw_dn kao]{]tZi§fnse hnhn[ ]ÅnIsf ]s¦Sp¸n¨psIm-pÅ ItcmÄKm\ aÕcw kwLSn¸n¡pIbpw k½m\mÀlÀ¡v t{Sm^nbpw Imjv ss{]kpw \ÂIpIbpw sNbvXp. 12. kzbw kwcw`IXz inev]ime: sXmgnenÃmsX hebp¶hÀ¡v ssI¯m§mbn ]ndhw At{Km]mÀ¡nsâ klIcWt¯msS kzbw kwcw`IXz inev]ime kwLSn¸n¡pIbpw hnhn[Xcw ssIs¯mgnepIÄ sN¿m³ B{Kln¡p¶hÀ¡mbn amÀ¤\nÀt±i§Ä \ÂIpIbpw sNbvXp. Cu bm{Xbn R§tfmsSm¸w kwc£ Wambn....... Ignª aq¶phÀjw _lp tXmakv IÃpIfw A¨\pw Rm\pw hfsc lrZbsFIyt¯msSbmWv Xocpam\§Ä FSp¯Xpw \S¸m¡nbXpw. hoSpIfn Ccn¡phm³ hn[n¡s¸« tImhnUv Ime¯pt]mepw hnip² IpÀ_m\, Ip¼kmcw XpS§nb ASnØm\ B²ymßnI IrXy§Ä ssZhkaql¯n\v e`yam¡m³ ]camh[n ]cn{ian¨n«p-v. am¶m\w B{ia¯nse FÃm _lpam\y sshZnIcpw {]mbt`Zsa\y R§tfmsSm¸w D-mbncp¶p. AhcpsS AIagnª klIcWw e`n¨ncp¶Xv {]tXyIw \µntbmsS kvacn¡p¶p. ]pcmX\ ssZhmeb¯nsâ ]ucmWnIXzhpw `wKnbpw \ne\nÀ¯ns¡m-v AXnsâ \hoIcW IÀ½§Ä ]qÀ¯nbm¡n ]p\xkaÀ¸Ww sN¿pI, D®ntbiphns\ ssIbnte´nb hn. butk¸nXmhnsâ ]pWy]pcmX\Xncpkzcq]w ]p\xØm]n¡pI. ss__nÄ I¬h³j³ \S¯pI. ]pXnb ImÂsh¸pIfmb kv]ncn¨z ]mÀ¡v, ]nXrkvarXnaWvU]w, ]mÀ¡nw§v Gcnb \hoIcWw, aWnamfnI \hoIcWw, I^täcnb XpS§n sNdpXpw hepXpamb ]e kwcw`§fpw \S¯nsbSp¡phm³ B{ia¯nsâ \nÀtÃm`amb klIcWw e`n¨ncp¶p. ]nÂ{Knw skâdnsâ {]bmW]mXbn 24 aWn¡dpw ]mdmhp\nev¡p¶ hgnhnf¡pIÄt]mse Znhy{]` sNmcnªp R§sf A\p{Kln¡phm³ _lp P\dmf¨\pw, hnIÀ P\d _lp.tPmknb¨\pw, s{]mhn³jy _lp. Nma¯db¨\pw ImWn¨ t\Xrklmbw R§Ä¡v F¶pw iànbpw Bßss[cyhpambncp¶p. _lp. tPmknb¨sâ tkh\§Ä¡v \µn ]dbphm³ hm¡pIfnÃ. tPmknb¨³ F¶ \·bv¡pw, kvt\l¯n\pw, IcpXen\pw {]tXyIw \µn. 24 aWn¡qdpw F¶ IWs¡ FÃmhtcbpw kwtbmPn¸n¨v FÃm Xncp¡À½§Ä¡pw `mKambn hÀ¯n¨ IÃpIfa¨\pw At±l¯nsâ Hm^okv ImgvNh¨ {]hÀ¯\coXnbpw XnI¨pw A`n\µ\mÀlamWv. Nmhdb¨sâ ISm£w F¶pw ]mZ§Ä¡v hnf¡mbncp¶p. R§Ä hnizkn¡p¶p. “IÀ¯mhv `h\w ]Wnbp¶nsæn ]Wn¡mcpsS A²zm\w \njv^ew” ssZh¯n\v kvXpXn. ^m. amXyqkv N¡mebv¡Â CMI UbdIvSÀ ^m. tXmakv IÃpIfw CMI Akn. UbdIvSÀ


skâv Ipcymt¡mkv Genbmkv Nmhd XoÀ°mS\tI{µw {]hÀ¯ \dnt¸mÀ«v







VOCATION AND FORMATION Formation Co-Ordinator: Fr. Jomon Puthenparampu CMI

Dear Rev. Fr Provincial, The Second Vatican Council’s Decree on the Training of Priests, Optatam Totius begins by saying: “the council is fully aware that the desired renewal of the whole Church depends in great part upon the priestly ministry animated by the spirit of Christ.” Recently, on 8 December 2016 the Congregation for the Clergy, now responsible for priestly formation, brought out a new Ratio Fundamentalis after preparation of two years. The basic thrust of the Document remains the key concept of integral formation that is the ability to unite in a balanced way the human, as well as spiritual, intellectual and pastoral dimensions. When we look into the style of formation in our province, we try to maintain balanced way of uniting all these four dimensions. It gives us great joy that our Fr. Jerin Thuruthel is appointed as the Formation Co-Ordinator of the Congregation in January 2023. Congratulations to Fr. Jerin. First and foremost, we must appreciate the efforts of vocation promoters for bringing new candidates to our province. Congratulations to Fr. Georgy Korattayil and his team for their untiring efforts for the same. We have 10 Aspirants in SH Minor Seminary Chethipuzha. Congratulations to Fr. Rector, Fr. Jomon Puthenparampu We have 16 Aspirants in MIM Seminary Mannanam. Among them 7 are in Class 12 and 9 are in Class 11. They are actively involving and assisting the liturgical activities of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara Pilgrim Centre. Congratulations to Fr Rector, Fr. Thomas Manoooparambil and Bro Gorey. We have 11 brothers in Nirmal Giri Novitiate. Among them 5 are newly professed. We have 6 Novices in Canonical Novitiate. Both Novices and newly professed brothers are very happy and energetic. Congratulations to Fr Novice Master, Fr. Juby Maniyamkeriyil and Team Members. We have 77 scholastics who are doing their Philosophical, Theological, College Studies and Regency. The brothers in our monasteries and houses are actively involving in various activities of the Houses and helping in Pastoral Ministry. Some of the brothers are making short videos and reflections for Advent and Lent seasons. Some of our brothers rented their service in flood affected



areas in Mundakayam in collaboration with Sargakshetra. Thanks to Fr Alex Praikalam for the initiation. In order to facilitate a desire to learn word of God, the formation team of the province organized word of God writing and Elocution competitions for the Aspirants, Novices and Scholastics for the last 2 years. All of them participated in it wholeheartedly. Fr Provincial distributed Prizes for the winners on the province Day, 21 January 2023. Retreats, Personality Development courses and tour programme are arranged in the province level every year during vacation. Aspirants attend Freshers Meet programme at Generalate every year. Our scholastics also attend various renewal programmes at Generalate when it is arranged. Events 1. Fr. John Pallithuruthel, then Formation Co-ordinator called an offline meeting of Formators of our province on 17 October, 2020 at SH Monastery Chethipuzha. Fr Provincial, Fr. Vicar Provincial, Fr Mathews Chackalackal, Fr. Thomas Choolaparambil, Fr. Mathew Arekalam, Fr. Tomy Chembilparambil, Fr. Jose Poovattil, Fr Johncy Molipadavil and Fr Jomon Puthenparampu attended the meeting. Fr Jose Poovattil mentioned the need of increasing their yearly allowance for dress and shoes. He also suggested permitting brothers to take Driving license during their Degree Studies itself. Fr Mathew Arekalam suggested that due to Pandemic our brothers are feeling lonely in some places. So it is better to call a Get-Together for our Scholastics studying in Kerala and Tamilnadu as early as possible. 2. Scholastics Get together was held at Nirmalgiri Ashram Punalur on 8 November 2020. Fr Provincial gave a short message and brothers shared their experiences of their communities. 3. A wider meeting of our Fathers on Vocation Promotion was held on 20 January 2021 at St. Sebastian’s Monastery, Pulincunnoo. 15 fathers of different Zones attended the meeting and decided to work actively for vocation promotion. 4. Virtual meeting of our scholastics studying in Kolkata was held on Saturday 13 march 2021. Section wise virtual meetings of our scholastics of the Province studying at Dharmaram were held on 14 March 2021. 5. Our Scholastics Studying in the province attended the Annual retreat virtually from their communities from 18-23 April 2021 when it was organized at the provincial House. 6. A formation council meeting (web) was held on 03 May 2021. Meeting discussed about the possibility of getting candidates in the coming year. 7. Parents’ meet of the Scholastics (course wise) also was held virtually from 2-4 June 2021 in place of the annual offline meet. Brothers also joined from their respective study houses. 8. Aspirants of SH Minor seminary spent two days with marginalized people to celebrate Christmas (One day in Raksha bhavan, Chethipuzha on 7 December 2021, One day in Snehatheeram, Kidangara on 11 December 2021)



9. Aspirants of SH Minor Seminary spent three days in Chavara Bhavan, Kainakary from 12- 14 December 2021 and visited Arthunkal, Thanki Palli, Vechoor Palli, Pallipuram and Chennamkary, etc. 10. Aspirants of MIM Seminary Mannanam rented their Service on 18 December 2021 in collaboration with Sargakshtra to build temporary Shelter at Koottikal, Mundakayam. 11. All our Aspirants and Newly professed brothers actively rented their Service in Mannanam on 03 January 2022. 12. One day vocation Camp was held on 1 January 2022 at SH Minor Seminary, Chethipuzha under the leadership of Fr. Georgy Korattyil, Vocation promoter. 16 students from various places attended the camp. Happy to say many of the students are close relatives of our own members. 13. A parents’ meet for 1st year Aspirants was held on 8 January 2022 at SH Minor Seminary, Chethipuzha. Even in the prevailing situation, all parents enthusiastically came for the meet. 14. A formation council meeting (web) was held on 22 February 2022. Vocation Promoter, Rectors and Directors of study Houses attended the meeting and shared their views regarding permission to Scholastics to use mobile phones. Fr Provincial requested the directors of scholastics to collect the mobile phones before 10pm. 15. Scholastics Get together was held at Nirmalgiri Ashram Punalur on 18 August 2022. Fr Provincial gave a short message followed by classes were taken by Fr Josey Thamarasserry and Fr Paulson Paliakkara on Grace filled Presence and Call and Commitment. scholastics along with Formation Co-Ordinator went for a short picnic in the afternoon. 16. A vocation camp was held on 16 &17 May 2022 at SH Minor Seminary, Chethipuzha under the leadership of Fr. Georgy Korattyil, Vocation promoter. 24 students from various places attended the camp. 17. In preparation for renewing the temporary vows, a reflection day was organized for our scholastics at Marian Vachanatheeram, Cheepunkal on 07 Dec 2022. Fr Arun MSFS prepared them for the renewal. 18. Two days vocation Camp was held on 28 & 29 December 2022 at SH Minor Seminary, Chethipuzha under the leadership of Fr. Georgy Korattyil, Vocation promoter. 20 students from various places attended the camp. 19. A formation council meeting (web) was held on 16 March 2023. Vocation Promoter, Rectors and Directors of study Houses attended the meeting and shared their views regarding formation. Fr Provincial thanked all formators for their commitment and enthusiasm to form the candidates. CHALLENGES 1. Getting promising Candidates as aspirants 2. Nuclear Families (hardly one boy in a family)



3. 4. 5. 6.

Need of awareness talks to the parents of selected candidates. Create interest among Aspirants in Academics. Many Aspirants are from financially weak situations. Finding full time Rectors in study houses

ACTION PLAN All our members especially Principals of various schools shall help in vocation Promotion. Inspire boys of our own families. Send one or two new priests in the coming years to study formation-oriented courses.

I take this opportunity to thank Rev Fr Provincial, Provincial Councillors, Auditor for their support and enthusiasm to bring up our younger ones. Thanking you all.

Fr Jomon Puthenparampu CMI Formation Co-Ordinator











Marian Vachanatheeram, Cheepunkal Marian Vachanatheeraam, Cheepunkal, our retreat center, has been moving forward beautifully for the last 10 years under the providence and care of God Almighty. During the last 10 years of its existence, we have conducted various bible Conventions and residential retreats. Thousands of people came to know Jesus and rejuvenate their faith in God. We consider it as a blessing to this land, which was blessed by the touch of our founding father saint Chavara to spread the good news to all people which was his great wish and will. The last annual Bible Convention was conducted in February 23-26, 2023, thousands of faithful participated from different churches and surrounding palaces especially from the leadership of nine parishes nearby. Every second Saturday of the month we conduct a one-day convention which helps people to have regular spiritual nourishment. After the pandemic we have started the residential retreats every month for laity and religious, and many are participating in these retreats. We do conduct retreats and bible conventions outside our campus for parishes, convents and major seminaries, schools, and colleges etc. we consider it as a blessing that we have a Perpetual Adoration chapel in our retreat center where we do pray for 24 hours for the catholic church and the for the wellbeing of the world a with the support of lay ministers and faithful. We would like to mention the spiritual and material support we have been receiving from lay people from the different parts of the world for the smooth functioning of our retreat center. We also like to remember and pray for the generosity of our wellwishers. We are happy to share the development of the land and premises and its beauty over the years as a spiritual center. All members in the Ashram are very actively involved with the pastoral care of the people in the surrounding parishes. We are still facing problems with individual rooms for residential retreats, especially when we have programs for religious and priests who like to have a personal space for their stay and prayer. If we have enough rooms, we would be able to serve people more effectively. We would extend our gratitude to the authorities and members of our province for all the support and care we have been receiving from the inception till the day. Thank you so much for everything to everyone. Fr Paul Vadakummuriyil CMI




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